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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Console Market Analyst
Stoney Mason said:
So what's the magic to using a shotgun in MP.

I've been experiment with it with no success.

I sprint around like a madman but unless I can sneak up behind somebody I get creamed because an uzi type weapon in close range can take me down before I get close enough. How do you shotgun people use it?

It's not going to get as many kills as an SMG until you can unlock the grip attachment. Once you have that, you'll be getting 20+ kills on maps like Vacant.


Shogmaster said:
I carry a shotgun as my second weapon (overkill), and I only use it to clear rooms in tight indoor scenarios. It's VERY effective in that role. Not so much in the open.
Yeah it also helps to have the UAV Jammer equipped when you're shotgunning.
I understand that by working on that something else would have had to give so it probably would not have been a realistic addition, but it's hard not to wish that the game had some level of destructible environments. As satisfying as it already is to set off explosive, I can only imagine how cool it would be to have explosives blow out walls and kill opposing forces by way of making buildings crumble on top of them.
AltogetherAndrews said:
I understand that by working on that something else would have had to give so it probably would not have been a realistic addition, but it's hard not to wish that the game had some level of destructible environments. As satisfying as it already is to set off explosive, I can only imagine how cool it would be to have explosives blow out walls and kill opposing forces by way of making buildings crumble on top of them.

Battlefield: Bad Company says hi. :D


ug when did people find out they could invite their friends into free for all games, just got gangbanged as they team up and mouth off while killing you :(
CajoleJuice said:
I hadn't really looked into that game before, but I just did. If they deliver on that promise...holy fuck.

It's no longer a promise, there are videos showing the destruction, even though it's not really fully destructible environments (buildings just have some predefined destruction spots) it definitely delivers.
Metalmurphy said:
It's no longer a promise, there are videos showing the destruction, even though it's not really fully destructible environments (buildings just have some predefined destruction spots) it definitely delivers.
Link please!


AltogetherAndrews said:
I understand that by working on that something else would have had to give so it probably would not have been a realistic addition, but it's hard not to wish that the game had some level of destructible environments. As satisfying as it already is to set off explosive, I can only imagine how cool it would be to have explosives blow out walls and kill opposing forces by way of making buildings crumble on top of them.

Infinity Ward stated that anything that compromised their 60 fps framerate was taken out, so I assume that destructible environments were never even considered.


So is this a good "My First COD"? I'm wanting to pick up a PS3 game, and I already have Ratchet & Clank and Uncharted coming to me care of family for Christmas presents, so I've been thinking of picking this up - since Assassin's Creed seems a bust.

Now, the only console FPS I've ever played and been decent at (in single player anyway) was Resistance, but I've played a few on PC, though never very hardcore. Is this possibly going to interest me and not frustrate me to death? How's the MP? I never got into the Resistance MP much, mainly because it seemed so frantic, is this anymore "paced" (I guess one could say) in MP?

I'm just looking for something to tied me over through the rest of this month and the beginning of next, and aside from possibly signing up for an EVE Online subscription (yeah, yeah, I know, but it seems kind of cool if confusing as hell from my trial membership so far), this is the only other thing to cross my mind. I'd be getting the PS3 version by the way.
teiresias said:
So is this a good "My First COD"? I'm wanting to pick up a PS3 game, and I already have Ratchet & Clank and Uncharted coming to me care of family for Christmas presents, so I've been thinking of picking this up - since Assassin's Creed seems a bust.

Now, the only console FPS I've ever played and been decent at (in single player anyway) was Resistance, but I've played a few on PC, though never very hardcore. Is this possibly going to interest me and not frustrate me to death? How's the MP? I never got into the Resistance MP much, mainly because it seemed so frantic, is this anymore "paced" (I guess one could say) in MP?

Eh, MP is pretty frantic, but not in the same way as Resistance. There are some similarities, but Resistance is a good deal more spam-fire friendly. COD4 has many different classes with environments that fit some classes better than others, so the pacing is never really the same. It's bloody awesome though, that's for sure.

eshwaaz said:
Infinity Ward stated that anything that compromised their 60 fps framerate was taken out, so I assume that destructible environments were never even considered.

Yeah, I'm sure it was a well founded decision. BF:BC seems like a cool game, but at least in the videos it has seemed rather choppy.


I may just pick it up, I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that to continue in gaming I'm gonna have to teach myself to actually like a wider swath of the FPS genre in the future anyway.
I mean, you can play it in a stealth fashion as a ghillied sniper hiding in the tall grass if you want, or you can go in guns blazing and with C-4 in your hand. I think that's the real draw of the game, it offers a lot of different games in one.
AltogetherAndrews said:
I understand that by working on that something else would have had to give so it probably would not have been a realistic addition, but it's hard not to wish that the game had some level of destructible environments. As satisfying as it already is to set off explosive, I can only imagine how cool it would be to have explosives blow out walls and kill opposing forces by way of making buildings crumble on top of them.
Call of Duty franchise players have been wanting this since United Offensive. I imagine they have a new engine for CoD4, but for the previous games they used ol' Quake III and I guess there's only so much you can do with that. It was rather dissapointing to be driving a tank and have a two foot high white picket fence stop a tank dead in its tracks. :\
And I remember the map Pavlov's House, calling in air strikes on that thing should have leveled it, haha, that would have been fun.


I'm pretty sure I'm almost done with the game after starting starting it... what, 4-5 hours ago? The SP really seems to be pretty damn short, but I don't really mind. The previous games in the series were a bit too drawn-out, to be honest.

The game starts out pretty mediocre IMO, but from "The Bog" and onwards, it starts to impress. Paul Jackson is the first CoD character I've actually felt something for. I still don't think it's a "10" game, but it's the best in the series. "All Ghillied Up" completely lived up to the hype. And yeah... wow, that part at the end of the level was a fucking bitch even on Regular.


Just picked it up for PS3, graphically some maps stand out more than others (overgrown though, hooooooly shit) but the textures are sharp and the fps is as smooth as a baby in baby oil going down a plastic sheet covered in baby oil.

Online is amazing, just played with my good friend Kickaski (heres a shoutout to you bro oh god i hope he notices) even though he makes fun of my accent. Think I'll be spending a lot of time with this, very happy indeed.
I think I'm near done with multiplayer. I really am not enjoying it at all. Lvl23 and I still suck and I have no clue why, I get the jump on people and they still don't die. My K:D ratio is just below 1 atm. I do not suck at fps, I've always been good at them, tf2 cs dod and the like I'm usually top or there abouts on a map, I've come bottom a few times in cod4. I just cannot get to grips with it at all. Frustrating.
The game is hard to get used to after months of ETQW and TF2. I feel like I'm crippled.

Unlocks are pretty fun. I love the map terrain; pretty small though. A few have some amazing potential though. Those two big apartments in Russia, I think it was, had some amazing firefights going on last night. Must of looked like a scene from a movie with both sides firing across the small park between them, through the walls, etc.

Going to check out the SP tonight. (Demo stage was pretty awesome at the end so I'm optimistic.) Hopefully the SP looks better; wasn't very impressed by the MP (but I've been playing Crysis so...).

Took a while to set up properly on Steam, too. Odd manual adding and patching of games with the punkbuster setup (which isn't part of the regular client) that fucked with me for about an hour--every other PB game on Steam takes care of everything automatically.
MrPing1000 said:
I think I'm near done with multiplayer. I really am not enjoying it at all. Lvl23 and I still suck and I have no clue why, I get the jump on people and they still don't die. My K:D ratio is just below 1 atm. I do not suck at fps, I've always been good at them, tf2 cs dod and the like I'm usually top or there abouts on a map, I've come bottom a few times in cod4. I just cannot get to grips with it at all. Frustrating.

Have you messed around much with the perks?


Ok. I'm in "Game Over".

Price gives me the handgun, and I shoot Zakhaev and the two other bad guys. WTF am I supposed to do after that?

Everytime I get killed, and there's nothing I can do. After I get killed, it says something like

"Objective Cq" or something weird. And the game is making me re-do it. There is probably something really simple, but I can't seem to figure it out. I've replayed the same part like 5 times. I tried doing different things, and it's the same result.

After like the 6th try, I finally got "Objective Completed." And the game is still making me redo the section.


I have a dilemma. My friends bought the PS3 version and after playing it, its very good and I want it too, but I HATE HATE HATE controllers for FPS games, so should I ditch my friends and get the PC version (my PC is top notch) or bite the bullet and take one for the team, with the PS3 version?

Gah..what to do.
Kyoufu said:
I have a dilemma. My friends bought the PS3 version and after playing it, its very good and I want it too, but I HATE HATE HATE controllers for FPS games, so should I ditch my friends and get the PC version (my PC is top notch) or bite the bullet and take one for the team, with the PS3 version?

Gah..what to do.



Console Market Analyst
woodchuck said:
Ok. I'm in "Game Over".

Price gives me the handgun, and I shoot Zakhaev and the two other bad guys. WTF am I supposed to do after that?

Everytime I get killed, and there's nothing I can do. After I get killed, it says something like

"Objective Cq" or something weird. And the game is making me re-do it. There is probably something really simple, but I can't seem to figure it out. I've replayed the same part like 5 times. I tried doing different things, and it's the same result.

After like the 6th try, I finally got "Objective Completed." And the game is still making me redo the section.

That's really strange. Just start Game Over again. It's the easiest(and shortest) mission in the game, even on Vet.


Goreomedy said:
That's really strange. Just start Game Over again. It's the easiest(and shortest) mission in the game, even on Vet.

yeah, i restarted the mission and it worked. it was a weird glitch.

The first time I played the section there was one enemy really far away by a jeep, and he kept killing me.

The 2nd time I played the section, that enemy wasn't there.


Kyoufu said:
I have a dilemma. My friends bought the PS3 version and after playing it, its very good and I want it too, but I HATE HATE HATE controllers for FPS games, so should I ditch my friends and get the PC version (my PC is top notch) or bite the bullet and take one for the team, with the PS3 version?

Gah..what to do.
triple dipple


Junior Member
MrPing1000 said:
I think I'm near done with multiplayer. I really am not enjoying it at all. Lvl23 and I still suck and I have no clue why, I get the jump on people and they still don't die. My K:D ratio is just below 1 atm. I do not suck at fps, I've always been good at them, tf2 cs dod and the like I'm usually top or there abouts on a map, I've come bottom a few times in cod4. I just cannot get to grips with it at all. Frustrating.

Firstly, make sure you have stopping power on. Second, if like me your getting killed when getting the drop on people check your kill cam and see just how well you reacted according to the game - sometimes the game doesn't register you've started firing which is very annoying. If you're getting in a lot of rooms and it's bad in them all I suggest camping to get a streak going and help the team out more. Sometimes I have days where I play like that since I'm simply not getting kills in 1 on 1 fights because of the bullet lag. I have a respectable (I think) 1.66 k/d ratio, but I definetly hear what your saying.

Oh yeah, and when your connections as bad as red, don't even think about sprinting in the open.
I stopped playing the SP for a while cause I got hooked up on MP but now I just finished it. Pretty awesome game although also one of the most frustrating. I was playing on Hardened cause it felt too easy in the start in normal, but holyshit... the last levels were simply too damn hard, I don't even wanna touch Veteran. I also didn't like the fact that on some areas enemies just kept spawning until you reach a certain place then they'd just stop.

Anyway, back to MP. Lvl 31 atm ^^

Oh, also The Epilogue was pretty sweet xD


Is Live still having troubles? It's pissing me off. I can't find any online matches lately and my friends can't join my party and I can't join them. They also can not find any games.

I want to play multiplayer damnit.


Gowans007 said:
ug when did people find out they could invite their friends into free for all games, just got gangbanged as they team up and mouth off while killing you :(

Since Beta.

Anyways playing it a bit more. (Havent touched Single player yet. Still trying to pass the New Squadron Record achievment thing ).

Im starting to 1.Hate countdown. Its the Worst Level in the history of FPS... and 2.Get frustrated by being lvl 10 in rooms full of 30-50s.
woodchuck said:
Ok. I'm in "Game Over".

Price gives me the handgun, and I shoot Zakhaev and the two other bad guys. WTF am I supposed to do after that?
Everytime I get killed, and there's nothing I can do. After I get killed, it says something like

"Objective Cq" or something weird. And the game is making me re-do it. There is probably something really simple, but I can't seem to figure it out. I've replayed the same part like 5 times. I tried doing different things, and it's the same result.

After like the 6th try, I finally got "Objective Completed." And the game is still making me redo the section.
A lot of us have finished the game already, but how about SPOILER ALERTING those who haven't?


I finished the campaign on hardened yesterday. There are some parts of the game that are some of the best ever seen in a fps, but I felt that IW never got the sp gameplay down right. As most people say, it felt like trial and error at multiple instances. For example, the part where you have to reach the LZ and the bottom of the hill in 3:00 minutes took me 20+ tries because apparently a head on approach spawned endless waves of enemies.
The thing that most annoyed me was that it was hard to trace where shots are coming from. Unlike halo where bullets made a visible path, in COD4, bullets cover distances much faster, and there are much more enemies around. The enemies also singles the player out from the AI allies, making death sometimes unexpected and frustrating.
After after I finish the game on veteran and get all the achievements, i don't think I'll be touching the campaign that often.
As for mp, it's really fun right now, but I'll see if the charms holds.
Kyoufu said:
I have a dilemma. My friends bought the PS3 version and after playing it, its very good and I want it too, but I HATE HATE HATE controllers for FPS games, so should I ditch my friends and get the PC version (my PC is top notch) or bite the bullet and take one for the team, with the PS3 version?

Gah..what to do.
Frag chuk from SplitFish?
Saiyu said:
If you're getting in a lot of rooms and it's bad.
I think that's my largest complaint so far. The map design feels so messy. It doesn't suit the slower gameplay at all. Almost feels amateurish by typical PC standards. Gameplay is too crippled for good FFA Deathmatching (camping accuracy never works well for FFA), yet the maps are too chaotic for good team vs team.

On the flip side though, the actual gameplay for TBO once set to Hardcore is pretty solid. It just needs better map design. Game badly needs some America's Army or Rogue Spear inspired maps.


Finally got to play the single player game, and minus the sniper mission it really is just exactly the same as CoD1 and 2 only prettier and shorter, which is what I thought from playing the demo.
I'd love for a map designed like Dawnville from CoD. :D
My favorite MP map is Overgrown, perhaps because I prefer the 'grassy' feeling it gives, over the dusty desert that most of the maps use and I think it has good "push" where a lot of the others feel really chaotic.
But that 'chaotic' feeling could come from respawns always being set to ON even in Hardcore Team Deathmatch... UGH! Nothing like having enemies run and gun to their death and then respawn right behind you. It's hard to get a good "team" strategy when people are respawning all over the map. >:-( If the [GRU] would take off then we wouldn't have this problem because we could just play in Private matches and fix the rules ourselves.
I'd pay for a good map pack for sure. :p
Just played the first two missions on Veteran. Frustration free so far, but I know I've got a long way to go. Will be playing quite a bit tomorrow. First official day of vacation.


Picked this up for PS3 today and must say I have to take back everything I have said about the ps controller being horrible for fps games. Plays wonderfully. Anyone know if this game supports rumble? If it does I will probably import a controller.

edit: Online works great btw. Basically the same as beta on 360...fuck paying for live.
Halvie said:
Picked this up for PS3 today and must say I have to take back everything I have said about the ps controller being horrible for fps games. Plays wonderfully. Anyone know if this game supports rumble? If it does I will probably import a controller.

edit: Online works great btw. Basically the same as beta on 360...fuck paying for live.

No, no rumble. And it doesn't sound like it'll be patched to support it either. :(


God damn I can't sign into XBL for some reason. :( Well, guess i'll have to play the PS3 version, test out the new sticks of the DS3.


Gold Member
Veteran really highlights some of the flaws in the game. It took forever to trail and error a solutions for 'Heat' and 'No fighting in the war room' but once you figure a path out, the entire thing is really easy.

Mile High Club is the exception. There are so many variables that could play out in a short time it's more luck than trial and error. The farthest I've gotten is the final area before the slow-mo VIP, but it turns out a final shotgun wielding baddie had either stayed back or ran back and he blew me away.


Just finished SP the first time on hardened. There were too many problems for me to enjoy it a lot.

The infinite (?) respawn of enemies at some points were really annoying since it forced me to run to some scripting point I had to find to stop the spawns. At some points in the game, this was insanely hard to do.

The AI annoyed me too because I always had to find the scripted point to make them follow me. This was especially bad in the village in the last SAS-only missions. On one mission I ran around for 5 minutes trying to find the point to make them follow me, but it was bugged and they never did.

I haven't played the MP since release yet, but I played the beta and it was pretty fun. It's probably the only saving point of this game for me. The SP part frustrated me way too much.
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