Why would you buy the ps3 version?Preloaded PS3 verison, do I really have to wait till the game is released to get my free ps4 upgrade? I don't see it anywhere. Aww man i dun goofed.
Why would you buy the ps3 version?Preloaded PS3 verison, do I really have to wait till the game is released to get my free ps4 upgrade? I don't see it anywhere. Aww man i dun goofed.
Sounds like zombies might be a full mode in DLC, and just a teaser in the game for right now.. Not sure.
Isn't Ground War 18 players? 9v9.
Isnt this a new engine? Why would the MP take such a hit visually? I know SP usually looks better but not by that big of a marginMP graphics appear to be identical to that of Ghosts. SP, though, looks amazing.
It's currently making it's rounds on Twitter and it has to be posted. What a hilarious screenshot of AW:
How bad is downgrade for MP?
Get the PS4 version with it, and the digital PS3 version is cheaper than the PS4 version (in some regions), I think.Why would you buy the ps3 version?
Man, Videogamer just don't give a fuck about embargoes anymore do they? They must be hurting for views or something.
"Randoms" are people who enjoy the same game you do and sometimes communication is key to winning. Unless of course you just want to be a lone wolf just maximizing your K/D spread. I want to win.
Did you read it? From right at the start of the review:Man, Videogamer just don't give a fuck about embargoes anymore do they? They must be hurting for views or something.
Note: This week Activision held a review event for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. was not invited to this event. We were told we would receive a copy of the game on Monday, November 3, after the game had been released. Instead we bought the game ourselves and present this review without any form of embargo to adhere to.
Man, Videogamer just don't give a fuck about embargoes anymore do they? They must be hurting for views or something.
Man, Videogamer just don't give a fuck about embargoes anymore do they? They must be hurting for views or something.
Thats because his games are exclusive to one platform. If they were multiplatform there would be no console warriors propping it up as being good.Boss★Moogle;137035873 said:I don't know... David Cage makes entire games that consist only of this type of "gameplay" and people go for it so...
Boss★Moogle;137035873 said:I don't know... David Cage makes entire games that consist only of this type of "gameplay" and people go for it so...
How were they able to buy a retail copy for themselves ahead of street date and have enough time to play singleplayer, coop and multiplayer?
Isnt this a new engine? Why would the MP take such a hit visually? I know SP usually looks better but not by that big of a margin
Last time I played TLOU remaster multiplayer I got a message with "stupid n$$% f#$$ n##$b", granted I had a terrible game but that behavoir is not an xbox exclusive, I have meet some nasty people on steam as well.
Well review embargoes are bullshit anyway. Good on them for ignoring it.
It's way more prevalent on Xbox live. I have yet to be insulted by anyone in my 10+ years of playstation online gaming.
How were they able to buy a retail copy for themselves ahead of street date and have enough time to play singleplayer, coop and multiplayer?
Probably bought it from an indie shop which usually sells early or something. Nowhere near as shady as a review from a strict review event in a closed, controlled environment.How were they able to buy a retail copy for themselves ahead of street date and have enough time to play singleplayer, coop and multiplayer?
In Europe? Quite easily. I got CODs in the past 4-5 days early. Maybe they also have some retail hookup which makes it even easier.
When I was in retail, we'd often get copies of big games like Call of Duty a week or so in advance. If they've got a retail-based source willing to give them a copy under the counter, then it's reviews-away.
Boss★Moogle;137035873 said:I don't know... David Cage makes entire games that consist only of this type of "gameplay" and people go for it so...
Oh, I completely agree. It's just funny that between The Evil Within, Sunset Overdrive, and now this, it's obvious they just don't care. It would be really cool if I actually respected their website and opinions but I don't, not by a fucking mile.
Did you read it? From right at the start of the review:
They bought their own copy, therefore no embargo.Man, Videogamer just don't give a fuck about embargoes anymore do they? They must be hurting for views or something.
It's because you selected 'remove' during the update. I did the same thing with Dead Rising 3. It doesn't just delete everything on its own. You input a command that you didn't mean to.
Netcode is pretty solid by the looks of it. Game looks beautiful a lot more color then ghosts also loving the sound and traversal.
Get these best value and download the companion app in the playstation store. There around 90 euro's so 80/90 dollars
Works with PS3/4 and Vita.
Sounds good to me. I just feel sorry for all the review outlets compelled to play by the rules and honor the embargo.
They bought their own copy, therefore no embargo.
So we have to pay for Zombies now? How is this exciting to everyone?
Ok so usually COD comes out the first Tuesday of November, but now it's out tonight at 9? Sorry, I haven't been following too closely this time around.
It's way more prevalent on Xbox live. I have yet to be insulted by anyone in my 8+ years of playstation online gaming.
Did he just imply that MW3 is better than BO2? Whaaaaaat? Get outta here.This is the best purely single-player mode the franchise has seen in years. Granted, part of that is due to the last two offering being terrible, and it's not on the level of Modern Warfare, or even its sequels,
Ground War is 16 players on PS4, I believe this is the max amount, 2 players less than last year.
Did they give your favourite game a bad review or something?No, I don't read Videogamer.
They bought their own copy, therefore no embargo.
If Activision didn't seemingly try to snub small outfits like Videogamer by passing them off with release-day copies, it wouldn't happen. They didn't have to invite them to the big event but they could have at least sent out a copy of the game to be ready for review on launch day, rather than Tuesday/Wednesday when everyone's already gone out to buy it.
When I was in retail, we'd often get copies of big games like Call of Duty a week or so in advance. If they've got a retail-based source willing to give them a copy under the counter, then it's reviews-away.
This is 1080/60 on PS4 right?
This is 1080/60 on PS4 right?