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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

qirex99 said:
my experience has always been lag free.

Same here. Have put 16 hours of playtime into the multiplayer and I think I've had about three matches where the lag was bad - and in all of those the game disconnected shortly after the major lag spikes.

Other than that, maybe once in a blue moon I get a lag spike when somebody airstrikes a crapload of us. All in all the game is pretty damn smooth.

Now if only we could guarantee our party would stay together when we jump into matchmaking, that'd be great.
So uh

What are everybody's favorite weapons?

I need something that works mid-to-long range but isn't useless close range... I have yet to find something that tops M16 + Double Tap :/

(Level 43)


NullPointer said:
Same here. Have put 16 hours of playtime into the multiplayer and I think I've had about three matches where the lag was bad - and in all of those the game disconnected shortly after the major lag spikes.

Other than that, maybe once in a blue moon I get a lag spike when somebody airstrikes a crapload of us. All in all the game is pretty damn smooth.

Now if only we could guarantee our party would stay together when we jump into matchmaking, that'd be great.

Likewise, I've sunk around 20+ hours into multiplayer thus far and I can count any serious lag I've encountered on one hand.


SolidSquirrel said:
So uh

What are everybody's favorite weapons?

I need something that works mid-to-long range but isn't useless close range... I have yet to find something that tops M16 + Double Tap :/
(Level 43)

Thats because you wont.

hint hint...
SolidSquirrel said:
So uh

What are everybody's favorite weapons?

I need something that works mid-to-long range but isn't useless close range... I have yet to find something that tops M16 + Double Tap :/

(Level 43)

don't remember what level you get it but i <3 G36c with red dot + deep penetration.
Yeah, the main story ending is the best ending I've come across so far in this generation. Makes other developers look like assholes for the endings to their games.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Yeah, the main story ending is the best ending I've come across so far in this generation. Makes other developers look like assholes for the endings to their games.
Say what you will about the genericness of it.. But god damn the intensity of the story was off the charts. which is good. (World ending, Finish the Fight)

Alien Bob

taken advantage of my ass
got it this weekend, finished the main game just now, the ending was pretty touching indeed

mp is pretty fun too, though I sucked when i first started and punkbuster was being a bitch. but that's all over now


womp said:
360 version here, hard wired (Only way to play online IMO).

Just for the record...No more than one minute to start a match for me (Getting match quality etc). Intermission is 30 seconds obviously. If anything it can be longer only because a host can drop once in a while but otherwise getting a match going is smooth as hell and even faster than Halo 3.

As the above poster said, something definitely wonky with PS3's matching if its taking 5-7 minutes!?

it usually takes about 10 to 20 seconds to find a room and start the countdown to a match for me. I don't really have any complaints about the PS3 version's online setup. Maybe the speed of connection depends on where you're located. Oh and $50/yr for p2p gaming = lolz


SolidSquirrel said:
So uh

What are everybody's favorite weapons?

I need something that works mid-to-long range but isn't useless close range... I have yet to find something that tops M16 + Double Tap :/

(Level 43)

All I need is a shotgun :D


SolidSquirrel said:
So uh

What are everybody's favorite weapons?

I need something that works mid-to-long range but isn't useless close range... I have yet to find something that tops M16 + Double Tap :/

(Level 43)

M60 cures everything.


SolidSquirrel said:
So uh

What are everybody's favorite weapons?

I need something that works mid-to-long range but isn't useless close range... I have yet to find something that tops M16 + Double Tap :/

(Level 43)
M4 Carbine + Red Dot?

And uh, is there a way to change fire modes on different weapons? For example G3 which fires single shots as a default...


AltogetherAndrews said:
Yeah, the main story ending is the best ending I've come across so far in this generation. Makes other developers look like assholes for the endings to their games.

It's sort of bitter-sweet though, there IS payoff, on the other hand it's pretty sad.


Hesemonni said:
M4 Carbine + Red Dot?

And uh, is there a way to change fire modes on different weapons? For example G3 which fires single shots as a default...

No, not really, either you pull the trigger as fast as you can in the case of the G3/M14 or you lightly press the trigger on your Automatics.

My kits are as follows;

M16 red dot- Fucking lethal
Stopping power
Extreme Conditioning

Desert Eagle-

P90-Bullet hose
Stopping power
Steady aim (yeah it does work wonders)
I can't count the number of times I've bitten it from a P90 set to full-on-bullet-hose. Jeezus Christ.

But the G3? I was working wonders with it on maps where I was carefully positioned and moving laboriously from cover to cover. But in maps and situations where I needed to run and gun I'd get whacked before I could bring the damn thing's site up. It is pretty damn powerful though.

My favorites so far are the M16 for range and power, M4 for less power but useful at just about any range, and the MP5. All red dotted, and all with stopping power.
And if anybody at Infinity Ward is reading this - I will pay you cash monies for DLC that allows me to use my custom multiplayer loadouts in the single player campaign.

Being able to choose perks and loadout in the campaign would just make the SP experience that much better, and even more replayable.


Bummer about the fire rate of G3. I pretty much suck with anything which needs actual skills *cough*. High fire rate + red dot made M4 & M16 just so much fun to play with. Playing with SMGs after, let's say M4, gives you this feeling of powerlessness. I was trying to find another MP5 to wield akimbo in order to do enough damage. And they're so small too! :) The feeling wore off quickly enough tho'.

Hell, I guess I actually have to subscribe to Live. Damn freebie weekend which got me hooked!


Gold Member
The G3 is the standard gun of choice for me. What it lacks in rate of fire it more than makes up for accuracy and power. On hardcore, it really doesn't need to improve the rate of fire either given that a shot or two is all you need.

Hip-fire from the G3 isn't bad either but you certainly don't have any room to miss with it when other guys have fully-automatics.


Unconfirmed Member
Just got in a round of multi yesterday (first time since the beta). Got my ass handed to me quite a bit playing as the spec ops class.

Is the MP5 useless at mid-long range, or am I just bad?


drohne said:
having played as far as the ac-130 mission, i'm not too thrilled with the campaign. the feeling of being pulled along on some amusement ride that proceeds regardless of your actions is even stronger than it was in prior cod games.

Yeah, the first mission on the boat, which i had heard was so good, was actually pretty poor imo. If you let them, your team mates will just go and kill everyone in sight, leaving you with nothing to do, and often if i got behind them, they would stand in doorways and block my way past so i couldn't get ahead of them and start killing the enemy :lol

drohne said:
the mysterious spawning behavior of both enemies and allies makes running from checkpoint to checkpoint -- rather than actually shooting people -- the game's central action. i can sit there and pick off a bunch of enemies, but this usually doesn't feel as if it has any decisive impact.

I agree completely, i can't see why they chose to design the game this way, imo it's just shoddy game design. Why should it feel like i'm wasting my time killing all these enemies because they're just going to keep coming anyway, and why should i be able to run past everyone to reach a checkpoint, turn around and see that they all suddenly disappeared and my ai teammate just caught me up out of nowhere?

I'm playing through normal at the mo to take everything in properly, and then i was going to go through it on vet but i don't think i'll even bother tbh, because i don't think the SP even comes close to CoD2's, which i adored on every difficulty. It has some good moments, but on the whole it's not that great.

Good thing the MP is fun then :p

My fave gun has to be the m16, it just feels and sounds so good to fire :D
BadAss84 said:
I'm playing through normal at the mo to take everything in properly, and then i was going to go through it on vet but i don't think i'll even bother tbh, because i don't think the SP even comes close to CoD2's, which i adored on every difficulty. It has some good moments, but on the whole it's not that great.
Call of Duty 2's campaign had exactly the same problems. I'm surprised they're even worse in 4, now that they had years time to fix them...


Insaniac said:
played some SP on my friends copy of CoD4, got to about... Mission 4 I think? where you
Protect the tank "Warpig"

I wasn't thrilled by the campaign. The graphics are great, but are these 5-8 minute firefights where you sit in one area and fight off 50 million enemies often? I got sick of it really quick.
Jeeesus..is this your first time playing call of duty? YOU DO NOT have to fight 50 million enemies if you don't want to.


noire said:
Just got in a round of multi yesterday (first time since the beta). Got my ass handed to me quite a bit playing as the spec ops class.

Is the MP5 useless at mid-long range, or am I just bad?

MP5 is really a mid-short range weapon. Especially when fired from the hip with the steady aim perk. Really, just try to get to rank 5 as fast as you can so you can create a class.


IcebergSlim3000 said:
So basically the game recognizes that Im such an awesome player that it feels neccesary to group me with other players equal to my to l33tness. Yea thats how I will look at it. My 360 is doing me a favor then. I'm really just venting first play frustrations. Its not a biggy. In the few games I played I didnt come in first but I also didnt come in last so it does seem about right.

This is indeed how it works.

I've had a problem in that it seems I have two or three accounts and everytime I log into MP it pulls a random one. What this means is that I don't usually get my 20th level account, sometimes I get an 11th level account and sometimes a 7th level account.

Regardless however I'm always playing guys who are 30th+ level and wind up coming in 1st - 3rd more often then not.

Wish I could sort out this problem though and play through at the highest level I've unlocked.


Dyno said:
This is indeed how it works.

I've had a problem in that it seems I have two or three accounts and everytime I log into MP it pulls a random one. What this means is that I don't usually get my 20th level account, sometimes I get an 11th level account and sometimes a 7th level account.

Regardless however I'm always playing guys who are 30th+ level and wind up coming in 1st - 3rd more often then not.

Wish I could sort out this problem though and play through at the highest level I've unlocked.
Did you read my post in this thread about the service side restart IW did to correct the multiple account problem? What version are you playing?


So after beating the game on Normal, and then getting addicted to the multi-player, I decided to re-visit the single player campaign on Hardened. I've gotten to the
point where you're at the underground bunker and you have to get to the computer room.
Very close to the end again, but.....Holy God damn s**t! I give it to people who completed this game on Veteran. I'm on the verge of pulling my hair out and throwing the Sixaxis at the tv screen. All of a sudden the enemies are all sharpshooters at this stage. I'm talking I barely peek my head around a corner and boom......I'm dead. The Ferris Wheel level was bad enough on this difficulty. I'm trying to tell myself if this is even enjoyable? I loved it on Normal but damn. And there's no way I'm touching this on Veteran. Not unless I want to give myself a heart attack....


No night maps(MULTI PLAYER) where you have to rely one night vision? Using Night Vision now has no purpose. Saw a demo where it was used for a smoke grenade and it is not functional for that either.
COD5 maybe?

Also I thought we would have multiple meele's which were context sensitive based on direction facing enemy. No gun/rifle butt from previous COD's?
SolidSquirrel said:
So uh

What are everybody's favorite weapons?

I need something that works mid-to-long range but isn't useless close range... I have yet to find something that tops M16 + Double Tap :/

(Level 43)

M16 + Stopping power.
(Level 44)
IMO Stopping power>Double tap


Law of the West
So I'm playing on veteran and I just got the ferris wheel...jesus christ..help?

There is a tall building opposite the pool and the bumper cars. Run back there and hide in one of the cutouts before everyone shows up in the helicopters. Wait for your heli to show up, take out the few AI too stupid to make it around the corner and run like hell to save your boy (Avoiding enemies where possible). Pick him up and GET TO THE CHOPPER!


What the hell. I just beat COD4 on Veteran and I didnt get 5 or 6 Veteran achievments.

When I clicked on Mission Select it doesnt say that I beat it on Veteran. Anyone know why?


CitizenCope said:
M16 + Stopping power.
(Level 44)
IMO Stopping power>Double tap

in the beta I was a HUGe fan of the M16, Red Dot and Stopping power.

I also enjoy the Mp5 with a silencer (i'm sure double tap would be pretty awesome with this)
Something that has been bothering me lately is the period where you are immune to bullets when you're falling into Last Stand. It really bothers me the most in Team Hardcore since the pistol drops you in what, one shot? It's even worst now that everyone has caught onto the Deagle craze that WILL drop you quickly.


Dyno said:
This is indeed how it works.

I've had a problem in that it seems I have two or three accounts and everytime I log into MP it pulls a random one. What this means is that I don't usually get my 20th level account, sometimes I get an 11th level account and sometimes a 7th level account.

Regardless however I'm always playing guys who are 30th+ level and wind up coming in 1st - 3rd more often then not.

Wish I could sort out this problem though and play through at the highest level I've unlocked.
Dyno, this is still happening to you? It should have been fixed as of a serverside update we did on PS3 a few days back. If you don't mind, I'd appreciate a PM with your PSN ID so we can see what's up.


This lag issue is really pissing me off. I'm creeping up shooting a guy from his blindside with an AK, but somehow he can turn around and kill me. I constantly shoot off the initial shot, but on the killcam, it doesn't even show me shooting. This is killing my Kill/Death ratio and ruining the game for me. Team Deathmatch is virtually unplayable at times.
One thing that pisses me off is that when you shoot a guy but lose the battle, the cam doesn't even show you firing at least once, it happened to me couple of times.

Gamertag: Mr Black 07
Level: 52
Kill/Death Ratio: 1.81 (something I am very proud of)

feel free to add me.


Kittonwy said:
It's sort of bitter-sweet though, there IS payoff, on the other hand it's pretty sad.

It's only the third game I played that struck such an emotional cord with me actually, I really felt sad and touched by it.

Not to say that games don't get me emotionally involved, or getting in touch with the mood and really feeling it. But
when that black guy was hauling my ass to safety and shooting I knew what was coming, then when he got hit I was like no goddamn no, same for the captain that just managed to slide the piece my way, when he was being reanimated by the Russian I was just shaking my head, then the Russian started pounding on his chest and I felt really sad/happy. So fucking great.


Comics, serious business!
Tauntaun said:
Any PC players here having any issues with sniping? Seems like it misses very often when it should in fact be right on target.

I'm playing it on the 360 and I'm encountering problems. Last night I was fighting on The Bog... it was awful. I swear each player took 3 shots to die. There is absolutely no incentive to snipe. My red dot M16 can reach across the map with pinpoint accuracy. Two taps and they're dead.

Alien Bob

taken advantage of my ass
RSTEIN said:
I'm playing it on the 360 and I'm encountering problems. Last night I was fighting on The Bog... it was awful. I swear each player took 3 shots to die. There is absolutely no incentive to snipe. My red dot M16 can reach across the map with pinpoint accuracy. Two taps and they're dead.

I get a lot more long range kills with my M16 + red dot than with any sniper as well


Comics, serious business!
Alien Bob said:
I get a lot more long range kills with my M16 + red dot than with any sniper as well

Yeah, it's ridiculous. Rainbow Six: Vegas had the same problems. They patched it tho. It made it tons better. I hope they patch this game too.


RSTEIN said:
I'm playing it on the 360 and I'm encountering problems. Last night I was fighting on The Bog... it was awful. I swear each player took 3 shots to die. There is absolutely no incentive to snipe. My red dot M16 can reach across the map with pinpoint accuracy. Two taps and they're dead.
I hate to say it but I think assault rifles need a nerf. They are about 90% as good as a sniper rifle at range, but the sniper rifles are beyond hopeless at short to mid range combat, where the assault rifles hold their ground really well.


I am officially worn out of COD4 MP atm. No matter how well I do, after a few games I just feel frustrated and don't want to play anymore. I want to play other games like Mass Effect and Assassins Creed but can't afford them at the moment. It sucks to not want to play the games you have and not be able to get any new games.

Maybe I should take a hiatus from gaming in general, well for the most part.


zenbot said:
I hate to say it but I think assault rifles need a nerf. They are about 90% as good as a sniper rifle at range, but the sniper rifles are beyond hopeless at short to mid range combat, where the assault rifles hold their ground really well.

I also agree. The M16 is hella deadly at mid to long range, two taps is all it takes it seems, save for those with juggernaut.

Also, what's up with the .50 cals? You have to empty a couple of clips to take down a helo? WTF??? Same when trying to blow up a car.
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