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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

crimzonflame said:
Anyone else finding that this game is crashing alot (PS3) lately?

Not a lot, but it's been happening to me a bit over the last couple of days. Can take ages for me to get into a match as well. Yesterday morning I spent quite a while trying to get into a free-for-all. Said 5000-odd people were playing that mode and when I finally got into a game, it was me and one other guy :/


johnFkennedy said:
Any tips for getting less than 30 seconds in the pit? My best time is 31.45 : (

Hipfire, don't use iron sights.

Use the MP5k first, then once it runs out of ammo switch to the M9. If you do it right, you'll have plenty of ammo to make it through without any reloads.
played ground war on favela today and me and my friend each managed to get a nuke :D

he got his first and then i got a chopper gunner and got mine. i had never used on before so he let me use mine haha.

we were just like "hey lets get nukes" so after that we ended up getting 4 nukes each :lol


johnFkennedy said:
Any tips for getting less than 30 seconds in the pit? My best time is 31.45 : (

Run it once and more weapons are unlocked for the 2nd time. I ended up using the full-auto pistol and the other semi-auto pistol (NOT the desert eagle). Used the full auto for the first half then switched to the semi-auto after the stair melee because the rest of the civilians are easier to hit and the added accuracy is a plus. Reload while jumping down from the 2nd floor.

I probably tried a half dozen times in a row to get sub 30 seconds but the first time I used those pistols i got 28.5.
johnFkennedy said:
Any tips for getting less than 30 seconds in the pit? My best time is 31.45 : (

Use the pistol.
Memorize all possible terrorist spots.
Use the pistol.
Memorize the course.
Use the pistol.
Use the pistol.

Once you run it 5-6 times without getting the time, you should be extremely familiar with any possible variation in targets, and you'll know where to reload. The pistol is the easiest weapon to control, and the quickest to reload

xDangerboy said:
played ground war on favela today and me and my friend each managed to get a nuke :D

he got his first and then i got a chopper gunner and got mine. i had never used on before so he let me use mine haha.

we were just like "hey lets get nukes" so after that we ended up getting 4 nukes each :lol

What the hell man, I don't get it. Did people really not even try to shoot your air support down? I'm approaching 30 hours, and have yet to attain, or let anyone get anywhere near a 25 killstreak. What's the secret?
Well, I'm wish it wasn't the case, but I'm already getting pretty bored with this game. I think I was expecting too much, but it's basically the exact same game as COD4, except with a lot more ways to die now. I played COD4 pretty obsessively for about 3 months straight before I began to realize how shallow it is, but I might not even get a month out of this. Anyone else feel the same way?

Spec Ops is great at least.


ArachosiA 78 said:
Well, I'm wish it wasn't the case, but I'm already getting pretty bored with this game. I think I was expecting too much, but it's basically the exact same game as COD4, except with a lot more ways to die now. I played COD4 pretty obsessively for about 3 months straight before I began to realize how shallow it is, but I might not even get a month out of this. Anyone else feel the same way?

Ultimately, for me (especially in TDM) it feels like there is absolutely NO team work going on. People just hunting for XP all the time, not caring if they win or lose (Which is ultimately IW's fault based on how the matchmaking works). It's very disillusioning and probably contributes to that "shallow" feel more than anything else.
When I have the DVDs do I have to download game from Steam again? Or can Steam install them using my DVDs? I ask because my bandwidth is very limited and I would like to have the game launch and update through Steam

Thank you for your time!
Orellio said:
Ultimately, for me (especially in TDM) it feels like there is absolutely NO team work going on. People just hunting for XP all the time, not caring if they win or lose (Which is ultimately IW's fault based on how the matchmaking works). It's very disillusioning and probably contributes to that "shallow" feel more than anything else.

This is one of the reasons I love this game at the moment. It really doesn't matter what the fuck happens in any of the games. If you aren't having fun you can just leave at any time, most of the statistics are completely useless. I can just turn this game on and shoot some people and talk to my friends.
Wow the Famas is good, finally got all 3 of my killstreaks in one match
Sentry Gun, Harrier, Stealth Bomber :)
Ran out of ammo on the Famas and luckily there was an M16 beside me to get me the last 2 kills :lol

Soon I will have the M16 to level up, w00t

Too bad it was in terminal or else I'd have racked up a shit ton of kills really fast
RavenFox said:
IW please fix this shit. Stop adding me to games with the team that is losing towards the end of the match. Many times as soon as I get in team loses I lose. WTF?

Never played COD4 I take it. Same problem... never was fixed.


I keep running into games where people are using that infinite supply drop exploit :( Dude used it to get 5 stealth bomber runs in a row. It was horrible.

A question for those further down the Assault Rifle line. How does the ACR (and the AK) stack up against the SCAR? Ignore the fact that it has crap ammo. I'm speaking strictly on aiming and rate of fire. I was all hyped up for the M16, but my hopes were crushed when it turned out to be burst fire. Now I have eight more levels before the ACR is unlocked, and god knows how many for the AK.

I mainly try to sneak around the enemy and take them all out with a silencer attached. Surprisingly, I'm doing much better with the silencer than I would have anticipated. It seems most of the deaths I used to get were from taking a guy out, and having his buddy who was nearby seeing my dot on his radar from the noise.
Has anyone noticed that some players, on both sides, shoot their weapons straight away? They must be pressing the trigger whilst the timer is counting down. People done it in COD4 too.

Whats the reason?


Net_Wrecker said:
Use the pistol.
Memorize all possible terrorist spots.
Use the pistol.
Memorize the course.
Use the pistol.
Use the pistol.

Once you run it 5-6 times without getting the time, you should be extremely familiar with any possible variation in targets, and you'll know where to reload. The pistol is the easiest weapon to control, and the quickest to reload

I did this, and got a 29.95!

Also, make sure you don't shoot bullets that miss (hurts your accuracy bonus), and you should be golden. Apparently there are people that can do it quicker than I did, and I want to see it! lol.


The key to get under 30 seconds for me was to take 2 pistols, the M9 and the USP. Use the M9 for the first part of the course and as soon as you're sprinting inside the building, switch to the USP. Also, you have 3-4 opportunities to get 2 terrorists with bullet penetration/1 bullet. Do that and your accuracy will go above 100%. This will shave 5-6 seconds off your finish time and as long as you're finishing under 35 seconds you're good.


Tokubetsu said:
Just beat the game on veteran, got under 30 secs in the pit and hit rank 40 in MP chyeaaaaah. I'd like to think I'm doing pretty good for someone who got the game around 8pm on Friday. I just want this shit in my VEINS. Right next to the diablo 3 IV.

Tonight bro..tonight we are gonna kick some ass!
MarkMclovin said:
Has anyone noticed that some players, on both sides, shoot their weapons straight away? They must be pressing the trigger whilst the timer is counting down. People done it in COD4 too.

Whats the reason?
Yeah that happens all the time, I figured it was just a virtual 'blowing of the trumpet' before going into battle.


I had the best host migration ever today.

The game froze on Favela right when I was making a jump.

Sure enough, when the countdown ended I feel straight down to my death.

Goodbye 9 kill streak/AC130
Me and my mates had a match yesterday where the whole other team left after about 60 seconds and then it was just us running around the map for another 60 secs or so and then the game forfited to us:lol


Would be nice if IW let you see the title/emblem of people on your friend's list. Just map it to one of the shoulder buttons and have their card show up while holding it down
X26 said:
Would be nice if IW let you see the title/emblem of people on your friend's list. Just map it to one of the shoulder buttons and have their card show up while holding it down
IW obviously feels that their work is done until the first COD4 map pack. I wouldn't expect any updates or AWESOME STAT TRACKING like Treyarch gave us with WAW.


Gold Member
I'm trying to figure how I can ever upgrade any other primary weapons than the one I've pimped up currently. The level I'm playing on starts to be so high that every attachment counts, going in with a barebones weapon is a suicide.
xxjuicesxx said:
This is one of the reasons I love this game at the moment. It really doesn't matter what the fuck happens in any of the games. If you aren't having fun you can just leave at any time, most of the statistics are completely useless. I can just turn this game on and shoot some people and talk to my friends.

I love their matchmaking for this. So quick and you're not stuck playing something you don't want.
For those struggling with the FMJ challenges I suggest the following. Put together the following build in a spare slot:

Primary: Weapon you're leveling w/Heartbeat Sensor and FMJ
Secondary: Any weapon you're proficient in using (the AA-12 or Akimbo handguns/shotguns)
Equipment: TI
Perk 1: Bling
Perk 2: Cold-Blooded
Perk 3: Ninja
I also suggest adding UAV to your killstreak

Play Domination and wait for Terminal. Now, over by Point A, there is a store across from the hallway that is a frequent choke point in this mode. The hallway is the one with glass windows facing the tarmac on one side and a bookstore on the other. Inside the store you'll be able to stand behind a metal gate (the type that are used in places like malls that pull down from the ceiling and lock into the floor to close up stores), it's a solid wall that prevents you from seeing through it, but with FMJ you will be able to shoot through it easily all the way down the hallway and with the Heartbeat Sensor and UAV in addition to attention to your radar, you won't have to see your targets to draw a bead on them as they try rushing the hallway. Pick anyone off who try to get to your side of the airport through the hallway. Once your clips are empty, switch to your secondary and drop your TI where you stand and then go about your business as usual. Rise and repeat as required.
Just picked up a tip from a knifing buddy of mine, if you use care package as one of your killstreaks you can run faster with the grenade out (like, much faster). So switch to calling in your killstreak, book it and then switch to tac knife when you get close(great for maps like derail).
Pyke Presco said:
Just picked up a tip from a knifing buddy of mine, if you use care package as one of your killstreaks you can run faster with the grenade out (like, much faster). So switch to calling in your killstreak, book it and then switch to tac knife when you get close(great for maps like derail).
That's *NOT* a tip, it's a glitch and wasn't intended. Hey guys, I got a couple tips on how to get multiple care drops as well as how to hide in rocks so nobody can shoot you.


Johnlenham said:
Oh I forgot to mention, Fuck the people using akimbo old style shotguns. Getting blown away from 20ft away is a real pain in the ass.

Yeah the 1887 is nasty in this game. When I get killed by it, I'm usually saying, what the? and then I see the killcam.

Funny how a weapon created well over a century ago is more powerful than modern ones.


Comics, serious business!
Johnlenham said:
Oh I forgot to mention, Fuck the people using akimbo old style shotguns. Getting blown away from 20ft away is a real pain in the ass.

Yup, played with a bunch of these bastards on Invasion last night. They totally destroyed our team. You'd think the strategy would only be effective in the various rooms/close encounters... but this bastard was shooting me from far away (like 30ft or something). I would pelt him with AUG bullets then BAM I'm dead. Then of course he runs (marathon/lighweight) away, and goes on to destroy the rest of the team. Moments later we're at the mercy of a string of choppers, air strikes, AC130s, etc. Fuck. Worst match I've had since I've been playing. Several on their team were like 25-5 or some shit.

I think IW really needs to think about the Akimbo/knife balancing a bit. I know it's an arcade game but when you have 5 guys warp speeding around the map duel wielding short range shotguns the game strays a bit too far into the whole Halo world and too far away from the quasi-realistic-military-arcady shooter that I've come to love.



1) Is there a multiplayer mode better than another to rank up in, or is it all dependant on your skills in-game? I'm only really playing team-deathmatch since I started last week...

2) I average only 8-11 kills a game, how do I break out of this because I notice usually only the top 3 in each team breakout and get 20+ kills.... any general tips/advice I might make use of, maybe there's something fundamental about my FPS console skills I'm missing?



Johnlenham said:
Oh I forgot to mention, Fuck the people using akimbo old style shotguns. Getting blown away from 20ft away is a real pain in the ass.

yes, this all over and the knife stabbing with commando is freakin ridiculous
Orellio said:
Ultimately, for me (especially in TDM) it feels like there is absolutely NO team work going on. People just hunting for XP all the time, not caring if they win or lose (Which is ultimately IW's fault based on how the matchmaking works). It's very disillusioning and probably contributes to that "shallow" feel more than anything else.

I'm as guilty of this as anyone, but you're right, it's IW's fault.

Last night I got put into a game where I got to stand still for literally 1 second and then it came up "You have been defeated" and the match ended. I never even had control of my character. I don't really care about wins or losses so I just laughed. If I did care more about winning, I'd have been pissed. The worst part about that was I had to sit through another 50 seconds of intermission.

I am also noticing a lot more "Trying to merge your lobby with another lobby" which seems to just sit there until I back out and start over.


Santa May Claus
Full Recovery said:
I'm one of the assholes running around with akimbo 1887's with a riot shield on my back. :lol

Feels good man.

This is my class when I want to be ridiculous, except I'm using Rangers. :lol

Are the 1887's really that much better?


Johnlenham said:
Oh I forgot to mention, Fuck the people using akimbo old style shotguns. Getting blown away from 20ft away is a real pain in the ass.

Yea. I hopped into a game with my friend last night on Skidrow and he just started running the above mentioned load out. At first I thought it was a close quarters only type build. Then he one shotted (don't think that is a word) a guy from medium distance and I about crapped my pants.

He said it was on par or worse than the noob toob :p.

I will say I find the run animation with those guns hilarious. The character looks like a cartoon pirate running around the map :)

Hawk SE

I must be one of the only people that likes Wasteland.
- It's a good map, but also because it's a remake of COD1/COD2's "Brecourt"


GuardianE said:
This is my class when I want to be ridiculous, except I'm using Rangers. :lol

Are the 1887's really that much better?
Yeah, about twice the range and each one holds 6 or 7 shells. If you get a good rhythm going you can kill 10 people before you have to reload. Shoot the left one, wait a second or so shoot the right one and by the time that's done the left one is done reloading and you just let loose.

But it's really fun to shoot both at the same time and take out 2 people at once at about 15 feet. It really needs to be nerfed, it should have the range of a silenced aa-12. I don't know what IW were thinking.
johnFkennedy said:
Any tips for getting less than 30 seconds in the pit? My best time is 31.45 : (

As others have said, mainly use the pistol. Use the mp5 a little at the beginning if you want but once you switch to the pistol don't go back. Also try and keep moving. Once you've got the enemy placement memorized it shouldn't be much of a problem.


OldJadedGamer said:
Never played COD4 I take it. Same problem... never was fixed.
Yes my oldjadedgamer I do own COD4 and my gripe is now for the present not the past. It was inexcusable then and should be corrected now.


Dot50Cal said:
A question for those further down the Assault Rifle line. How does the ACR (and the AK) stack up against the SCAR? Ignore the fact that it has crap ammo. I'm speaking strictly on aiming and rate of fire. I was all hyped up for the M16, but my hopes were crushed when it turned out to be burst fire. Now I have eight more levels before the ACR is unlocked, and god knows how many for the AK.

I love, love, love the ACR. So much so that it was the first gun I bothered getting Mastery for. After the ACR the F2000 has been a huge disappointment. Crazy high rate of fire but abysmal accuracy.


Santa May Claus
BigBlue1974 said:
That's *NOT* a tip, it's a glitch and wasn't intended. Hey guys, I got a couple tips on how to get multiple care drops as well as how to hide in rocks so nobody can shoot you.

You kidding me? Those examples aren't comparable by any stretch of the imagination. Using the carepackage grenade to move faster is a smart tactic, but not without its disadvantages... you can't shoot at all. Even for a strict knifing class, it's a dangerous trade.

Glitching carepackages or hiding in rocks is cheating.
Noob tubes allowed though because IW want me too for mastery:lol
I can be a real prick and use it with scavenger/ explosive damage on places like Terminal and ruin teams that your get massive amounts of abuse when the match ends, even better when the last kill is my slowmotion launched nade :lol
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