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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


How do I get this? :D
buy teh haloz said:
Ha, just played a game vs a team which exclusively used riot shields. It was awesome.

We played a game against a bunch of 10-12 year olds who were traveling in a group, half using riot shields and the other half using akimbo 1887s. The riot shields are annoying but I can deal with that, the 1887s on the other hand are completely broken. They are entirely designed for twitch gameplay and have a range that is completely unreal.


Would rather have no penis than have to show his to a medical professional
SO how do you play a free for all game with 12 players? Yes it is possible, two days ago I joined in a friend his game and we were playing free for all with 12 players...

So how do I join such a game again?
Other then the grenade launchers and that dual wielding shotgun insane range and power issue, this game is a blast.
Kingsora said:
SO how do you play a free for all game with 12 players? Yes it is possible, two days ago I joined in a friend his game and we were playing free for all with 12 players...

So how do I join such a game again?
Mosh pit is my guess


Junior Member
Anyone else have a love/hate relationship with the mp? I love the levelling and the unlocks but some of the stuff is so fucking annoying.

1 Theres too many dicks camping on stairs, behind crates or around corners. Sometimes on a killcam you ca see the bastard is ads just waiting. I know people camp in all fps games but there's more camping in this the there is in any console fps.

2 The whole care package thing is bollocks, some noob can camp and get 4 kills then he is in a gunship or calling in a pavelow or something. Its too random COD4 got it right.

3 Shotguns as a secondary

4 Knife attacks, countless times i have shot someone 5 or 6 times in the chest as they are sprinting at me but they still manage a knife kill. Also the range of the knife kill seems to far sometimes.

5 The matchmaking is a joke, i have joined games with 30 seconds left on the losing team with no chance of winning, whats the fucking point of that?

Dont get me wrong i think at its core its a great game but COD4 was better, i reckon i will switch to BFBC2 and then the Reach beta once they come along.


Arhal_Katarn said:
Anyone else have a love/hate relationship with the mp? I love the levelling and the unlocks but some of the stuff is so fucking annoying.

1 Theres too many dicks camping on stairs, behind crates or around corners. Sometimes on a killcam you ca see the bastard is ads just waiting. I know people camp in all fps games but there's more camping in this the there is in any console fps.

2 The whole care package thing is bollocks, some noob can camp and get 4 kills then he is in a gunship or calling in a pavelow or something. Its too random COD4 got it right.

3 Shotguns as a secondary

4 Knife attacks, countless times i have shot someone 5 or 6 times in the chest as they are sprinting at me but they still manage a knife kill. Also the range of the knife kill seems to far sometimes.

5 The matchmaking is a joke, i have joined games with 30 seconds left on the losing team with no chance of winning, whats the fucking point of that?

Dont get me wrong i think at its core its a great game but COD4 was better, i reckon i will switch to BFBC2 and then the Reach beta once they come along.

Yeah, good points, it gets pretty frustrating.

Some guy on the other team had akimbo shotty's and I picked them up for an nice defensive killstreak on Skidrow DOM (i'm only mid 30's).

Had multiple akimbo shotty's on the other team- same map and mode last night, i had just unlocked akimbo p90's and put sleight of hand pro, stopping power pro and ninja pro on the class... pretty nice counter and a lot of fun. I had a huge stand defending B by my lonesome. :)


Arhal_Katarn said:
Anyone else have a love/hate relationship with the mp? I love the levelling and the unlocks but some of the stuff is so fucking annoying.

1 Theres too many dicks camping on stairs, behind crates or around corners. Sometimes on a killcam you ca see the bastard is ads just waiting. I know people camp in all fps games but there's more camping in this the there is in any console fps.

2 The whole care package thing is bollocks, some noob can camp and get 4 kills then he is in a gunship or calling in a pavelow or something. Its too random COD4 got it right.

3 Shotguns as a secondary

4 Knife attacks, countless times i have shot someone 5 or 6 times in the chest as they are sprinting at me but they still manage a knife kill. Also the range of the knife kill seems to far sometimes.

5 The matchmaking is a joke, i have joined games with 30 seconds left on the losing team with no chance of winning, whats the fucking point of that?

Dont get me wrong i think at its core its a great game but COD4 was better, i reckon i will switch to BFBC2 and then the Reach beta once they come along.

Eric and I jumped into a game and it was almost over, the other team winning, and within 30 seconds of us joining the other team called in a nuke. We said fuck it and left. We hadn't even died yet, and we are being subject to that crap. bah

I am interested in BC2, can't wait to try the pc beta see if I like the gameplay. I may get it 360 still. I am also interested in the Reach beta, though it will probably be Halo much the same. What I hope at least they continue on with their community features and video/screenshot stuff they have done. Damn you IW for not innovating or even taking good things from good games.
Graf Nudu said:
Got a care package yesterday on Intel. I usually get UAVs, Counter-UAVs and Ammo resupply. The fucking helicopter throw the package on some high crossover of two house I couldn't get to. Looked up again, AC-130 in the package in a loosing game.

Were you on Underpass? That's why I hate Underpass.

[QUOTE=Eric WK]If they don't fix the range on Akimbo Model's I'll never buy an Infinity Ward product again. Fix your fucking game.[/QUOTE]
I don't have a real problem with Akimbos outside the 1887s.

Edit - on the subject of which is better (CoD4 or MW2) and despite its problems, I enjoy MW2 a lot more.

Mikey Jr.

Are we ever going to get decent clan support in this game? Like, ever? We've gotten 3 games now, and still nothing. Maybe/hopefully Treyarch steps up and includes it, then IW would have to follow suit.

KZ2 had good clan support, IW should follow that model.


Mikey Jr. said:
Are we ever going to get decent clan support in this game? Like, ever? We've gotten 3 games now, and still nothing. Maybe/hopefully Treyarch steps up and includes it, then IW would have to follow suit.

KZ2 had good clan support, IW should follow that model.

Or video recording... that would be awesome. Fuck. Even quake 2 had demo recording...


Eric WK said:
If they don't fix the range on Akimbo Model's I'll never buy an Infinity Ward product again. Fix your fucking game.

Does IW even acknowledge the problem? It's going rampant in almost every game I play now, and is really frustrating.
Ever since I took a small break from MW2 and have been playing L4D2, but then came back to play a few games of MW2 in the last few days I've been doing really well and enjoying the game much more. I don't feel rushed anymore. I'm taking it slow, and doing much better. Been using the M16 mostly, but just unlocked the ACR. Contemplating giving it a shot...


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I dunno, Akimbo 1887's are vicious, but it's not the "end all" gun - before I unlocked it myself a long time ago, I remember killing guys that used them against me and running around with it for myself - it has its crazy range, sure, but once I know that there's a guy (or more) running around, I play more carefully...

There are plenty of other guns that kill just as fast at a closer range, or even much further...

I'd rather them focus on fixing the matchmatching, especially when joining losing matches so far gone that you can't even turn it around...

They can leave the 1887 the way it is in my book...


chapel said:

Pretty self explanatory unfortunately.

Yeah, just yet another exploit due to IW not having a proper beta.

Mikey Jr. said:
Are we ever going to get decent clan support in this game? Like, ever? We've gotten 3 games now, and still nothing. Maybe/hopefully Treyarch steps up and includes it, then IW would have to follow suit.

KZ2 had good clan support, IW should follow that model.

Sssshhh. Don't mention that too much, they'll come and get you. It's funny though, I'll bring something like this up, I'm told I'm crazy. Then other people bring it up and they shut up. It's probably that I just complain too much lol.

Arhal_Katarn said:
4 Knife attacks, countless times i have shot someone 5 or 6 times in the chest as they are sprinting at me but they still manage a knife kill. Also the range of the knife kill seems to far sometimes.

5 The matchmaking is a joke, i have joined games with 30 seconds left on the losing team with no chance of winning, whats the fucking point of that?

Knifing is bullshit in the game. That has happened to me numerous times because they go into God Mode when they get into that animation a lot of the time. This was a "slight" problem in CoD4, but in IW's infinite wisdom, "Marathon, Lightweight, Commando, Tac Knife". GG IW.

MM has more problems than just that. It also sometimes just falls on it's face when you have one or more people playing in a party with you, taking 3-5mins to find a game. I still don't believe this "hidden skill value" when I get matches paired up with Tier 1 30-somes that run out in the open swapping their weapons or staring up in the air. Then I get paired up with people that are far beyond my scope of play even. Who knows.

Did any of the reviewers complain about these game breaking problems, or did it get a free pass due to being an IW game?


itsgreen said:
Or video recording... that would be awesome. Fuck. Even quake 2 had demo recording...
Quake 2? Doom had demo recording.

I don't actually see where the 1887 hate is coming from. On PC, they're not all that popular because the reload time is a pain in the ass and they're not nearly as effective at range as an SMG is.

The tactical knife is a problem, though. The ease of use combined with the range is just nuts. Kinda takes all the skill out of killing people.


Two things I would like to hear your opinions on.

1) FAMAS vs. M16
- 40-30 damage
- Tighter bullet spread (?) - greater chance of all three bullets connecting over long range

- 40-30 damage
- Shorter delay between bursts (?)
- Greater range before '30' damage kicks in (?)
- Shorter reload time

2) RDS vs. Holo
- Smaller dot for more precision at long range

- More aim assist on ADS (?)


ACE 1991 said:
I feel like robust clan support will be some sort of paid feature.

Naw. The small handful of people here said it's not needed, doesn't add any replay value/depth to community, so who cares if it's there. They don't want it, thus it isn't needed. Those are probably the same people that said DW shotguns and sword charging people would be teh-koolnezz, those are the people IW listens to. Though, I think I was one of the first people to joke about a nuke as a kill streak reward, and that made it in lol.

careful said:
Two things I would like to hear your opinions on.

1) FAMAS vs. M16

2) RDS vs. Holo

FAMAS by far. I have had far better luck with it than the M16. The M16 may seem better at times, but that's only when the RNG aspect of the game kicks in, but most of the time, I don't think so.

RDS > EOTech. I honestly can't see a single advantage to the EOTech in the game. More auto/aim/bullet assist? No idea. I don't think that's even possible in this game to have more of it lol.

But gun wise again. ACR > All.
KAOz said:
Fuck Snatch & Grab on Veteran. Fuck it sooooooooo hard. I hate it.
The whole thing is pisseasy until after you got the intel, and are holing up for a little bit in the slopey-plane. Then the Juggernaut comes around and we diiiiiiiie.


Are you doing it solo or co op?

It is very hard but the most important thing is take it slow. Heres a quick explanation on the best way(for me and my bud). Unless you are trying to get an incredible time or beat IW's time(which are all fucking insane times), take your time on this one. Theres usually always a juggernaut straight away in the beginning so take that bastard out with your interventions. I recommend sticking with your regular weapons. Save your sniper ammo for the sloped plane part. Once you get to the first checkpoint marker where you grab the intel, dont grab it yet and just do a quick sweep around the back area first to check to see if any guys will pop behind you. After that kill a bunch of the far off snipers and noob tube some of the guys in the front but DO NOT jump out of the plane yet. After you kill about 6 or 7 guys get ready because a jug will come behind you. Once you take that bastard out, clear out some more guys so that the right flank is open, there will be a plane fuselage enclosed, go there and stick there until all of the guys in sight are eliminated. Slowly take out guys in your view and keep an ear out for another jugger naut. Then when you think you're ready run up the hill over the road and take out the rest, and youll finish it.

The worst luck you can have is a juggernaut will be waiting right below you when you jump out of the slope plane. The rest is cake as long as you take it slow.


careful said:
Two things I would like to hear your opinions on.

1) FAMAS vs. M16

2) RDS vs. Holo

1. M16 is a better FAMAS with a steeper learning curve. If you can aim well, the M16 is a better gun because the burst gap has a linear relationship with the speed at which you can kill things. Therefore, which out of the two you should use depends simply on how good you are at the game. See also the ability to do full damage from almost anywhere.

2. Holographic sight is less ambiguous and has a less crowded centre. Also a more accurate sway.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Hahaha - people complaining about 1887's, you haven't seen anything till you've seen a moron run around at super speed and knifing - now THAT shit is more broken than the shotties could ever be.

I found it out myself last week on my own, but I just finished a match where I actually saw someone putting it to use - THAT is a real problem, fix that shit first.


Is there a website somewhere that shows what is needed to unlock titles and emblems? I know it's in the strategy guide, but I don't need to know bad enough to pay $20.


Skilotonn said:
Hahaha - people complaining about 1887's, you haven't seen anything till you've seen a moron run around at super speed and knifing - now THAT shit is more broken than the shotties could ever be.

I found it out myself last week on my own, but I just finished a match where I actually saw someone putting it to use - THAT is a real problem, fix that shit first.

People are probably complaining about the DW 1887's because it prevents them from getting huge kill streaks with their marathon/lightweight/commando knife build. :lol


Minamu said:
One of many. It's not complete (with criterias) though. Haven't seen one with 100% confirmed stuff.
I'm pretty positive this emblem:

Call in 10 Tactical Nukes

doesn't count nukes you earn in free for all. I think i'm sitting on around 12-15 nukes and haven't unlocked it, probably because i mostly play FFA and have only got one nuke outside of that mode. If you use a nuke when behind in FFA you don't get the rotating green star emblem either (use a nuke when you're losing), i got a nuke and fell behind on purpose to get the emblem, but no go.


Arhal_Katarn said:
Anyone else have a love/hate relationship with the mp? I love the levelling and the unlocks but some of the stuff is so fucking annoying.

1 Theres too many dicks camping on stairs, behind crates or around corners. Sometimes on a killcam you ca see the bastard is ads just waiting. I know people camp in all fps games but there's more camping in this the there is in any console fps.

2 The whole care package thing is bollocks, some noob can camp and get 4 kills then he is in a gunship or calling in a pavelow or something. Its too random COD4 got it right.

3 Shotguns as a secondary

4 Knife attacks, countless times i have shot someone 5 or 6 times in the chest as they are sprinting at me but they still manage a knife kill. Also the range of the knife kill seems to far sometimes.

5 The matchmaking is a joke, i have joined games with 30 seconds left on the losing team with no chance of winning, whats the fucking point of that?

Dont get me wrong i think at its core its a great game but COD4 was better, i reckon i will switch to BFBC2 and then the Reach beta once they come along.
Everyone wants something to be neutered unless it's the class they use. Shotguns, knife, whatever. :lol

The knife can be frustrating, but only in small levels. It's hard to get decent killstreaks running around knifing so close, though, so it all evens out.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Epic Tier 3 Engineer said:
Everyone wants something to be neutered unless it's the class they use. Shotguns, knife, whatever. :lol

The knife can be frustrating, but only in small levels. It's hard to get decent killstreaks running around knifing so close, though, so it all evens out.

There's a ton of people who do great with custom knife classes(commando, marathon) because of lag. It shouldn't be nearly as effective as it is--it's also not really just on small levels, you can have people leap off buildings in favela and knife you, a lot of the maps have a bunch of places for them to come from. Oh yeah, there's also the knifers who now use the care package speedboost to make it even worse.

And the shotguns are clearly unbalanced, it's not even really defendable.


Just unlocked a title with the Swiss flag as the background and "Neutral" written over it. Have no idea how I got this though.


A Good Citizen
I've been trying to get some challenges done with the Intervention, and even without the silencer it's hard/rare to get a one hit kill at any decent distance. Argh. I've been getting a ton of assists and very little kills. I'm trying to not have to switch to Stopping Power but is that what I have to do to make the Intervention good?

Also, I was reminded of this for some reason.

"Bolt Action rifles are one hit kills in every Call of Duty we (Infinity Ward) made!!" - Not anymore it seems.
For those who don't know:

Callsigns and Emblems and how to get them.

:D :D

Fyrus said:
I've been trying to get some challenges done with the Intervention, and even without the silencer it's hard/rare to get a one hit kill at any decent distance. Argh. I've been getting a ton of assists and very little kills. I'm trying to not have to switch to Stopping Power but is that what I have to do to make the Intervention good?

Also, I was reminded of this for some reason.

"Bolt Action rifles are one hit kills in every Call of Duty we (Infinity Ward) made!!" - Not anymore it seems.
WTF? Hardcore, dude.
careful said:
M16>Famas. If I had to choose when facing a room full of people at once, it'd be the M16. I feel with the M16 I have a better chance of taking a lot more people out in a shorter amount of time.

J-Rzez said:
But gun wise again. ACR > All.


I'm trying to speed rush to level 70 so I can prestige. I only prestiged twice in CoD4, and that's probably all I'm going to do in MW2. The reason being is so I have an excuse to use other guns I wouldn't otherwise use now (with all the best weapons unlocked). Though, when I started playing, I felt like I wasn't going to prestige, so who knows: I might prestige again.
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