Who could forget this gem
Oh god I remember running aroudn that map not running into people for minutes, and just thinking "this is so stupid". COD really needs smaller maps, makes the action snappier.
Who could forget this gem
Ever since CoD went futuristic with jetpacks and shit I just can't compete. Even in ghosts I had a 2.0 kd and I hated that game. With these past 2 CoD's I have around 1.25 or so. Just not fun to me to get shit on. My friends and family all feel the same and the same shit is happening to us all.
Waiting for the postman to deliver is killing me , in the meantime I've just bought a Nuketown code from eBay for £19 , Hurry up Royal Mail!!!
So far to me the whole package seems fun, I'm not sure about it being classed as a great game or whatever but every mode i've played is fun and for me that's all that really matters.
Played about 1/3 of the campaign, it's a bit mental but it's been enjoyable. The multiplayer maps feel better than AW and Ghosts, I die a bit less frequently after spawning so that's always good. Not sold on the hero powers thing, seems like it's just been tacked on for no good reason, happy to use it when it pops up but not convinced it's needed at all. Same with the wall running and double jump, to me they feel like they were shoehorned in because of what AW done. Gun game is amazing, glad it's back.
If everything keeps being this enjoyable it's a solid 8/10 game for me.
I really- REALLY love the amount of color I have seen in the maps. Everything is so vibrant.
Who could forget this gem
Using a controller. Could have done better, but could have done a LOT worse.
Really enjoying MP, but the aim feels a little off to me. Just feels heavier than other CODs.
There's a ton of aim assist, that's probably why.
Anyway to get nuke town on digital purchases now?
Or has that ship sailed?
I was good on the beta.. Sucking ass here.
It's gone unless you buy a code from someone. Apparently they are going for £19, people so thirsty for some nuketown!
Also remember that Nuketown will probably be gone after a week, only to return for double XP events and eventually part of normal playlists for everyone next year.
Is it not part of the deluxe edition?
how to get the nuketown if you preordered on psn?
Go to the BO3 screen where you can buy / download. On there, you can find and select I think "Game Page". Then, go to "Addon" and you can download it.
1.25 is definitely competing lol
No hardcore kill confirmed?
The only TDM in hardcore that doesnt reward camping? Where you actually have to move after a kill to score?
I'd say it's average tbh
The tougher opponents are at the 1.75 - 2.00 KD or higher.
Wait what? So no HC Domination AND Kill Confirmed!?
You gotta be kidding me. Those are the only modes I play.....
I only played the ps4 beta, but have bought the bone version. Looks fine to me.Did they improve the resolution of the Xbox One Version from the beta?
Not trying to start something here, but I remember playing the beta and the game looked different than other Xbox One Games, kinda smudgy or like other people called it, "like if they put a vaseline filter on it".
so you randomly earn points you can use to unlock supply drops from the black market. but what do the drops contain? are they just cosmetic or can you actually get weapons with different stats like in AW?
Yeah, I kinda lost interest in playing it alltogether.. OR I should try the other HC modes.That really sucks. Not as much as my totals right now but a close 2nd.![]()