Best guns in the game seem to be:
Yes, hbr is a badass gun
Best guns in the game seem to be:
So I have a few hours played in the MP. Overall I want to applaud Sledgehammer for really investing something into the CoD formula to try and change it up. I don't think there has been this big a change from one game to the next ever since we went from CoD4 back to World at War. Treyarch and IW games used to feel and play differently, but lately imho they have played all like pretty much the same game. This one has the exoskeleton suits and their abilities, which adds a lot of movement and mobility options.
But they seem entirely irrelevant thanks to the map design and the general rule of CoD where you go down in 2-3 bullets. I mean, what is the point of having the ability to jet pack into the air or do a quick strafe/dash if you're dead in half a second anyway? It would feel and play so much better if you were able to withstand more rounds before dying. Then you could actually use these movements and mobility mechanics to your advantage.
Also, is it just me or are shotguns pretty much worthless? Since they opened the maps up a lot more to account for faster movement and verticality, there are a lot more wide open areas it seems. And so shotguns are a pain to use. Their damage is just so low. Sometimes I can be within 5 feet of someone and wreck them with 2-3 shots and they don't drop.
Think Uplink is my new jam, foreal.
Are the 'loot' guns just normal guns with like one or two stats bumped up a point? Seems so pointless.
figured that. Do you lose the guns you unlocked via supply drops?
I dunno if it's high demand of the servers or poor netcode but the multiplayer performance is fucking GARBAGE in PS3, one minute everything is fine but the next is a slideshow that you can barely control, it's shit and i really hope it's a launch thing. Also i played a round of BF4 on the PS3 and then AW and the difference is night and day, BF4 is so smooth those dedicated servers do make a difference.
Did you customize your killstreaks? It makes them cost moreI like the game but WHY THE HELL ARE SCORESTREAKS so expensive? Im a good player but 7 kills in a row for something that should be 3 or 4? WHY IS HARDLINE only avail after level 47? It's like they are trying to nerf the KS. wtf gaf
So just beat the game and overall was impressed but had a few problems/ questions
After atlas announced they are pretty much evil why did all those soldiers stay dedicated to the army? I mean if the army is destroying u.s.a and wouldn't some of the soldier rebel and start attacking their own like the gideon ?
Also the ending was kinda anti-climatic I was disappointing with it a bit. And lastly what does the ending infer? Is there going to be a sequel you think?
Overall I would give it an 8/10 it was good but had a few flaws and plot issues
Did you customize your killstreaks? It makes them cost more
Just rented on the Xbox One, and I'm installing it now. At what percentage of the installation can you start playing?
So just beat the game and overall was impressed but had a few problems/ questions
1) After atlas announced they are pretty much evil why did all those soldiers stay dedicated to the army? I mean if the army is destroying u.s.a and wouldn't some of the soldier rebel and start attacking their own like the gideon ?
Also the ending was kinda anti-climatic I was disappointing with it a bit. And lastly what does the ending infer? Is there going to be a sequel you think?
Overall I would give it an 8/10 it was good but had a few flaws and plot issues
Nothing is more satisfying than throwing the ball at the enemy and killing them, only to go on and score. So good.
Ok well that cost you an additional 600 points before you can use itI did but ONLY to enable the ability to earn the streak even if I die. With the game being SO crazy, it's borderline impossible to get 8 straight kills. I just wish they toned down the cost a bit so we can get some KS variety.
I did but ONLY to enable the ability to earn the streak even if I die. With the game being SO crazy, it's borderline impossible to get 8 straight kills. I just wish they toned down the cost a bit so we can get some KS variety.
I think it's 26%, but don't use the "ready to play" feature because it will force you to install the patch and that will really slow or pause the install. It's a known issue that many users had a problem with. Wait for it to fully install, install the patch and then play.
Sadly dedicated servers the only thing that made me like ghosts
X1=985K Players
PS4= 1,188,114 players
WiiU= 0
I think people are still playing Destiny
True, can someone add the ps3 & 360 leaderboard user totals please.So there are about 2.2 million players in the first 2 days just on XB1/PS4. What are the other leaderboards looking like? (360, PS3, PC) It seems like there would have to be at least 3-3.5 million in the first two days including other platforms.
Survival gives you Zombie gear(1 piece at a time).Can I earn player customization items from exo survival? Or is that stuff only from PvP?
I really don't like TDM and Kill Confirmed in this game. The maps are just too big to not have an objective focus. I can go over a minute in a round of TDM without seeing an enemy.
Ok thanks.Survival gives you Zombie gear.
Campaign gave me a gun and Atlas gear.
Do you know if there was a similar issue with dedis not working the first couple days, or were they there right from day 1?
Yeah, campaign probably has a lot more than the basic set I got.Ok thanks.
I'm real disappointed almost all that stuff is locked off to me, I play against bots all the time in private matches or offline and it looks like there's no way to earn 90% of the stuff in this game that way.
It's the way that it is. Even watching youtube videos of people playing TDM they just run around barely seeing the enemy.With Exo abilities I find that hard to believe, unless everyone is camping.
Hmm yeah you may be right. I was planning on trying to get all the Intel anyway at some point.Yeah, campaign probably has a lot more than the basic set I got.
Intel and Veteran probably unlock stuff.
Best guns in the game seem to be: