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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

I can only play COD4 on-line with friends now. Otherwise, I get way too frustrated. It's a decent game, but it does not suit my style of play. I love to run and gun and you can't get away with that on COD4. If you do not have patience, do not play COD4. Otherwise, enjoy! And playing through the single player game on Veteran's difficulty has made me never want to go back and replay the single player, ever, ever, again.

try an SMG like an MP5 with a silencer and UAV Jammer if you want to run and gun. i find it to be pretty effective on the smaller to medium sized maps like downpour or district.


TheDrizzlerJ11 said:
try an SMG like an MP5 with a silencer and UAV Jammer if you want to run and gun. i find it to be pretty effective on the smaller to medium sized maps like downpour or district.

Same here, you can be one stealthy bastard with that shit equiped. Also I find that recoil goes down when you use th silencer on that weapon.


Deputy Moonman said:
I can only play COD4 on-line with friends now. Otherwise, I get way too frustrated. It's a decent game, but it does not suit my style of play. I love to run and gun and you can't get away with that on COD4. If you do not have patience, do not play COD4. Otherwise, enjoy!:D And playing through the single player game on Veteran's difficulty has made me never want to go back and replay the single player, ever, ever, again.

What perks do you use?


TheDrizzlerJ11 said:
try an SMG like an MP5 with a silencer and UAV Jammer if you want to run and gun. i find it to be pretty effective on the smaller to medium sized maps like downpour or district.
Yeah, for run-and-gun I find I need to use either a silenced SMG with the UAV jammer, or a balls-out shotgun + stock with juggernaut and extreme conditioning. But typical FPS run and gun behaviour is very difficult when facing guns that'll drop you with only a couple of shots.
Yeah, for run-and-gun I find I need to use either a silenced SMG with the UAV jammer, or a balls-out shotgun + stock with juggernaut and extreme conditioning.

yup, shotgun on vacant with C-4 and extreme conditioning is fun as hell.
Kastrioti said:
The Kill Cam is probably my biggest complaint about online. For a game that strives on realism I don't think you should be able to find our where the enemy is after you got your ass owned.
Either it can be turned off seperately or Hardcore mode forces it off.

It's the only mode I think I'll play substantially now. Headquarters set to Hardcore.

I'll likely still mess around with other modes now and again, but Hardcore HQ is by far the best fitting mode for the gameplay style. I spent another 6 hours or so on it today, and it really does a fairly solid job at naturally creating lots of good firefights, standsoffs, etc.

It takes the gameplay to another level imo. Likely the only setup to see competitive clan play on PC. I can't see the Deathmatching having much success, but Hardcore HQ should have some legs.


Sandman42 said:
People who complain about camping in this game astonish me. Throw a grenade! Throw a flashbang! Throw a stun! Throw a Smoke! Shoot a RPG! Shoot a M203! Go around the camper and knife him! Equip UAV jammer! Equip juggernaught! Equip last stand! Equip x3 stun/flash/frag!

There are a million different options.

THANK YOU. If I know somebody's set up a sniper nest, I'm cooking a grenade and tossing it in there to blow up any claymores and people inside.

AZ Greg

Had a good run tonight, 3 30+ kill and single digit death games in a row, raised my best kill streak from 16 to 19, and managed to get my K/D ratio above 1.5! :D Just a few more levels until I get my Deagle!

I think this may be my favorite XBL game to date.


Deputy Moonman said:
I can only play COD4 on-line with friends now. Otherwise, I get way too frustrated. It's a decent game, but it does not suit my style of play. I love to run and gun and you can't get away with that on COD4. If you do not have patience, do not play COD4. Otherwise, enjoy!:D
This.. doesn't sound right. Unless your definition of run and gun means walking around the map out in the open while shooting from the hip with an lmg. Then, yes, you cannot do that in this game. But, otherwise, camping is only half-dominant in this game, as the maps usually have so much cover and so few choke points that there's always a way around a sniper, even on the arena maps like countdown or bog.
Deputy Moonman said:
I can only play COD4 on-line with friends now. Otherwise, I get way too frustrated. It's a decent game, but it does not suit my style of play. I love to run and gun and you can't get away with that on COD4.


Are we playing the same game? I only run and gun.

Ow and de sniper/camper discussions are hilarious, this game is not made for sniping. The map design is not made for it except for bog maybe and overgrown.
macksplack said:
Ow and de sniper/camper discussions are hilarious, this game is not made for sniping. The map design is not made for it except for bog maybe and overgrown.
Depends on the mode. In HQ mode, sniping can serve a pretty strong support role in either assaulting the enemy base or especially defending it (since respawn is disable until you settle it down). Still, not every map, as you said, but a handful of them have some pretty solid sniping spots.

I'd almost never snipe in Deathmatching; I think there concern was less about sniper rifles in particular, though, and more just about the advantage camping gives you versus a runner 1v1. Which, as I stated, is a little silly when it's the entire premise of the game (slow tactical cover and accuracy), but I suppose it's their concern nonetheless.
macksplack said:

Are we playing the same game? I only run and gun.

Ow and de sniper/camper discussions are hilarious, this game is not made for sniping. The map design is not made for it except for bog maybe and overgrown.

I don't think this is about snipers, dude. I mean, snipers are kind of supposed to camp. I just shake my head a bit at team members with SMGs that huddle up in some corner for as long as they can and take potshots at enemies in the vicinity yet never leave their corners. It can be called a strategy, sure, but to me it looks more like they are a bit wussy. Crazy concept when you're talking about a video game, but that's what it looks like.


MercuryLS said:
Same here, you can be one stealthy bastard with that shit equiped. Also I find that recoil goes down when you use th silencer on that weapon.

I'll run with UAV jamming and a silenced m4 when the other team either abuses UAVs or is holed up somewhere. It makes for some fun fun stuff that reminds me of my old CS days.


polyh3dron said:
Stop quitting mid game!! arggghjhh

Hopefully the patch they come up with remedies this situation as it's really freaking annoying. How can a game of this quality lack a basic feature like that? Oh, and clans...

But anyways, I can't help but think I'd like to SOCOM take up some sort of "perk" system as well maybe now? Though, it may ruin the game experience that SOCOM brings. Hmmm.
KyanMehwulfe said:
Depends on the mode. In HQ mode, sniping can serve a pretty strong support role in either assaulting the enemy base or especially defending it (since respawn is disable until you settle it down). Still, not every map, as you said, but a handful of them have some pretty solid sniping spots.

I'd almost never snipe in Deathmatching; I think there concern was less about sniper rifles in particular, though, and more just about the advantage camping gives you versus a runner 1v1. Which, as I stated, is a little silly when it's the entire premise of the game (slow tactical cover and accuracy), but I suppose it's their concern nonetheless.

Yes in certain modes/maps it's usefull, it's de map design that limits the snipers. I don't agree on the slow tatctical cover and accuracy premise of the game, i must be playing a different game because i have seen little to no tactic in the games i played. Then again i play mostly TDM. But even with search and Destroy or Headquarters no tactics are used or communication even(ps3 version).

AltogetherAndrews said:
I don't think this is about snipers, dude. I mean, snipers are kind of supposed to camp. I just shake my head a bit at team members with SMGs that huddle up in some corner for as long as they can and take potshots at enemies in the vicinity yet never leave their corners. It can be called a strategy, sure, but to me it looks more like they are a bit wussy. Crazy concept when you're talking about a video game, but that's what it looks like.

I completely agree,

I hate those guys, i even can't remember how many times i screamed "what are you doing over there fucker i could use some backup" while fighting the opposing team 1vs2 or 1vs3.
Yeah the campers love to pull the "strategy card"

TheDrizzlerJ11 said:
pipeline snipin is where it's at.


And here i go with a ak47SU thinking it's a small map!

Do you snipe in Vacant too?

Everybody is playing differently i love it!!

I'm still enjoying the multiplayer inmensly!!

Can we all agree that multiplayer is the definition of online digital crack?



Go 44-20 against a clan of about 6 people in the match...they're all the same level or higher than me...I can hear the faint echo of "TJ Ramirez get a life", followed by bitter tears from the rest of them in the postgame lobby. :lol


I think last night I was with C4Lukin and managed to rampage against the other team in Headquarters.

The points, they kept coming; they wouldn't stop!

Tonight though, I focused on finding every intel item. Some of those items are bullshit ridiculous to find, but I managed to do so without help. Go me.

This, of course, demand that I reward myself. An 'Airbending' reward...



For a Finer World
I've been playing COD4 on Veteran and I've made it to Shock and Awe now - what I'm worried is that the difficulty has been pretty erratic.

My first shock: the bloody TV station level and running towards the building at a market. My second shock, same level: news hall (with all the monitors).

Then: challenging but fun all the way up to Shock and Awe. The heli in Hunted gave me some trouble but nothing major and one or two scenes I've had to restart around 10 times.

My question is: Can I expect similar difficulty spikes like the TV station, as my motivation to grind through a similar one is wavering. The contrast between well-flowing levels (such as Hunted and War Pig) compared to that is too much - I might not be able to handle another show-stopper like the news hall.

I do enjoy the usual difficulty of Veteran, with most deaths feeling fair for me (it's great training for multiplayer: when a guy sees you, he usually kills you).


Wow I've either been sucking big time today or the opposition was just too tough (some prestiged guys). All my scores were positive none the less. Still it didn't feel good.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Yeah, veteran can be pretty damn annoying. I'm a couple of levels in and at some instances the game has really been a bitch. Alright if the enemy is smarter. Alright if they do more damage and if they are a bit more accurate. But these pricks can shoot you in the head and instant kill you if you peek out for a second hundreds of meters away.

There was one part where you're defending yourself while your partners are opening a cellar door where you're supposed to run down as soon as they open it. The cellar door was a couple of feet (10?) away from where I stood, taking cover. And I swear, when I ran towards the cellar door -- only a couple of feet away -- from my cover I got shot down instantely. TEN FUCKING TIMES IN A ROW. It's like they can't miss sometimes.


For a Finer World
ItsInMyVeins said:
There was one part where you're defending yourself while your partners are opening a cellar door where you're supposed to run down as soon as they open it. The cellar door was a couple of feet (10?) away from where I stood, taking cover. And I swear, when I ran towards the cellar door -- only a couple of feet away -- from my cover I got shot down instantely. TEN FUCKING TIMES IN A ROW. It's like they can't miss sometimes.
I've had a couple of similar experiences. Luckily - at least for me - the checkpointing has worked out fine so that there has been a checkpoint pretty much exactly where a difficult scene starts. At least up until Shock and Awe.

Regarding the getting shot when you emerge -problem, I've started using a lot of flashbangs to disorient enemies when changing positions. Just toss the bang up in the air - it's actually got quite a big area of effect. It gives you the opportunity to flank firepoints, and definitely helped me in War Pig.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Keio said:
Regarding the getting shot when you emerge -problem, I've started using a lot of flashbangs to disorient enemies when changing positions. Just toss the bang up in the air - it's actually got quite a big area of effect. It gives you the opportunity to flank firepoints, and definitely helped me in War Pig.

I do try to use flashbangs as often as possible, but they run out pretty fast then :)

I was really worried about the War Pig-mission, but surprisingly I managed to get through it on the second or third try without any bigger problems.

Oh, and I tried Mile High Club on hardened (arcade mode) and succeeded in getting rank #91 after the first try :D


macksplack said:
And here i go with a ak47SU thinking it's a small map!

Do you snipe in Vacant too?

Not really comparable, as Pipeline is not only larger, but there's some pretty good sniper spots there too. As for me, I love to use my G3 on that map.


Okay GAF. After logging either over or very close to 10 hours in the online multiplayer (and doing very well at it myself) I think I'm prepared to offer my impressions/frustrations/comments on the PS3 version of the online game. (Warning: there will be more complaints than positive things listed, even though I really love this game an immense deal).

Firstly, I was a skeptic of the XP system as well as the perks system. I thought that it would end up completely ruining this game. In private circles my disdain of achievements in multiplayer is well known because it typically fucks up the entire aspect of playing as a team. (Yes I know that not all of the game modes are team play but you get my point about achievement whores ruining it for everyone.) I'm still not sure how they did it but Infinity Ward ended up making the XP system really fun. It seems like the "achievements" that are tied to XP rewards are for things that you would do eventually. It rewards you for playing the game the way you want to play it and still encourages you to branch out and try everything. Using the XP system as a way to unlock rewards is ingenious. It keeps you coming back for more to see what weapons or attachments you'll unlock next as well as for the rank status.

I like the perk system as well but I think there ought to be a few more unlocked perks initially for new players. It doesn't seem entirely fair that highly ranked players get all these advantages over newer players that haven't done anything wrong, so to speak. Yes they need an incentive to keep playing but that might discourage them. Especially in ranked play where all the ranks seem stacked together when you split into teams. (High-ranked with high-ranked and low-ranked with low-ranked.) I also think that Infinity Ward would do very well to do some more perk combination blackouts. For instance that martyrdom (annoying enough as it is) plus sonic boom combo is starting to get fucking ridiculous. I also think that if you select the juggernaut perk, either the second or third perk should get blacked out. (Because if someone has juggernaut and you have a submachine gun or a gun that doesn't deal a lot of initial damage your gun gets almost completely nerfed.)

I'm also very disappointed with the community features of the game. For starters the amount of time that it takes to simply connect to a game via the matchmaking function at the start of the menu is staggering. They really should have offered a beta test for the PS3 version of the game alongside the 360 version because the amount of negative feedback they would have gotten would have been immense and maybe they could have avoided a lot of this. I'm sick of people who are on my XMB friends list not showing up on the damn "invite friends" list. It's also insane that I can't see people that I recently played with so that I can either add them to my list or block them. Also while we're at it I would like to know who okayed this game without adding some method of muting people. It is so frustrating to try to listen to my friends/teammates that are decent or the environment around me and have to compromise that by being forced to listen to the mouthbreathers who will not even attempt to fix their mic so that's not happening or the assholes who deem it necessary to share their shitty rap music with the rest of the team.

Also some quick notes: There are too many enemy spawns behind me. This is fucking ridiculous. That's the difference between a radar or airstrike most of the time for me. I'm tired of logging on only to find that the names of my custom classes have disappeared.

Also I have a problem with the random community who plays this game. Too many people don't want to work together even though it's a team-based game and the team that sticks together and cooperates has a much better shot at winning. It sickens me how much they won't do anything to help a teammate at ALL and are only thinking about themselves. There's a mode for those kind of people and it's called free-for-all. If you aren't willing to play as a team please don't join a team. I've been killed too many times by an enemy while a teammate stood there, saw them coming and simply let them kill me.

Aside from all of that unpleasantness I don't think I've ever seen such a balance of the maps. That is absolutely fantastic.

Anyway those are my impressions of it. Anyone agree? Disagree?
I was in a game last night with a bunch of germans playing jump by house of pain in the background. All they did was get together and jump at various places of the map. It was one of the funniest things ive ever seen. Even when the other team was gunning us down, they were jumping towards us.


Got the game 2 days ago for PS3...
And thank U GAF for ruining the game with stupid comparisons. I notice everything now XD.
I'm still enjoying it thou . I haven't finished campaign yet but I'm almost done.
Anyways....here is *some facts about the arabic "writing and speaking"in the game*...

first of all a lot of the things are repeated through out the game...*expected*
A lot of what's written says Infinity Ward in arabic....also some of it says ladies beauty salon and such...
Another thing is that arabic is written from right to left and the letters are connected most of the time and through out the game u'll see some words like unity written in arabic from left to right and the letters are separated. This usually happens when trying to type in arabic in an app which is not configured to work with languages that are written from right to left like arabic and hebrew. Soooo take it as u want... try reading english with the letters fillped the other way and spelled backwards *headache*...
Also a note on the arab soldiers in the game if your wondering what they're saying its a actually a direct translation of what ur soldiers r saying alas more repetitive. I think they should be talking in an arabic with an accent because they r talking in a very good arabic "too good" like in books so its sounds a bit funny talking like that in a warzone :lol .
other than that it's one helluva game.
ItsInMyVeins said:
Yeah, veteran can be pretty damn annoying. I'm a couple of levels in and at some instances the game has really been a bitch. Alright if the enemy is smarter. Alright if they do more damage and if they are a bit more accurate. But these pricks can shoot you in the head and instant kill you if you peek out for a second hundreds of meters away.

There was one part where you're defending yourself while your partners are opening a cellar door where you're supposed to run down as soon as they open it. The cellar door was a couple of feet (10?) away from where I stood, taking cover. And I swear, when I ran towards the cellar door -- only a couple of feet away -- from my cover I got shot down instantely. TEN FUCKING TIMES IN A ROW. It's like they can't miss sometimes.

That cellar door was the cause of a bruised knuckle on my right hand this afternoon!! EXACTLY the same thing was happening to me. No matter how many enemies i took out i was screwed as soon as i left my cover to sprint down into there. God i hated that bit! The TV station was a cakewalk for me compared to that one tiny bit.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
BasicUAE said:
Got the game 2 days ago for PS3...
And thank U GAF for ruining the game with stupid comparisons. I notice everything now XD.
I'm still enjoying it thou . I haven't finished campaign yet but I'm almost done.
Anyways....here is *some facts about the arabic "writing and speaking"in the game*...

first of all a lot of the things are repeated through out the game...*expected*
A lot of what's written says Infinity Ward in arabic....also some of it says ladies beauty salon and such...
Another thing is that arabic is written from right to left and the letters are connected most of the time and through out the game u'll see some words like unity written in arabic from left to right and the letters are separated. This usually happens when trying to type in arabic in an app which is not configured to work with languages that are written from right to left like arabic and hebrew. Soooo take it as u want... try reading english with the letters fillped the other way and spelled backwards *headache*...
Also a note on the arab soldiers in the game if your wondering what they're saying its a actually a direct translation of what ur soldiers r saying alas more repetitive. I think they should be talking in an arabic with an accent because they r talking in a very good arabic "too good" like in books so its sounds a bit funny talking like that in a warzone :lol .
other than that it's one helluva game.

Interesting. I thought about some of that while starting the game over yesterday (forgot about the car ride in the beginning).

ToyMachine228 said:
Any tips for the last part of the Sniper mission on Veteran when you're waiting for the Chopper? I'm getting owned.

This very thread is chock full of strategies.


Wrapped up Hardened this weekend. Officially ready for Mass Effect now.

Most annoying part was the waiting for the helicopter in the Sniper mission but that's about it. Nothing ever got as annoying as that part in RS: Vegas late in the game where you have to hold off enemies while your boy is hacking the computer and Irena's upstairs. That pissed me off to no end, on Realistic anyway.


Did.. did I just bonk somebody with a grenade and kill them with the impact?

I think I just did. Cool! Do you get XP for that in the later levels?
Brannon said:
Did.. did I just bonk somebody with a grenade and kill them with the impact?

I think I just did. Cool! Do you get XP for that in the later levels?

A few days back, I was looking through some of the challenges and I saw that one of them was a 3 melee kill streak without dying. I actually knifed two guys in a row quickly on Overgrown, so I went out of my way to try to knife a third guy and I did! But no challenge notification popped up.

The challenge wasn't unlocked yet. :(

Eric WK

Brannon said:
Did.. did I just bonk somebody with a grenade and kill them with the impact?

I think I just did. Cool! Do you get XP for that in the later levels?

Yup. There are challenges associated with that once you hit level 50-something.


Crisis said:
I like the perk system as well but I think there ought to be a few more unlocked perks initially for new players. It doesn't seem entirely fair that highly ranked players get all these advantages over newer players that haven't done anything wrong, so to speak.

The great thing is it's not so much advantages as different options. Is till use most of the base perks as stopping power etc.

Crisis said:
I also think that Infinity Ward would do very well to do some more perk combination blackouts. For instance that martyrdom (annoying enough as it is) plus sonic boom combo is starting to get fucking ridiculous. I also think that if you select the juggernaut perk, either the second or third perk should get blacked out. (Because if someone has juggernaut and you have a submachine gun or a gun that doesn't deal a lot of initial damage your gun gets almost completely nerfed.)

Martyrdom may seem unfair at first, but after a while you will rarely die from it as you learn to run from bodies. Juggernaut is actually fine, if someone wants to nerf their damage dealing capabilities to increase their health I'm fine with that.

Crisis said:
I'm also very disappointed with the community features of the game. For starters the amount of time that it takes to simply connect to a game via the matchmaking function at the start of the menu is staggering.

Completely agree, it takes waaaaaaaaay to long to the point that I'm really thinking if I should bother to play when I have little time or patience (like now).

Crisis said:
Also some quick notes: There are too many enemy spawns behind me. This is fucking ridiculous. That's the difference between a radar or airstrike most of the time for me.

Don't see the problem, the spawns are random. Maybe it's cause I'm playing Domination.

Crisis said:
I'm tired of logging on only to find that the names of my custom classes have disappeared.

I hear the first patch will fix this.


Crisis said:
I'm also very disappointed with the community features of the game.

Not to start a System Warz!!! or anything, but everything you complained about in that paragraph is implemented on the 360 through XBL. So I can understand why IW didn't want to spend a lot of resources to re-implement it from scratch for the PS3 version (nor PC for that matter).
After finishing Call of Duty 4's single-player twice now, once on Normal and once on Veteran here are my final thoughts.

- The graphics department is definitely good stuff. Lots of good effects including blood splatter, good smoke and explosions, and most of all great animation.
- The variety in scenarios you are put into is good. Things from sniping missions, to guerrilla warfare, to a silent assault in the night are covered. Lots of variety here and they're all good.
- The characters are likable specifically Gaz, Capain Price and Griggs.
Killing them in the end, and leaving Soap alive is kind of pointless if you ask me
. The dialogue is well written and well voiced.
- Veteran is complete and utter shit. I could type for two hours describing everything wrong with Veteran but I'm not going to waste my time. It really ruined the experience for me somewhat.
- Weapons are done decently. Weapons like the AK, Silenced M4, Dragonov, and MP5 are done well while the Pistols generally feel kind of weak. As far as how firing them feels. You get to see a lot of cool modern weaponry as well like the Javelin and the various vehicle sections.

And that's enough for now. Overall I really do enjoy CoD4's single-player just...Not on Veteran. At all. Now Mile High Club on Veteran and I can kiss Veteran goodbye forever.


For those who have played on both Hardened/Veteran and Normal: I started off on Hardened but stopped playing a couple days after launch because of frustration with the difficulty and haven't been able to go back. Should I just take the hit to my pride and drop down to Normal?

I can't convince myself to turn it down a notch...
KyanMehwulfe said:
Either it can be turned off seperately or Hardcore mode forces it off.

It's the only mode I think I'll play substantially now. Headquarters set to Hardcore.

I'll likely still mess around with other modes now and again, but Hardcore HQ is by far the best fitting mode for the gameplay style. I spent another 6 hours or so on it today, and it really does a fairly solid job at naturally creating lots of good firefights, standsoffs, etc.

It takes the gameplay to another level imo. Likely the only setup to see competitive clan play on PC. I can't see the Deathmatching having much success, but Hardcore HQ should have some legs.
I imagine Hardcore Search and Destroy would be competitive... the Call of Duty and Call of Duty UO PC groups played S&D with realism mods competitively. I got out of the scene when CoD2 came along though, so I'm not sure how that went.


Sherveen said:
For those who have played on both Hardened/Veteran and Normal: I started off on Hardened but stopped playing a couple days after launch because of frustration with the difficulty and haven't been able to go back. Should I just take the hit to my pride and drop down to Normal?

I can't convince myself to turn it down a notch...

Neither can I. Continue. Or, like... else.


oo Kosma oo said:
Tried to play some SP yesterday, got to the TV station on Normal and just quit. The SP is really annoying.
Ummmm no it's not. Well, to me at least.
I like the game's linearity. Sometimes it's a good thing.
but the #1 complaint for this game is the triggering thing, you know when u have to go to someplace to stop the enemies from re-spawning. Yeah that sucks.
ToyMachine228 said:
Any tips for the last part of the Sniper mission on Veteran when you're waiting for the Chopper? I'm getting owned.
About the only place I can get through that stage on Veteran difficulty is by hanging out behind the bumper car platform. Enemies rush the ferris-wheel and it's easy to pick them off. They usually stop on top of the ferris-wheel platform, on the stair to the back of the wheel, and occasionally, one will try and sneak back to hide in the grass. But if you have a sniper rifle handy it's fairly easy to live until the chopper arrives.

Before the assault, make sure you run around to pick up plenty of sniper ammo and a some type of short range weapon for any dogs that come, and also for the 1 or 2 people who will come right up to you while you're hiding.

Don't worry about protecting your teammate. He won't die.

I always thought it was important to kill as many people before the main rush, as possible, but it doesn't really matter. Make sure you have ammo and then go hide. It's the only way I could pass that part.


Playing through No Fighting in the War Room on veteran, you see all of the bullshit of the game.

The AI in this game fucking sucks.
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