Which weapons are genuinely garbage? Lol cause honestly I have only had luck with the FAL, M8 and MSMC. Literally. Just 3 weapons I go positive with. Help me out GAF.
So GAF, what has been your best game so far? I just had my best game of COD ever by going 19-1 in Yemen. So far, I've been killing this COD with a 1.08 K/D. I consider that good because I had .70 - .80 in the old COD games. Also had a 16-3 game in Turbine recently. Game is great when you're doing great.
They fix the lag compensation for the game yet? Haven't played it for awhile....
83-7 on Headquaters.
Edit: I can't wait for Christmas. Christmas Noobs are the greatest thing in the world when it comes to CoD games.
Which weapons are genuinely garbage? Lol cause honestly I have only had luck with the FAL, M8 and MSMC. Literally. Just 3 weapons I go positive with. Help me out GAF.
The SMAW launcher. One rocket. ONE. ROCKET.
They fix the lag compensation for the game yet? Haven't played it for awhile....
anyone else noticed how you can destroy the helicopter that drops care packages been fun trolling a few people![]()
It kinda sucks that Party Games count towards your stats now.
The Executioner's absolutely abysmal. Tac-45, B23R, and KAP-40 beat the shit out of it. Otherwise, every primary weapon is pretty good and the game's pretty balanced overall.Which weapons are genuinely garbage? Lol cause honestly I have only had luck with the FAL, M8 and MSMC. Literally. Just 3 weapons I go positive with. Help me out GAF.
The Executioner's absolutely abysmal. Tac-45, B23R, and KAP-40 beat the shit out of it. Otherwise, every primary weapon is pretty good and the game's pretty balanced overall.
The Executioner's absolutely abysmal. Tac-45, B23R, and KAP-40 beat the shit out of it. Otherwise, every primary weapon is pretty good and the game's pretty balanced overall.
I consider myself a fairly good player, sometimes great. That fucker, grrant or whatever, is a beast. There are very few players who can flat out just outplay me like this, he can. If you see him in a lobby, drop out. Just drop out. You will get curbstomped. His killstreaks were VSAT, Dogs, and Swarm. I had UAV, Silent Gunner, Dogs. Opposing team was getting fucked up. They were just getting mowed over.
Shoot, I have a feeling it'd be easier to kill with the Executioner without aim assist pulling the sights everywhere, lol.Gun Game is really only a competition between the first 2-3 people who pass the Executioner round. The bolt action sniper, crossbow, and ballistic knives are all easier rounds lol
At least that's how it is on PC. I imagine the auto aim on consoles may make it a little easier.
Also from what I've heard this game's Dragunov equivalent sucks.
chicom cqb is bad imo![]()
Still working on diamond camo on the launchers. Just have the 2nd launcher left: destroy 10 player controlled aircrafts (which I have 6 left to do) and that damn AGR, lol. It's just a matter of time....
All of the burst fire guns feel unreliable to me. It's so nerve wracking having to land three bursts with the SWAT on a stationary enemy with the sight right on his sternum.chicom cqb is bad imo![]()
chicom cqb is bad imo![]()
yep, takes like four bursts to kill someone at range, what a joke
Oh my god, you and I are in the same boat. Ronin for the Stinger was fairly easy to get, seeing Lodestars, Dragonfires, and chopper gunners are fairly common. At least one a game if not every other game. But that AGR oh my god. It takes two rockets and chances are you'll be shot by another player if not the AGR itself. I'm thinking of running EMP grenade and busting out my Stinger (that's what she said) class whenever one pops up. How are the SMAW challenges past the first 100 shoot-downs? Where did you get RPG triple kill and which aircraft did you shoot down?
No spoilers.
Which campaign did you guys like better: MW3 or Black Ops 2?
I'm enjoying Black Ops 2 so far - the campaign kicks ass.
No spoilers.
Which campaign did you guys like better: MW3 or Black Ops 2?
I'm enjoying Black Ops 2 so far - the campaign kicks ass.
This has gotten me killed more than a few times. XD
Holding down the trigger button only to fire one shot = WTF NOOOO!
Finally unlocked the Scar and have been having flashes of my old Mw3 form.
I was on a good team but prior to getting the Scar I think my best game was like 30-29 or something, I really struggled to get even a 1.0 kdr [ which ironically is my overall kdr for this game]
That's it. Ghost is going on all my classes until they fix the bug where not all enemy UAV announcements are made/displayed above the killfeed. I am so fucking sick and tired of hearing a UAV announcement, looking up to shoot it with a launcher, and seeing there are 2-3 of the things in the air. Also, dying, respawning, and looking up to see a UAV in the air that was never announced. They have always had problems with this since they started this concept of killable UAVs in MW2 and still can't fucking figure out how to get the announcements to work every time. Fucking incredible.
The spawns are beyond broken due to how small the maps are. The lag compensation is a 50/50 thing, but the revenge spawns are out of control. They need to implement some sort of temporary spawn invincibility just to give you a fighting chance. Half the time I'm terrified to click 'Respawn' because I know someone is just waiting to shoot me in the back.
After playing the multiplayer mode some more, I'm starting to realize I downright hate it. Maybe I'll change my mind down the road, but I can't seem to find an ounce of fun here. I really enjoyed BLOPS and while it had its share of problems everything here seems to have amplified. The maps are too small for their own good, I can't seem to find any comfortable weapons, Ghost at level 55 (whose idea was that shit?), multiple entrances into every crevice of the map, and some of the worst spawning I've ever experienced. Almost every match I've played hasn't seemed like something I could get "better" at, because everything felt like it just comes down to luck. I mean,what else can I possibly do when I'm getting killed the instant I spawn five times in a row?
I'm glad the campaign was fun, because I don't see myself spending too much time with the multiplayer.
UAV started in part 4 along with UAV jammer. And none of those are viable if they're in your spawn. Just saying.Everyone asking themselves why they made ghost so much less important should know that all the interest in it is precisely why they pushed it into the back ground. It was too popular. For many people it had become THE perk. Things were beginning to head down a road that the franchise was never intended to be. This franchise is not about sneaking around corners and hiding in rooms for half the match.
The introduction of the kill cam was the first example of this. People couldn't hide as easily when you saw exactly where you were when they shot you. So being able to creep around or hide in rooms while being completely hidden from UAV, that wasn't good. It needed to be changed.
I'm sincerely hoping that the final step is completely ridding the game of an anti UAV perk altogether. If people want to avoid UAV they have 3 choices, and all of them require a little skill to earn it. Shoot down a UAV, earn yourself a counter UAV, or use a silencer. You shouldn't be able to slap on a angle perk and call it a day, never to be seen by a UAV again.
UAV started in part 4 along with UAV jammer. And none of those are viable if they're in your spawn. Just saying.
I'm aware the UAV started with 4. That's why I pointed out the kill cam came first, as it was the first example this game was not going to allow people to shoot and hide unseen.
I have no idea what any of that has to do with spawn killing.
I'm sincerely hoping that the final step is completely ridding the game of an anti UAV perk altogether. If people want to avoid UAV they have 3 choices, and all of them require a little skill to earn it. Shoot down a UAV, earn yourself a counter UAV, or use a silencer.