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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


How in the hell do you get to the chopper at the bottom of the hill on "Heat"???

I haven't had any trouble with the game up until this point, but I just keep getting shot up.

EDIT: Nevermind, I just ran down the hill really fast, no problem.
DKo5 said:
Same stuff coming to 360.

Good to hear. Choosing the new host after the host leaves is the biggest thing for me.

I'm up to a 41. Not playing non-stop I'm taking 15 credits, and working 30 hours a week. Pretty damn busy, but I'm definitely still liking CoD4's multiplayer. The only thing at this point that is bothering me is the sniper rifle that you unlock after ther Dragonov. I am using it, but it seems to be pretty damn inaccurate. It's pretty inconsistent too, taking 1-3 shots to kill someone. And with a bolt-action sniper rifle that can be pretty tough at times.
bishoptl said:
Yes. Come for the single player, but stay for the delicious mp.

Pretty much, yeah. And honestly, for the complaints about SP being short (and yes, I know I was one of the ones complaining about it), it feels pretty substantial. And it has something as rare as a good ending, imagine that.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Now patch Veteran and fix the martyr perk. I hate it. Also make grenades visible. I'm tired of walking into the explosive range of a grenade I can't see at the last second.
Just finished the game today. Awesome stuff.

So you can't save your progress in the arcade mode, can you? The game is way too long to do in one sitting.
Wow. When you get owned, you get owned. I think I'm doing fairly well in most matches, but I was thrown into one match where I was just flat out and without exception outclassed, and on my least known map at that. Respawn, fire a few shots, knife in the back. Rinse and repeat for 5 excruciating minutes. Jesus. :lol


So GAF, I picked the game up today for the ps3...and man oh man it's awesome. My PSN name is the same as my forum handle if any of you guys ever want to play a game.
So I'm a Level 41 almost exclusively through Team Deathmatch. While I think it'll be the mode I play the most forever for the first time I've started toying around in the other modes. I've been playing some Hardcore, Search and Destroy, and Free for All. All definitely fun little things to throw in my playtime for variety.


I think Domination is my favourite mode, having the 3 flags and the smaller teams makes for constant motion with the occasional pitched battles and still leaves those so inclined a chance to snipe and defend at times.
j-wood said:
So GAF, I picked the game up today for the ps3...and man oh man it's awesome. My PSN name is the same as my forum handle if any of you guys ever want to play a game.

I'll be playing online later; late late night is usually the only times I can play, as people don't seem too fond of hearing my kid doing [awful] cat impressions in the mic. PSN id is PoisonMarket.
why are there only like 20 options for private matches? am i missing something? it's disappoint ing because i think the game would have so much more potential with halo-like custom game options
Continuing my exploration of Call of Duty 4's other modes and options outside of Team Deathmatch, Team Hardcore feels quite a bit like the old SOCOM 2 days. Considering one of my friends was a huge SOCOM 2 fan and is considering getting a 360 maybe this'll be able to push him over the edge into buying one:D

I'll be starting my Veteran adventure this Sunday I think. My first official day of Thanksgiving vacation. No classes and no work. God I can't wait for the break. Will be spending the time at home relaxing, reading, and of course playing tons of games.

I'd also like to add just how spoiled I feel thanks to Bungie. I miss the screenshot and theatre options so much in Call of Duty 4. Kill Cam is awesome, but I wish I could save them. Considering that the code is already there to PLAY BACK the actions that just happened it doesn't seem that it could take that much more to simply be able to save them. Even if it was just the short Kill Cam clips. It'd be great.

I miss things like online stats and leaderboads as well to look at just to analyze myself. Granted, these aren't really complaints would just be sweet features to have in CoD4.

To Infinity And Beyond


AltogetherAndrews said:
Matchmaking is nice and all, but I really wish I had the option to just select a server and jump in.
Grass is always greener. I kind of miss the fire and forget game searching of the X360 beta.


So I just played in the CoD4 Live Fire weekend play with the devs thing that was going on. Great fun! I was playing as COD4Prog if any of you happened to catch me in a match.


slept with Malkin
FUCK YES! After spending hours and hours of trying to get the mile high club achievement over the past few days, I decided to give it another go tonight. I ended up getting it on my second try. Go figure. I think the key is not just being fast, but using as few bullets and being as accurate as possible. So glad I got that out of the way.
As the special guys at IW are reading this thread. In your next update, could you please add an optional filter to the game searching, so that (like Halo) I can make a preference to join games with low ping. Being in Japan, I'd much rather connect with Asia/Australia/West Coast US than The Euroland or East Coast.


marvelharvey said:
As the special guys at IW are reading this thread. In your next update, could you please add an optional filter to the game searching, so that (like Halo) I can make a preference to join games with low ping. Being in Japan, I'd much rather connect with Asia/Australia/West Coast US than The Euroland or East Coast.

I wrote an email to them about this, i would really like to see this implemented. I find this game almost unplayable with lag and then amazingly perfect without.


I finished up the single player and I just wanted to say...Freaking Awesome game! It had so many great parts that I do not know if I could pick a favorite. The C130 Gunship was the most photo-realistic thing that has ever been in a video game. Also, the ending was one of the best and most dramatic of all time...truly good movie quality! Sorry to derail but I know the IW guys are reading this thread and I wanted to say thanks :)


Is anyone else experiencing some lag issues on the ps3 version? I'm connecting to games (albeit after it searches for awhile) but while playing, it's awfully jittery. What gives?


purgeface said:
FUCK YES! After spending hours and hours of trying to get the mile high club achievement over the past few days, I decided to give it another go tonight. I ended up getting it on my second try. Go figure. I think the key is not just being fast, but using as few bullets and being as accurate as possible. So glad I got that out of the way.

Wow, I have no idea how I'm gonna get Mile High Club. I finally beat the game on Veteran tonight, finishing "No Fighting in the War Room" with 46 seconds to spare and finishing "Game Over" shortly thereafter. What an intense ending! It was worth all the bullshit AI. :lol I actually thought "No Fighting" wasn't that bad once you memorized the locations of the enemies, no random spawns.

But that part, holy fuck. I thought I was all awesome getting to the stairs with 20 seconds to go, thinking all I had to do was waltz up the stairs and collect my VIP reward, but no! Another couple of rooms! Are you effin' kidding me!?!?
Anyone else out there think Infinity Ward should possibly restrict the perks allowed in Team Hardcore? For instance what bothers me the most is Last Stand. Considering it takes pretty much one bullet to kill you in Hardcore people with Last Stand often get the kill due to that split second invulnerability they get when falling into Last Stand.


Congrats Infinity Ward! It's great to see the better game win out.

I don't understand why people still play Gears, that game is horribly fucking broken online with very limited options - you could tell the MP was an afterthought.

Hopefully CoD4 stays at a strong number two. It deserves it.
JB1981 said:
Well deserved. Although, to be honest, I would still be playing Gears to this day if the lag and hit detection wasn't so severe. Still the most fun I've ever had playing multi. Ever.

Seriously, Gears multiplayer is awesome and I played it for a long time but I can't believe it's held up there so long. The fact that it's ahead of games like Guitar Hero and Team Fortress a year later is pretty astounding. Congratulations to Infinity Ward on the second spot. It'd be interesting to see how far CoD4 was from Halo 3.
I'd like some kind of server filter too, so I can just join Hardcore S&D games... it's not that I don't like Hardcore Team Deathmatch, but respawns are always ON, and that's just not very realistic. Or perhaps a respawns OFF server search.
CoD4 MP is the best I've played since... well, CoD for starters! But more importantly it's the better than probably anything else I've played, including my glory days in Tribes and Counter-Strike.


I just finally beat the game on Hardened, and completed the VIP mission on the same difficulty... how the FUCK are you supposed to do it in Veteran. :lol

Safe Bet

oo Kosma oo said:
You can't run as far with an M60 as you can with a MP5...didn't you notice that? The difference is staggering, really with a sub machine you can run round the block almost.
My bad...

Haven't used the subs much.


Finished the game on the normal difficulty and now just started on Veteran. Going alright so far. Multiplayer has toughened me up a little since my first run through. Brilliant game.
j-wood said:
Is anyone else experiencing some lag issues on the ps3 version? I'm connecting to games (albeit after it searches for awhile) but while playing, it's awfully jittery. What gives?

I've encountered all of one lag issue so far, and that was quite brief; some guy ahead of me skipping around, all other players were fine.
So what's the magic to using a shotgun in MP.

I've been experiment with it with no success.

I sprint around like a madman but unless I can sneak up behind somebody I get creamed because an uzi type weapon in close range can take me down before I get close enough. How do you shotgun people use it?


j-wood said:
Is anyone else experiencing some lag issues on the ps3 version? I'm connecting to games (albeit after it searches for awhile) but while playing, it's awfully jittery. What gives?

i've seen it on both versions, but it seems the network code improved quite a bit since the beta.

its your connection or you've got some downloads or something going on in your house. i can go to my brothers house and be lucky to get 3 green bars there, despite what his ISP advertises as their speed, and then come just a few miles back to my place and have nothing but green bars the entire time and no issues.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Probably been asked, but what is with the
post-credits airplane hostage mission?

It was fun but seemed completely random. :lol
Stoney Mason said:
So what's the magic to using a shotgun in MP.

I've been experiment with it with no success.

I sprint around like a madman but unless I can sneak up behind somebody I get creamed because an uzi type weapon in close range can take me down before I get close enough. How do you shotgun people use it?

Flash/stun grenades and shotguns go hand in hand. I haven't used the shotgun that much as I tend to stick with SMG whenever possible, but the stun and kill strategy has worked well.

Dai Kaiju

Wellington said:
I just finally beat the game on Hardened, and completed the VIP mission on the same difficulty... how the FUCK are you supposed to do it in Veteran. :lol

I just don't see how it's possible with the amount of time they give you. I remember getting excited because I finally reached the end of the airplane with a good 5 seconds left and then being like "WTF, THERE'S A SECOND FLOOR!?!?"
Stoney Mason said:
So what's the magic to using a shotgun in MP.

I've been experiment with it with no success.

I sprint around like a madman but unless I can sneak up behind somebody I get creamed because an uzi type weapon in close range can take me down before I get close enough. How do you shotgun people use it?
I carry a shotgun as my second weapon (overkill), and I only use it to clear rooms in tight indoor scenarios. It's VERY effective in that role. Not so much in the open.


Maybe someone can help me out here so I can make sure I did the right thing. I was noticing quite a bit of lag, so I thought maybe that port that was metioned in the patch (3075) was closed on my router. So I went to the config page, and went to port forwarding. I set the range to start at 3074 and end at 3075 under UDP. I didn't change the IP address part. Then I clicked enable.

Should everything be fine now?


slept with Malkin
Dai Kaiju said:
I just don't see how it's possible with the amount of time they give you. I remember getting excited because I finally reached the end of the airplane with a good 5 seconds left and then being like "WTF, THERE'S A SECOND FLOOR!?!?"

It's definitely possible, it just takes a lot of patience and practice. I can make it to the stairs with about 28sec. on the clock, and then with 4sec. when I got to the VIP. Flashbangs are key, and throwing them in the right spots really saves you a ton of time. Also, only use a few bullets on each enemy as reloading slows you down.
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