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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Cerrius said:
I've logged over 48 hours in multi and I don't think I've seen one instance in which it's failed to migrate.

on the 360 it has failed a shit load of times....pull that IW ding dong from your mouth would ya!


You like me, you really really like me!
cameltoe said:
on the 360 it has failed a shit load of times....pull that IW ding dong from your mouth would ya!

Like I said before, I've played 48 hours of multi and I don't remember any instance of the host migration failing whatsoever.

Just speaking the facts. My online experience has been smooth, fast, and enjoyable.


DjangoReinhardt said:
Spec Ops mode is excellent. I hope Infinity Ward goes nuts with it in the future.

Came to say this as well. just played it for the first time with a friend and its amazing!

My fav is the one where one becomes the ac120 gunner and has to protect the other.
Animator said:
Came to say this as well. just played it for the first time with a friend and its amazing!

My fav is the one where one becomes the ac120 gunner and has to protect the other.
Just wait till you get to the Echo challenges. Play them on Veteran and see if you change your mind. They are BRUTAL.
Holy SHIT just unlocked the ACR it is pretty damn good so far. Its got a good amount of ammo enough to mow down two or three dudes at once and I got a double kill then a triple the very first time using it.
Cerrius said:
Like I said before, I've played 48 hours of multi and I don't remember any instance of the host migration failing whatsoever.

Just speaking the facts. My online experience has been smooth, fast, and enjoyable.

Of the 17 hours I've put in, I've only seen it fail twice. Hardly the "shit load of times" Cameltoe is alluding to, and a hell of a sight better than how CoD4 handled the problem.


Single player was pretty interesting. It's like equal parts wtfawesome and horrible. I kinda dig the complete craziness, but the ever present COD w"e want you to do this one way but dont clearly indicate it so you die 300 times until you take the right path" is annoying as hell and the resolution was lame.

Haven't touched Spec Ops yet but looking forward to it.

Multi is further refined COD, it's pretty fun and addicting but my terribleness at it will probably make L4D2 take over the online competitive multiplayer slot for me after it comes in the mail and the sort their server issues.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Man, I changed the sensitivity of my cursor and it's made a HUGE difference. Before, I NEVER finished over a 1 to 1 ratio. Now? I have never finished below a 1 to 1 ratio. Like a new game.
So I've gone back and booted up CoD4 to make sure it wasnt just my 2 week past memories of this game tainting my opinion, and I will stand by the assertion that CoD4 is the better of these games in a multiplayer experience. The maps are better, the Kill Streaks dont have the kind of overwhelming power that they do in MW2, and the perk system isnt broken and stupidly powerful like it can be in MW2. I think the original is the better balanced game of the two, hands down.
Man I dont get this. You fire a missile and if its in the air and you die it automatically blows up. But if somebody is using a claymore, you knife him, and run around the corner and his claymore is still there, it still goes off. BS.
I wish Infinity Ward did something like the Bungie Weekly Update. I really do. I'm really interested to hear what IW is talking about at this point of Modern Warfare 2's life. As far as patches, changes, DLC, etc.
Lionheart1827 said:
Man I dont get this. You fire a missile and if its in the air and you die it automatically blows up. But if somebody is using a claymore, you knife him, and run around the corner and his claymore is still there, it still goes off. BS.

To be fair, the claymore only goes off if hes still watching his killcam. If he just mashes X and starts playing again, its just as gone as your missile.
Pyke Presco said:
To be fair, the claymore only goes off if hes still watching his killcam. If he just mashes X and starts playing again, its just as gone as your missile.

Is there a reason why the claymore stays behind? I thought it was a glitch in the last games. Makes no sense that a claymore can stay behind but a missile doesnt.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Pyke Presco said:
So I've gone back and booted up CoD4 to make sure it wasnt just my 2 week past memories of this game tainting my opinion, and I will stand by the assertion that CoD4 is the better of these games in a multiplayer experience. The maps are better, the Kill Streaks dont have the kind of overwhelming power that they do in MW2, and the perk system isnt broken and stupidly powerful like it can be in MW2. I think the original is the better balanced game of the two, hands down.

Peole will disagree with you now, because MW2 is new and fancy and shiny, but in a few months, I'm almost certain this will be the prevailing view.


dabbled in the jelly
The single player is rather inconsistent so far. Some missions are fun, others are decent and the rest are sub-par at best. I was really hoping they would bring it with some cool memorable set pieces to change up the monotony of run-duck-gun. Sniper mission was fun but not as good as the last one. For the sequel I think they should allow you to choose what type of career soldier you would like to be and have a unique set of missions or at least different objectives to complete depending on what you choose like a Ranger/Engineer, Navy Seal/Sniper, CIA/UCoP ect. This would go a long way in staving off repetitious gameplay. So would a comprehensive multiplayer campaign in the vain of WaW or Uncharted 2.

Haven't played too much of multi-player or spec-ops so I can't wait to jump into those. So far overall I'm having much more fun with Uncharted 2 and Borderlands. It's still a great game just doesn't seem quite as addictive as COD4.
commish said:
Peole will disagree with you now, because MW2 is new and fancy and shiny, but in a few months, I'm almost certain this will be the prevailing view.

And dont get me wrong, I love the new game, and I'm playing the hell out of it. But there is also a lot of shit wrong with it, and it can get a little too crazy when theres a chopper and an ac130 and a uav and 2 predator missiles dropping on your team, while those fucking knife ninjas that I created are wreaking havoc through the enemy spawn...man, I sometimes feel really bad for the other team.

I just think CoD4 has a better setup, and players dominate through their actual skill with their guns, not with the luck of where their chopper gunner decides to take the chopper while they just hold down the trigger. (and yes, the choppers in CoD4 can dominate matches, but it doesnt happen as often, and they are far more susceptible to being shot down by normal guns.)


Has anyone tried the ridiculous knife classes? I use Marathon, Lighweight and Commando.. I am almost unstoppable on a smaller map like Sub Base
will27 said:
Has anyone tried the ridiculous knife classes? I use Marathon, Lighweight and Commando.. I am almost unstoppable on a smaller map like Sub Base

Yeah, I brought those up a couple days ago and now people have been talking about how ridiculously awesome it is. I tweaked it off a post about some guys SMG class, but I'm sure plenty of other people came up with the idea on their own as well.
Pyke Presco said:
So I've gone back and booted up CoD4 to make sure it wasnt just my 2 week past memories of this game tainting my opinion, and I will stand by the assertion that CoD4 is the better of these games in a multiplayer experience. The maps are better, the Kill Streaks dont have the kind of overwhelming power that they do in MW2, and the perk system isnt broken and stupidly powerful like it can be in MW2. I think the original is the better balanced game of the two, hands down.

As a guy who spent over 550 hours playing COD4 and got my 55 Gold Cross I agree with you... but, MW2 is new and shiny, has new maps, and all my friends are playing it so that's where I'm at.

will27 said:
Has anyone tried the ridiculous knife classes? I use Marathon, Lighweight and Commando.. I am almost unstoppable on a smaller map like Sub Base

How well does this class work in Hardcore?
Put me in a match when the other team is one kill away from winning. Then count it towards the win/loss. Whats the point of even keeping that statistic with a leaderboards? :lol
OldJadedGamer said:
As a guy who spent over 550 hours playing COD4 and got my 55 Gold Cross I agree with you... but, MW2 is new and shiny, has new maps, and all my friends are playing it so that's where I'm at.

How well does this class work in Hardcore?

It is absolutely terrible. Hardcore is not friendly to fast moving, easily visible targets, and everybody and their cousin is carrying a heartbeat sensor. The class falls apart when people are patient and setup, rather than pushing ahead and focusing their attention on all the red dots on the map from gunshots. Hardcore TDM and Regular TDM are completely different gametypes and the same strategies do not work for both. Maybe a modified build would be more successful, but I find I tend to need that extra speed to close, so cold-blooded is out of the question, but more importantly, I get shot playing this class. Alot. And in hardcore, there is no room for error. You cant rush someone, take a bullet or two and then jab them before you take one more shot. that first graze of a bullet will drop you, and thats the end of your knife shenanigans.

If you can get it to work, more power to you. I wouldnt recommend it though.


Local search really needs to be added. This automatic crap doesn't cut it. In the past 24 hours I've been matched up with people from Australia, UK, and France. And THEY were host, yeah good for them but fuck that I'm quitting asap. Local Search is needed and it better come in the next update.

Another thing about the matchmaking.. When I first search it will find 25 games, say it finds 10 of those 25 games to be "good" then it goes from 1/25 and searches for <100 Ping. Please tell me it searches all 10 of those games for the BEST ping and doesn't just pick the first game it finds under 100 ping?!

Because it seems like it just picks the first game under 100 ping, and not the "optimal" or BEST game out of those 10.


J-Rzez said:
FAMAS -> SCAR -> FAL -> ACR. That's the AR progression I'd recommend. Do the others for the challenges if you want the points and don't care about stats like me.

I don't like the LMG's too much, except the AUG. The thing is an absolute monster.

SMGs, MP5k isn't bad. UMP is nice. P90 is same old ridiculous weapon from before, but seemingly more accurate at range now. Uzi is fun. That Vector, hate it.

Used the Barret until the WA2000. Messing with the "EBR" now.

All the machine pistols are great. The Raffica though, is insane. I can actually combat people with basically any other weapon with it.

I would actually recommend M4 -> SCAR -> ACR. All three play EXACTLY the same, but just get better (though ACR and SCAR are pretty even, IMO). If you're new to this game, you do not want to switch from a burst weapon, to fully auto, so semi auto, back to full auto. It fucks with your instincts and reaction times.

I personally don't see the point to using any SMG but the P90, and only in really select situations. Otherwise, I feel a fully auto AR with stopping power will suffice for close range. I kill guys all the time with Steady Aim.

I also didn't really like the Raffica. But this is also because I like full auto weapons, and like to control the rate of my fire myself (rather than having it built into the gun, if that makes any sense), so switching from my full auto AR to the Raffica always fucked me over in intense situations (which is usually when I'll use my secondary anyway) because I'd forget it's not fully auto. So I use the PP2000. Then again, I RARELY use secondaries at all, and prefer to swap them out immediately with the first gun I come across. This works especially well when I decide to Bling or Sleight of Hand my ACR, or something, and don't have Scavenger.


Wow. FFA is a great way to increase all your stats. I don't know why I totally dominate at it but suck at every other mode. :(


Is there supposed to be some kind of glitch on highrise? It seems most of the time I play that map there's a bunch of suicides right at the start of the match.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
will27 said:
Has anyone tried the ridiculous knife classes? I use Marathon, Lighweight and Commando.. I am almost unstoppable on a smaller map like Sub Base
It's a necessity on Rust. If you're the only speed-knifer in the match, it's almost a guaranteed win.

I tried out the AUG HBAR tonight. Took a couple of matches to get used to it, but it's pretty great; got me to a 37-13 game on Terminal. It also helped that the other team seemed to have no clue how to shoot down my harriers and attack helicopters.


CcrooK said:
I never knew a shotgun could receive a silencer. Shit is whacky.

Im interesting in seeing how it plays. Shotguns have awful range to begin with (though sometimes I get weird kills on me from impossibly long ranges from a shotgun...), and with a silencer on it, must be interesting. Have set to see anyone with any kind of attachment on their shotguns (most people don't carry them around anyway).


johnFkennedy said:
You couldn't kill him one single time? What?

I have no idea, because after the 2nd nuke i was just looking for him but never found him. The only way he killed me was with that Helicopter so i couldnt tell where he was. And NO my teams werent noob by anystretch, the games were fairly close until the nuke :lol
The accuracy on the ACR is godly you can mow people down across map so easily and it barely takes any time to bring them down.

beast786 said:
4 nukes in a row against in Domination.

Guy clan tag was [NUKE] his name was edy .. something.

45-0,38-0,55-0,49-0 ... :lol

Yea these kids are straight up nerds. They just beat us like 10000 to 3000. One of them has the spinning nuke emblem.
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