I actually just quit mid-game, and left my FL teamates. Hated doing it, but I was getting no hitmarkers whatsoever with a 1/2 clip unloaded into an enemy's chest.
Playing on Xbox Live, good Comcast connection.
There's sooooo much aim assists, and they are cranked up soooo high, it's borderline aimbot.
It's easily the most auto-aimed CoD yet. Half the people are running around with SMGs hip firing with Extreme Conditioning, laying waste. The other half are quick-scoping with their snipers. Game is absolutely f'in BROKE now.
I loved Black Ops, didn't care much for MW3. I'm so disappointed to say that Black Ops2 is even less fun for me than MW3, because I was really looking forward to this game.
I swear, I thought I read something that said that Hardcore Modes wouldn't have noobtubes or RPGs in them...yet here they are.
I think Hardcore shouldn't be about 1-hit kills or lack of crosshair, but about minimal aim assists in a Bare Bones style gametype. Add skill-based aspects - more recoil, no camping prone position, dedicated servers, and ditch all lag comp.
Game is so infuriating. No consistency whatsoever. I guess that's what you get, when you are using a P2P system with lag comp. I'm actually thinking about finding out how to throttle my own connection to stay competitive. Anyone got any tutorial links? Yea, it's come to this sad conclusion.