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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
EnjoyIncubus said:
I wish it had matchmaking. I have nobody to play it with.

are you psn? I'm looking for someone to do some spec ops with as well.

psn is tigerheli for anyone on ps3!
Commando + the increased speed......why the fuck am i getting stabbed from around corners.....:lol. even on the dudes killcam he teleports to my ass


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
~Devil Trigger~ said:
so ummm

cant i get Terminal please?!!, seriously, Matchmaking is so fuckin weird. I've been playing 4 Maps for days now

If I could just play terminal all day, I'd be a very happy camper. PC games have me spoiled. This matchmaking stuff is bullshit. I want a 24/7 Terminal server. The lack of flexibility and options in MP just frustrates me.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Just got done with the sp. Awesome game, but I had trouble following the story. I guess I'll go look it up on wikipedia or something. :lol


Can't stress how awesome AUG + stopping power is...Used it basically exclusively today. Rare to have a game that I didn't pull a 4+ KDR. I would have done even better, but I am trying to get stealth bomber game winning kill challenge(I get so unlucky, I save it for the end but some teammate always gets the last kill >.<)

Nelo Ice

this game is way too camp happy

last game i played this dude went 42-2 and i almost NEVER saw him and he got a nuke
next game i play hes nowhere to be seen again and when i do find him hes camping like theres no tomorrow
it looked like he was about to get a nuke again but i naded him right before he could :lol
The ending to the SP&#12288;&#65363;&#65349;&#65349;&#65357;&#65349;&#65348;&#12288;&#65345;&#12288;&#65346;&#65353;&#65364;&#12288;&#65345;&#65346;&#65362;&#65365;&#65360;&#65364;


Nelo Ice said:
this game is way too camp happy

last game i played this dude went 42-2 and i almost NEVER saw him and he got a nuke
next game i play hes nowhere to be seen again and when i do find him hes camping like theres no tomorrow
it looked like he was about to get a nuke again but i naded him right before he could :lol
People don't play smart, that's why you see people getting huge kd:r. Running and gunning is not the end all be all strategy. I see it time and time again, I'll kill someone and they'll run straight back to me and then I'll kill them again because they're just run right at me not even trying to flank and catch me at a surprise. If anything MW2 is far too run and gun happy, and the people who bitch about campers are the ones who never get the idea "Hey, why don't I use some smarts and flank this guy so he doesn't get a nuke."

But that rarely happens, they just keep running around like a chicken with their head cut off until they find someone, spray some bullets to get a kill and respawn happy.


got2bekidding said:
If I get put into a match that's already started, I back up into spectator mode and check the score. If they are getting crushed, I spectate the players on my "team" until it kicks me for inactivity. If it's close, I'll join in.

Does this avoid you getting a loss?


Already been asked but can anyone recommend certian game types or strategies on how do level up my Handgun? Really want T.knife but I suck ass with my handgun, I guess the best answer is to just keep using it.
Nelo Ice said:
this game is way too camp happy

last game i played this dude went 42-2 and i almost NEVER saw him and he got a nuke
next game i play hes nowhere to be seen again and when i do find him hes camping like theres no tomorrow
it looked like he was about to get a nuke again but i naded him right before he could :lol

No wonder I stopped playing, will start playing in the next couple of months, by the time all the douchebags are out...


I tried 3rd Person Tactical today and it was just weird. Your player model obscures your view too much and the whole game feels extremely weird, especially close combat.

Played a few games of demolition as well. On some maps it seems one side is at a huge disadvantage. I think the tiebreaker round should play like a modified Sabotage where everyone has a bomb rather than sticking with the normal attacker/defender positions.

The only perks I have left to upgrade are SitRep and One Man Army. Both seem sort of useless to me, but I feel obligated to get them to pro. Is it just me or does it seem like the delay between the claymore's activation and explosion is longer compared to COD4? It hasn't stopped me from killing tons of people with them, but it's pretty easy to run by them even without lightweight in my experience.


sweetvar26 said:
No wonder I stopped playing, will start playing in the next couple of months, by the time all the douchebags are out...

IMO, the douchebags are the noobs moaning they get killed all the time by guys who are obviously smarter than them.


Anyone know if there is a way to detonate your first thrown C4 if you pick up a second C4 (with scavenger)? Seems like it forces you to throw them all before detonating since it's the same button (RB).
How is it even remotely possible that a guy has a 730 kill streak? Top of the PS3 board (I'd imagine the 360 leaderboard might be even more absurd). There are several 500+ kill streaks. 57000 kills, 596 deaths: 95.82 ratio.



formerly cjelly
BolognaSoup said:
How is it even remotely possible that a guy has a 730 kill streak? Top of the PS3 board (I'd imagine the 360 leaderboard might be even more absurd). There are several 500+ kill streaks. 57000 kills, 596 deaths: 95.82 ratio.


If it sounds impossible, it probably is.


Stantron said:
Anyone know if there is a way to detonate your first thrown C4 if you pick up a second C4 (with scavenger)? Seems like it forces you to throw them all before detonating since it's the same button (RB).
You can set off C4 by double tapping reload, so that would probably work.

Came across a guy using akimbo model 1887 shotguns yesterday. He was absolutely dominating using those, with what I'm guessing was Marathon and Lightweight considering how fast he was moving.


BolognaSoup said:
How is it even remotely possible that a guy has a 730 kill streak? Top of the PS3 board (I'd imagine the 360 leaderboard might be even more absurd). There are several 500+ kill streaks. 57000 kills, 596 deaths: 95.82 ratio.

Dbag gets his clan to mark their spawn points right next to him, he kills them as they spawn in. Pretty simple.


can you fall in love with a gun? Beacose the ACR is <3, I want a real one :D
you can preaty much just hold down the triger when ADS and the hits will still be accurate, usefull for moving down a group of enemys before they can even react
rush777 said:
Already been asked but can anyone recommend certian game types or strategies on how do level up my Handgun? Really want T.knife but I suck ass with my handgun, I guess the best answer is to just keep using it.
I've been playing Hardcore TDM and building up my USP45 up there since it's one-shot-one-kill.

rush777 said:
Does this avoid you getting a loss?
You know, I don't know, but it's just so much easier to do it that way for me. If they are losing, it's entertaining to watch what they are doing, or just someone else playing in general. If you don't get a loss, then it's just a bonus. lol


Just had a match where I dropped the flare for the care package and a teammate spawned right as it fell, killing him instantly. He wasn't very happy :lol


Griffith said:
You can set off C4 by double tapping reload, so that would probably work.
Oh yeah. I forgot about this from CoD4. I'll give it a shot.

On a side note, I've been playing around with the Blast Shield equipment option which lessens explosive damage. It's pretty effective at surviving grenades and noob tubes (though not direct Samtex sticks). You need to press RB to actually equip it (I did not know this at first :lol ). When it's equiped, you lose radar/HUD and vision is slightly darkened around the edges of the screen. But the good thing is that you can pop it on and off in about a second. Most of the time I keep it off when moving, then on when engaging an enemy. If an enemy hits you with an explosive while you have it equiped, they will get aBlast Shield icon on their screen... kind of like how the Juggernaut icon showed up in CoD4 except centered on screen not the player.

Nelo Ice

Domino Theory said:
For those who manage to drop Nukes like it's raining, what are your 3 Killstreaks?

well ive only gotten a nuke on afghan and highrise but i usually roll with harrier chopper gunner and obviously nuke

i like getting the free air strike that hopefully gets a few ppl then the harrier takes care of getting to the gunner and then if no one takes down my gunner then its ridiculously easy to get a nuke


xxjuicesxx said:
One of them has the spinning nuke emblem.

Anytime I see someone with that emblem I just back out because I know they're going to be a douchebag who's full of their "mAd SkiLLzzzzzzzzzzz".

One guy who was on my team once was so full of him self it was funny. He was by himself (not with a party I mean) and he was just talking to me and a friend of mine like:


"Nope, not yet."


I facepalmed in real life then watched the nuke happen.


Windu said:
Just got done with the sp. Awesome game, but I had trouble following the story. I guess I'll go look it up on wikipedia or something. :lol

The story in a nutshell:

You start as a soldier for the US, and you're being sent into OH SHIT it's over already....
Found this hard at first (even though I was a Gold Cross in COD4 lol) but I've gotten a lot better and now my K/d is 1.22.

Free for all is my favourite game type atm.
Anyone have any issues on PS3 with challenge scores not updating? Yesterday I got 10,000 XP by getting 500 kills with one of the guns. Then last night I still had the XP I earned from it, but when I checked the Challenges bit, I only had 300-odd of the 500 kills.
Xevren said:
Just had a match where I dropped the flare for the care package and a teammate spawned right as it fell, killing him instantly. He wasn't very happy :lol

I had my care package bounce and kill me once =/


Just beat it and the gameplay was definitely as fun as I was hoping for. Epic setpieces made for a strong atmosphere (coupled with the sweet soundtrack) and gunplay was definitely satisfying. While I died quite a bit in the game, I didn't notice myself getting stuck for too long in certain parts of the campaign like I did in CoD4 (I remember struggling so much with the final chapter in that game).

Shame the campaign wasn't longer (beat it in 6 hours on normal) but IMO it was well paced and I didn't really notice any boring moments. Rather have it be 6 hours and entertaining throughout than 10 hours with a good deal of fluff thrown in.


Any reason why my NAT Status has suddenly changed to strict? Been open ever since I bought the game but yesterday it changed and now I pretty much get 2bar games all day.


i played a sabotage game last night on skidrow where some guy just spent the entire game running around dual wielding some ye olde shotguns that were a one hit kill and had a ridiculously wide spread. he would just lie down behind corners and stuff waiting for someone to come past.

it was kind of funny the first time he killed me but after a while it was just retarded. it basically means you automatically win any one on one encounter.
Spriig said:
Any reason why my NAT Status has suddenly changed to strict? Been open ever since I bought the game but yesterday it changed and now I pretty much get 2bar games all day.

Restart your router and it should be ok, mine did it when I first got the game. Ive yet to see a nuke myself as every-time I kill enough to have seen one I don't have it equipped.


got2bekidding said:
I've been playing Hardcore TDM and building up my USP45 up there since it's one-shot-one-kill.

You know, I don't know, but it's just so much easier to do it that way for me. If they are losing, it's entertaining to watch what they are doing, or just someone else playing in general. If you don't get a loss, then it's just a bonus. lol

Cool thanks for the tips will be trying Hardcore tonight.
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