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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Grecco said:
Ive played against good snipers. Thats not my problem. My problem is campers who set up shop thanks to the trip wires. Some of them dont even use snipers ive seen campers with SMGs. They make games boring and not fun.

Trip Wire Mines should be nerfed i guess

Meh, trip mines are easy to deal with. They're 1) very obvious to spot 2) take a while to detonate. Just run past them, that's what I do.
Grecco said:
Ive played against good snipers. Thats not my problem. My problem is campers who set up shop thanks to the trip wires. Some of them dont even use snipers ive seen campers with SMGs. They make games boring and not fun.

Trip Wire Mines should be nerfed i guess

I'm glad you made the distinction, I hear snipers getting termed 'campers' far too many times.


Unconfirmed Member
Finally got past the
TV station
on veteran, then made quick work of the
level. Now I'm trying to enter a house as a SAS soldier, but I can't walk the four feet without getting blasted.


Grecco said:
Ive played against good snipers. Thats not my problem. My problem is campers who set up shop thanks to the trip wires. Some of them dont even use snipers ive seen campers with SMGs. They make games boring and not fun.

Trip Wire Mines should be nerfed i guess



As it has been pointed out Claymores are very easy to spot.


I'm really happy with COD4's short, mid and long-range combat balance. I haven't yet been frustrated by a sniper. The kill cam forces them to be either highly mobile or sitting ducks, and most of the map positions with supreme LOS are naturally easy to shoot back at. Being able to perforate cover makes camping even less viable.

If everyone was to camp...
I think you're arguing for a slippery slope that doesn't exist. Some people enjoy sniping; some people enjoy run-and-gunning. People play how they want to play; there are enough people playing that the likelihood of finding yourself in an all-camping match are spectacularly low; and the game has been designed not to favour a particular type of play.

I'd probably classify myself as a stalker: I tend to use an assault rifle or SMG and crouch-walk around the map, working hard to know exactly where my opponents are, with the optimum result being my shooting someone in the back from mid-range. I love snipers because I tend to come upon them unawares: I know where they are, and I move slowly enough to spot their claymores. I recognise that if everybody played like me the game would be unbearably slow, but if everybody played run and gun it would be no fun because I would inevitably get owned by someone running full-pelt around a corner I was approaching and destroying me (I've got shitty twitch reflexes).

I guess what I'm saying is, it takes all sorts, and IW have been clever enough to designs maps and weapons that don't favour one sort over the other.


zenbot said:
I'd probably classify myself as a stalker: I tend to use an assault rifle or SMG and crouch-walk around the map, working hard to know exactly where my opponents are, with the optimum result being my shooting someone in the back from mid-range. I love snipers because I tend to come upon them unawares: I know where they are, and I move slowly enough to spot their claymores. I recognise that if everybody played like me the game would be unbearably slow, but if everybody played run and gun it would be no fun because I would inevitably get owned by someone running full-pelt around a corner I was approaching and destroying me (I've got shitty twitch reflexes).

I like your gamestyle, for the first 30 hours of MP I used to play like this too. Now it's all about the M60 or Sniper Rifle.


zenbot said:

the likelihood of finding yourself in an all-camping match are spectacularly low;.

I think Every game ive played in the countdown level has been an all camping match. Go try that out some time


Grecco said:
I think Every game ive played in the countdown level has been an all camping match. Go try that out some time
Countdown can be pretty brutal, no doubt, but there's enough cover there that if you know where somebody is camping, you should be able to approach and kill them without them getting a clean shot at you.


Persecution Complex
My main combo in multiplayer is AK 47 and the Golden Desert Eagle. I love me the sniper rifle on Crossfire though.

Multiplayer has now surpassed Halo 3 for right now and its my main online FPS at the moment.


:lol Sniping = Camping now? That's what snipers do, they lay back and support the front troops, or, scout and hold an enemy back until the front guys get there. CAMPERS are the guys with M60's laying prone on the top of a staircase. If they're protecting a sniper, fine, but they'll just hang out in the same place, no matter where their teammates are.

If the big bad snipers using broken guns are scary to you, just do what the others do. That is watch the kill cam and throw a grenade across the map to get the sniper. Kill Cam is the great equalizer for snipers in the game, that is until they do what I do and hold the scope longer before and after the shot so they don't have a clear idea where you are. OOOPPS, gave away my trick :p
J-Rzez said:
:lol Sniping = Camping now? That's what snipers do, they lay back and support the front troops, or, scout and hold an enemy back until the front guys get there. CAMPERS are the guys with M60's laying prone on the top of a staircase. If they're protecting a sniper, fine, but they'll just hang out in the same place, no matter where their teammates are.

Erm... what?

So Snipers can camp but Heavy Gunners can't? That doesn't make much sense now does it? That's what heavy gunners do, they lay back with their heavy weapons giving support fire.
Bitching about any camping is laughable in a game with camp-accuarcy. The game encourages it. The balance of every given 1v1 encounter rewards the one most camped in. If you dislike camping, you should be playing a static-accuracy game like Unreal Tournament instead because COD4 definitely favors it.


Yes! Finally got the "Mile High Club" achievement! Only took about 50 tries. :lol

The only achievements left for me are the 2 intel ones and the veteran ones.


Respawn Entertainment
blindrocket said:

Please fix the bug that loses the custom name for custom classes, it just shows up as a blank space. PS3 version. Thanks.

I believe the fix is in the patch :)


Persecution Complex
J-Rzez said:
Kill Cam is the great equalizer for snipers in the game,

The Kill Cam is probably my biggest complaint about online. For a game that strives on realism I don't think you should be able to find our where the enemy is after you got your ass owned.

It can work in your favor though if someone is camping a bit to much.
Kastrioti said:
The Kill Cam is probably my biggest complaint about online. For a game that strives on realism I don't think you should be able to find our where the enemy is after you got your ass owned.

It can work in your favor though if someone is camping a bit to much.

The hardcore playlist doesn't have it so people can have the best of both worlds.


Metalmurphy said:
Erm... what?

So Snipers can camp but Heavy Gunners can't? That doesn't make much sense now does it? That's what heavy gunners do, they lay back with their heavy weapons giving support fire.

You read the rest of what I wrote after the comment you selected right? I'm talking about the guys that hide in a corner/top of the step, not laying covering fire/protecting someone else. They hide there by their lonesome the whole game not helping their team in anyway. you'll see them most of the time going 4 kills to 1 death. Obviously not helping their team in any way, just buffing their stats.

Kastrioti said:
The Kill Cam is probably my biggest complaint about online. For a game that strives on realism I don't think you should be able to find our where the enemy is after you got your ass owned.

I agree, I don't like it either to be honest. Especially the across the map bombing of grenades that result in it. Regardless, I still love this game, and it'll more than hold me over until the SOCOM's hit. I expect greatness this gen from them both.


J-Rzez said:
You read the rest of what I wrote after the comment you selected right? I'm talking about the guys that hide in a corner/top of the step, not laying covering fire/protecting someone else. They hide there by their lonesome the whole game not helping their team in anyway. you'll see them most of the time going 4 kills to 1 death. Obviously not helping their team in any way, just buffing their stats.
In an objective game? Yeah, these guys suck, no doubt. I don't mind them in Team Deathmatch though, at least they're not buffing the opposition's score, like the dude sprinting in to a fortified position with a shotgun :lol.
K0NY said:
I don't know what you're talking about. I don't place any demands on anyone when I play. Maybe you should look into that. Your suggesting that people should play how you play or else they are somehow not contributing. Picking your spot and staying there does not demand that people run in front of you. Ever see the movie Sniper? Ever do the sniper mission from "15 years ago" on COD4?

If everyone chose to pick a spot and stay there at the beginning of a game, it wouldn't be a stalemate, provided people picked smart spots to camp. Sniping is about finding your targets, not them finding you. And what you're saying above equates to saying our troops in Iraq are to blame for being killed because they are "allowing" insurgents to kill them by running around a war zone.

If you're going to claim that the victims of camping snipers are powerless against them, then you are giving your power away. Everyone has the ability in COD4 or regular war to use camoflague, terrain and strategy to avoid being killed. If you want to beat a camper, you can be a better camper or an unwilling target. How well you perform at either of those will determine how much you dislike campers.

The people online who gripe about it are just not very good at sniping or defending themselves from it, in my opinion.

You see, I was talking about camping, and I think you took that to mean sniping. An easy misunderstanding to be sure, but there is a slight difference. Camping on your own as a sniper generally doesn't work, since the killcam reveals your position and you got no one to cover your back. I was more refering to camping as a team strategy, where even the advance knowledge of where your opponents are still doesn't really help, as they got everything covered, and as soon as you stick your head out to see where they are you get a bullet to the face. To be a successful sniper on your own, you gotta do a sort of stick and move strategy (IMO), as your position is given away with every shot pretty much. That kind of sniping is totally fine and takes alot of skill.

Now as for that bolded part, just assume from now on that anything I say that comments on a videogame should not be applied to any real life war scenario. It certainly wasn't intended that way.


A good distinction has been made by J-Rez here, camping is not laying somewhere and covering a large/flag/street etc with your fire. It's hiding in an insanely small corner of the map (staircase, behind a barrel etc.) where there actually is little opportunity to kill anyone except the unfortunate ones that pass through there.

Covering the whole main street in Crossfire while staying in one spot for the whole game = not camping imho.
MercuryLS said:
Meh, trip mines are easy to deal with. They're 1) very obvious to spot 2) take a while to detonate. Just run past them, that's what I do.

The danger with claymores is the damned *click* before the *boom*. The first times I heard that sound I stopped for a split second wondering if that's what I thought it was because that'd suck and then *boom*. Dead.


Completely unrelated to the discussion in here atm, but very very important none the less.

Does the sound/feel of the nukes being launched in the intro/teaser remind anyone else of the sound the flares/feel of the flares in Platoon?
oo Kosma oo said:
A good distinction has been made by J-Rez here, camping is not laying somewhere and covering a large/flag/street etc with your fire. It's hiding in an insanely small corner of the map (staircase, behind a barrel etc.) where there actually is little opportunity to kill anyone except the unfortunate ones that pass through there.

Covering the whole main street in Crossfire while staying in one spot for the whole game = not camping imho.

But that's the thing. With Kill Cam and people just remotely communicating that wouldn't work . People like that take advantage of a lack of team play.
Kastrioti said:
The Kill Cam is probably my biggest complaint about online. For a game that strives on realism I don't think you should be able to find our where the enemy is after you got your ass owned.

It can work in your favor though if someone is camping a bit to much.
There's no respawn in real war. It's a video game.
I dislike playing with respawns in general though, unless it's HQ or Domination.
I wish Hardcore S&D could be its own gametype and not mixed in with Team Deathmatch (because respawns are always on, and lets face it, people still usually don't act as a TEAM unless there's a real objective).
blindrocket said:
I dislike playing with respawns in general though, unless it's HQ or Domination.
I wish Hardcore S&D could be its own gametype and not mixed in with Team Deathmatch (because respawns are always on, and lets face it, people still usually don't act as a TEAM unless there's a real objective).

Speaking of playlists I wish Big Team Domination wasn't mixed in with regular Big Team DeathMatch. Domination with that many people is always shit.
I wish there was some stat tracking for "saving teammate's ass in battle", because I'm pretty sure I'd been declared team saint and guardian angel by now if that was the case. Of course, I recently got yelled at for allegedly stealing a dude's kills by eliminating an enemy that came at him from behind. The team spirit was thick in that match.
Veteran is killing all the positive feelings I had for this game's single-player.

On Veteran...
- Every enemy has 15 grenades on their belt and can throw them three miles
- Every enemy is a crackshot with a shitty AK-47
- Every enemy knows what you're about to do and how to counter it
- The checkpoints suck
- Due to the huge amounts of grenades being thrown and constant fire that will kill you in literally one shot you find that the levels don't provide you with an ample solution. The cover provided won't do. There's no sound strategy.

And that's about all I have to say at the moment. What I had been thinking about as an entertaining, fun, and realistic foray into modern warfare and technology has now transformed into frustration, and lacks any sort of fun whatsoever. It's amazing how a difficulty level can transform a good game into a game filled with bad game design.
ToyMachine228 said:
Veteran is killing all the positive feelings I had for this game's single-player.

On Veteran...
- Every enemy has 15 grenades on their belt and can throw them three miles
- Every enemy is a crackshot with a shitty AK-47
- Every enemy knows what you're about to do and how to counter it
- The checkpoints suck
- Due to the huge amounts of grenades being thrown and constant fire that will kill you in literally one shot you find that the levels don't provide you with an ample solution. The cover provided won't do. There's no sound strategy.

And that's about all I have to say at the moment. What I had been thinking about as an entertaining, fun, and realistic foray into modern warfare and technology has now transformed into frustration, and lacks any sort of fun whatsoever. It's amazing how a difficulty level can transform a good game into a game filled with bad game design.

i'm finding the next lower difficulty level (hardened?) pretty hard too. it's not quite *too* hard, but it's still frustrating at times. halo 3 legendary is just plain fun in spite of the difficulty. i have a feeling COD4 on veteran is just going to be a chore and so i'm not really planning on playing on veteran. i hate that. i agree.


So I have a question about the story guys

I just finished the all ghuiled up stage. How is the guy that I assassinated back in the future selling nukes to the terriorist? I really didn't under stand that..is it explained later? Or did I just simply not kill him when I thought I did?


Junior Member
j-wood said:
So I have a question about the story guys

I just finished the all ghuiled up stage. How is the guy that I assassinated back in the future selling nukes to the terriorist? I really didn't under stand that..is it explained later? Or did I just simply not kill him when I thought I did?



Gold Member
ToyMachine228 said:
Veteran is killing all the positive feelings I had for this game's single-player.

On Veteran...
- Every enemy has 15 grenades on their belt and can throw them three miles
- Every enemy is a crackshot with a shitty AK-47
- Every enemy knows what you're about to do and how to counter it
- The checkpoints suck
- Due to the huge amounts of grenades being thrown and constant fire that will kill you in literally one shot you find that the levels don't provide you with an ample solution. The cover provided won't do. There's no sound strategy.

And that's about all I have to say at the moment. What I had been thinking about as an entertaining, fun, and realistic foray into modern warfare and technology has now transformed into frustration, and lacks any sort of fun whatsoever. It's amazing how a difficulty level can transform a good game into a game filled with bad game design.

-They also can stand in radioactive areas you can't.
-They wallhack.
-They have flashbangs in timed missions
-Your teammate AI is too stupid to cover your back when you advance quickly.

The good thing about Veteran though is that once you trial and error a route, the game is a piece of cake using Veteran strategies. I just played on regular to quickly show my brother the story, and I managed to get to the bottom of the hill in Heat with a full 2 mins left. No shooting in the War room with 9 mins on the clock. etc.

It's not really an challenging skill setting than one of memorization and luck.
zam said:
I went with flashing and killing the terroristsm, worked a lot better than just running by as they would just shoot at me as I ran past.

Also I always picked up a P90 at the first section and would use that, that way towards the end I had a full MP5 to switch to at the end. After the first section flash the terrorists and then go prone by the wooden thingy (when the hull breach happens), reload my weapon, get my health back and let my teammates clear that section.

This clip also helped alot.
Thanks. I'll try that. I was using the P90 also. It's a beast shooting through walls.


ToyMachine228 said:
Veteran is killing all the positive feelings I had for this game's single-player.

On Veteran...
- Every enemy has 15 grenades on their belt and can throw them three miles
- Every enemy is a crackshot with a shitty AK-47
- Every enemy knows what you're about to do and how to counter it
- The checkpoints suck
- Due to the huge amounts of grenades being thrown and constant fire that will kill you in literally one shot you find that the levels don't provide you with an ample solution. The cover provided won't do. There's no sound strategy.

And that's about all I have to say at the moment. What I had been thinking about as an entertaining, fun, and realistic foray into modern warfare and technology has now transformed into frustration, and lacks any sort of fun whatsoever. It's amazing how a difficulty level can transform a good game into a game filled with bad game design.

The grenade lobbing is my biggest complaint about Vet. Seriously, I'll have upwards of 4 grenade icons popping up in some of the bigger firefights, and no matter which direction i move i'm totally screwed.
j-wood said:
Is that a yes to

I didn't really kill him or I'll find out later?
If you didn't notice, the intel photograph of Mr. Z shows him missing an arm, the game depicts you blowing his arm off and running away in a hurry... if you think about it, maybe you only blew off his arm but didn't kill him...


People who complain about camping in this game astonish me. Throw a grenade! Throw a flashbang! Throw a stun! Throw a Smoke! Shoot a RPG! Shoot a M203! Go around the camper and knife him! Equip UAV jammer! Equip juggernaught! Equip last stand! Equip x3 stun/flash/frag!

There are a million different options.


RSTEIN said:
Anyone remember the silo on veteran from CoD 2? :lol

That level gave me nightmares. To make it worse the first time through I ended up with a checkpoint that had a mortar midflight on its way down to me. I was so pissed I had to restart that level. :lol
People who complain about camping in this game astonish me. Throw a grenade! Throw a flashbang! Throw a stun! Throw a Smoke! Shoot a RPG! Shoot a M203! Go around the camper and knife him! Equip UAV jammer! Equip juggernaught! Equip last stand! Equip x3 stun/flash/frag!

you forgot my favorite, shootem through a wall with deep penetration
Sandman42 said:
People who complain about camping in this game astonish me. Throw a grenade! Throw a flashbang! Throw a stun! Throw a Smoke! Shoot a RPG! Shoot a M203! Go around the camper and knife him! Equip UAV jammer! Equip juggernaught! Equip last stand! Equip x3 stun/flash/frag!

There are a million different options.

It's kind of fun observing a camper holed up somewhere scurry out as you throw a grenade right where he sits. And then of course shoot him in the back as he attempts to run away from the immediate threat. I've only accomplished this once, but the one thing better than that is to set a claymore around the corner along his estimated escape path and then throw a grenade. Scurry, *click* *boom*.
I can only play COD4 on-line with friends now. Otherwise, I get way too frustrated. It's a decent game, but it does not suit my style of play. I love to run and gun and you can't get away with that on COD4. If you do not have patience, do not play COD4. Otherwise, enjoy!:D And playing through the single player game on Veteran's difficulty has made me never want to go back and replay the single player, ever, ever, again.
Deputy Moonman said:
I can only play COD4 on-line with friends now. Otherwise, I get way too frustrated. It's a decent game, but it does not suit my style of play. I love to run and gun and you can't get away with that on COD4. If you do not have patience, do not play COD4. Otherwise, enjoy!:D And playing through the single player game on Veteran's difficulty has made me never want to go back and replay the single player, ever, ever, again.

Eh, you can get away with running and then gunning though. Being invisible on radar helps there.


formerly sane
Deputy Moonman said:
I can only play COD4 on-line with friends now. Otherwise, I get way too frustrated. It's a decent game, but it does not suit my style of play. I love to run and gun and you can't get away with that on COD4. If you do not have patience, do not play COD4. Otherwise, enjoy!:D And playing through the single player game on Veteran's difficulty has made me never want to go back and replay the single player, ever, ever, again.

Adjust your approach not your tactics and be more observant run and gun doesn't mean your clueless about the situation around you. As long you got and aim and reflexes you can keep that style if not slow down a little bit.
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