Tried it - not sure if it's all in my head, but the difference in gun battles is night and day. I can actually when against 1, 2, or 3 opponents!! Thanks for sharing the link!
This video does nothing for lag comp since lag comp penalizes the BETTER connection. So the better your ping and connection - the more lag comp you will get.
My PS3 has had a static IP forever. I tried opening up the ports to see if that does anything, despite knowing it wouldn't with lag comp, sure enough - didn't do jack shit.
I can still pump half a clip into someone with hit markers only to get killed in 1 shot. The killcam still shows me not shooting anything - and sometimes only 1 bullet.
Placebo, as always.
Lag Comp works against the better connection - so it's a no brainer that this would not help in any way, shape or form but I entertained the idea for the hell of it.
Also - the guy in the vid says you have no right to complain if you don't try it out - well - no - he's an idiot. Simply because BO2 is the only game I have this issue with and I don't need to jump through hoops with other games to get them working properly online.
He neglects the fact that many, like myself, have been gaming online for longer than 2 minutes. This isn't most people's first rodeo.
When BO2 is the odd man out - guess what? The game is the problem, not my setup which works without a problem for everything else.
The guy in the vid can blame everyone else but there's a reason that everyone complains about lag comp in THIS GAME and not the plethora of other online games. I'm quite sure that other games have issues - but COD is KNOWN to have lag comp issues like water is known to be "wet"... this isn't news.