I'll take a look. A blanket setting then rather than a toggle in lobbies?
Yeah I think you can mute individual users if you leave the setting on in audio. If you put no voice setting on in audio you just won't hear anyone.
I'll take a look. A blanket setting then rather than a toggle in lobbies?
I have a question, I saw this game on my buddy's house ps4 and the game looked great. He lent me his ps3 and the game there looks horrible in comparison, so jaggy. Now my TV is displaying in 1080p, is the game just optimized for 720 p? Maybe the uodacaling is just messing with it? I knew it would look worse, but it honestly it just looks absolutely horrible, worse than black ops 2 on my wii u, it actually looked beautiful there. What's going on?
- Good graphics in SP, but not as great as folks are making them out to be
- Excellent SP campaign; not MW or MW2 quality but probably the next best
- MP map design is small and tight, a nice departure from the huge maps in Ghosts
- P2P in MP is a disaster (been perfect here)
- Scorestreaks are boring and have a been severely nerfed in what I can only imagine was an attempt to allow players to escape them (I LOVE this. It's been nothing but stupid spamming scorestreaks in other COD's. FUCKING glad they did this)
- Headshots are no longer 1 shot kills unless they're a point blank shotgun or sniper; you can now be shot in the head multiple times (signified by a double hitmarker) and survive (WTF!?) (Good)
- Spawns in MP are a mess and are actually worse than Ghosts (A lot better than Ghosts in my experience)
- Revenge spawning is back
- Sniping is incredibly random and inconsistent - body shots rarely kill in a single shot (Good. No more people running around taking cheap shots with sniper rifle.)
- MP maps have far too much verticality and dozens of entrances for every room (BO2 was bad, this is to the extreme) (This is a MUST. Verticality and multiple entrances make for a very fun use of exo-skeleton. So much fun)
- Stealth play is dead, there's an attachment which makes them show up on radar (Good.)
- Using exo shows up on radar and to prevent it you must use a perk, resulting in players opting to just camp rather than be punished for using exo (Use a perk. Problem solved.)
found from reddit:
these renting fuckers are getting way too cheap nowadays.
It still looks worse than it should. I should note that this is the first time that ps3 is connected through hdmi, maybe I need to mess with the settings?The ps3 is a last gen console.
.The ps3 is a last gen console.
I've seen game play of ps3 and it looks a lot better than what I am seeing here. Everything looks so dark, muddy and jaggy, honestly almost like a wii, something must be wrong
I've seen game play of ps3 and it looks a lot better than what I am seeing here. Everything looks so dark, muddy and jaggy, honestly almost like a wii, something must be wrong
It still looks worse than it should. I should note that this is the first time that ps3 is connected through hdmi, maybe I need to mess with the settings?
Not played much yet, so not even experienced all the maps but have had two games on Riot and yeah they're really bad on that map.I've seen a lot of people say the spawns are terrible in Advanced Warfare and yesterday I experienced it. I was playing on the map, Riot, and while running through the prison I literally saw people spawn right in front of me. I was like whoa, wtf? Never saw this happen in a call of duty unless a team was trying to
Spawn trap. This happened more than once and it had me thinking, if this happens to other players then it must have happened to me. No wonder I keep getting shot in the back.
Is there a way to toggle how ADS works on the PC? It really bugs me that I have to click rmb to get out of it rather than just letting go.
How would I go about that?? Someone here at work told me the same thing, to mess with the settingsTry changing your ps3 native resolution to be sure
Pretty sure that's in the options just like previous games.
Aim, crouch, and maybe a sprint toggle.
http://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/ps3/current/settings/videooutput.htmlHow would I go about that?? Someone here at work told me the same thing, to mess with the settings
Yes it did do an update, it had not been used for months, this could be it thanks so much!http://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/ps3/current/settings/videooutput.html
should be this
did you have to update the ps3 before you used it? I know I did an update this year after not using it for a few months and it defaulted the settings back to 480 so I was also confused for a while why everything looks so shit ^^
kinda pissed my PC won't be able to run AW since it seems like it's a great game and not sure I want to buy it on the ps3...
Huh, had a look last night and couldn't see anything. Will check again later, thanks.
My MP experience so far can be summed up with this simple flowchart: kill one guy --> reload --> die.
Huh, had a look last night and couldn't see anything. Will check again later, thanks.
Well yes. Especially as Ghosts had them. Or hybrids or listen servers - regardless, whatever they were they worked really well.Now that I think about it, it's pretty naive of me/us to expect dedicated servers for this game...well except the fact that they said it would include them (any updates on this? Just a straight up lie?). With a yearly COD release, they would have to keep the servers up for previous games which would cost them a shitload more money, especially when the game is good like this one that people want to keep playing. Maybe they could have dedicated servers for a year and then switch to p2p once the next game comes out?
Win/loss ratio is all that matters. Your kdr is worthless if all you do is lose. Never have understood why people value kdr so much.
Its not like football where sacks, tackles, tds, etc all come into account.
Id rather see a players assist rate than their kdr.
Win/loss ratio is all that matters. Your kdr is worthless if all you do is lose. Never have understood why people value kdr so much.
Win/loss ratio is all that matters. Your kdr is worthless if all you do is lose. Never have understood why people value kdr so much.
Its not like football where sacks, tackles, tds, etc all come into account.
Id rather see a players assist rate than their kdr.
Is everyone having connection problems? I haven't had any on 360 or Xbox one. I was surprised how smooth it's been online.
I really can't get into this game at all. I've put in a good amount of hours now, but it just doesn't get any less frustrating, it's the worst AAA online experience I've had in my life. I'd much rather be playing Battlefield 4 TDM or even Ghosts. Between the excessively chaotic nature of the gameplay, the game-breaking connection problems and the bad balance I just can't play a single match without frustration kicking in. Even when I end up winning and getting a good K/D, it's still annoying and just not fun.
I really can't get into this game at all. I've put in a good amount of hours now, but it just doesn't get any less frustrating, it's the worst AAA online experience I've had in my life. I'd much rather be playing Battlefield 4 TDM or even Ghosts. Between the excessively chaotic nature of the gameplay, the game-breaking connection problems and the bad balance I just can't play a single match without frustration kicking in. Even when I end up winning and getting a good K/D, it's still annoying and just not fun.
How does W/L ratio matter when you're playing with randoms though? It's all contextual. For example I played an absurd amount of matches in KZ4 TDM where my KD was 3+ but I lost due to my team being terrible.
Happens to me all the time, it's really annoying. I shoot first and die first. I get about 4-5 shots(some times even more)off first but the other guy just melts me even if we are using the same gun. It's crazy, on the killcam it looks nothing like that. It disgusts me, makes me want to stop playing.My MP experience so far can be summed up with this simple flowchart: kill one guy --> reload --> die. Except one-on-one fights, which I lose 95% of the time either due to incompetence or lag compensation, it's always the same - pump half a mag into someone, fall back to reload, get shot. It seems like every nook and cranny on every single map is always populated by enemies and even ground you just passed and considered safe a second ago seems to sprout assholes as soon as you look the other way.
I dunno, im just a black abd white type, you win or lose, period. Winning is everything, all the other stuff is meaningless, except maybe if you have a really high headshot stat, that would equate to having great aim.
I wish games put more emphasis on winning.
My MP experience so far can be summed up with this simple flowchart: kill one guy --> reload --> die. Except one-on-one fights, which I lose 95% of the time either due to incompetence or lag compensation, it's always the same - pump half a mag into someone, fall back to reload, get shot. It seems like every nook and cranny on every single map is always populated by enemies and even ground you just passed and considered safe a second ago seems to sprout assholes as soon as you look the other way.
Called it as soon as I saw the first MP footage.I really can't get into this game at all. I've put in a good amount of hours now, but it just doesn't get any less frustrating, it's the worst AAA online experience I've had in my life. I'd much rather be playing Battlefield 4 TDM or even Ghosts. Between the excessively chaotic nature of the gameplay, the game-breaking connection problems and the bad balance I just can't play a single match without frustration kicking in. Even when I end up winning and getting a good K/D, it's still annoying and just not fun.
PS4 NeoGAF Clan: Please try to leave a post here with your PSN name and the word clan after applying.
Feel exactly like this too. I'm actually angry.
comments like these are really keeping me on the fence for this game. i'd like to check it out after reading the positive comments, but i'll only play for mp mp mode and i remember past frustrations with lag compensation net-code. i hope people can report improvements by xmas.