Far worse than previous years. Hit detection/latency/lag whatever you wanna call it is terrible. The spawning would make a koala bear rage.How's this game?
Is the multiplayer better than past years?
Is lag still a problem in MP?
What about spawning?
Weapon balance?
Basically, did they finally address some legacy problems with MP?
It's much much better than Ghosts. I've enjoyed my time with more than I did MW3. BLOPS2 still the gold standard for this post classic IW era CoD.
If you didn't care much for CoD before you won't now.
Far worse than previous years. Hit detection/latency/lag whatever you wanna call it is terrible. The spawning would make a koala bear rage.
Ghost had great hit detection so it had that going for it.I did enjoy CoD previously; just got burned out on it. I haven't played one since BLOPS.
Seriously? Maybe because I've been out of the CoD fandom loop, but I haven't heard people screaming about this one like they did with Ghosts. Yeah, even I heard the complaints about the MP in that one.
Far worse than previous years. Hit detection/latency/lag whatever you wanna call it is terrible. The spawning would make a koala bear rage.
The spawns are better than people say. I play TDM and I can say for certain that if you actually take the time to keep track of where your teammates aren't you will rarely if ever get killed from behind and most supposed spawn kills are actually flankers that ran around the map to get you (unless it's urban but every CoD has its shitty tiny spawn kill map).
How's this game?
Is the multiplayer better than past years?
Is lag still a problem in MP?
What about spawning?
Weapon balance?
Basically, did they finally address some legacy problems with MP?
I truly don't understand how anyone can even entertain the idea that the spawning is anything other than abysmal...the fact that my friends and I almost exclusively play HC TDM might exacerbate the issue, but the stories we could tell of ridiculous spawns (both beneficial and detrimental) is absurd
It doesn't help that the maps are WAY too small for the speed at which people can get around them either...
I actually like the game a lot, but I really don't have words to describe the spawning
Normal spawns weren't bad, but getting to the other side of a map only took a few seconds with all the jumping, that was the problem.
Revenge spawns are awful though, and happen very frequently.
I truly don't understand how anyone can even entertain the idea that the spawning is anything other than abysmal...the fact that my friends and I almost exclusively play HC TDM might exacerbate the issue, but the stories we could tell of ridiculous spawns (both beneficial and detrimental) is absurd
It doesn't help that the maps are WAY too small for the speed at which people can get around them either...
I actually like the game a lot, but I really don't have words to describe the spawning
I like game quite a bit to but in Blops 1 I used to able to get 5-6 KS bonuses pretty regularly, whenever I play AW I feel lucky if I get 3. I rarely get a 5-6 one in AW, hell I hardly ever see someone get a 9 ks bonus.
HC TDM actually would be the one kind of TDM where spawns can be a problem due to enemy and ally players spawning simultaneously, which I'm certain screws up the spawn logic. It also doesn't help that you don't have a mini map to help you predict enemy spawns.
Is the multiplayer better than past years?
Absolutely not. Everything from CoD4 up to BO2 is vastly better. It's debatable if AW is better than Ghosts or not, but I feel out of the two Ghosts is the better game. Ghosts started out very rough, mostly due to poor maps, but the DLC maps were terrific. You could tell the devs listened to complaints and I feel they improved the game immensely.
Some of the complaints I feel Ghost got slammed with are even worse in AW. For example a lot of people complained the killstreaks were boring or underpowered. Coming off of BO2 where they were way over powered and unbalanced, it may seem that way, but they were way more effective than the awful killstreaks in AW. The higher killstreaks are very poor so you see a lot of people running the lower ones and just getting them over and over again, so you end up in matches with endless System Hacks and such. Very, very boring.
Is lag still a problem in MP?
Again, it feels even worse than previous years. I thought Ghosts ran pretty solid online, but AW is a huge step down. A lot of people blame it on the skill based matchmaking, but the games have had some form of that for a while anyway. Whatever they're doing for AW just isn't working. It constantly feels like you're behind the game and when you're not, it's painfully obvious that you have some kind of latency advantage. It rarely feels fair either way. Expect a lot of your character just dropping dead, then having to watch the killcam to even confirm you were being shot at.
What about spawning?
That's a tough one. I don't think it's as bad as say, MW3 during its worst patches or when they broke the spawning in the Face Off where it would spawn guys directly behind you, but the speed at which people can move across the map leaves very little safe room to spawn in, so you're still going to get some bad ones.
Weapon balance?
Again, it's at an all time low, in my opinion. There's 2-3 guns everyone uses and that's it. If you're lucky you'll have 1 guy using a sniper and 1 guy with a shotgun in a game. The weapon variants make it even worse since the drops are completely random and it seems you get the best drops at the start of your online career, so if you didn't get the good ones like the ASM1 Speakeasy, you really are at a disadvantage. I personally didn't get anything good and all I get out of drops now is garbage.
Overall, I think it's the worst CoD I've played, and I've been playing them all yearly since 4. I'm not too hard to please either, I even enjoyed my time with the "bad" ones. I loved MW3 until they broke the Face Off mode's spawns (that's when I quit playing because I loved that mode) and I really enjoyed Ghosts after the map pack releases, but I'm struggling to find anything to like about AW. Even the map packs feel uninspired and dull.
Like I said, HCTDM is the exception. Something about having spawn waves in which a bunch of ally and enemy players all spawn at once must be messing with the spawn logic because I don't see nearly as much bad spawning in core TDM.It's a DISASTER in HC TDM...the number of times I've spawned simultaneously in the same room is just unbelievable...or running through a room and have an enemy spawn feet in front of me...
Or the times where I'm ADS and have an enemy literally spawn with my red dot in the middle of their chest..and I'm not talking about camping a spawn, but moving through a room or area and pulling up my sights and having a guy just spawn there...
It's just brutal
Is the multiplayer better than past years?
Absolutely not. Everything from CoD4 up to BO2 is vastly better. It's debatable if AW is better than Ghosts or not, but I feel out of the two Ghosts is the better game. Ghosts started out very rough, mostly due to poor maps, but the DLC maps were terrific. You could tell the devs listened to complaints and I feel they improved the game immensely.
Some of the complaints I feel Ghost got slammed with are even worse in AW. For example a lot of people complained the killstreaks were boring or underpowered. Coming off of BO2 where they were way over powered and unbalanced, it may seem that way, but they were way more effective than the awful killstreaks in AW. The higher killstreaks are very poor so you see a lot of people running the lower ones and just getting them over and over again, so you end up in matches with endless System Hacks and such. Very, very boring.
Is lag still a problem in MP?
Again, it feels even worse than previous years. I thought Ghosts ran pretty solid online, but AW is a huge step down. A lot of people blame it on the skill based matchmaking, but the games have had some form of that for a while anyway. Whatever they're doing for AW just isn't working. It constantly feels like you're behind the game and when you're not, it's painfully obvious that you have some kind of latency advantage. It rarely feels fair either way. Expect a lot of your character just dropping dead, then having to watch the killcam to even confirm you were being shot at.
What about spawning?
That's a tough one. I don't think it's as bad as say, MW3 during its worst patches or when they broke the spawning in the Face Off where it would spawn guys directly behind you, but the speed at which people can move across the map leaves very little safe room to spawn in, so you're still going to get some bad ones.
Weapon balance?
Again, it's at an all time low, in my opinion. There's 2-3 guns everyone uses and that's it. If you're lucky you'll have 1 guy using a sniper and 1 guy with a shotgun in a game. The weapon variants make it even worse since the drops are completely random and it seems you get the best drops at the start of your online career, so if you didn't get the good ones like the ASM1 Speakeasy, you really are at a disadvantage. I personally didn't get anything good and all I get out of drops now is garbage.
Overall, I think it's the worst CoD I've played, and I've been playing them all yearly since 4. I'm not too hard to please either, I even enjoyed my time with the "bad" ones. I loved MW3 until they broke the Face Off mode's spawns (that's when I quit playing because I loved that mode) and I really enjoyed Ghosts after the map pack releases, but I'm struggling to find anything to like about AW. Even the map packs feel uninspired and dull.
quick question: just rented AW for PS4 and it started to download a 4.599 GB patch.
So the total file size was about 50GBs?
Only in long range and midrange.MP11 Goliath > ASM1 Speakeasy
Especially after the recent buff.
got an asm1 royalty and an obsidian steed last night in a couple of supply drops.
those guns make the game seem like easy mode.
Sry, me confused. Do you mean the total filesize of the installed game?
I used up all my luck getting the AK12 R.I.P, Bal Inferno, HBRa3 Insanity and Hole Puncher.
I've had zero of anything else since the early days, it's all crap sniper rifles that I don't use, and pistols. I have got both elite MK14's but I've not used them and also a Chicanery but again I just don't use them.
No chances of me getting the Speakeasy, Obsidian Steed or any legendary weapons.
Every ASD/SD I get awarded is either a set of knee pads or a pistol.
Yeah, that's what I meant.
Picked up the game for $16. The multiplayer UI was a little confusing for a bit as there's no tutorial or anything. When I was in a match and heard I got a "supply drop", I thought it was a killstreak reward and tried to call it in. LOL
9 more dog fight medals till I get the diamond camo for the asm1.
My kd is taking a massive nose dive trying to even get one medal lol
I'm just messing with you
Activision went hard after the microtransactions market eh? Supply drops, customizations and custom class slots are all purchasable. I won't buy any of it, but damn.
9 more dog fight medals till I get the diamond camo for the asm1.
My kd is taking a massive nose dive trying to even get one medal lol
That makes me want to punch puppies and kittens...ugh...Quick scope with full auto aim is alive in Blops 3. Starts at 1:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egT3B7HZJPs
Quick scope with full auto aim is alive in Blops 3. Starts at 1:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egT3B7HZJPs
Play Hardcore...equip exo hover...thank me later...
That makes me want to punch puppies and kittens...ugh...
What's this like on XB1 now? I had it on PS4 at launch, but I overdid it, and got burned out. But I am in the mood for playing a shooter again.