COD’s are getting worse and here is why:
The Pick 10 system does nothing more than level the playing it field. It makes bad players better and great players worse. Think about it, there are so many options for the opposition to pick that I cannot set up a class to be able to protect myself. I basically have to waste most of my picks on trying to stop their B.S. instead of making myself stronger. See Flak, Mask, Engineer, Ghost, AA Rockets, Cold Blooded, Blind eye, etc. They are all to hinder the opposition. They don’t make my gun stronger or me better in gun fights.
Example, see Ghost in BO1. Everyone said it was overpowered. It was. The outcry and solution to weaken it was the poor choice. The basically turned it into 3-4 perks. The problem is, it is not 1v1 in a match. Your custom class is trying to best combat against 6+ enemies. It is impossible. You will always leave yourself open without flak or without AA Rockets or without silencer or without engineer or whatever. You can’t have everything then also equip your guns with attachment to help you win gun fights. You will have advantages in some gun fights then be at a disadvantage in others. This was not the case in MW1.
Instead, they should have made the other perks in the Ghost slot MORE powerful. Bring Back Juggs, Stopping Power, Danger Close. Even if you can use Greed wildcard and picks 2 of those, the mighty BO1 Ghost does not seem that great but it still is very viable if you want to be “off the radar,scanners, finders,etc”.
Treyarch’s new name is Weakarch. Why? Cause their idea of balancing is to weaken everything until the game is so plain and boring. Look at MW2/BO1. Guns too strong? No more Stopping Power/More recoil. Danger Close/OMA, we will get rid of them both. Shotgun Secondaries are too strong? We will Take off Stopping Power, Weaken their range, and make them primaries(wtf). Killstreaks too strong? Weaken them. Now in BO2 its Ghost, Killstreaks are harder to achieve, matchmaking is skill based, and all the maps are so small, have so many routes, and spawns switch so quick that you are always vulnerable. I was fine being vulnerable in MW2 cause I can kill enemies quick enough that I can take on multiple. The guns in this take 6-7+ bullets to kill + additional recoil in the game that I leave myself open for too long so his teammate kills me. Can’t Treyarch every make things stronger to balance a problem?