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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

first time playing through, the game is set on Veterian difficulty.
Heat part is tough as hell!

End of Heat is a real bitch. The tunnels on the war room level are worse though as you only really have one choice in which way you can go and that way involves getting shot to shit. Im so unbelievably stuck on that level right now its not even fun any more :(


Klaxon said:
Ok, finally bought COD4. Considering I'm not THAT a huge shooter- and COD-noob, on which difficulty should I start?

I'd leave it at the default.

I really don't think it's as hard as people here seem to say.
Klaxon said:
Ok, finally bought COD4. Considering I'm not THAT a huge shooter- and COD-noob, on which difficulty should I start?

I'd go with Normal (or is it called regular?) unless you have masochistic tendencies. Its fun on that difficulty and thats why we play right?


For a Finer World
Tomcat said:
How about the hardened difficulty? I am not going to try veteran thats for sure and normal sounds too easy :(
I guess you'll cry at the broken bits in Hardened too. It seems that Normal is the sane choice.

My problem with Veteran were the shocking difficulty spikes. I enjoyed the tough battles in general and made through a few of the levels with just few deaths. But the TV station broadcast room, Ferris wheel, Heat's ending and the tunnels in War Room were pain, plain and simple.

Congrats to all the masochists who got Mile High. It's an absurd level :)


Unconfirmed Member
Beat it on vet last night... really do wish that I had gone through on normal first. That said, I would have never gone through on vet after beating it. Great game, outside of the handful of insanely difficult parts mentioned by everyone.

I haven't beat Mile High yet, but the level is still pretty fun for me, so I'll persevere.


This lag is really, really starting to piss me off. They need dedicated servers. I have to spray half a clip of p90 ammo into a guy's back with bandolier on, but they kill me with one squirt of m16 bullets. It's making me unable to get more than one kill at a time, because by the time I kill one guy, the other already shoots me.

Bunch of garbage. I crept behind a camping sniper, sprayed a P90 into his back, but somehow he got up and ran off.
Doesn't bandolier increase your max ammo, not your ammo per clip?

In any case, of course an M16 is going to kill you in one burst.

The game has been close to lag free for me.
Hey guys I want to pick this up but Im affraid I will get completely wrecked online. I read that there is matchmaking. Does this mean I will get grouped with a bunch of other rookies. Honestly how easy is it for some one get online and atleast have a competent game.


I may need to wire my connection. It may be the wireless. Yeah, an M16 will kill you in one burst, but when I have a p90, going face to face with a guy with a pistol and that guy somehow kills me, I can tell it's not me. I haven't won a 'face to face' encounter in the last match I had. The only way I could get kills was sneaking behind someone and spraying them, but still, somehow they can turn around and kill me at times.


I really hated the SP. Then I realized I was playing it all wrong, switched to Easy and now I'm loving the movie like experience. Just run and gun.

IcebergSlim3000 said:
Hey guys I want to pick this up but Im affraid I will get completely wrecked online. I read that there is matchmaking. Does this mean I will get grouped with a bunch of other rookies. Honestly how easy is it for some one get online and atleast have a competent game.

There are all kinds of people playing online, chances are you will get butchered in the beginning.


my experience has always been lag free.

Now, I must admit that i think that playing games over wifi is kinda silly. there's so many things that can c ause lag that eliminating the biggest culprit in YOUR control seems worth it to avoid getting beat every time :)


i suffer some bad lag issues mostly during the day when the host is someone speaking strange languages. M16 with stopping power should kill someone with one burst. but i just cant kill anyone that moves with 4~5 bursts, no matter how close he is. at the same time i always got one-shot killed.


That's the problem with auto matchmaking, you can't pick a game that's close to you yourself.
Dedicated servers would help too.

Yada yada yada etc. etc. No one is listening to this anyway because it would cost too much $$$ to have them. I mean instead of 2 Porsches some guys would only have 1 if this happened.


lunlunqq said:
i suffer some bad lag issues mostly during the day when the host is someone speaking strange languages. M16 with stopping power should kill someone with one burst. but i just cant kill anyone that moves with 4~5 bursts, no matter how close he is. at the same time i always got one-shot killed.

This is the EXACT same experience I've been having. It takes 4 m16 bursts to kill the enemy, or half a clip of P90 ammo. On the other hand, they take me down with a couple of shots. The difference between a lag game and one where I'm host is tremendous. Removing the wireless helped a bit for some games, but other games, I still experienced it.

I hate having to complain, but the lag ruined several games for me. Also, how do I get the patch that fixes the 'clan name' and the custom class name disappearing. It's agitating watching it vanish every time I play a game. Ps3 version here. If the patch had been released, it certainly didn't get downloaded to my machine.

Great game overall. The online is so good, I've been playing hours a day and still not getting bored at all.
My brother says he doesnt want to play this game cause it might bring back bad memories of being in fallujah. I think its because he's to busy having alien sex in ME. Although Im sure its true. I showed him a screen shot of the game and he knew what gun the player was using just based on the type of barrel it had. So theres definitely no questioning this games authenticity.

oo Kosma oo said:
There are all kinds of people playing online, chances are you will get butchered in the beginning.

Aww fuck. Well I guess you have to crawl before you walk.


IcebergSlim3000 said:
My brother says he doesnt want to play this game cause it might bring back bad memories of being in fallujah. I think its because he's to busy having alien sex in ME. Although Im sure its true. I showed him a screen shot of the game and he knew what gun the player was using just based on the type of barrel it had. So theres definitely no questioning this game

Aww fuck. Well I guess you have to crawl before you walk.

A hint: Do NOT play for kill/death ratio at the beginning. Play to learn the ins and outs of the game. A lot of people will play extra cautious to preserve their K/D ratio when they first start playing. Your primary goal is to LEARN, and then a high K/D ratio will follow naturally. Dying a lot at first is natural, so don't let it get you down... especially when only a few shots will bring you down.


kevm3 said:
A hint: Do NOT play for kill/death ratio at the beginning. Play to learn the ins and outs of the game. A lot of people will play extra cautious to preserve their K/D ratio when they first start playing. Your primary goal is to LEARN, and then a high K/D ratio will follow naturally. Dying a lot at first is natural, so don't let it get you down... especially when only a few shots will bring you down.

That's what we should tell all noobs to keep our K/D ratio high ;)

I kid I kid, don't worry about your K/D for the first couple hundred kills, just get used to the game and the maps.


I wish they would remove the countdown map... I hate that map lol. Exactly, worrying about your K/D ratio early on will get the guy too frustrated to play.

This has to be the best game I've ever played... Phew, that last match was crazy. There's nothing like a highly competitive round, where you barely win by 30 pionts, due to you catching a group of the enemy standing in the open. I love this game


For as good of a game as COD4 is you think IW would have had the sense or ability to make sure the lobby system was such a huge piece of fucking shit. Great job on the party system where its 8 lvl 50's against a bunch of single and low digit people. Also grats on having the game quit out if the host leaves..thought this was modern warfare not early 1990's...

Prob isn't a big of a deal on 360, but on ps3 you have to wait 5-7 minutes for a game. Don't half ass an important part of the game next time please.

edit: also was wondering if there is a lot of "lag" in this game. 90% of the time when i get killed on my tv I don't see the enemy shooting till I have put a half clip into him. Go to the replay cam and the dude gets off 4 shots before I even start firing. Is it something with the animations... Haven't had this problem with another game.


Halvie said:
For as good of a game as COD4 is you think IW would have had the sense or ability to make sure the lobby system was such a huge piece of fucking shit. Great job on the party system where its 8 lvl 50's against a bunch of single and low digit people. Also grats on having the game quit out if the host leaves..thought this was modern warfare not early 1990's...

Prob isn't a big of a deal on 360, but on ps3 you have to wait 5-7 minutes for a game. Don't half ass an important part of the game next time please.

edit: also was wondering if there is a lot of "lag" in this game. 90% of the time when i get killed on my tv I don't see the enemy shooting till I have put a half clip into him. Go to the replay cam and the dude gets off 4 shots before I even start firing. Is it something with the animations... Haven't had this problem with another game.

Weird, never had to wait 5-7 minutes, 1-2 at best and very rarely ( its usually 30sec - 1min )


My initial suspicion about the achievementless-multiplayer wore off pretty soon when I found out collecting exp for equipment was actually quite fun and rewarding. Kinda forces you to learn how to use different weapons in different maps. Red dot sight for teh win!

I'm kinda tempted to pay for 3 month Live membership after this free weekend, but I guess I won't since I'm yet to play Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect and Super Mario Galaxy sitting idly on the shelf :p


Halvie said:
For as good of a game as COD4 is you think IW would have had the sense or ability to make sure the lobby system was such a huge piece of fucking shit. Great job on the party system where its 8 lvl 50's against a bunch of single and low digit people. Also grats on having the game quit out if the host leaves..thought this was modern warfare not early 1990's...

Prob isn't a big of a deal on 360, but on ps3 you have to wait 5-7 minutes for a game. Don't half ass an important part of the game next time please.

edit: also was wondering if there is a lot of "lag" in this game. 90% of the time when i get killed on my tv I don't see the enemy shooting till I have put a half clip into him. Go to the replay cam and the dude gets off 4 shots before I even start firing. Is it something with the animations... Haven't had this problem with another game.

5-7 Minutes!!! Dude, check your settings, somethings up!

I'm usually in a lobby ready for a game by a minute or so...
Halvie said:
For as good of a game as COD4 is you think IW would have had the sense or ability to make sure the lobby system was such a huge piece of fucking shit. Great job on the party system where its 8 lvl 50's against a bunch of single and low digit people. Also grats on having the game quit out if the host leaves..thought this was modern warfare not early 1990's...

Prob isn't a big of a deal on 360, but on ps3 you have to wait 5-7 minutes for a game. Don't half ass an important part of the game next time please.


1. Party system is a bit borked, but not for the reason you mentioned. The game uses a "TrueSkill" to match players; regardless of rank. I do wish they showed you what your TrueSkill was, though.

2. As for the host dropping, there is a patch coming that will add host migration to address that very issue. Despite what you think, very few P2P MP games on consoles even have it. Halo is the only one I can think of that does.

3. 5-7 minutes to find a game? What gametype are you trying to play?

4. Yeah, I skip the killcam every time, unless it's to find where the lame camper was. Otherwise, I'd just be frustrated.


blindrocket said:
I don't have to wait 5-7 minutes to get into a game... I'd say less than a minute. :\

Always 5 minutes AT LEAST for me. It's so bad that I've stopped playing MP until this gets fixed.
oo Kosma oo said:
Always 5 minutes AT LEAST for me. It's so bad that I've stopped playing MP until this gets fixed.

What version? If I'm playing by myself, it takes less than 5 seconds to find a game.

Edit: Yeah, sounds like the PS3 version is a bit borked when it comes to finding games.


Vyse The Legend said:
What version? If I'm playing by myself, it takes less than 5 seconds to find a game.


It's horrible. Then when after the first match the host disconnects I just want to cry.
Seems to depend on the gametype for me. Sabotage and Domination takes no time, but it can take a long time to get into a TDM game. Still, wish there was server browsing and of course, you know, servers to browse.
I was just playing a few minutes ago (PS3) and it would search for literally just a few seconds and BAM I'd be in a game. I've never had to wait longer than a minute and I've put over 20 hours into MP. Suck for you guys though.
I'm almost always playing Team Hardcore, but even in the other types early on I didn't have a problem.


I'm having that problem also, where it takes forever to find a game. It's definitely terrible when the host leaves and you have to wait another 5 minutes to find a game. The core gameplay is nearly perfect, but there are several issues that need to be ironed out from a technical perspective. This game needs a lobby system akin to resistance, such as being able to message people and to add them to your buddy list. Also, the lag issue is terrible at times. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who experienced it. Having a lag game and a lag free game can be the difference between going 7 kills and 9 deaths and 14 kills and 4 deaths.


The long waiting times issue will be fixed a bit when host switching patch comes, you'll only have to wait to get into a game once, after that it will be smooth sailing.


360 version here, hard wired (Only way to play online IMO).

Just for the record...No more than one minute to start a match for me (Getting match quality etc). Intermission is 30 seconds obviously. If anything it can be longer only because a host can drop once in a while but otherwise getting a match going is smooth as hell and even faster than Halo 3.

As the above poster said, something definitely wonky with PS3's matching if its taking 5-7 minutes!?

Halvie said:
edit: also was wondering if there is a lot of "lag" in this game. 90% of the time when i get killed on my tv I don't see the enemy shooting till I have put a half clip into him. Go to the replay cam and the dude gets off 4 shots before I even start firing. Is it something with the animations... Haven't had this problem with another game.

This is my fucking PET PEEVE of this game.. I thought Halo 3 pissed me off.
Ok what the fuck. I decided to check the online out and they me put in rooms with people ranked 25+ while Im just a level 2 private. Whats the purpose of Matchmaking If cant play with people even near my rank. Fuck this back to the single player for me.


Ice do you have it on 360 or ps3? I am only rank 29 and I am usually first or second on my team beating out lvl 40's and 50's. I don't know if ps3 people just aren't use to fps games or what, but you shouldn't have that hard of a time with that lvl difference. Only annoying when its drastically uneven teams(where the majority of your team is 4 and 20). Plus I am not sure but I would assume you would xp faster on higher lvl people....maybe

edit: Thought I would add, I was just super pissed when I posted before. I waited literally 20 minutes to find a game. Got into a domination game on that map the size of a cubical against a team of all 45 and up and on my team I had myself (28) and everyone else was 9 or lower. They had a chopper up the whole game and I finished 28 and 50 lol. Was holding back sailing the controller into the wall. But I do like the game a lot.


Gold Member
One thing that ruins MP in this game is the haphazard spawning that's a holdover of the earlier games. Outside of search and destroy it's almost impossible to tell which direction is the enemy front line, especially if you play on Team Hardcore DM almost all the time like I do.

The majority of the game is about getting the drop on someone first when they can't see you, and there's very little a player can do if he ever stumbles into a face to face contact with multiple enemies.

In other instances, spawning right in the middle of a firefight or enemy camp is an instant death. I once waited 12 seconds to spawn, took a step and was killed only to wait another 12 seconds. Silo is such a bad map for this and it seems that people love to veto this map, possibly for this reason.

Grenades are also incredibly difficult to see. On normal you get an indicator which amounts to telling you to leave the immediate area, on Hardcore you have to rely on your ears and that's nigh impossible if there are airstrikes, helicopters or loud noises to cover it up. Most of the time it's my own teams Martyrdom perk that kills me (not many people seem to learn to take it off for Hardcore) since they'll be standing near me and the gunfire tends to cover up the clink as it hits the floor.

There's not a lot of strategic depth to be had in TDM games where there is no front line. It always means that there will be someone spawning right near you if not on top of you.


IcebergSlim3000 said:
Ok what the fuck. I decided to check the online out and they me put in rooms with people ranked 25+ while Im just a level 2 private. Whats the purpose of Matchmaking If cant play with people even near my rank. Fuck this back to the single player for me.
Couple of things here.

1. There are a heck of a lot more rank 20+ players than people new to the game.
2. Rank != skill. Rank increase is, with sustained play, inevitable. The game uses your (invisible)TrueSkill score (http://research.microsoft.com/mlp/apg/trueskill.aspx) to find opponents of your skill level, which I find that it does pretty well — I'm currently level 34, regularly get matched with players that are level 50+, but very rarely feel dominated.
Okay just for this thread I decided to time how long it took me to join a game tonight. PS3 version.
I clicked "Team Hardcore" and looked at my watch... FIVE SECONDS is all it took before I was in a game. And that's usually how fast it is before I am in a game, I'd say never longer than ten or fifteen seconds but I don't really time it because it's always so fast.
This leads me to a couple of possible conclusions... one being that Team Hardcore is so popular it doesn't have to look long at all to put me in a game. Or two, whatever modes you guys are clicking on are very much more popular and it takes the matchmaking software so much longer to scan all of the servers for the most suitable match based on skill.
Just my theories though.


Keio said:
Completed the game on Veteran last night - the run to evac on Heat and the tunnels in No Fighting in the War Room were really close to making me quit, but I persisted.

Good storytelling via interactive elements (although I'd never watch a movie with a narrative as wonky as this), but the basic gameplay has some serious issues.

Mile High Club does - as someone already said - highlight all the problems of Harneded/Veteran Mode. After a couple of tries I decided I will not waste my time struggling for that achievement - I switched to the normal difficulty and breezed through.

Finished the game on hardened today on my PS3. I guess I'm ok with the in-game narrative but on the other hand the player doesn't get a good sense of the kind of character he's playing as, which is why I thought HALO 3 did a good job having some cutscenes devoted to seeing Master Chief from a third person perspective, in COD4 I was more attached to Gaz and especially Captain Price, I didn't really know who Soap really was.

Didn't like the mission after the credits, I don't know why they put it there, the ending was fine the way it was. Kind of bitter and sad though, it really didn't "feel good", the way that a game really should feel in terms of just having this glorious payoff after slaving through the game and especially the ending sequences.

The way the single player campaign continues to throw enemies at the player but forces the player to be physically past a certain invisible border is kind of cheap.


Gold Member
Kittonwy said:
Finished the game on hardened today on my PS3. I guess I'm ok with the in-game narrative but on the other hand the player doesn't get a good sense of the kind of character he's playing as, which is why I thought HALO 3 did a good job having some cutscenes devoted to seeing Master Chief from a third person perspective, in COD4 I was more attached to Gaz and especially Captain Price, I didn't really know who Soap really was.

Didn't like the mission after the credits, I don't know why they put it there, the ending was fine the way it was. Kind of bitter and sad though, it really didn't "feel good", the way that a game really should feel in terms of just having this glorious payoff after slaving through the game and especially the ending sequences.

The way the single player campaign continues to throw enemies at the player but forces the player to be physically past a certain invisible border is kind of cheap.
I feel the same about the ending, they should have just let end where it did I thought that was a great ending.....then you get another one which was lame in comparison.


played some SP on my friends copy of CoD4, got to about... Mission 4 I think? where you
Protect the tank "Warpig"

I wasn't thrilled by the campaign. The graphics are great, but are these 5-8 minute firefights where you sit in one area and fight off 50 million enemies often? I got sick of it really quick.
zenbot said:
Couple of things here.

1. There are a heck of a lot more rank 20+ players than people new to the game.
2. Rank != skill. Rank increase is, with sustained play, inevitable. The game uses your (invisible)TrueSkill score (http://research.microsoft.com/mlp/apg/trueskill.aspx) to find opponents of your skill level, which I find that it does pretty well — I'm currently level 34, regularly get matched with players that are level 50+, but very rarely feel dominated.

So basically the game recognizes that Im such an awesome player that it feels neccesary to group me with other players equal to my to l33tness. Yea thats how I will look at it. My 360 is doing me a favor then. I'm really just venting first play frustrations. Its not a biggy. In the few games I played I didnt come in first but I also didnt come in last so it does seem about right.
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