I really, really wanted to be good with the SWAT since I loved the burst fire guns in Blops (M16 and G11), but I'm just not. I switched back to the MTAR, and I'm doing a lot better.
Thinking of using a token on the SCAR when I get it, but I'm not sure about the fire rate.
I'm really enjoying the maps a lot more than MW3, but the spawns could be better. I think if they can fix the spawns, the maps will shine.
Whoops I am blind
fucking snipersbleh
i wouldn't be so mad if they weren't quick scoping :/
Everyone must run and gun in BLOPS 2. Even the snipers. No, especially the snipers.Quick scoping is so broken and unbalanced, I don't understand why this is in the game. I shouldn't be able to aim and fire my heavy semi automatic long range sniper rifle faster than an SMG.
Sounds legit. Now those full rooms with even teams - that's the shit that needs to wait for balancing right there. 6v6 is such bullshit.I've played a game of demolition before that STARTED 8 vs. 4 and i was the 4 lol.
I mean rarely games would start as 7 v 5 in MW3, MW2, and COD4, but 8 vs. 4 is ridiculous and that wasn't the first time it started uneven like that for me when a team should only have 6.
Updates will come and I"m sure we'll see proper fixes. But yes, I think the main stat for this game now is fire rate with guns. Though having FMJ rounds is pretty damn good too.
Well it's been a while now and I'm Prestige 3 Lvl 30 or so.
Just wanna say I never get mad at Call of Duty. I usually play solo and still do very well. My k/d towards the end of MW3 was a 4 and my w/l was a 2.10, which isn't bad for playing solo.
Now with black ops 2. Even if i know a guy is coming on uav and i'm in cover and i shoot first, i still die and sometimes they are even using a silencer and win the gunfight. I'm also very disappointed in the downgrade with the demolition spawns. MW3 demolition spawns were the best in the whole call of duty series and it's so sad to see that go
So i gave this game a few chances. At first i thought it might be UAVs or who knows what, but this game is just annoying for me and doesn't even feel fair with the gunfights. In MW3, if i saw somebody coming on radar, i would easily pop out and kill them. This game i have to shit my pants knowing somebody is coming and most likely i die and lose the gunfight somehow. In MW3 my accuracy was 25%
I think now i'm either gonna go hard in Black Ops 2 zombies for those leaderboards and for fun or just play Modern Warfare 3. I'm not sure yet, but this game is a huge downgrade in so many ways to MW3.
If MW3 had the same scorestreak system, that'd be the perfect game in my opinion. It'd have to be something crazy new in the series for it to blow my mind and be better.
EDIT: Also if anybody cares, i'm rollin with a 2.20 k/d right now in black ops 2 and i even had one of my friends send me a message saying "how are you so good at this game already?!" when i'm pretty disappointed with that. It's not that i care about the stat, but havin a 2.20 means you die a lot, which means the game is frustrating for me. I'm still surprised people think 2+ is good. Anything below 2.5 is garbage to me. If i see that in a lobby, i think they're easy kills in my head. 2.5 to 3 is decent and the player has gun skill and i'd say 3+ is elite players that are great at the game. This has to go hand in hand with them having a lot of objective play on leaderboards, but idc about w/l cause thats just how much you play with a party.
mw3 was horrible.
Putting your emblem in the bottom left corner in FFA was a nice touch.
Doesn't seem like gun emblem works though or at least not on the FAL. I regret prestiging that twice now lol
keyword there
how do you see the custom one in game? in the lower left corner
Still is. MW3 is fucking horrible. This game is very good. Has some quirks that will be patched, but mw3 will always be terrible.
I didn't preorder and I have Nuketown.
Free for all
At least it doesn't have horrible lag compensation (anymore) and hit detection. In BO2 I have to use a shotgun 24/7 due to lag compensation because any weapon that isnt a one shot kill is worthless do to the shitty netcode that treyarch shipped with.
I'm sure its just matchmaking like Treyarch says. Ur just not being matched up with people who suck as bad as you or I. I don't care if you pump a full clip center mass after you get the bust - you suck and your opponent will 1 shot you. Now to add insult to injury, the killcam will show you wit a thumb up your ass since, you know, you suck and don't deserve to watch you pushing round after round into someone.At least it doesn't have horrible lag compensation (anymore) and hit detection. In BO2 I have to use a shotgun 24/7 due to lag compensation because any weapon that isnt a one shot kill is worthless do to the shitty netcode that treyarch shipped with.
I'm sure its just matchmaking like Treyarch says. Ur just not being matched up with people who suck as bad as you or I. I don't care if you pump a full clip center mass after you get the bust - you suck and your opponent will 1 shot you. Now to add insult to injury, the killcam will show you wit a thumb up your ass since, you know, you suck and don't deserve to watch you pushing round after round into someone.
One thing. The rest of it is still shit. And it shipped with lag comp just as bad.
I am playing MW3 right now and it plays like a COD should, not I shot you 4 times and you magically turned around and killed me.
mw3 was horrible.
Found something crazy fun the other night. The Robocop class.
Robocop In Black Ops 2 (Custom Class Setup)
That is exactly how MW3 played for me most of the time.
The lag comp is out of control right now and needs to be addressed. Its ridiculous how I can unload bullets into these motherfuckers and yet they kill me in one shot. I swear its as if some people are playing on turbo speed mode while others are stuck in slow motion.
All the bells and whistles Treyarch added to this game is meaningless until they do something with their netcode and lag comp.
Its fucking bullshit.
Thank You.If MW2 had gotten the support it needed, and the OMA noobtube tweak 402 promised before the IW shit hit the fan, it would be the best MP game ever made and I would've played it until I died of old age.
CoD4/MW2 netcode ctrl-c ctrl-v please
Yep. Its even worse for my preferred playstyle - the bomb-setter. I can still manage a + KD in other "plant bomb" style MP modes in shooters since i'm quick with the trigger but its extra fucking hard with this lag comp. I'm the guinea pig - I try to pull shooters from the woodwork so my team can down them and make a proper run for an objective. I take a few people out along the way but in this game its next to impossible unless they are eating a burrito while playing.CoD4/MW2 netcode ctrl-c ctrl-v please
fucking snipersbleh
i wouldn't be so mad if they weren't quick scoping :/
If MW2 had gotten the support it needed, and the OMA noobtube tweak 402 promised before the IW shit hit the fan, it would be the best MP game ever made and I would've played it until I died of old age.
This class set up looks like it's a lot of fun. I'll be trying it tonight.
EDIT: lol, i forgot he posts here.
Considering exchanging the Wii U version of this game for the 360 version. Is it actually that much better? Hellllllp.![]()
Just give us it back.