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Call of Duty: Black Ops II |OT| Black to the Future


Like I said a few days ago, the "Surprise" trailer sums up the multiplayer.


Me: Yeah, I got you!

*2 seconds later, BAM! BAM! in the back*

Me: I just died...


That is another thing that happened to me all night. In fact I think that was more of an issue last night than the lag. I had a 1.00 K/D in TDM (Not great but truth is that game is so broken I will take breaking even) and by the time I was done playing for the night it went down to .90.

Half the problem is that stupid map hijacked which everybody always wants to play on. It is fun the first 300 times then it gets old getting spawn trapped and shot in the back all game. With this game I simply don't know where to move or where to go to avoid getting shot in the back or the side. I was at a point where I just came to expect getting shot in the back every 30 seconds.

Great video about lag that is a click to tweet to Vonderhaar. The thing about Vonderhaar is he asked for video proof of lag, and TONS of people have sent him videos of both real time capture and theater mode video and to my knowledge he has only acknowledged one of them "which seemed abnormally bad" by just saying the word "cheers". I honestly think him/treyarch refuse to believe its a serious problem because they can't recreate it as bad on their end. Yet hundreds of videos and thousands of comments complaining about it. I don't know. I try and like this game, I keep going back to it a few times a week hoping something clicks, lag is better, spawns are better.....but it never fails. The game just isn't fun at all in its current state to me. Guess I'll try out zombies and play Halo 4.

So Many Bullets

Neo Member
Jeeze, Select Fire's night and day on the SWAT. Goes from worst AR to pretty middle of the line. Eh, least it looks cool with camo.

SWAT-556 with select fire and silencer is my #1 setup and I love it to pieces. Front grip if you feel the need. Yes the camo does look awesome on it as well, ERDL being my favorite.

SWAT-556/M8A1 are beastly in Hardcore, with no attachments. Great guns.



Great video about lag that is a click to tweet to Vonderhaar. The thing about Vonderhaar is he asked for video proof of lag, and TONS of people have sent him videos of both real time capture and theater mode video and to my knowledge he has only acknowledged one of them "which seemed abnormally bad" by just saying the word "cheers". I honestly think him/treyarch refuse to believe its a serious problem because they can't recreate it as bad on their end. Yet hundreds of videos and thousands of comments complaining about it. I don't know. I try and like this game, I keep going back to it a few times a week hoping something clicks, lag is better, spawns are better.....but it never fails. The game just isn't fun at all in its current state to me. Guess I'll try out zombies and play Halo 4.

Seeing this video just upsets me. I have my good games and then I have my awful games. And now that I know this is the cause. It really pisses me off. Because in MW3 I had practically a 2.0 K/D ratio. In Black Ops 2 my K/D ratio is 0.90. Not cool when you know your good at the game but there is a fault lying on the other side which in this case is Treyarch's.

Patches won't fix this. It's a server issue.

I might be getting my FPS multiplayer fix from BF3, MW2/3, Halo 4 or this game every now and then.

Great video about lag that is a click to tweet to Vonderhaar. The thing about Vonderhaar is he asked for video proof of lag, and TONS of people have sent him videos of both real time capture and theater mode video and to my knowledge he has only acknowledged one of them "which seemed abnormally bad" by just saying the word "cheers". I honestly think him/treyarch refuse to believe its a serious problem because they can't recreate it as bad on their end. Yet hundreds of videos and thousands of comments complaining about it. I don't know. I try and like this game, I keep going back to it a few times a week hoping something clicks, lag is better, spawns are better.....but it never fails. The game just isn't fun at all in its current state to me. Guess I'll try out zombies and play Halo 4.

I laughed at "revoluationary" and "masterpiece" in the video.

Came back to this thread wondering if the shit was fixed. I got my answer.
Last night my first game, I started out and was killed 13 times in a row before I EVEN TOOK A FUCKING SHOT. 11 of the 13 being shot in the back. Once I finally got two kills in a row by two guys standing by each other, I proceed to turn around and the fuckers spawn IMMEDIATELY behind me and kill me.

In my own anecdotal experience, I'll regularly start out like 1-7, dying in frustrating situations and then it will all of a sudden turn around and I'll end the match like 14-10. This is like every other match. Or vice versa, 8-2, then 10 straight deaths. It almost feels like the game says "Nope - you're doing to good right now, simma down." or "I'm sorry, I took this a bit too far - here's some easy kills for your troubles". It's MIND-BOTTLING.
In my own anecdotal experience, I'll regularly start out like 1-7, dying in frustrating situations and then it will all of a sudden turn around and I'll end the match like 14-10. This is like every other match. Or vice versa, 8-2, then 10 straight deaths. It almost feels like the game says "Nope - you're doing to good right now, simma down." or "I'm sorry, I took this a bit too far - here's some easy kills for your troubles". It's MIND-BOTTLING.

It bottles the mind.

I've had similar experiences. I seem to do fairly average in the first round (12-10 or 9-10) and then really pick it up in the second round finishing out with a 2.0+ kdr. It's weird.

Last night I went 31-4 in a Domination game, using the B23R pistol. That's nothing compared with some of the players in this thread but I was happy with it.


Last night my first game, I started out and was killed 13 times in a row before I EVEN TOOK A FUCKING SHOT. 11 of the 13 being shot in the back. Once I finally got two kills in a row by two guys standing by each other, I proceed to turn around and the fuckers spawn IMMEDIATELY behind me and kill me.


Have to give you credit for sticking with that match. I would have quit after starting off 0-5 lol. But yeah I regularly have matches where I finish 5-13. It was so bad last night when I was playing TDM I had 15 matches in a row where I had more deaths than kills. What is sad that I was playing that poorly not entirely because of the lag but because I was constatly getting shot in the back. I just simply cannot figure out how to stop getting shot in the back 12 times a games.
Have to give you credit for sticking with that match. I would have quit after starting off 0-5 lol.

Yea, it soon became comical. It went from a bit of rage to the point it was just stupid and I quit caring. The game is going to fuck you over regardless. I think I ended up almost breaking even. I'm making it a goal to myself not to play multi-player till something is patched. Its just not fun in any imaginable way.
Have to give you credit for sticking with that match. I would have quit after starting off 0-5 lol. But yeah I regularly have matches where I finish 5-13. It was so bad last night when I was playing TDM I had 15 matches in a row where I had more deaths than kills. What is sad that I was playing that poorly not entirely because of the lag but because I was constatly getting shot in the back. I just simply cannot figure out how to stop getting shot in the back 12 times a games.

this same shit happened to me last night for 10 straight games. fucking horrible.

everyone in the game kept bitching about it.

i dont really care about kd but this is the first cod i've played where mine is above 1.0 and if i go 1-7 in a match, i'll quit out
In my own anecdotal experience, I'll regularly start out like 1-7, dying in frustrating situations and then it will all of a sudden turn around and I'll end the match like 14-10. This is like every other match. Or vice versa, 8-2, then 10 straight deaths. It almost feels like the game says "Nope - you're doing to good right now, simma down." or "I'm sorry, I took this a bit too far - here's some easy kills for your troubles". It's MIND-BOTTLING.

I think when the spawns aren't working well, the game can be very hot and cold like you describe. The instant you spawn you don't have time to orient yourself, you don't understand where the action is, you haven't set up equipment, you haven't pick a flanking route, etc. And when you're spawning five feet in front of someone, you're extremely vulnerable.

However, once you're flowing, you understand where players are spawning from, which areas of the maps are hotspots for rushers, where the defensive players are posted, etc. All this makes it easier to keep a streak going. The problem is that the spawns don't give you time to orient yourself to get into this flow, so you can get in a spawn death loop for 5 kills before going on a bit of a run.
UAV-Hunter Killer-Care Package

Why do anything else when I get 3-4 carepackages a match that I can reroll with engineer?

I feel like that even with Engineer, care package isn't worth it unless you're looking to roll with 2 UAV killstreaks or something :p I also don't have room to waste a point on Engineer, when there are far better things to spend them on, but whatever floats your boat man.

Even with 3-4 care packages, you'll prob get less kills total with your killstreaks than using vsat-lodestar-vtol
I pretty much run Engineer + Black Hat on all of my classes. It's too useful not to. Black Hat is so versatile, I love it.

Also, I have a "00 Operative" class where I was using only a pistol. I used to run like 5 perks on it, but I swapped to two perks (Scavenger, Engineer) and double double-tacticals (2x concussion, 2x Black Hat) and I've had a couple of quite fantastic (for me) matches so far. I need to experiment with it more.



Great video about lag that is a click to tweet to Vonderhaar. The thing about Vonderhaar is he asked for video proof of lag, and TONS of people have sent him videos of both real time capture and theater mode video and to my knowledge he has only acknowledged one of them "which seemed abnormally bad" by just saying the word "cheers". I honestly think him/treyarch refuse to believe its a serious problem because they can't recreate it as bad on their end. Yet hundreds of videos and thousands of comments complaining about it. I don't know. I try and like this game, I keep going back to it a few times a week hoping something clicks, lag is better, spawns are better.....but it never fails. The game just isn't fun at all in its current state to me. Guess I'll try out zombies and play Halo 4.

I have no doubt Treyarch is aware of the problem, but it probably can't be fixed so they are playing the dumb/ignore routine. Acknowledging and doing nothing would cause a much bigger shitstorm. Blops1 had the same hit detection and lag problems which makes your wonder why they didn't fix or change them for Blops2. Treyarch fooled me once, fooled me twice, but I am not going to fall for it a 3rd time.
Does this game have the option to turn off theater recording? I remember that was a supposed "help" in the lag department in previous games but last time I looked I didn't see any option to turn it off.
An interesting thing is how much more effective killstreaks are in Demolition.

Demolition in this game has horrible static spawns and no respawn armor, so enemies will keep spawning in the same exact location over and over again without protection from killstreaks.

If you drive an AGR into the opposing teams spawn, you can get 15 kills with it and they have little to no chance to destroy you. The same goes with vtol and lodestar. Even if you don't see them and they haven't appeared yet, you can rain your bullets/explosives on their spawn and you'll start picking up kills rapidly once more enemies begin respawning.

Even something like lightning strike is 3-4 kills everytime because enemies spawn in the same area, so all the red dots are on top of each other.
I pretty much run Engineer + Black Hat on all of my classes. It's too useful not to. Black Hat is so versatile, I love it.

Also, I have a "00 Operative" class where I was using only a pistol. I used to run like 5 perks on it, but I swapped to two perks (Scavenger, Engineer) and double double-tacticals (2x concussion, 2x Black Hat) and I've had a couple of quite fantastic (for me) matches so far. I need to experiment with it more.

Glad to see someone using Tactician. I'm trying to find a use for Tactician, but I can't find a class that fits my playstyle. Claymores/Betties are too helpful for me.



Great video about lag that is a click to tweet to Vonderhaar. The thing about Vonderhaar is he asked for video proof of lag, and TONS of people have sent him videos of both real time capture and theater mode video and to my knowledge he has only acknowledged one of them "which seemed abnormally bad" by just saying the word "cheers". I honestly think him/treyarch refuse to believe its a serious problem because they can't recreate it as bad on their end. Yet hundreds of videos and thousands of comments complaining about it. I don't know. I try and like this game, I keep going back to it a few times a week hoping something clicks, lag is better, spawns are better.....but it never fails. The game just isn't fun at all in its current state to me. Guess I'll try out zombies and play Halo 4.
Hey look! Its every game I play!

This is what it looks like on my end 99.9% of the time and my .67 KD is living proof that its there. I have become so quick with sighting center mass that when I played BF3 the other night, while the controls are utter shit - I went 67-11 with my support class running the 27 without bipod (foregrip+flash) in a round of rush.

I don't suck at these games, I might not be the best, but I am most certainly not .67

As I like to play support or misdirect roles to help my team I usually stick around 1.5 since I like to attract attention away from my team and wind up getting killed - but I always manage to take a few people out playing cat and mouse - I like getting attention for a few moments to give my team a bit of slack so they can hit an objective. I don't mind dying when I do it - but I always keep a + KD.

I could improve it if I would play defense - but I rather like sneaking around and tapping guys on the shoulder then bolting so they are misdirected from my team. I know its a one-way to a quick death but I can take a few out and help my team by pulling heat.

This game? Nope. Lag Comp kills me (literally).


Last night my first game, I started out and was killed 13 times in a row before I EVEN TOOK A FUCKING SHOT. 11 of the 13 being shot in the back. Once I finally got two kills in a row by two guys standing by each other, I proceed to turn around and the fuckers spawn IMMEDIATELY behind me and kill me.


I felt like a COD newbie last night. I went severely negative almost every game, and I could barely get any UAVs. The lag was so bad that I kept getting killed by people who were actually standing in front of me, but I couldn't see them at all. The few times I shot a guy in the back, he would turn around and kill me.
How would y'all rate map design between games? I haven't played BLOPS1 or MW3.

For me it's a no brainer MW1 > MW2 >>>>>>>BLOPS2 > WAW

My favorite in the series is definitely MW2 > MW1 (very close second) >> WAW >>> BLOPS2

The Scar is nerfed in BLOPS2.



Great video about lag that is a click to tweet to Vonderhaar. The thing about Vonderhaar is he asked for video proof of lag, and TONS of people have sent him videos of both real time capture and theater mode video and to my knowledge he has only acknowledged one of them "which seemed abnormally bad" by just saying the word "cheers". I honestly think him/treyarch refuse to believe its a serious problem because they can't recreate it as bad on their end. Yet hundreds of videos and thousands of comments complaining about it. I don't know. I try and like this game, I keep going back to it a few times a week hoping something clicks, lag is better, spawns are better.....but it never fails. The game just isn't fun at all in its current state to me. Guess I'll try out zombies and play Halo 4.
As much of a debacle Modern Warfare 3 was in it's first few weeks, I really apprecited Robert Bowling for keeping us informed about issues and reporting back to the team. David's 'cheer' comment is pretty damn ridiculous, if not ignorant.

349 more days till Modern Warfare 4.
As much of a debacle Modern Warfare 3 was in it's first few weeks, I really apprecited Robert Bowling for keeping us informed about issues and reporting back to the team. David's 'cheer' comment is pretty damn ridiculous, if not ignorant.

349 more days till Modern Warfare 4.
Yeah there is no transparency with these guys, it's annoying.
I pretty much run Engineer + Black Hat on all of my classes. It's too useful not to. Black Hat is so versatile, I love it.

Also, I have a "00 Operative" class where I was using only a pistol. I used to run like 5 perks on it, but I swapped to two perks (Scavenger, Engineer) and double double-tacticals (2x concussion, 2x Black Hat) and I've had a couple of quite fantastic (for me) matches so far. I need to experiment with it more.

Engineer plus Blackhat is the shit. Killing Sentries and Guardians from behind walls is invaluable. Also i love seeing a dude throw out a bouncing betty, immediately hack it, then it kills him. Done that a few times now.

I still havent hacked an enemy care package yet though...someday
How would y'all rate map design between games? I haven't played BLOPS1 or MW3.

For me it's a no brainer MW1 > MW2 >>>>>>>BLOPS2 > WAW

My favorite in the series is definitely MW2 > MW1 (very close second) >> WAW >>> BLOPS2

The Scar is nerfed in BLOPS2.

BLOPS 2 maps are good, but not MW2 or BLOPS 1 level. I think BLOPS 1 had the best map design and most variety.


No technical problems but playing Domination in public matches is ridiculous. People go for the objective maybe once every ten matches. They run around everywhere trying to get some kills instead of capturing the objective. All I can think of it "Fuck you, capture the objective and you can take them out one by one right after they spawn" but no, gotta run around and not capture anything. -.-


No technical problems but playing Domination in public matches is ridiculous. People go for the objective maybe once every ten matches. They run around everywhere trying to get some kills instead of capturing the objective. All I can think of it "Fuck you, capture the objective and you can take them out one by one right after they spawn" but no, gotta run around and not capture anything. -.-

Playing object base games without doing the obective is the fastest way to improve your K/D ratio and that's all that matters...

Big reason why I don't play objective games.


I'm finally beginning to see the light..

FAL + Suppressor + Target Finder + Select Fire

Now waiting for Ghost..

Ghost has been need big time. You pretty much have to be moving at full speed for it to work. The more you move the more at mercy you are at "I love standing still and looking at the scenery while getting shot" netcode.
I think BLOPS 1 had the best map design and most variety.


knitoe said:
Playing object base games without doing the obective is the fastest way to improve your K/D ratio and that's all that matters...

It's annoying that these modes count towards an overall KDR. I'll sacrifice myself to get an objective, but the first thing everyone asks is, "What's your kdr?" not "What's your w/l ratio?"


Ghost has been need big time. You pretty much have to be moving at full speed for it to work. The more you move the more at mercy you are at "I love standing still and looking at the scenery while getting shot" netcode.

Sprinting speed?


Sprinting speed?
Your character has to be moving at full speed when pushing the stick in one direction. If you are impede by an object, Ghost will stop working. Sprinting gets you to the require speed faster. You can tell when Ghost is working when your character marker fades on the mini map.
Is there a glitch where you can get gold camo on your guns without having all the other camos? Because two of my guns are like that.

There was an update last night that screwed things up with gold camos. It gave me gold on the launcher I was using when I updated that it shouldn't have


Sprinting speed?

Your character has to be moving at full speed when pushing the stick in one direction. If you are impede by an object, Ghost will stop working. Sprinting gets you to the require speed faster. You can tell when Ghost is working when your character marker fades on the mini map.

Having the Stock attachment also lets you move at full speed (NOT the same as Sprinting Speed, that would be full speed +1 pretty much) while ADS. Pretty nice for some weapons but not an absolute must to pair with every Ghost Class.

This did a good job explaining it to me:
Ghost Perk Explained - Youtube
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