oh good this happened to me. Wasn't sure if it was just mine. was about to post to see if it was an issue. Anyone else experiencing this?
I watched robocop when I was like 9. I have no clue why the hell I was allowed to see that movie.
TTK is too low.
This is why I hated standing in line. I saw a bunch of parents with their kids who looked like they were under 10 years of age. lol I grew up with the ratings system before the ESRB, so I really get annoyed when people speak out about it or they complain about their kids playing games. It's their choice. The person has to be 17+ to purchase it.
I'm not at that age anymore where my folks are buying my games for me. I'm in full control and I don't even have kids. I get pissed when people piss on my values for liking M rated games, but that's their problem. They can complain all they want. I've been gaming long enough to know the content. I'd say CoD isn't for kids, but parents really don't know how to explain better fiction to them. Look at all the dumb down kids shows on the market. Something like CoD is perfect. I just think it gets too much attention by people wanting to stop M rated games. Who gives a sh*t? Creativity in the form of violence has existed for generations and will remain a great form of entertainment. Censoring all that just controls a society and the progression of art, plus the game is fun as hell to rage through.
I have this huge pet peeve when people get on the defense all of the sudden with violence. They played it when they were younger and now they feel like fighting it. When I went to a midnight launch once I swear I saw this old friend I use to have sitting across at a StarBucks with a friend. Well, he went to be a pastor (casting out the fun of shooting stuff in video games), even though he played a ton of Halo. lol I thought it was creepy that people would do this. This is exactly how I feel when video games get attacked by the media. Sorry for the small rant, but I get this stupid f*cking feeling once in a while and my old/not really friend(s) friends are these BF fans with their MP-friends jokes, so I don't get to say this a lot.
That's a true believer.
Ouch just when I got excited from all the positive impressions in this thread .Holy crap, definitely not getting the game now. I just read you can only play Zombie Mode if you purchase the season pass. I knew they would do something like this. Really didn't want to be right.
I watched Terminator 2 when I was 6 or 7.
I turned out alright.
X1 install keeps cycling between installing and queued. Wtf
Cutscene graphics best I have seen this gen. Gameplay also looks very good. Their AA solution also seems to work, the IQ looks very nice on Xbox One.
But I can't get into MP on Xbox One? Is this normal?
Diamond camouflage again?Lol 500 headshots and 30 triple kills among the camo challenges needed to get diamond camo?
Fuck off sledgehammer
X1 install keeps cycling between installing and queued. Wtf
Skip the update or just disconnect from the internet then installX1 install keeps cycling between installing and queued. Wtf
Check my last post.
Check my last post.
Okay perfect i appreciate the tip, fellasCancel the installation, go offline, then install the game.
It tries to update and install the game at the same time. which is stupid.
TTK is too low.
When I was 8 we didn't have ratings in games, console games, I think the most violent game then was maybe double dragon?I edited my post right after you quoted me. Look, I played DOOM, Wolfenstein 3D and other games when I was about 6 or 7 and I turned out fine as well, so I would never claim that these games inherently and always make you crazy, violent or messed up, nor movies for that matter.
What does matter is that games today are infinitely more realistic than when I was young, and a young person's mind cannot properly set apart fiction and reality until the age of 12/13, which is when the brain develops in that area, not to mention all the adult themes and plotlines that appear in games today, online chatting through headsets, online messaging, realistic graphics etc. which is why I think eight is too young, at least unsupervised.
Now of course every child is different and some can handle certain things earlier than other kids, but generally speaking I am just not a fan of such young kids playing online first person shooters all by themselves. There's a million other games that such kids can play until they can reach the more mature stuff.
Again, do what you want, I'm not accusing anyone of being a bad parent, but I think there are bounds of reason with these things...
X1 install from disc is ridiculous. Almost 30 min now...
I am at 85% right now after learning the trick. Will it allow you to completely pass the update and play or do I just have to wait for the complete install then apply the update?
Diamond camouflage again?
That stuff is so extremely stupid..
Don't use the ready to start feature or install the update and you should be fine.
Graphics are good from what i have seen HOWEVER the thing that kills it is the facial animations, or lack of facial animations. I saw a cutscene where kevin's character is yelling and the only thing showing emotion is his eyebrows, it looks like he had botox done and is stuck in a coma.
QUESTION HOWEVER how good is the customisation for your player in multiplayer can you customise you face, etc.
Does gold camo at least look good?Atleast getting gold camo is super easy. Get 50 kills without weapon attachments.
Oh man, that's brutal. I've gone all digital on my Xbone so I've never had to experience the wait. I didn't realize it was that long. You can't play while it installs?
Holy crap CoD still doesn't have dedicated servers? How did this happen?
Why should they spend money for that?Holy crap CoD still doesn't have dedicated servers? How did this happen?
Has this been confirmed?