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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

Is something funny going on with the Bomb Squad perk? In free for all matches, I seem to get no warning at all. I can walk close enough to set off a claymore without any indication that it's there. And then I just played a Team Deathmatch and I could see planted C4/Clays from across the map.

I was thinking it could be friendly explosives, hence why I could see them. In either case, bomb squad doesn't seem to do anything in free for all matches.
I see very few people using the Juggernaut perk lately. Not sure off the top of my head what other perks are available in that catagory but players have moved on to better things I guess. 2 days straight that I have not seen the red cross come up when I shoot someone.
Wonder who owns the GAF Kill Streak record? I hit 21 the other day.:D Seen some much higher ones on the leaderboards.
Sherveen said:
For those who have played on both Hardened/Veteran and Normal: I started off on Hardened but stopped playing a couple days after launch because of frustration with the difficulty and haven't been able to go back. Should I just take the hit to my pride and drop down to Normal?

I can't convince myself to turn it down a notch...

with the exception of the tv station and the end of the sniper level i didnt find hardened too tough. but veteran is ridiculous. you just have to learn when to be patient and when to charge pass a group of enemies


Funny thing is that I had a 34 kill streak a few nights ago (with a 48:1 ratio) and then I got the screen where it shows an ethernet cable disconnected. Turns out it was on my end because my connection crapped out. I will never be able to repeat that again... :(

Btw- I hate that when the entire room gets disconnected, it just assigns the win to whoever has the lead at the moment even if the score is like 10-0. If it's in the first minute, it should just be a tie. :\


Gold Member
Mojovonio said:
Playing through No Fighting in the War Room on veteran, you see all of the bullshit of the game.

The AI in this game fucking sucks.

It's nothing but trial and error.

Here's a Walkthrough for Veteran for those who need it to pass the two bs parts of this mission I posted elsewhere:

If you can make it to the stairs with a time left of 7:30 or better you'll get a checkpoint. Using the grenade launcher (5 shots) and hitting the ground running after the vents I made it with 8:10 on the clock.

The next two sections are utter bullshit trial and error sections which require pure speed and memorization. If you wait you'll pretty much make everything harder as more time ticks by. Essentially I switched to the grenade launcher, ran to the box on the left just before the 1st intersection and blew away the guy in the right side corridor of the intersection. He's always there.

Since there's a flashbang going to go off, run to the corpse to hide and switch to regular fire. Place a Claymore because there is a chance one guy might come up after you from behind since your teammates are unreliable. Now your only path is to keep going in the only direction you can but since there's a guy who'll blow your head off once you round the corner, you'll want to run behind the concrete molding on the right wall and not stand in the middle of the path. Then hug around the barrier sticking close to the wall and slide up to the green crates so he can't see you.

Look to the main hallway and kill anyone you see until Price moves up into view, or you will get killed while you're not looking. Now shoot through the really small gaps in the green crates to take out the guy who would have blown you away or he'll toss a grenade. You can always go back behind the concrete molding to avoid grenades if they come.

Wait for 3-4 bad guys in a row to blatantly run into view heading to the main hallway, shoot them all in the back. Next shoot through the small holes in the green crate to sweep the area behind it and toss a grenade for good measure. Then slowly edge your view until you can just see the area behind it and simply blind fire.

There are wooden crates a ways behind on this path with 2 guys who'll waste you if you simply expose yourself. Knowing where they are makes it easier to blind fire and kill them. Taking these two out means you can finally move around behind the green crate, and toss a flash next to their corpses to move all the way up. Use the 'Start' button to look at the radar to make sure no random movement has put an enemy in front of you. You're pretty much good to go to the end of the room and have cleared the entire right section. If you look to the left section on the opposite side, there'll be 2 guys behind crates who'll shoot at and kill you if you stand in plain view and a guy or two to the right on the way to the next area. Kill these guys by shooting through the boxes and use a flash before clearing those on the right.

I managed to get here with 6:30ish on the clock and got a checkpoint. The next part seems harder but is a lot easier in execution.

Toss a flash in the middle to stun the 2 shotgunners, run straight past them next to the boxes blocking your path and lie down in the right corner quickly turning around the way you came. Your teammates should kill the shotgunners but if not, take them out. Toss two grenades behind the boxes barring your path. Wait a second and toss a flashbang, quickly getting up to spray bullets across the entire hallway behind it. Pop and shoot the remaining baddies until there's nobody left behind the boxes.

Next go to the intersection you ran past and deal with the campers by going prone, and killing the guy on the right from the left and the left from the right. You can see them before they see you if you move slowly into view. Now facing the boxes I chose to go through the left path (though it seems to be mirrored either way you choose). Had 4:10 on the clock at this time.

Head left around the cylinder and blow away the enemy that runs out the corridor on the right and hug the left wall. Switch to grenade launcher and fire into the middle of the corridor he came from. Then edge slowly from the left side of the room until you can take out the guys in the room at the far end of the corridor. Once you think its clear fire another grenade from the launcher, if nothing is there run to that room. As soon as you do, another shotgunner will run in from the right. Easy kill if you know he's coming. The only way out now is through a passage back to the main corridor the shotgunner came through except again there are two campers on the far end. Kill them by slowly moving into view from right to left. Once they're dead, just run straight back into the central corridor and to the double-doors that slowly open.

Finished with about 3:30 on the clock and a checkpoint. With 3x Grenade launchers and 4x grenades this next section is a piece of cake. Use everything you can to clear the room, and move on to the next checkpoint. Not sure of the time but so long as you get the checkpoint, it'll only take about 20-30 more seconds at most to stop the clock.

All the difficult parts are now finished. The strategy works about 99% of the time, and really breaks the game on any easier level but requires nothing but constant trial and error to figure out. Even if you can't understand the directions, it'll at least put you on a workable path.
Anyone know how well this game is selling relative to Halo 3?

And how to the Xbox Live numbers compare? Is the player count neck and neck? Is the gap widening or closing?

I want details on this epic struggle for on-line gaming superstardom, damnit!


Mojovonio said:
Playing through No Fighting in the War Room on veteran, you see all of the bullshit of the game.

The AI in this game fucking sucks.

Yeah, no shit. I can't fucking stand the epilepsy stunning when you get hit even once, making it impossible to shoot anyone, EVEN IF THEY ARE RIGHT FUCKING IN FRONT OF YOU!!!

Man, I'll take all the camping, last stand having, ass grenade martydom bitches online anyday over the fucking retarded ass single player AI. At least in GRAW, I could tell my teammates where to go.


TheDrizzlerJ11 said:
with the exception of the tv station and the end of the sniper level i didnt find hardened too tough. but veteran is ridiculous. you just have to learn when to be patient and when to charge pass a group of enemies

Actually, the end of the sniper level last stand was pretty easy once you know the trick.

Hide like a little camping pussy. After setting your gimped partner down, turn right, go behind the bumper car building, set a bunch of claymores at the left of it, and inside the bumper car area. Stay put, and snipe them as they run towards you, most of them will just sit behind cover shooting at you futilely. Make sure to run when they lob grenades, and then return to your camping position.


why does it take so long to find a match? I have the PS3 version. Maybe I'm just used to how fast Resistance does it.

Also, I keep getting some kind of error... DW update file error 102
kevm3 said:
why does it take so long to find a match? I have the PS3 version. Maybe I'm just used to how fast Resistance does it.

Also, I keep getting some kind of error... DW update file error 102

i get the same error. i know a lot of people are getting it now. hopefully it has nothing to do with 2.01 and just something wonky on the servers at iw.


Ive nearly managed to knock the game over on Veteran difficulty. The only levels which I have left to complete are 'Ultimatum', 'All In' and obviously 'Mile High Club'. Although considering how unforgiving the latter is it might take a while to get those last 60 GPs.


BasicUAE said:
but the #1 complaint for this game is the triggering thing, you know when u have to go to someplace to stop the enemies from re-spawning. Yeah that sucks.

Yep, not feeling that aspect at all. Just like N'Gai I like to lay back and clear the area, which is impossible here.


I think the game runs pretty well online, but I don't think it lives up to Halo in levelling the playing field. I do suck, but I was a little less choked up about it when I kept seemingly dying after being hit by one or two bullets....then the kill cam shows me getting unloaded on... it's somewhere between Gears and Halo.

Closer to Halo, which is a good thing. Sad thing is there was a time when I was really good at Gears, and I can hold my own in Halo... don't know why I have such issues with this game.

oo Kosma oo said:
Yep, not feeling that aspect at all. Just like N'Gai I like to lay back and clear the area, which is impossible here.

Totally agreed on the single-player.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Still working my way through the game on veteran. Got through All Ghillied Up last night and of course got stuck at the end of the level for a long time. It took a couple hours to finally beat it tonight, and now I'm just about to get to the missile silo area... whatever. The single-player in this game sucks hard. And I mean really sucks.

Shitty AI, awful scriptng, trial and error, linear paths... I mean, if you're going to make this an exercise in rote memorization, at least make it FUCKING FAIR. Indoor CQC is fucking impossible in this game, because these assholes will shoot you in the face the split second they see your toe poke through the door way.

All in all, the single-player is like a 4 or a 5, while the multiplayer is a 10.
chespace said:
Still working my way through the game on veteran. Got through All Ghillied Up last night and of course got stuck at the end of the level for a long time. It took a couple hours to finally beat it tonight, and now I'm just about to get to the missile silo area... whatever. The single-player in this game sucks hard. And I mean really sucks.

Shitty AI, awful scriptng, trial and error, linear paths... I mean, if you're going to make this an exercise in rote memorization, at least make it FUCKING FAIR. Indoor CQC is fucking impossible in this game, because these assholes will shoot you in the face the split second they see your toe poke through the door way.

All in all, the single-player is like a 4 or a 5, while the multiplayer is a 10.
Are you playing it on Veteran your first time through? That's outright ruin it I'd imagine. It becomes incredibly cheesy and cheap.

It's a movie-esque game; best experienced in the lower settings where, though still with some risk and challenge, it never really interupts the experience.


he's Virgin Tight™
How, in the holy fuck, do I beat the TV Station on veteran. It's impossible to even take cover as when you do there will be four grenades by your side. I loved the SP on Regular, but now on Veteran I am seeing the same problems you guys are seeing. Really.... goddammit, this is even worse than Halo 3 Legendary (no wait, WAY worse).


chespace said:
Still working my way through the game on veteran. Got through All Ghillied Up last night and of course got stuck at the end of the level for a long time. It took a couple hours to finally beat it tonight, and now I'm just about to get to the missile silo area... whatever. The single-player in this game sucks hard. And I mean really sucks.

Shitty AI, awful scriptng, trial and error, linear paths... I mean, if you're going to make this an exercise in rote memorization, at least make it FUCKING FAIR. Indoor CQC is fucking impossible in this game, because these assholes will shoot you in the face the split second they see your toe poke through the door way.

All in all, the single-player is like a 4 or a 5, while the multiplayer is a 10.

To be honest, this game is probably at its best on the easiest difficulty. I beat the game on regular, and I found some parts really annoying. I detest the whole unlimited infantry thing, and think it is a game breaker. The same thing goes with grenades.


Relix said:
How, in the holy fuck, do I beat the TV Station on veteran. It's impossible to even take cover as when you do there will be four grenades by your side. I loved the SP on Regular, but now on Veteran I am seeing the same problems you guys are seeing. Really.... goddammit, this is even worse than Halo 3 Legendary (no wait, WAY worse).
Here's how I did it...

First, grab the shotgun that's sitting right in front of the entrance. There are two points of interest in the room, first, is the stairway that's diagonally to your right. The “stairway” is really just a small alcove with several doors. That's a major spawn point to the majority of the enemies in the room. Second, is a small room directly on your right along the far wall.

So, now that your have the shotgun, take a right out of the entrance to the room and run until you get to the small room. Again, if you're at the entrance to the room and look right, it's straight ahead along the far wall. Run directly to the room. As soon as you get there, throw a flash grenade and a frag grenade at the stairway spawn point. You won't have a lot time so you'll need to do this quickly. After the frag goes off throw a second flash grenade and run directly at the spawn point so you can take out the remaining guys with your shotgun. Hide in this small hallway to regain health and take out the remaining guys with a rifle. Now that you've taken control of the small hallway, most of the other guys should be much easier to take out.

Hopefully this helps.


Its just reminds me so much of a PS1 game.

Sure the graphics are great, but that's it.

-The Ai Sucks.I've resorted to learning where Price will go once I hit a trigger point, and I'll go in to that corner to push him out in to oncoming fire to she actually fucking does something. That's the only way I can get the AI to do what I want it to, I have to fucking push them and make them slide along the level.

-The Monster closet aspect of the game is absolute shit. I understand that they want me to get from point a to b to trigger an event or checkpoint, but I can't when there's 100 enemies in the room I have to go through, and as soon as I stick my head out, I'll die. Becaus flashbangs RARELY work as well.

-The stupid animation when you get hit.

I really want to just get Veteran done now so all the work I did isn't in vain, but fuck is it ever a chore.
Edwood said:
Yeah, no shit. I can't fucking stand the epilepsy stunning when you get hit even once, making it impossible to shoot anyone, EVEN IF THEY ARE RIGHT FUCKING IN FRONT OF YOU!!!

Man, I'll take all the camping, last stand having, ass grenade martydom bitches online anyday over the fucking retarded ass single player AI. At least in GRAW, I could tell my teammates where to go.

Play on Normal, then everything works great. Why play on Veteran when it's clearly frustrating?


Brakara said:
Not to start a System Warz!!! or anything, but everything you complained about in that paragraph is implemented on the 360 through XBL. So I can understand why IW didn't want to spend a lot of resources to re-implement it from scratch for the PS3 version (nor PC for that matter).

I understand that everything that I'm complaining about in the PS3 version is actually in the 360 version in terms of community features. My point is that every other online game has some degree of emulating those features. Infinity Ward didn't even TRY to include this stuff for the initial release of the PS3 version. Now if the patch they're working on addresses these issues then that's wonderful and the PS3 version will be infinitely more playable in terms of community features. But it still seems like PS3 owners got very slighted by not having so much as basic community features such as MUTING people. Again I love this game and it's a blast to play. But the community features have GOT to be improved.


chespace said:
Still working my way through the game on veteran. Got through All Ghillied Up last night and of course got stuck at the end of the level for a long time. It took a couple hours to finally beat it tonight, and now I'm just about to get to the missile silo area... whatever. The single-player in this game sucks hard. And I mean really sucks.

Shitty AI, awful scriptng, trial and error, linear paths... I mean, if you're going to make this an exercise in rote memorization, at least make it FUCKING FAIR. Indoor CQC is fucking impossible in this game, because these assholes will shoot you in the face the split second they see your toe poke through the door way.

All in all, the single-player is like a 4 or a 5, while the multiplayer is a 10.

Che, you do know every COD game made had has boards lit up with similar comments to yours. Veteran has never been anything different, as the game throws everything at you with no thought about whether you are actually enjoying it or not.

Its not impossible, but it ain't ever going to be easy, and it will try your patience along the way. There was a few times even on regular when nearly threw my controller through my TV.

I played regular if only for my own sanity, and still found it a test. The game is a big fat 10 for me. Bring on COD5 IW......
Is it too hard for a PS3 owner to check the COD4 leaderboards and get an approx. number on those who are playing it on line. Seen it asked many times with no reply. Come on there's not enough system wars in this forum.:D
As of 2 days ago the 360 leaderboard was 950,000 strong.


chespace said:
Still working my way through the game on veteran. Got through All Ghillied Up last night and of course got stuck at the end of the level for a long time. It took a couple hours to finally beat it tonight, and now I'm just about to get to the missile silo area... whatever. The single-player in this game sucks hard. And I mean really sucks.

Shitty AI, awful scriptng, trial and error, linear paths... I mean, if you're going to make this an exercise in rote memorization, at least make it FUCKING FAIR. Indoor CQC is fucking impossible in this game, because these assholes will shoot you in the face the split second they see your toe poke through the door way.

All in all, the single-player is like a 4 or a 5, while the multiplayer is a 10.

Maybe you should play it like how the devs actually meant for you to play it, ie. on Normal? Veteran is the highest difficulty level so why be frustrated when you know it's going to be hard?


he's Virgin Tight™
ElyrionX said:
Maybe you should play it like how the devs actually meant for you to play it, ie. on Normal? Veteran is the highest difficulty level so why be frustrated when you know it's going to be hard?

I thought this same way until I played veteran. Its so frustrating you just want to keep playing :lol

Btw Geoff, I'll try that =)


Crisis said:
My point is that every other online game has some degree of emulating those features.

Every other online game - so games like GRAW 2, R6: Vegas, F.E.A.R. and all the sports games have it? Then that's a problem, since it means all other third-party developers/publishers are implementing those features (in some fashion).
Edwood said:
Yeah, no shit. I can't fucking stand the epilepsy stunning when you get hit even once, making it impossible to shoot anyone, EVEN IF THEY ARE RIGHT FUCKING IN FRONT OF YOU!!!

I couldn't stand that (on any difficulty). Coupled with their urging you to charge enemies to stop the respawn, it seemed ridiculous. Why would you force players to charge, and then make it so fucking hard to kill people in close combat?
I have leveled up to 55 already and not willing to go prestige unless it offers some real benefits. All me and my buddy's play is team deathmatch and recently the game is starting to get a bit stale for us.

What is another gametype that offers variation but is still as fun?

Otherwise I will take a week break and play Halo, Orange Box, Naruto and Mass Effect. :D


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
chespace said:
Still working my way through the game on veteran. Got through All Ghillied Up last night and of course got stuck at the end of the level for a long time. It took a couple hours to finally beat it tonight, and now I'm just about to get to the missile silo area... whatever. The single-player in this game sucks hard. And I mean really sucks.

Shitty AI, awful scriptng, trial and error, linear paths... I mean, if you're going to make this an exercise in rote memorization, at least make it FUCKING FAIR. Indoor CQC is fucking impossible in this game, because these assholes will shoot you in the face the split second they see your toe poke through the door way.

All in all, the single-player is like a 4 or a 5, while the multiplayer is a 10.

I really hate the SP, yep.

People saying "play it on an easier difficulty" are missing the point. The game is unfairly hard on the harder difficulties. It doesn't become hard for the right reasons. It's tough to explain. I dunno, I thought it was pretty damn cheap on normal too, but I think I'm done with scripted shooters.
I would have said it was a 6 or so up until Aftermath, but everything after that came together so nicely that the end verdict would still leave it in 8-9 range. The fact that the finale was as good as it was really helped, as that's just a rare thing these days. Seems like it also helped that I didn't try to play it on harder difficulties.


Just received word from IW that a service side restart scheduled for this evening will be implemented to fix the "multiple characters" MP bug that many people were experiencing. Good to know IW is dedicated to rolling out fixes this quickly.


Let's start a club of people that hate hate COD4 SP. I really can't understand it got so many high scores and praise. Truly the most overrated (SP) game of the year IMHO.

CitizenCope said:
Is it too hard for a PS3 owner to check the COD4 leaderboards and get an approx. number on those who are playing it on line. Seen it asked many times with no reply. Come on there's not enough system wars in this forum.:D
As of 2 days ago the 360 leaderboard was 950,000 strong.

I think it's around 250k or something if you really want to know.


Brakara said:
Every other online game - so games like GRAW 2, R6: Vegas, F.E.A.R. and all the sports games have it? Then that's a problem, since it means all other third-party developers/publishers are implementing those features (in some fashion).

I won't go so far as to say that all of those other games have every single one of those features but I will go so far as to say that those games have MOST of those features. Vegas definitely has muting, recently-played people on the XMB friends list, and even game invites. I haven't played any sports games on the PS3 or FEAR. But I can safely say that COD4 is the most bare-bones release in terms of online community features that I have seen on the console. That's simply not acceptable.
oo Kosma oo said:
Let's start a club of people that hate hate COD4 SP. I really can't understand it got so many high scores and praise. Truly the most overrated (SP) game of the year IMHO.

Did you actually finish it? As said, I was pretty disappointed in it up until Aftermath, but it kind of took a turn for the better after that. And the ending, what a beautiful thing that was.
DaCocoBrova said:
Yeah, Che's Veteran rant is pretty silly IMO.

I'm not overly a fan of the single player but I totally don't understood people who play at Veteran and then complain about the experience. Simply turn down the difficulty. Not that hard imo...


fourzerotwo said:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare™ 1.2 Patch


This is the release of the v1.2 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare™ patch by Infinity Ward.

This patch optimizes the Lean view offset issue, addressing the glitch reported by several community members and documented and sent in directly by community member GaretJax which is commonly referred to as the �Left / Vertical Lean� Glitch, in addition to preparing files for compatibility with the future release of the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare™ Mod Tools. This patch will update all previous versions of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare™ to v1.2


* Download the file below
* Run the installer and make sure its pointed to the installation folder for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare™

File name: CoD4MW-1.2-PatchSetup.exe
File size: 13.80 MB

1.2 Patch


European pre-madonna
HOLY CRAP @ THE STORY! I'm surprised at how much of a jump IW made in terms of storytelling! It really felt like 24 the game!

Price, Griggs, Jackson, Soap, etc!!! all memorable!

RIP Jackson, Griggs, Soap, Price
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