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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Playing Free-For-All last night, and on my last game of the night I was working on my Stun Veteran challenge. I always had my stun grenade at the ready by holding LB to chuck at some unsuspecting insurgent of the day. A couple of times I got shanked in the back, which caused me to drop my stun grenade and stun the assailant.

Which gives me an idea...

What if I set my Perks at (Special Grenades x 3) - (Martyrdom) - (Sonic Boom), and I held my stun grenade at the ready? Would that, if I get shanked in the back again, cause me to drop both the stun and frag grenades, causing the opponent to be stunned, then kaboomed?

This requires science. ACTION SCIENCE.

EDIT: Also, this one time on Oldcore, time was running out and both teams could've easily won. I activated my UAV just in time to see an enemy run over me on the roof and jump down to get a teammate in front of me. A tragedy averted when I whipped out my pistol and shot him in the buttocks in mid flight, winning the game.

EDIT the 2nd: More console games need Halo 3's recording ability; that was so sweet and I can't share it with anybody. Bet they can do this on PC [/envy].
g23 said:
HOLY CRAP @ THE STORY! I'm surprised at how much of a jump IW made in terms of storytelling! It really felt like 24 the game!

Price, Griggs, Jackson, Soap, etc!!! all memorable!

RIP Jackson, Griggs, Soap, Price

Uh, I think you might have missed something about the story there...


hmmm.... ok so i started playing this for the first time tonite.. and I have somewhat mixed reactions..

The game looks mother fricking awesome most of the time... but at the same time.. I can see some things (models, textures) that scream last-gen!

The tanker stage... the sea really annoyed me....

anyways... BUt Good frickin god this game is intense... I was going from one spot to the next litterely shouting "Holy Crap, Holy Crap, Holy Crap!!" So much is goin on in the game.. it is truly intense ... TRULY!!

Well i played two matches... and... hmmm its good.. but I have mixed feelings about that too... but I wont pass judgement until I can play a lot more... Ohh one thing about online.. I have the PS3 version... is there a way to see more detailed statistics? ala Resistance, Halo3 or Warhawk? I love how those games have tonnes and tonnes of stats to go look at.. while in COD4 i couldn't find anything besides basic information.. (I dont have the manual.. as this is a rental)

Anwyays .. the game is pretty awesome so far.. Just a couple small quams that I get hung up on while moving through the game

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
OK good, this is my first time in this thread....

So I'm not the only one seeing this game ruined by the Veteran difficulty? One good thing about the hardest difficulty of a game is, it exposes the design of the game.

A well designed game can be beaten by a good player without TOO much fuss. A poorly designed game is well....Call of Duty 4.

As far as I'm concerned Gears of War is still the benchmark as far as that goes.

On that note, I'll go back to COD4 SP when my rage subsides. Luckily I've got Ratchet, Metroid, Uncharted (on the way), and Guitar Hero 3 (360) on the way.

I'm up to that part at night when you have to search for the main enemy, what's his face. And you need to call the helicopter strikes on the houses to soften them up. How much more pain is there after that..?? fucking achievements, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't even attempt it on Veteran.


Well, I just finished it tonight, and man, take the technical achievement (awesome graphics), the well-designed environments and the story... and just fantastic cinematic elements, and they really deserve a better game.

My complaints are the same old same old, but I'd have loved the game if it didn't seem like there were some sort of Gauntlet-style monster generators just out of your field of view. It would've chopped the playtime in half, but I don't think I'd have a problem with that. As it stands, I'd give it a 3/5 for single player, 5/5 for multi.

It seems very counterintuitive to run headlong into your opponents, but this is yet another game where that seems to be the best strategy (and maybe an essential one?) after you've cleared a room somewhat.

I loved the last bit of gameplay, though... if it was more of that, I'd be happy


For a Finer World
SickBoy said:
It seems very counterintuitive to run headlong into your opponents, but this is yet another game where that seems to be the best strategy (and maybe an essential one?) after you've cleared a room somewhat.
This is definitely the only way to survive Veteran.

If you stop for longer than a few seconds, you'll get your arse grenaded back to kingdom come. It's not fun to see three or four grenade indicators light up the moment you crouch behind a cover.

The thing is, I actually enjoy the frantic pace of Veteran, where you have to try and push ahead, take enemy positions before they respawn etc.

It is not realistic in any way, and it's bloody annoying when you see a new horde respawn just when you though you'd make your move, but it does allow some really intense and exciting moments.


Man I wish my 360 didn't crap out on me. I've been dyin to play this game, almost bought it for ps3 but I couldnt stand to buy the same game twice. argghhh, come back soon 360!!


AltogetherAndrews said:
Good place to get your automatic weapon marksman challenges taken care of though, I'll give it that. But when you get a chopper against you, what the hell are you supposed to do?

No no no, you have to use a Light Machine Gun on Shipment man. And just camp in one of those containers that are open on both sides, so you can cover a lot of terrain. Mayhem guaranteed.


Man, we really should have a separate thread for multiplayer discussion. I keep coming in here wanting to read about the merits of the individual weapons in MP as well as the perks and all that but half the time I'm reading about how people are finding it too hard on Veteran or Hardened.

Anyway, what does everyone think of the M14?

I do like the fact that the gun packs a serious punch and has a great firing sound effect. It certainly is a lot more satisfying to use compared to the similar G3. However, I'm having a lot of problems in close encounters. The recoil is insane and firing from the hip is a lot more inaccurate compared to other assault rifles. I'm going to try it with the Steady Aim perk so we'll see how that turns out.
I've seen a lot of complaints in regards to veteran difficulty but I never had a problem with it until the air plane level after the credits. To be honest I found it far easier then COD2 veteran difficulty. Sure there were a few sections where I died a dozen times to get past but literally only 3.

It took me 2 hours to beat the air plane section though. I had it down to a refined science by the end.


ElyrionX said:
Man, we really should have a separate thread for multiplayer discussion. I keep coming in here wanting to read about the merits of the individual weapons in MP as well as the perks and all that but half the time I'm reading about how people are finding it too hard on Veteran or Hardened.

Anyway, what does everyone think of the M14?

I do like the fact that the gun packs a serious punch and has a great firing sound effect. It certainly is a lot more satisfying to use compared to the similar G3. However, I'm having a lot of problems in close encounters. The recoil is insane and firing from the hip is a lot more inaccurate compared to other assault rifles. I'm going to try it with the Steady Aim perk so we'll see how that turns out.

there is a seperate thread.. there's 1 for Consoles and 1 for PC in the online gaming forum
I'm not sure I understand what the advantage of the Double Tap perk is. So you shoot faster, but what benefit does that have that you don't get from Stopping Power?
AltogetherAndrews said:
I'm not sure I understand what the advantage of the Double Tap perk is. So you shoot faster, but what benefit does that have that you don't get from Stopping Power?

I've never quite understood that perk either and was scared to use it.


So I'm home from college for thanksgiving break, and last night I had a couple of my hometown buddies over to stay the night, playing some GH3 and showed them COD4 on my ps3. Well, I eventually went to sleep, and when I woke up, I found that one of my friends sat up half the night playing online, went through three ranks, and cleared a few expert challenges, even though before I went to sleep, I asked him not to play online cause I bought the game to unlock all that stuff myself, that's half the fun.

Maybe I'm just being a jerk about it, but that kinda ticks me off. Would anyone else be annoyed?
j-wood said:
So I'm home from college for thanksgiving break, and last night I had a couple of my hometown buddies over to stay the night, playing some GH3 and showed them COD4 on my ps3. Well, I eventually went to sleep, and when I woke up, I found that one of my friends sat up half the night playing online, went through three ranks, and cleared a few expert challenges, even though before I went to sleep, I asked him not to play online cause I bought the game to unlock all that stuff myself, that's half the fun.

Maybe I'm just being a jerk about it, but that kinda ticks me off. Would anyone else be annoyed?

Well it's kinda rude if you asked him not to but if he's a friend just let it go. I guess all that stuff is stored server side so there is no way to reset....Unfortunate.

But if he's only played 3 ranks I don't think he has unlocked very much.


Ramirez said:
My K/D rises by about .4 or .5 every time I play, 3.00 here I come! :p

I wish I could say the same - hovering at about 1 to 1 right now. Trying to level up all my different weapons really puts a dent into my stats. I can usually get around 6 or 7 to 1 stats with my M4, reddot or scope, claymores setup but then I try out mini uzis or some like that and get massively owned. Still I like how the game rewards you for switching it up. Big thumbs up to IW!


Stoney Mason said:
Well it's kinda rude if you asked him not to but if he's a friend just let it go. I guess all that stuff is stored server side so there is no way to reset....Unfortunate.

But if he's only played 3 ranks I don't think he has unlocked very much.

Well yeah I'm not PISSED about it lol. It was just kinda annoying.
TheKurgan said:
I wish I could say the same - hovering at about 1 to 1 right now. Trying to level up all my different weapons really puts a dent into my stats. I can usually get around 6 or 7 to 1 stats with my M4, reddot or scope, claymores setup but then I try out mini uzis or some like that and get massively owned. Still I like how the game rewards you for switching it up. Big thumbs up to IW!

Yeah... I'm about to take on the sniper marksman challenge again, should make my k/d ratio suffer a bit but this is something I need to master.


Is it just my 360, or does the disc sound weird in multiplayer? When I play SP, I don't hear it at all, but come MP I hear this clicking sound...


Icy said:
there is a seperate thread.. there's 1 for Consoles and 1 for PC in the online gaming forum
As well someone made a thread about MP being the best of all. I need to update the MP thread, been too busy playing TBH. I have given up on this thread as it degraded long ago and at this point there is no going back.

I have found that in multiplayer, reflexes with pin point accuracy wins out almost always. I find myself getting faster and more accurate the more I play. With Halo, when you come against an opponent you usually need to keep fire for up to 5 seconds or more to kill them depending on the weapon. In CoD4 you can take them down in less than two if you are are fast enough. Outside of just being plain accurate, knowing how your weapon reacts and what perks that best accentuate your play style can really help.

I am not saying I am all that great, but I find at times I can truly dominate most people, or at least compete with similarly skilled opponents. Though it's not just pure reflexes that give you the advantage, no really that just evens the playing field or gives you an edge. What gives you a true advantage is knowing where your opponents are, where they will be, and if you have prior experience with them, how they play. I think if I refine me reflexes more as well as really use my instincts to where people will be, I could have a 20+ kill streak soon. At the moment my best is 16, which for me I think my problem is I get in the thick of action at times a little too deep. Leaving myself open to attacks. I don't like to sit and camp, I like to continually move, but that doesn't mean I should die so much.

One thing I know that propels me above most foes is that I stick with the bare essentials, weapons that you get at LVL 1. I use the M16 almost exclusively with Stopping Power and Steady Aim. I can take on most people at distance and up close. Not always, and I try to adjust to my opponents, but the majority of people I come across I can take with just those. I don't need P90/LMG/Sniper to get a lot of kills, I find those weapons cheap at times. Not because they are "so good" but because they have attributes that let players with less skill excel. I had my fill the first time to 55 with the weapons, now I just use what works.

What do you guys think, are any of you in the higher levels of gameplay where skill matters more?
I do best with the basics too, although I can't say I'm too fond of the M16. I think after a while you just become really familiar with the weapons of choice; firerate, reload time, accuracy, etc.


AltogetherAndrews said:
I do best with the basics too, although I can't say I'm too fond of the M16. I think after a while you just become really familiar with the weapons of choice; firerate, reload time, accuracy, etc.
Good point, you get to a point where all those variables are just natural to you and don't have to think about them.

The M16 I would say is the most versatile of all the guns, that being midrange it is the king and at long range it is still adept, its short comings are in close range but with some practice it can be as good as any other weapon.


I'm having a lot of fun with MP, but there are a few things that are frustrating.

Since anyone can die with just a few shots at the body, every second counts when you engage an opponent. There's been many times when I've gotten the jump on an opponent, fire several rounds (6-10) at him, die, then watch the kill cam show me barely getting off two or three rounds. I realize this is a lag issue inherent in all online games, but in CoD4, it's much more of an issue since you can die so easily.

When you're playing with a good group of people, it's great. But CoD4 seems to have attracted a lot of the racist/420/gangsta/ignorant/whinney/obnoxious crowd. Which sucks, especially, in a game where teamwork and communication is important.


AltogetherAndrews said:
I'm not sure I understand what the advantage of the Double Tap perk is. So you shoot faster, but what benefit does that have that you don't get from Stopping Power?

G3. I guess two bullets > one bullet with stopping power. Remember that the G3 has almost no recoil. But tbh, I haven't actually tried it myself. Just thought of it now that I read your post.
Stantron said:
When you're playing with a good group of people, it's great. But CoD4 seems to have attracted a lot of the racist/420/gangsta/ignorant/whinney/obnoxious crowd. Which sucks, especially, in a game where teamwork and communication is important.

I think COD 4 has a lack of communication problem (as compared to Halo where there seems to be more useful communication even when thrown in when randoms) but the type of players you describe inhabit any of the really popular online games. The more popular something is, the more the asshole quotient seems to rise to the fore.


OK i have to say there are some stuff in campaign "SP" that really shows how this game... really ROCKS...
This my friends is what I call production value.
As a gamer you ought to be proud that games have come to this degree of sophistication. COD4 and SMG show this BIG TIME


j-wood said:
So I'm home from college for thanksgiving break, and last night I had a couple of my hometown buddies over to stay the night, playing some GH3 and showed them COD4 on my ps3. Well, I eventually went to sleep, and when I woke up, I found that one of my friends sat up half the night playing online, went through three ranks, and cleared a few expert challenges, even though before I went to sleep, I asked him not to play online cause I bought the game to unlock all that stuff myself, that's half the fun.

Maybe I'm just being a jerk about it, but that kinda ticks me off. Would anyone else be annoyed?

You should've told him to create his own profile.


OK, so I should have let me general hatred of FPS games rule the day and not have bought this. :lol

Quite frankly, I'm finding the single-player a singulary annoying experience. Once I realized in the TV station that there were an infinite number of enemies available in the "monitor room" and that you were expected to move forward to trigger the ending of the encounter I can no longer "trust" the game and have no idea whether hanging back during an encounter is simply making it go on forever - I find that kind of design exceedingly annoying. If someone likes to hang back they should be allowed to do it. Stupid.

Now I'm at the next encounter, and they're throwing me all of these lovely "tutorial" messages on the screen about my night vision and whatnot, but then I'm supposed to pick up "The Javeline" (which helpfully glows a bright gold color) and go to the second floor and take out some tanks.

What's this? "Lock-On Required"? Well that's very nice. HOW ABOUT TELLING ME HOW TO FREAKING USE THE DAMN WEAPON TO GET A LOCK-ON, WHY STOP ALL THE DAMN TUTORIAL CRAP NOW, PARTICULARLY SINCE THE DAMN MANUAL SUCKS BALLS!! Freaking stupid game, I hate you. I still haven't figured out how to use the damn thing. He just sits there holding it like a moron and it keeps telling me "lock on required". Yeah, this is going real well.

Aside from that, it has all of the qualms I have with "realistic" FPS games. Inability to really tell friend from foe. Overly dark environments so I can't even see if where I'm shooting has anyone standing there. Whatever.


teiresias said:
Aside from that, it has all of the qualms I have with "realistic" FPS games. Inability to really tell friend from foe. Overly dark environments so I can't even see if where I'm shooting has anyone standing there. Whatever.

In addition, I hate getting shot at since bullets are so hard to trace, unlike plasma streaks. :(


teiresias said:
Once I realized in the TV station that there were an infinite number of enemies available in the "monitor room" and that you were expected to move forward to trigger the ending of the encounter I can no longer "trust" the game and have no idea whether hanging back during an encounter is simply making it go on forever

I always beat the TV room by hanging back in the server/video equipment room where you start and killing guys until they stop coming. It doesn't take too long. That or I run around the wall on the right side and camp out in that little room that's in the back.

There's not infinite guys there.


Stantron said:
I'm having a lot of fun with MP, but there are a few things that are frustrating.

Since anyone can die with just a few shots at the body, every second counts when you engage an opponent. There's been many times when I've gotten the jump on an opponent, fire several rounds (6-10) at him, die, then watch the kill cam show me barely getting off two or three rounds. I realize this is a lag issue inherent in all online games, but in CoD4, it's much more of an issue since you can die so easily.

When you're playing with a good group of people, it's great. But CoD4 seems to have attracted a lot of the racist/420/gangsta/ignorant/whinney/obnoxious crowd. Which sucks, especially, in a game where teamwork and communication is important.

Teamwork in CoD4 :lol


Calen said:
I always beat the TV room by hanging back in the server/video equipment room where you start and killing guys until they stop coming. It doesn't take too long. That or I run around the wall on the right side and camp out in that little room that's in the back.

There's not infinite guys there.

If you stay in the back of the big room there certainly seems to be infinite guys. I must have been there a good fifteen minutes one time.

In any case, anyone want to clue me in as to how to actually get the javelin to do anything?
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