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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

Eric WK

Oh God. About an hour ago I broke my single game kill record by racking up 113 kills. Just now I broke it again with 128, fourty to fifty of which came in the final two and a half minutes. The game couldn't register how fast I was getting kills or something and it kept giving me airstrikes followed by choppers. I couldn't use them because I had a chopper out, but it was weird.


Console Market Analyst
Eric WK said:
Oh God. About an hour ago I broke my single game kill record by racking up 113 kills. Just now I broke it again with 128, fourty to fifty of which came in the final two and a half minutes. The game couldn't register how fast I was getting kills or something and it kept giving me airstrikes followed by choppers. I couldn't use them because I had a chopper out, but it was weird.

Headquarters mode, by chance?


Comics, serious business!
zenbot said:
I hate to say it but I think assault rifles need a nerf. They are about 90% as good as a sniper rifle at range, but the sniper rifles are beyond hopeless at short to mid range combat, where the assault rifles hold their ground really well.

I agree. Well, I agree that either the assault rifles need to be toned down or the sniper rifles beefed up. Again, this problem was seen in R6: Vegas, but was ultimately fixed.

You're really unstoppable with M16 + deep impact + stopping power.
RSTEIN said:
You're really unstoppable with M16 + deep impact + stopping power.

Lead my friends list with a well over 2/1 kill death ratio. They go on with their sniper rifles and light machine guns. I am at home with exactly what you posted above.:D


RSTEIN said:
I agree. Well, I agree that either the assault rifles need to be toned down or the sniper rifles beefed up. Again, this problem was seen in R6: Vegas, but was ultimately fixed.

You're really unstoppable with M16 + deep impact + stopping power.

deep impact needs a bit of nerfing as well, the trajectory of the bullets continue on in a straight line regardless of what it passes through. Auto aim lock on needs to go (I've said this in the beta as well)

What's up with Hardcore mode too? I thought that perks would have been disabled. Guess I thought wrong.

Also there is a glitch with the UAV. Don't have a UAV jammer and you're camping? No problem, just jump around in place, it looks stupid but it works.


Treo360 said:
Also there is a glitch with the UAV. Don't have a UAV jammer and you're camping? No problem, just jump around in place, it looks stupid but it works.

Really? I didn't know this yet. Thanks :)


Seriously, am I the only one experiencing these problems? It takes at least 5 minutes for me to find a team deathmatch, and a lot of times it never finds one... and every single game I've been playing recently has been filled with so much lag that the game is unplayable. It takes half a clip to kill somebody with an AK and stopping power, even at medium range... and the guy can often turn around and kill me. On the other hand, they hit me with 2 bullets and I'm dead. I walk around the corner and start shooting at a guy who doesn't even see me, and then he turns around and kills me. When I look at the killcam, it doesn't even show me shooting. Or when I look at the killcam, it shows me shooting above the guy, at his previous position, when in the game, I'm aiming directly at him.

I have to shoot aheaed of the person for the bullet to connect, and I have to shoot way before the other guy to even have a chance. This happens OVER AND OVER. I've not won a SINGLE face to face encounter. THe only way I can kill somebody is by coming up behind them, and even then they can turn around and kill me. This has made me unable to go more than 1/1 and is absolutely KILLING my k/d ratio.

\I've tried wiring my connection and I get the exact same problem. Playing with someone else as the host and me as the host is a COMPLETELY different experience. Why am I lagging so much? Anyone know how to fix this? I hate complaining about this over and over, but it's getting unbelievably frustrating. The game is seriously unplayable.


Treo360 said:
Also there is a glitch with the UAV. Don't have a UAV jammer and you're camping? No problem, just jump around in place, it looks stupid but it works.
If true, that shit needs to be patched with the quickness. I've heard of other glitches where people get multiple airstrikes and/or UAVs if they die with heli support, then .... hey look a turtle.


kevm3 said:
Seriously, am I the only one experiencing these problems? It takes at least 5 minutes for me to find a team deathmatch, and a lot of times it never finds one... and every single game I've been playing recently has been filled with so much lag that the game is unplayable. It takes half a clip to kill somebody with an AK and stopping power, even at medium range... and the guy can often turn around and kill me. On the other hand, they hit me with 2 bullets and I'm dead. I walk around the corner and start shooting at a guy who doesn't even see me, and then he turns around and kills me. When I look at the killcam, it doesn't even show me shooting. Or when I look at the killcam, it shows me shooting above the guy, at his previous position, when in the game, I'm aiming directly at him. I have to shoot aheaed of the person for the bullet to connect, and I have to shoot way before the other guy to even have a chance. This happens OVER AND OVER. I've not won a SINGLE face to face encounter. THe only way I can kill somebody is by coming up behind them, and even then they can turn around and kill me. This has made me unable to go more than 1/1 and is absolutely KILLING my k/d ratio. I've tried wiring my connection and I get the exact same problem. Playing with someone else as the host and me as the host is a COMPLETELY different experience. Why am I lagging so much? Anyone know how to fix this? I hate complaining about this over and over, but it's getting unbelievably frustrating. The game is seriously unplayable.

Break that up! :p

I read it though and I feel yah. I had the same issue earlier today. I kept coming up on this one sniper, and just as I was unloading on him (p90) on full auto I could see I was registering a great amount of hits as indicated both visually and audibly, he just casually turned around and gave me two shots of his pistol. Shot me dead. Kill cam confirmed I was hitting him, but for some reason he didn't die.

I usually check the connection of others to see what their connection status is. I've found that even on a 3 level connection (3 green bars) you'll have lag issues bordering on insane.

I hate playing during the early afternoon. Not only can't I understand what the hell people are saying, but lag is a big issue. Wished there was a way to choose a region, or for that matter see what the room is before joining ala Rainbow 6.

Stantron said:
If true, that shit needs to be patched with the quickness. I've heard of other glitches where people get multiple airstrikes and/or UAVs if they die with heli support, then .... hey look a turtle.

I did that earlier today:lol I would die come back call in the airstrike, get helo, die, rinse and repeat, but to be honest I did shoot a couple of people here and there too!


Treo360 said:
Break that up! :p

I read it though and I feel yah. I had the same issue earlier today. I kept coming up on this one sniper, and just as I was unloading on him (p90) on full auto I could see I was registering a great amount of hits as indicated both visually and audibly, he just casually turned around and gave me two shots of his pistol. Shot me dead. Kill cam confirmed I was hitting him, but for some reason he didn't die.

I usually check the connection of others to see what their connection status is. I've found that even on a 3 level connection (3 green bars) you'll have lag issues bordering on insane.

I hate playing during the early afternoon. Not only can't I understand what the hell people are saying, but lag is a big issue. Wished there was a way to choose a region, or for that matter see what the room is before joining ala Rainbow 6.

I did that earlier today:lol I would die come back call in the airstrike, get helo, die, rinse and repeat, but to be honest I did shoot a couple of people here and there too!

Glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing this problem. I checked out the Infinity Ward forums and Gamefaqs forum and noticed quite a few other people having the exact same problem. Hopefully this is resolved soon via a patch and I can get back to having regular matches again. When the game first came out, everything was fine. I guess as more and more people got the game, servers started to overload or some such issue.


Comics, serious business!
CitizenCope said:
Lead my friends list with a well over 2/1 kill death ratio. They go on with their sniper rifles and light machine guns. I am at home with exactly what you posted above.:D

Yup, me too. I'm literally unstoppable - and it feels great :D I go like 23-11 every match. It's so awesome :lol

Treo360 said:
deep impact needs a bit of nerfing as well, the trajectory of the bullets continue on in a straight line regardless of what it passes through. Auto aim lock on needs to go (I've said this in the beta as well)

Yes, or, make the snipers a bit more powerful. I agree tho - clearly there is an imbalance somewhere, whether it's assault rifles being too accurate, perks too powerful, or snipers not powerful enough. There is very little incentive for a gamer to try out different weapons (except in Vacant or maybe Bloc where you're close quarters). The assault rifles (specifically M16) are just too powerful, too accurate and too versatile to pass over.

Not to bring up R6:V again, but the game had the same issues at the beginning. The sniper rifles wouldn't kill someone standing 100m away and the assualt rifles didn't have enough kick back.
You're a fucking animal, Eric. I haven't played in a while because I felt like actually playing other games. I have started SP, though. Pretty awesome, if a bit ridiculous. (I'm playing on Veteran because I'm a masochist)


Treo360 said:
Also there is a glitch with the UAV. Don't have a UAV jammer and you're camping? No problem, just jump around in place, it looks stupid but it works.
Seriously? Have you seen this yourself, and/or would you be able to describe a repro in PM? It's not a known issue here at the office.


I want to punch whoever proposed Tardyrdom, then I want to punch the guy that implemented it, then I want to punch everyone that approved it


I do so much better with the MP5 than with just about any other gun :lol

I'm trying to learn the G3 now though, it's pretty good, but I'm pretty helpless in close quarters.


Rayme said:
Seriously? Have you seen this yourself, and/or would you be able to describe a repro in PM? It's not a known issue here at the office.

The UAV part? Yeah I've seen it. I was playing with some Brits, a game of sabotage. We had the indoor spawn in Vacant. The enemy called in a UAV and lo and behold he started jumping up and down like crazy. I laughed and asked what the hell he was doing, he replied you'll see. So I hid near the Dock side entrance, I believe he was on the opposite side (near the windows) enemy ran in and made a bee line towards me bypassing him. I dispatched them, and moved to another location, same thing happened again. This time I was overwhelmed and I was dispatched, he brought up the rear and killed the bomb carrier as he was planting the explosive.

I then tried this on my own in the missile silo map (name escapes me at this time) we were being overrun in our spawn/bomb location I started jumping like a madman to see if it worked, now here's the part where anecdotal information kicks in, the enemy kept running past me where I was able to get easy kills (enemy UAV was on) it could've been the fact that they were running in hastily, but I swear that they ran by me concerned with the other teammates near me, behind the other crate. the minute I moved out was when I was spotted and killed, I killed 5 in a row this way.

This was also observed by another teammate of mine who played on another occasion.

Not to mention the bunny hop into Prone in mid-air (I didn't see this however my buddy did)

All the games I play (well 98%) are on Sabotage.

EekTheKat said:
I do so much better with the MP5 than with just about any other gun :lol

I'm trying to learn the G3 now though, it's pretty good, but I'm pretty helpless in close quarters.

Stick with it. It's very accurate even when firing from the hip.
Is it just me or do assault rifles all look the same?

Add the red dot sight to the G3, m16, m41, the AK and they would all look the same when you pick them up.


Treo360 said:
The UAV part? Yeah I've seen it.
Alrighty, thanks. This probably isn't happening, but it's going to be double-checked just in case.

This has the strong scent of old-wives-tale, though. =)


Rayme said:
Alrighty, thanks. This probably isn't happening, but it's going to be double-checked just in case.

This has the strong scent of old-wives-tale, though. =)

Hey I hear yah, had I not seen it for myself :p I don't have the patience to sit in one place for too long to try it save for that one time. My friend has been trying to break the game for a while. I'll PM you his gamertag he'll provide you with the info.

Rayme I sent you the PM with his gamertag.
I'm up to Level 49 now. I've been using a lot of different guns lately. I had mainly stuck to the M4 and G36C and Sniper Rifles. But lately I've been using the M14, MP5, SAW, AK, C4, the noob toob, tons of stuff. I'm getting some extra variety in and it's making it even more enjoyable now that I'm not grinding the same couple weapons. And I just unlocked the .50 cal. Woot.
c4 is still the funnest thing in the game for me

getting a kill with a gun doesn't feel satisfying to me anymore because there's little aiming required, but taking down an entire team with c4 is RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME
You can mid-air prone? The original CoD had that too until they patched it.

I played a lot of great games online tonight. I seemed to always miss the invites from GAF members, sorry about that guys. :\

I seem to have found a bug, maybe. I got three kills and called in a UAV, and then got four more and it let me call in a helo. I thought that it reset your counter for those special call-ins after you used one?

And I think that S&D and TD should be separated in Team Hardcore. It seems that there are two groups of people that always want to play one or the other. I happen to fall into the S&D group. I'd play other objective gametypes besides S&D if they were in hardcore mode though.


blindrocket said:
And I think that S&D and TD should be separated in Team Hardcore. It seems that there are two groups of people that always want to play one or the other. I happen to fall into the S&D group. I'd play other objective gametypes besides S&D if they were in hardcore mode though.

Definitely agree. I'd much rather play S&D on hardcore rather than team deathmatch. Team Deathmatch on Hardcore is kind of boring. S&D is probably my favorite gametype.


blindrocket said:
I guess "saving up" all of those kills to call in a Helo was rather foolish of me. I could have called in UAVs and Bombs all this time now! :lol
Haha, yep! Five kills should be an automatic helo: if you can't kill two people with your airstrikes you're not trying hard enough! :lol


the MP of this game...is.....so....addictive

I haven't touched H3 or Gears since I rented it, definetly I'm going to buy it

btw I'm impressed by the net perfomance, does it run in dedicated servers I{m not even in USA and I've never experienced lag not even when there are 18 players, the other thing I love is the way this game handles the matchmaking is so simple but at the same time so clever it helps a lot to build a great community


I just started playing this yesterday and wow the single player is muuuuuch muuuuuuuch better than the demo would have me believe.

Still though, I think COD1 is the most epic.

COD1 > COD:UO > COD4 >>>> COD2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> COD3
Can someone point me to some wallpapers. I'm specifically looking for either the cover art or the title screen in high res, preferably without the COD title.


Guys, I just finished the 2nd Chernobyl mission on normal after about 12 tries (I pretty much suck) and yeah, the familiar CoD gripes are still abound.

But fucked if I care, all I cared about
was picking up the fat fuck, and making sure he didnt die while I sniped the fuck out of anyone stupid enough to get close to me.

Those last five minutes while you're waiting for the chopper get fucking intense!

Oh, and I never, ever give a shit about videogame cinematics or storylines, but the ending to chapter one really hit a chord with me. So much that I had to actually stop playing and chill out.

It was almost heartbreaking in a sense, I don't know why, it just kind of brought home the realities of what actually happens outside of suburbia Vancouver.

Oh well, I've not completed a game in 3 or 4 years...perhaps CoD 4 is the one for me...I'm halfway through, and I might just finish!


Google said:

Any Brits enjoying being Dan from Eastender's squaddie?
Yeah, I noticed the name in the credits. I did double check IMDB to make sure it wasn't one of the Right Said Fred brothers, because that would have been... wrong.


I had three of my best games ever today. In the first game I was 36-0 in Domination (Strike) using mainly the AK-47 and few other assault rifles that I picked up along the way, in the second round of Domination (Shipment) I was 104-29, and the third round in Sabotage (Downpour) I was 56-4.

I love this game. :D


It's probably already been discussed ad nausem, but Veteran game play falls to shit any many places. The TV stations is a good example. The grenades landing everywhere around you is totally ridiculous. Even with surround sound all of the clatter and clanks of bullets whizzing by you means there's little chance of finding the grenade before being blown up.

The way the enemy flanks you is fine, but they bumrush you with no regard for common sense or their life as it were. Anyway, just had to unload about some of the shitty features. My impression of the game is otherwise excellent.


the Chernobyl mission is the best one so far, it goes to the top of my overall list between Silent carthographer and Ravenholm
so unexpected because every single SAS mission are bad compared to the marines ones


HokieJoe said:
It's probably already been discussed ad nausem, but Veteran game play falls to shit any many places. The TV stations is a good example. The grenades landing everywhere around you is totally ridiculous. Even with surround sound all of the clatter and clanks of bullets whizzing by you means there's little chance of finding the grenade before being blown up.

The way the enemy flanks you is fine, but they bumrush you with no regard for common sense or their life as it were. Anyway, just had to unload about some of the shitty features. My impression of the game is otherwise excellent.

I can't imagine how veteran is, I choose hardened because I play a lot of FPS but sometimes I wish to go back to the previous difficult level


Just beat it and this easily surpasses COD2.
Best parts of the game for me:

- Crew Expendable (Tanker)
- The Coup (Car)

Act I
- Charlie Don't Surf (Initial landing)
- Death from Above (AC130)
- Shock & Awe (Chopper)
- Aftermath (Nuke)

Act II
- All Ghillied Up (Chernobyl 1, best in the game)
- One Shot, One Kill (Chernobyl 2, best in the game)

- All in (ICBM)
- No Fighting In The War Room (Control Room)

- Mile High Club (Airplane)


Hey Rayme thanks for checking that out for me. I tried it out anyway, got shot in the balls as I hopped in place. Now about them sticky corners . . .


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Can someone explain the ending to me? Specifically the
epilogue? Did everyone live after all, or was it just taking place in the past? Was there any real point to it, or was it just a fun little punctuation mark on an awesome game?
GDJustin said:
Can someone explain the ending to me? Specifically the
epilogue? Did everyone live after all, or was it just taking place in the past? Was there any real point to it, or was it just a fun little punctuation mark on an awesome game?

They're all dead except for Soap. Vasquez got nuked, Jackson got nuked, Gaz got shot in the head, Griggs got shot in the head, and Price didn't make it (Soldier giving him CPR gives up and smashes the ground, signifying that he lost him). That pic at the end was just something extra. Vasquez, Griggs, Price and Gaz probably never met to take a picture because the Joint Op was AFTER the nuke, and Vasquez was dead. If it was only Griggs, Price, and Gaz they probably took it before they went in.

Mile High Club I think was just tribute to Air Force One or something. No ties to the story line.


Great game A++

The graphics are amazing, the environment is so immersive. It looks beautiful on my new monitor. I can't wait until games where you get to see women and families in their homes, etc this shit is getting pretty fucking close D:~


i use Sub MGs and put in extreme conditioning + UAV jammer, i love running around, you can really run for a very long time with extreme conditioning, ideal for dominations
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