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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 |OT| Back to black


You shouldn't impulse buy any game (especially with Red Dead coming next week) but you shouldn't stay away from Black Ops 4 because of shotguns either, because I don't know what Grinchy is talking about. The most annoying shotgun user I've noticed yet has been me, and I pretty much only use the shotgun on the slums map. Maybe they're a little more common in objective modes, but I never see shotguns in team deathmatch or kill confirmed.

Yeah dude, I 100% agree with LegendofKage. Don't impulse buy any game as it tends to lead to disappointment a lot of times. Same with BO4 - do your research before deciding to buy.

But if you're discouraged by shotguns, don't be. They are absolutely not an issue in this game and that's coming from an avid shotgun lover and one who has spent a good part of my first prestige using the "one shot" shotgun in the game, which is inconsistent at best. I'm almost always the only person in the lobby using the shotgun and for good reason. The meta in this game at this moment is ARs. If I actually want to do good, those are the guns I use.
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is the black out altimeter disappearing a lot for anyone else? talking about the meter that shows elevation when you're dropping, shit keeps vanishing on me.


Okay, just had a blast playing with some old friends, some beer and snacks. This is the most fun I've had in a multiplayer game in a very long time . However, there lies the problem with these games and me ... when I don't known what I'm doing I have ridiculous amounts of fun and will sing it's praises to the high heavens... but after getting used to it and understanding it's nuances and how things work , the bullshit rises to the top like a rotten turd expelled from the ass of a zombie tiger. Im going to try to stave that off for as long as possibe and even hope it doesnt come to that but my optimism is weak
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what's that?
I'm disappointed there's no double jump and wall running. And that chick with the pink hair ain't hot anymore
I'm just saying the more accustomed to a COD game I get the less i like it. Im not saying it will happen with this one and I really hope it doesn't but it has happened with every other COD I've play except the first Modern Warfare

any differences or similarities between the console versions?
The biggest complaint I've heard is that specifically Blackout quads has a lot of lag on Xbox . I dont think ive seen this complaint much for the PS4 .I played it for about 3 hours last night on Xbox and I'd say it was about 50/50.


Still tons of lag for me. I've even started recording some of the weird lag and glitches like people hovering in doorways and me warping back and forth all over a level. When viewing kill cams I see some people with major lag like me but some people are playing butter smooth. Not a really fair experience at all.


I'm just saying the more accustomed to a COD game I get the less i like it. Im not saying it will happen with this one and I really hope it doesn't but it has happened with every other COD I've play except the first Modern Warfare

The biggest complaint I've heard is that specifically Blackout quads has a lot of lag on Xbox . I dont think ive seen this complaint much for the PS4 .I played it for about 3 hours last night on Xbox and I'd say it was about 50/50.

I had complained about lag a few days ago, but it seems to be getting sorted out as I haven't had much if any since I said it. The game is a fantastic pile of content! My only complaint now is that everyone in multiplayer has gotten so damn good so fast! I am old and can't keep up...
The new Black Market has just opened up. Time to see what they're doing instead of loot boxes this year:

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Have been downloading MP and Zombies for the last three nights while playing this terrible Battle Royal mode. Huge waste of money unless MP and Zombies is great.


You know, I'm glad you posted this.

I've been tempted all week to buy this, but knowing that this is still a thing, I no longer want to. The jackasses running around in WWII with the shotguns & incendiary ammo fucking RUINED the game for me.

Thanks, m8. You just saved an impulsive dude $60. :)
lol no man it's not a reason to avoid the game completely but it is annoying. It's kinda like the quickscopers. It's just a huge annoyance when someone runs around with their cheap method and go 27-3 on TDM because their shotgun can one-shot you from 15 yards away. And there you are with your DMR having to actually aim each bullet without having any chance against them whatsoever.

If more people start using that strategy, it'll be a bigger turn off. As of now, you can just leave rooms where the sweaty kids are doing it.


I´m getting a 9GB update on PS4. Is it all for the store update? Sounds like a hell of a lot of cosmetics if thats the case.
Probably game updates too. Though it does look like a substantial amount of cosmetics coming into play.

I do think it is funny that the market is coming after reviews have gone out so as to not gain criticism. I mean they are all cosmetic "I think" so it isn't bad persay but just funny.


They broke the looting in Blackout. Now, sometimes, random items in a bag are unlootable. When you combine that with the already clunky and slow console looting system, it can be pretty damn frustrating.

This patch also doesn't fix the invisible items when you first land. This is all on PS4.
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They broke the looting in Blackout. Now, sometimes, random items in a bag are unlootable. When you combine that with the already clunky and slow console looting system, it can be pretty damn frustrating.
Hopefully that is fixed with that patch today. If they had a similar looting system to pubg it would be ace.
Okay, I like the new loot stream system in concept over supply drops, but the loot earn rate is absolutely atrocious.

I've been playing for several hours now so I can verify, but someone on reddit basically calculated that you need to play about 4000 games of TDM if you wanted to unlock everything just in operation first strike. It takes like 20 matches of TDM just to go up one tier.

I know this is supposed to be "free loot", but if this is how they're going to try and entice people to buy their way up tiers, then I see a problem. Even more serious would be if they eventually lock weapons behind such an insane grind. Cosmetics I could care less, but actual game changing stuff - then we have a real problem.


ChatGPT 0.001
I really wish Blackout would do field pickups like Battlefront because the items there are hard to spot. Here’s Battlefront 1’s in game pickups

Hell Turok on the N64 did better in game pick ups


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
The new Black Market has just opened up.

Only for PS4. Fuck Activision and Sony for this anti consumer shit. I paid the god damn same price as PS4 players. DLC content coming later is a sour taste in my mouth but was somewhat something I could live with.

But fuck that features and new functions comes a week before on PS4 first. This will be the last fucking CoD I buy this gen cus I won’t support this anti consumer shit.
Did it bother you as much last gen (xbox360) when Activision had a deal with Microsoft and everything came out a month early on xbox than sony? I doubt it.

Activision are businessmen, they bet on the winning horse. If this was the first time sure it might sound anti consumer. But since it isnt and it was all over the wall how Call Of Duty is an xbox first, PlayStation last game... Whats wrong with sides being turned? Now all of a sudden its "bad" but before it was "cool" to be on the xbox and have Avenge Sevenfold promote the 360 tirelessly.
Yea just experienced the loot bug. Fortunately it was just an extended mag and not something like a trauma kit but I could imagine it screwing you over pretty bad in a clutch situation. Good timing on double xp weekend I guess, I´ll stick to hardcore S&D until they put out a hotfix for BR.
Did it bother you as much last gen (xbox360) when Activision had a deal with Microsoft and everything came out a month early on xbox than sony? I doubt it.

Activision are businessmen, they bet on the winning horse. If this was the first time sure it might sound anti consumer. But since it isnt and it was all over the wall how Call Of Duty is an xbox first, PlayStation last game... Whats wrong with sides being turned? Now all of a sudden its "bad" but before it was "cool" to be on the xbox and have Avenge Sevenfold promote the 360 tirelessly.

To be fair, I think this is the first time they're adding actual features to one console before another. Before this, the month long exclusive DLC has just been maps and such.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Did it bother you as much last gen (xbox360) when Activision had a deal with Microsoft and everything came out a month early on xbox than sony? I doubt it.

Activision are businessmen, they bet on the winning horse. If this was the first time sure it might sound anti consumer. But since it isnt and it was all over the wall how Call Of Duty is an xbox first, PlayStation last game... Whats wrong with sides being turned? Now all of a sudden its "bad" but before it was "cool" to be on the xbox and have Avenge Sevenfold promote the 360 tirelessly.

I played mainly on PC last gen, but yes, I’m no platform warrior, I hate exclusive deals equally on all sides, no matter who has it. It’s anti consuming as hell.

The difference here, which makes it worse, is that functions and features also are exclusive now. What’s next? Patches and regular updates?


Don't give a damn about early or exclusive DLC on either console as I own both. I can easily wait for a new set of maps but actually making a storefront and progression system exclusive to one system or the other is the shit part. That's essentially shipping a game for competing systems as incomplete. This could maybe even be grounds for refunds if people wanted to go that route just to prove a point? Lots of people paid for the deluxe and enhanced version which includes the associated currency and other items but Activision just said ha ha fuck you thank you for the money come back next week and maybe it will be working. How is this in any way okay?
the latest patch has really fucked up blackout on the ps4 at least. after killing someone, you can no longer take any items from the pack that they drop. got in a few battles and was low on health, but was unable to grab any health packs from the corpses of the squads we had just killed.

hopefully they patch it soon


the latest patch has really fucked up blackout on the ps4 at least. after killing someone, you can no longer take any items from the pack that they drop. got in a few battles and was low on health, but was unable to grab any health packs from the corpses of the squads we had just killed.

hopefully they patch it soon

No issues here, unless already patched.


Only for PS4. Fuck Activision and Sony for this anti consumer shit. I paid the god damn same price as PS4 players. DLC content coming later is a sour taste in my mouth but was somewhat something I could live with.

But fuck that features and new functions comes a week before on PS4 first. This will be the last fucking CoD I buy this gen cus I won’t support this anti consumer shit.

Next time you’ll think twice about not buying a PS4. That’s the strategy. Users of both system will probably think twice also, opting for PS4 copy. Marketing through exclusivity. It’s like the Mtx of exclusives.

Codes 208

Did it bother you as much last gen (xbox360) when Activision had a deal with Microsoft and everything came out a month early on xbox than sony? I doubt it.

Activision are businessmen, they bet on the winning horse. If this was the first time sure it might sound anti consumer. But since it isnt and it was all over the wall how Call Of Duty is an xbox first, PlayStation last game... Whats wrong with sides being turned? Now all of a sudden its "bad" but before it was "cool" to be on the xbox and have Avenge Sevenfold promote the 360 tirelessly.
It bugged me back then as 360 gamer, it bugs me now as ps4 gamer.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Next time you’ll think twice about not buying a PS4. That’s the strategy. Users of both system will probably think twice also, opting for PS4 copy. Marketing through exclusivity. It’s like the Mtx of exclusives.

I got both systems already but prefer my One X, so doesn’t affect anything other than not buying the game.


Next time you’ll think twice about not buying a PS4. That’s the strategy. Users of both system will probably think twice also, opting for PS4 copy. Marketing through exclusivity. It’s like the Mtx of exclusives.
Yeah no sorry. I own both and use xbox one for multi plats. Exclusive DLC crap is not gonna sway me to switch any habits over to my pro.
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No issues here, unless already patched.
Everyone has the issue. You may not notice it if you don't kill a lot of people and loot their bags.

It may have something to do with having certain ammo types maxed out before opening bags, but that's just one theory. Sometimes you'll see red text above items in a bag that says ammo maxed. Other times when you're trying to loot the ammo from a bag it'll have a button input for swapping, but swapping ammo isn't a thing.

Codes 208

Next time you’ll think twice about not buying a PS4. That’s the strategy. Users of both system will probably think twice also, opting for PS4 copy. Marketing through exclusivity. It’s like the Mtx of exclusives.
People with this mentality are why this shit keeps happening


oddly enough its working fine today

there was a "game settings update" which kicked me back to the main screen, and its been working since then. could be a coincidence or maybe they found the issue and fixed it
damn I hope they fixed it

It was really making the mode frustrating as hell to play
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