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Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified |OT| Ad-Hoc Summary: It Is Not Terrible!


Ok so I can't play the game online. I've been trying for days and it isn't working. My question now is, since I bought this digitally, is there any recourse for me to get my money back, or did I basically just waste $50 on an unplayable game?

Do you have NAT2 or NAT3 on your Vita?


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Ok so I can't play the game online. I've been trying for days and it isn't working. My question now is, since I bought this digitally, is there any recourse for me to get my money back, or did I basically just waste $50 on an unplayable game?

And just to be sure. You have exited the game completely and tried again?
MP was messed up for me as well, but after a reboot it's at least working now, though far from perfect.


Finally got mine in the mail today. Played it for an hour....What a rage inducing curse fest this game is! I'm on the 5th of 10 missions and already want to throw my vita at the wall. I'm only on regular too. Anyone know what the trade in value is at EB Games?


Finally got mine in the mail today. Played it for an hour....What a rage inducing curse fest this game is! I'm on the 5th of 10 missions and already want to throw my vita at the wall. I'm only on regular too. Anyone know what the trade in value is at EB Games?

Yes .. having to restart the mission from the beginning can be annoying especially if there is a cut scene

Have you tried the multiplayer?


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
This game is really growing on me. The multiplayer, still broken and unbalanced as hell, is just so much fun. Perfect to just pick up and play whenever, without having to sit down infront of the TV, turning on my Xbox and log on.


Do you have NAT2 or NAT3 on your Vita?
NAT2, so im not sure whats up with my inability to get into any games.

I have to press circle most times it sends me back to the menu else the game will freeze (if i simply try connecting again.) Its a similar issue that many people have reported, but i have not been able to get into a SINGLE match since launch while its mostly a sporadic thing for others.

Ive tried everything but the dmz workaround mentioned on the previous page so ill try that tonight. I appreciate everyones help


Well, I checked out Roads to Victory, who knew the multiplayer was still intact? What's sad is that there are way more mp modes in that game than BOD. Too bad nobody is playing it, I would love some WWII CTF. Too bad they didn't just upgrade that and modernize the controls. Oh well, back to TDM.


PS Lifestyle's reviewer is pissed :O

(it's a banned website)

Wall of text time?

Whatever business you’re in, there’s a sacred yet invisible contract that is signed when a customer hands over some money. Whether the customer is buying lunch, a back rub, a movie ticket, candy, or a video game, the businessman agrees to do his absolute best to provide a quality experience and/or quality goods. With Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified, developer nStigate (formerly Nihilistic Software) and publisher Activision have scoffed at this age-old concept—scoffed, coughed, sneezed, and blown their noses on it, actually. Like the cold viruses transferred by such actions, the results are sickening.

Everything about Black Ops: Declassified exposes a lack of developer effort. It seems that at no point did anyone at nStigate think about the overall quality of the game that was being made—concern obviously rested upon satisfying Activision and how much money would be raked in. Profit margin is maximized by this game having the huge marketability of the Call of Duty name, yet the product itself having required no amount of give-a-damn.

Take the AI, for example. It might be the dumbest I’ve seen in a shooter. Ever. The screenshot below is my own, taken with a camera because the game does not allow screenshots from within (gee, I wonder why). I of course had all the time in the world to take this photo, because the enemy on the balcony was crouched down firing his gun into the wall… again and again, without stopping. Just… just firing away “at me” while I grabbed a camera and took a picture. Imagine going in for a hockey breakaway and being stopped by a goalie who is reading a magazine and talking on the phone. That’s similar to the idea of this guy trying to shoot me. The real killer, here, is that this type of thing doesn’t just show up once or twice in the game—it’s extremely common.

Most shooters of this generation have been built with a short-to-medium-length single player experience, but achieving longevity through multiplayer modes; Black Ops: Declassified is no different, there. To this point, the Call of Duty series has provided decent single-player campaign modes, often with surprisingly gripping stories and memorable endings. It’s been five years since playing through Modern Warfare, but two moments from the campaign remain with me as if I’d just seen them yesterday, for example. Don’t prepare for any such moments in Black Ops: Declassified, however, as the story told gives off the distinct odor of fan fiction with how simple it is. Take the names of two Black Ops protagonists, slap them on some extremely cookie-cutter “rescue these people” and “get to this place” missions and you’re set. While billed as a connection between the two Black Ops console games, it filled the space about as well as a few cinder blocks dumped into the Mighty Mississippi.

Perhaps a short campaign was expected, but to have one this short and this poorly made is a terrible failure and a disservice to customers. Only 10 missions are present, the average length of which is about five minutes, and they fail to deliver any sort of narrative. Graphics and controls might be held back on a handheld, but telling a story is an area that definitely does not have to be dwarfed due to technology. It doesn’t have to be, yet it was.

At times, during the campaign, control will be taken away in order to remind you that you’re not connected to the network. No joke, whether you’re checking menus or right in the middle of a fire fight, a message will pop up on the screen to tell you that you’re not connected to a network. Seeing “Mission Failed” on the screen is surely worth being reminded that you’re still not connected to the internet, right? That’s broken and shouldn’t happen, ever.

Within almost any good shooter, a variety of multiplayer maps both big and small will be featured, giving players a taste of open-space shooting as well as close-quarters combat. CoD:BOD, however, is not a good shooter and therefore skips numerous possibilities with its scant selection of multiplayer maps and microscopic size of some of them. There’s almost not enough space to respawn in some of them, and players will see people reappearing before their eyes much more often here than in other shooters (handheld or not). Conversely, they’ll respawn with someone directly in front of them, within kill range. While it can provide laughs with friends, the emphasis on luck quickly becomes apparent. Small maps can be fun and frantic, but Declassified‘s take on small maps crosses the line into being too small.

The problem isn’t that it fails to replicate a console experience—that’s not the expectation of a portable—the problem is that it fails to even provide a good portable experience. The hallway-style shooting gallery provides entertainment that dwindles after a day or two. It’s fun in the same way a phone game is fun, and that’s quite frankly not enough to be on this system for this price.

There will undoubtedly be those who enjoy Declassified on the grounds that multiplayer is all that matters to them, and to these folks, hey, enjoy. Feeding Activision money for this blatant exploitation ensures that more will come. Truly, if there’s one good thing to say about the game, it’s that it does indeed provide some multiplayer fun. Despite the lack of polish, lack of options, and high amount of disconnection, there are some good times to be had in the online play. It won’t last too long, but what’s there is decent. It hurts to see, however, that this was clearly just the start to what could have been something truly great.

The game’s first patch makes ad-hoc multiplayer available; most gamers won’t be using this, but the inclusion is nice. Really, any game that has online connectivity may as well also have local connectivity. The fact that there aren’t yet many Vitas in the hands of gamers isn’t really Activision’s fault so much as Sony’s and certain other factors. Although, having said that, with an actual effort put into making this game good, perhaps Activision and nStigate could have helped solve that problem. Instead of being a system seller and shining star among the Vita software lineup, Black Ops: Declassified turned out to be the one of the system’s biggest embarrassments.

Discussing a score within a review is usually unnecessary, but this is a special case in which I feel I should address the giant 1/10 at the bottom of this page. People who take these numbers entirely too seriously (a group that does not include me) will look at it with a magnifying glass and say that there is something good about the game, and that I in fact like this 1/10 game slightly more than other games I’ve given 2s or maybe even 3s. This is getting a 1 because it is a crime against gaming. It is a subtle message from Activision that it, as a company, believes that you, the game-buying public, are a bunch of extremely stupid people. This game has the first pieces necessary to become a good, well-made experience, but it was obviously rushed to the market to make that sweet, sweet Christmas money.

Rather than add a few more multiplayer stages, fix the glitches, fix the connection problems, write a story that might matter to Black Ops fans, add at least a few more campaign missions, and tweak the AI a bit, they released the game in this undercooked state. There’s no excuse for that. Those people making these release decisions believe that you will buy an incomplete product. They believe that you will do it, and your image of them will not be tarnished so much that you approach their future products with any degree of hesitation—kind of like what Square Enix did with Final Fantasy XIV. They believe, in so many words, that you don’t think. That’s messed up. Thinking that you are smarter or better than your customers isn’t good business, and neither is releasing a game in this condition.

Seems like it had some potential if they'd waited a few months but yeah, then I guess you kiss a portion of paycheck goodbye. =/


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The fuck is up with the sensitivity in general? Default is to fast. Slow it down and it's too jerky. What is the framerate? Is it not 60FPS? Maybe that's what is screwing me up
despite being the only player doing 2.0 KDR in the two rounds I did just a minute ago. lolololol spray and pray and hold an area
if the frame-rate isn't being solid because I'm too used to the rock-solid gunplay in CoD... :/


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Oh my god. Veteran is so bad. It's the traditional CoD Veteran (IE: weapon-flinch/no ability to aim and higher damage rate) but funneling you through corridors with (AFAIK, and thankfully) finite AI spawns. However since you're being funneled through the areas you're being funneled at a HUGE disadvantage by being a choke point and coming out of said chokepoint (doors, hallways) to open areas with no ability to reach cover in time with the AI destroying you before you can get there safely (or you can and get pinged to death due to bullet penetration or a lucky shot).

So damn annoying.


So from those of you who have it, how is it? I'm debating grabbing the bundle on Black Friday, but I want to know how it is first before I decide between this and the AC bundle.


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
So from those of you who have it, how is it? I'm debating grabbing the bundle on Black Friday, but I want to know how it is first before I decide between this and the AC bundle.

The campaign is garbage. MP is severely broken but so much fun when it's actually working!


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I took the plunge and got it today.

I had a lot of problems getting into a TDM match (including crashes to the main menu and a hard crash to the Vita OS - with a report-this-crash prompt to boot.) But once I got into a game it was great. There were no issues for Free for All that I've noticed.

I've not played a CoD game online since MW2, and going back to the basics of just running around and shooting dudes was really refreshing. And whilst I noticed some spawning-into-bullets issues, there's nothing game-breaking I've noticed so far. The maps are large enough for the player count as well.

I've only played one single player mission, but that's a secondary feature to me. The online is great, and hopefully the community in my region is good enough to keep the game going.

Also, I'm not sure if there's actually an Asian version of the game. Where I bought it (in Taipei) it's the American version.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So from those of you who have it, how is it? I'm debating grabbing the bundle on Black Friday, but I want to know how it is first before I decide between this and the AC bundle.

It's complete garbage. The sensitivity even all the way tuned down is ass. The multiplayer has spawn-into-bullets issues (due to the small player count and even smaller maps) weapons aren't balance too well (Resistance's shotgun is OP carries over here since this is a mod for the Resistance engine) and the single player is complete ass. More so on Veteran where the AI gives you more damage and you can't get into cover in time (since you'll be dead in .02 milliseconds as soon as they see you)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Am I the only one how doesn't have a problem with the sensitivity? I do tend to play shooters with high sensitivity though.

I play them on high (or the default) in most cases but the sticks here do not match the PS3's sticks. It seems to have a higher "on/off" deadzone than the PS3 sticks and any amount of pushing is either too much or too little.

Once a game finally gets this sensitivity issue nailed, I hope all developers bang on that developers door for their codes. Because even Uncharted (of all games!) has herky-jerky aiming for me. :/


I play them on high (or the default) in most cases but the sticks here do not match the PS3's sticks. It seems to have a higher "on/off" deadzone than the PS3 sticks and any amount of pushing is either too much or too little.

Once a game finally gets this sensitivity issue nailed, I hope all developers bang on that developers door for their codes. Because even Uncharted (of all games!) has herky-jerky aiming for me. :/

The aiming in Uncharted was kind of awful for me. Unit 13 was much better, though it uses a heavy dose of snap to target. Resistance was pretty great, I loved the controls better than most average shooters on PS3.


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Am I the only one how doesn't have a problem with the sensitivity? I do tend to play shooters with high sensitivity though.

I don't, anymore. In the beginning it was really bad and I had to turn it all the way down. Now I find minimum+1 to be the best in MP.

Game kicks ass, but the shotty is very unbalanced. Sometimes it's a one shot kill across the map, other times you can empty a mag without killing someone.


It is hyperbole to say that it is complete garbage and similar stuff like that, in my opinion. But people have different opinions about games in general of course.

I think the biggest problem with the game is that it has the Call of Duty name. If one expects a console-like version of COD with Declassified, i can see that the disappointment can be big. I would recommend that people see Declassified more as a mobile COD game with real controls instead of touch screen controls. The $50 pricetag can seem high for a game like that, but when buying the $199 bundle, at least you dont have to worry about that $50 pricetag since your basically getting the game for free.

Oh my god. Veteran is so bad. It's the traditional CoD Veteran (IE: weapon-flinch/no ability to aim and higher damage rate) but funneling you through corridors with (AFAIK, and thankfully) finite AI spawns. However since you're being funneled through the areas you're being funneled at a HUGE disadvantage by being a choke point and coming out of said chokepoint (doors, hallways) to open areas with no ability to reach cover in time with the AI destroying you before you can get there safely (or you can and get pinged to death due to bullet penetration or a lucky shot).

So damn annoying.
There are no missions where you cant find cover. If you enter a larger area, you can use the doorway as cover. You just need to learn the enemy patterns. That is the key to completing these levels on veteran. That said, even knowing the enemy patterns it can still be damn hard. Sometimes the enemy flanks you quickly and can kill you in less than a second. I used over 1 hour on beating level 5 on Veteran eventhough i knew exactly when and where the enemies were coming. But once the patterns are learned, it should be doable.

Getting in and out of the doorway can also sometimes be a bit tricky, especially if you aim down sight. It seems like the gun model collides with the wall then.

The worse part of the game for me is that Pure As Driven Snow trophy (complete level 6 without taking any damage). It is simply impossible unless you're very lucky. I cant imagine that more than 10-20 people have this trophy so far, or if any at all.


Junior Member
It is hyperbole to say that it is complete garbage and similar stuff like that, in my opinion. But people have different opinions about games in general of course.

I think the biggest problem with the game is that it has the Call of Duty name. If one expects a console-like version of COD with Declassified, i can see that the disappointment can be big. I would recommend that people see Declassified more as a mobile COD game with real controls instead of touch screen controls. The $50 pricetag can seem high for a game like that, but when buying the $199 bundle, at least you dont have to worry about that $50 pricetag since your basically getting the game for free.

There are no missions where you cant find cover. If you enter a larger area, you can use the doorway as cover. You just need to learn the enemy patterns. That is the key to completing these levels on veteran. That said, even knowing the enemy patterns it can still be damn hard. Sometimes the enemy flanks you quickly and can kill you in less than a second. But once the patterns are learned, it should be doable.

Getting in and out of the doorway can also sometimes be a bit tricky, especially if you aim down sight. It seems like the gun model collides with the wall then.

The worse part of the game for me is that Pure As Driven Snow trophy (complete level 6 without taking any damage). It is simply impossible unless you're very lucky. I cant imagine that more than 10-20 people have this trophy so far, or if any at all.

I tried to get that Trophy today. About 1/3 through the mission I got hit. Ended up doing the Ballistic Knife one instead.
If you already think the game is garbage and still buys it, no one can help you :/

If you just want to play some mp shooting on your vita, then it serves that purpose (when servers work).


I tried to get that Trophy today. About 1/3 through the mission I got hit. Ended up doing the Ballistic Knife one instead.
I can get to the 2nd C4 explosive without taking damage, but after that it gets impossible. You then enter a larger area with maybe 5-6 enemies shooting at you at once. The pretty much always hit me once i just walk an inch out in that area. I have no idea how to tackle this trophy. It is a pity because it will most likely be the only trophy that stops me from getting the platinum :\ It is almost up to the point that i wonder if its possible to patch this trophy out with something else, or add a god mode cheat to that one level. I wonder what they thought when they put this trophy in.


Junior Member
I can get to the 2nd C4 explosive without taking damage, but after that it gets impossible. You then enter a larger area with maybe 5-6 enemies shooting at you at once. The pretty much always hit me once i just walk an inch out in that area. I have no idea how to tackle this trophy. It is a pity because it will most likely be the only trophy that stops me from getting the platinum :

I totally wish Hostiles mode had co-op. I'd have you help me get to Wave 13. :)


I totally wish Hostiles mode had co-op. I'd have you help me get to Wave 13. :)
Yeah, co-op would be cool :) I got to wave 17 or something on the the Shattered map. There is a place where you can stand in a doorway, and most of the times the enemies will come out another doorway in front of you. You can see it here (not my video) :


Stand in the doorway to the right there. Then the enemy will come out of the doorway to the left. That is what i did at least. Sorry for the bad description, but tell me if something is unclear :)
Not has an issue with the sticks / sensitivity myself. Think I have it 1 or 2 notches below default.

While I agree the single player is garbage the multiplayer has potential. At its street price tag you are getting ripped off but if the money side of things doesn't bother you there is fun to be had in the multiplayer.

However its been over a week and there are still major connection issues online. I think its gotten worse as well. If I don't get immediately booted I get booted mid game.

Hopefully the patch and fix it soon but till they do I'm playing other stuff.

Between this and AC its a tough one. Both have a lot of issues. If single player is your thing the go AC but if you like multiplayer shooters go cod and hope they fix the connection issues.

The funny thing is I got blops 2 on PC for £5 cheaper than this lol. That is obviously a lot better as well.

Shame the reviews were as harsh on BoD as they were because its still got better MP than resistance but I think they were just sending a much needed message to activision. Shame it will fall on deaf ears.


The campaign is garbage. MP is severely broken but so much fun when it's actually working!

It's complete garbage.

Garbage! The thing is a insult.

So I don't really care about the campaign, just the multiplayer. What's wrong with that portion? I'm not expecting full blown multiplayer from the big bro versions of CoD, but if it's anything like Modern Combat on iOS with better controls I think I might like it. I'm only considering this since it's less scarce to find this bundle for a good deal than it is the AC:L bundle.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
It is hyperbole to say that it is complete garbage and similar stuff like that, in my opinion. But people have different opinions about games in general of course.

So, you don't have issues with:

-The deadzone/acceleration completely gimping you 9/10 of the time to where you have to rely on the auto-aim because they couldn't let you set variable speeds from very slow to very fast and have custom "deadzone" to where the sticks are as loose or as tight as you want them to be?
-The AI can see you through walls before you can even see them, thereby they're firing in your direction before you can even step out to shoot them (this is further amplified on Veteran difficulty. I'm doing Mission 2 right now and since that's timed and AI aimbot/hax it's a double-whammy of bad)
-Veteran difficulty mode having AI aimbot enemies that can kill you in five seconds before you know where they are/can get into cover to stop and pop and save yourself (good fucking luck with that) because you're coming out of hallways/doors and they aren't?

I think the biggest problem with the game is that it has the Call of Duty name. If one expects a console-like version of COD with Declassified, i can see that the disappointment can be big.

Except (with these glaring issues aside) the game hits the CoD name pretty well. For a Resistance: Burning Skies mod, this is actually a pretty good CoD mod for the engine. If glaring stupid design decisions didn't get in the way

There are no missions where you cant find cover. If you enter a larger area, you can use the doorway as cover. You just need to learn the enemy patterns. That is the key to completing these levels on veteran. That said, even knowing the enemy patterns it can still be damn hard. Sometimes the enemy flanks you quickly and can kill you in less than a second. I used over 1 hour on beating level 5 on Veteran eventhough i knew exactly when and where the enemies were coming. But once the patterns are learned, it should be doable.

And you don't see this as a bullshit artificial difficulty that hinders the game more than it helps? Yeah, it's "doable" and yeah, I know where the enemies are. But good fucking luck trying to get a bead on them with 1) terrible stick acceleration and 2) terrible damage rate [BANG BANG BANG *your level aim is suddenly thrown up in the air with no ability to fire back while taking damage* DEAD! *because of damage rate*] 3) no ability to get into cover due to said damage rate so you have to strafe in and out of cover to [hopefully] kill the AI that finally stops firing in your direction and goes into "dumbass can't see you" mode?

Getting in and out of the doorway can also sometimes be a bit tricky, especially if you aim down sight. It seems like the gun model collides with the wall then.

It's just as bad even hip firing, more so since it seems there's no set spread to where you're completely hindering yourself trying to hip-fire in the heat of the moment and missing what the marker says you should be hitting.

Let's not mention that because of the tight stick/acceleration issues the game's multiplayer (that could be solid!) has people basically strafing while crouched and hoping to get kills. Or camping in the bedroom of Nukehouse since there's no ability to climb up/flank them to get easy kills. Same for the other maps besides the Shipment clone in another name where that's basically pray you survive long enough to get into the shipping container and then take whoever comes at you.

I've got seriously high standards as a shooter person and even giving it a "well, it's a mobile/handheld shooter" excuse, doesn't excuse the acceleration and AI issues.

That's not even getting into the small number of maps, the maps spawning you/enemies into your/their vision for easy kills (esp on Nuke house, had that happen twice because I wasn't in the "spawn protection/do not spawn" zone but still in the Line of the Sight).


Junior Member
Yeah, co-op would be cool :) I got to wave 17 or something on the the Shattered map. There is a place where you can stand in a doorway, and most of the times the enemies will come out another doorway in front of you. You can see it here (not my video) :


Stand in the doorway to the right there. Then the enemy will come out of the doorway to the left. That is what i did at least. Sorry for the bad description, but tell me if something is unclear :)

Wow, I'm so doing this for the Gold Trophy. Thanks!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So, to get around my frustration with Mission 2, I bumped it down to Hardened/Normal difficulty, still hard with the time limit (and stupid AI getting in the cross-fire when trying to protect them) but doable. I think the issue is that the time limit on that mission on Veteran isn't increased to let you attempt to survive (along with the damage rate)

Blew through Veteran Mission 3 in one-go. No time limit = able to pull back, BREATHE and attempt to hit someone again. I get you're "can't hit shit while ADS" problem. I think it's due to crouch since standing let me shoot over cover, which is pretty WTF but I think that's a collision/cover barrier thing issue.

Since I used the Night Vision (since it was pretty much fake "hax" in lighting enemies up to easy-to-see bright green) that mission, I didn't get the achievement. Went back and did it on Regular/Easy and holy shit what a difference in having a non-absurd damage rate (you can still die but it's much harder to die compared to Normal/Hard [Vet]) makes in making the game kinda enjoyable. Too bad "aimbot AI that is either dumb as rocks or attempting to fuck you in the ass while there's five of them in the area" is still there.


So, you don't have issues with:

-The deadzone/acceleration completely gimping you 9/10 of the time to where you have to rely on the auto-aim because they couldn't let you set variable speeds from very slow to very fast and have custom "deadzone" to where the sticks are as loose or as tight as you want them to be?
-The AI can see you through walls before you can even see them, thereby they're firing in your direction before you can even step out to shoot them (this is further amplified on Veteran difficulty. I'm doing Mission 2 right now and since that's timed and AI aimbot/hax it's a double-whammy of bad)
-Veteran difficulty mode having AI aimbot enemies that can kill you in five seconds before you know where they are/can get into cover to stop and pop and save yourself (good fucking luck with that) because you're coming out of hallways/doors and they aren't?
Personally i have no particular issues with the controls. I feel that it is one of things that the game does really well. The controls are indeed very sensitive, i had to turn it to the lowest. After that, i think they work fine. The smaller autoaim (or aim assist) is pretty much a key feature in COD games, at least the console versions. I think it is one of the thing that makes it so popular, since it is one of the things that makes the controls feels great.

The AI is ok overall i think. The AI isnt the smartest, but it does put up a challenge, even if they sometimes know exactly where you're coming and shots at you at once. That autoaim for the AI as you mention can sometimes be annoying indeed, i agree to that. But after i learned the pattern of the enemies, i dont feel that the AI is any big hurdle overall (except for that one trophy where you cant take any damage). And getting comfortable/used with the controls is also important of course.

I'm not saying that the game couldnt be better, i just dont think that the game is complete garbage. After my experince with the game, i feel that this is exaggerating if it is taken litterally (unless "complete garbage" is more of a phrase pointing out the bad things one thing about the game). But people have different opinions about it, no problem with that of course, i'm just stating my opinion on it :)

Except (with these glaring issues aside) the game hits the CoD name pretty well. For a Resistance: Burning Skies mod, this is actually a pretty good CoD mod for the engine. If glaring stupid design decisions didn't get in the way
Yeah, it has some of the COD feeling to it indeed. But it is not the same as a console/PC experience. The name isnt the only thing though, the price and the technical issues are also factors. But i feel that being a COD game, many people had big expectations for it (including myself until i saw the Gamescom trailer and learned more about the game, then my expectations went down a lot).

And you don't see this as a bullshit artificial difficulty that hinders the game more than it helps? Yeah, it's "doable" and yeah, I know where the enemies are. But good fucking luck trying to get a bead on them with 1) terrible stick acceleration and 2) terrible damage rate [BANG BANG BANG *your level aim is suddenly thrown up in the air with no ability to fire back while taking damage* DEAD! *because of damage rate*] 3) no ability to get into cover due to said damage rate so you have to strafe in and out of cover to [hopefully] kill the AI that finally stops firing in your direction and goes into "dumbass can't see you" mode?
I've completed every mission on Veteran except the last one (i havnt given that level much try yet). Mission 5 was the most difficult one. Even if it was very difficult, it felt good to finally be able to beat it :) In some of the levels, there are extra weapons that can be picked up, like RPGs or grenade launchers. It can make the situation a bit easier sometimes.

I see your point though. But i think learning the pattern of the enemy offers a different type of challenge. Compared to the console versions, all you have to do on veteran is just keep pressing L1 and R1 and the aim will automatically snap on to the nearest enemy. It still gives a challenge, but it doesnt require much learning of the enemy movement.

It's just as bad even hip firing, more so since it seems there's no set spread to where you're completely hindering yourself trying to hip-fire in the heat of the moment and missing what the marker says you should be hitting.
Hipfire has always been very random in COD games, at least after my experience. I'm not sure that this game is any better or worse in that area.

Let's not mention that because of the tight stick/acceleration issues the game's multiplayer (that could be solid!) has people basically strafing while crouched and hoping to get kills. Or camping in the bedroom of Nukehouse since there's no ability to climb up/flank them to get easy kills. Same for the other maps besides the Shipment clone in another name where that's basically pray you survive long enough to get into the shipping container and then take whoever comes at you.

I've got seriously high standards as a shooter person and even giving it a "well, it's a mobile/handheld shooter" excuse, doesn't excuse the acceleration and AI issues.

That's not even getting into the small number of maps, the maps spawning you/enemies into your/their vision for easy kills (esp on Nuke house, had that happen twice because I wasn't in the "spawn protection/do not spawn" zone but still in the Line of the Sight).
Camping in this game is a bad strategy in my opinion. I have hardly played Team Deathmatch, but in Kill Confirmed and Free-for-All, i've never had issues with campers. People always run around. Camping in the containers or in the bedroom means that you can lose out on many kills.

All of this is subjective however. How well one think the controls feels, how much the AI affects the gameplay etc., not really any right or wrong answer to it.

Wow, I'm so doing this for the Gold Trophy. Thanks!
No problem :)
From my quick look at the trophy list, they're all for single player. I've put in a few hours if multi and still haven't got a trophy...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
From my quick look at the trophy list, they're all for single player. I've put in a few hours if multi and still haven't got a trophy...

Correct: Thankfully (or unthankfully since the game is cheap) the achievements are single-player only. But good fucking luck getting the three stars one. Time-trials are impossible. Hostiles starts to get bullshit cheap Veteran damage on Wave 3 (or maybe that's bugged and uses the singleplayer choice. Should test), operations are ass on Veteran since it's rote memorization.

Mission 5 was the most difficult one

I can not imagine Mission 5 just yet if Mission 2 is impossible to complete at the moment on Veteran. I can't even get to the first hostage area on Veteran in 2 due to being killed on the way there (and you have to save flash bangs since you can't waste them since there's no pick up for the last hostage area, needed to flash, move past hostages and mow down the enemies behind them quickly)

As for camping: I've only played Team Deathmatch and that's where the game really shows it's multiplayer problems. I haven't tried Kill Confirmed (didn't like it in CoD8), but the small maps and the spawn issues along with areas that can be completely camped so long as you strafe around enemies and spray and pray really soured me on the experience.

The game could've be awesome if ATVI/Sony gave Nihilistic more time and some more developers to polish the game and tweak the difficulties and multiplayer along with the controls but as it is it's just trash to me because it doesn't nail what I'm looking for in shooters: pin-point accuracy (this is subjective, yes, but you can't tell me the sticks aren't an issue. They have the PSP issue where it was "off/on" with a large dead zone where sneaking/walking in games that had a variable stick speed was hard as hell to nail down), non-flailing combat (this is a symptom of the first bit), and decent maps/balance.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Tonight I threw a grenade, got killed and then immediately spawned on top of my own grenade and died, Lol. This game...

The funniest thing I've seen so far is the attack helicopter spawning inside the Nukehouse.

I love the multiplayer though. It's a blast.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Oh yeah, I'm loving it too. I'm actually playing it more than anything else on my Vita right now. I haven't touched the sp.

I've no real interest in playing an "Arcade game" version of CoD, so I'll give the SP a miss for a while. What I've played of the SP is quite janky though.


Junior Member
Personally i have no particular issues with the controls. I feel that it is one of things that the game does really well. The controls are indeed very sensitive, i had to turn it to the lowest. After that, i think they work fine. The smaller autoaim (or aim assist) is pretty much a key feature in COD games, at least the console versions. I think it is one of the thing that makes it so popular, since it is one of the things that makes the controls feels great.

The AI is ok overall i think. The AI isnt the smartest, but it does put up a challenge, even if they sometimes know exactly where you're coming and shots at you at once. That autoaim for the AI as you mention can sometimes be annoying indeed, i agree to that. But after i learned the pattern of the enemies, i dont feel that the AI is any big hurdle overall (except for that one trophy where you cant take any damage). And getting comfortable/used with the controls is also important of course.

I'm not saying that the game couldnt be better, i just dont think that the game is complete garbage. After my experince with the game, i feel that this is exaggerating if it is taken litterally (unless "complete garbage" is more of a phrase pointing out the bad things one thing about the game). But people have different opinions about it, no problem with that of course, i'm just stating my opinion on it :)

Yeah, it has some of the COD feeling to it indeed. But it is not the same as a console/PC experience. The name isnt the only thing though, the price and the technical issues are also factors. But i feel that being a COD game, many people had big expectations for it (including myself until i saw the Gamescom trailer and learned more about the game, then my expectations went down a lot).

I've completed every mission on Veteran except the last one (i havnt given that level much try yet). Mission 5 was the most difficult one. Even if it was very difficult, it felt good to finally be able to beat it :) In some of the levels, there are extra weapons that can be picked up, like RPGs or grenade launchers. It can make the situation a bit easier sometimes.

I see your point though. But i think learning the pattern of the enemy offers a different type of challenge. Compared to the console versions, all you have to do on veteran is just keep pressing L1 and R1 and the aim will automatically snap on to the nearest enemy. It still gives a challenge, but it doesnt require much learning of the enemy movement.

Hipfire has always been very random in COD games, at least after my experience. I'm not sure that this game is any better or worse in that area.

Camping in this game is a bad strategy in my opinion. I have hardly played Team Deathmatch, but in Kill Confirmed and Free-for-All, i've never had issues with campers. People always run around. Camping in the containers or in the bedroom means that you can lose out on many kills.

All of this is subjective however. How well one think the controls feels, how much the AI affects the gameplay etc., not really any right or wrong answer to it.

No problem :)

Your strategy worked! I crouched behind the barrier in the back of the map and looked through the doorway, picking off each guy one by one. Made it Round 22 this way. Thanks again.


I can not imagine Mission 5 just yet if Mission 2 is impossible to complete at the moment on Veteran. I can't even get to the first hostage area on Veteran in 2 due to being killed on the way there (and you have to save flash bangs since you can't waste them since there's no pick up for the last hostage area, needed to flash, move past hostages and mow down the enemies behind them quickly)

As for camping: I've only played Team Deathmatch and that's where the game really shows it's multiplayer problems. I haven't tried Kill Confirmed (didn't like it in CoD8), but the small maps and the spawn issues along with areas that can be completely camped so long as you strafe around enemies and spray and pray really soured me on the experience.
Mission 2 and 5 are probably the hardest in my opinion. Mission 2 can be hard because of the time limit as you mentioned. Mission 5 can be difficult because there is one place where it is best to go in and out of a door to take cover, but it is possible to get "stuck" in that door (meaning that it is hard to get out of the door).

I see. I havnt tried Team Deathmatch for one reason, i want to keep track of the leaderboard entries :) It gives a smaller look on how much the game has sold. I've played one match, meaning that i'm far down on the leaderboards. This might also variate a lot from match to match though, depends on who you're playing with.

The game could've be awesome if ATVI/Sony gave Nihilistic more time and some more developers to polish the game and tweak the difficulties and multiplayer along with the controls but as it is it's just trash to me because it doesn't nail what I'm looking for in shooters: pin-point accuracy (this is subjective, yes, but you can't tell me the sticks aren't an issue. They have the PSP issue where it was "off/on" with a large dead zone where sneaking/walking in games that had a variable stick speed was hard as hell to nail down), non-flailing combat (this is a symptom of the first bit), and decent maps/balance.
About the controls, personally i feel that i have good control over the gun/character while playing. I dont feel that i have to struggle to aim where i want to aim. Maybe in some occations it can be a bit harder, but in general i think it works fine.

How do you mean with the "off/on" thing? I think the movement feels dynamic like all other console FPS, i.e if you move the sticks slow, the gun/character moves slow too. And if you move the sticks a bit more, the movement in the game responds fine to this as well.

But yeah, it is a pity that this game didnt have a higher budget and a longer developement cycle, i fully agree to that. I hope Activision will give the Vita a 2nd chance with another Call of Duty game.

Your strategy worked! I crouched behind the barrier in the back of the map and looked through the doorway, picking off each guy one by one. Made it Round 22 this way. Thanks again.
No problem. Cool to hear that you made it and got the trophy :)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
How do you mean with the "off/on" thing? I think the movement feels dynamic like all other console FPS, i.e if you move the sticks slow, the gun/character moves slow too. And if you move the sticks a bit more, the movement in the game responds fine to this as well.

There's three zones.

"Dead (Off).....Slow speed...Fast(On)"

I hope that's a good picture because I can't really discribe it without a picture. But the "walk" speed and "run speed" are close together and the deadzone is huge. Peace Walker on the PSP illustrates this problem because you think "push the stick/nub up 1mm to walk" would work, but no. So you move it to 5mm and Snake will walk. But move it 6mm and he'll run.

Compared to PS3 titles where pushing the stick at 1mm will move a character at a snails pace and the walk will start to pick up the further you press until at 10mm (or however huge you want to say the deadzone/stick goes) it's a full-on run.
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