How the hell do you rank up so fast? Even when I'm doing well, anything after about level 35-40 just fucking crawls by.
Also, to above: I have no issues staying stealthy. Use a silencer, use ghost and keep moving. Not too hard.
To the below: That's what i do, except without a silencer since they are very weak in this game. I was talking about when I didn't have ghost or when i took it off for the 150kills without perks for camos.
To the above: A huge thing is playing a game mode that actually gives decent xp. Playing TDM or FFA or KC, it'll take like 500 of those matches to finally get to prestige. In the Modern Warfare series, demolition would get you a crazy amount because of two match bonuses. You could get 10-12k xp in match bonus (not counting kills etc..) in MW3 and that'd beat what you'd get in a full game of any other game mode. Then, because it's a long game, you'd have on average 30-35 kills (Usually more.) And because you have so many kills, a lot of challenges are completed because most of them require kills.
In this game, theres a lot of challenges, especially after you prestige. So instead of using RDS, i'm using MMS, just so i can get the challenges for that. If it's late and i have no friends online, i'll play multi-team, since u get 10k xp for every 20,000 score with challenges. I've been playing demolition mostly, but it's never been as quick to rank up in the Black Ops games as it is in the Modern Warfares. Kill confirmed seems to give a lot more xp than mw3 and headquarters is historically the game mode to get the most xp in treyarch games. People who say SnD are crazy, cause you might get good xp for the matches, but you never get challenges in it cause you barely get kills. You have to play the objective too. Planting in demo is 100xp and detonating is another 500xp. Never just be sitting still, but always be running looking for someone to kill cause sitting and waiting near a bomb gets you no xp. Killstreaks play a big factor too cause you get a lot of points for calling them in and 100 bonus xp per kill with them.
Also lvls 1-60 and 60-80 were the same in MW3 and levels 1-40 and 40-55 are the same in this game, so when you get to 40, you're only halfway. Also MW3 had the curve and thats why there were so many lvls. To get from lvl 1 to lvl 2 in mw3 was 800 xp, but it's 300 in this game. MW3 had the lower lvls take slightly more xp, but you'd still feel like they go by quick, that way the higher lvls really aren't a grind. In this game, i've gotten to lvl 12 in my first match with double xp on, but it really slows down mid 40s.
I'm no expert at how to lvl up fast in this game yet. I haven't figured out everything, but MW3 was just play demo + use specialist + play well cause you would get double xp every other kill with specialist and theres challenges for earning the specialist perks, so i would just alternate which ones i have for the challenges.
Leveling up has a lot to do with skill. If you lose most of your gunfights, then you definitely will not get as much xp as somebody that plays aggressively and has a 4k/d. And one last tip is to use tac inserts. You'll spawn closer to enemies, so you can get kills or xp actions more often.
So yeah. If you're only playing TDM or FFA in this game, you're doing it wrong if you wanna rank up. An average FFA for me is a 30kill win in about 3 and a half minutes. The match bonus is usually under 1000 and you have to wait more time in the lobby than playing a longer game mode. FFA is the gamemode to play if you want to be on top of the kills leaderboard though.
And one last paragraph

Don't think about your ranking up by lvls, but by how much more xp is required to prestige. I would separate it by 550kxp chunks in mw3, which is lvls 1-46 on one day, lvls 46-64 on another and then 64-80 on the last day. Lvl # really means nothing. It's all about how much xp you get per match and how much more xp required to prestige.