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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Fraull said:
maybe if you played the game instead of reading about people complaining, you could judge games better.

Recently ive been leveling up the SCAR, pretty good gun, but i like the M4A1 so much. The M16 is ok, but im not a fan of just 3 shot bursts. Im waiting to see how the ACR will be. I was leveling up Bling, thinking Bling Pro would give me another attachment, but i was wrong :/
Uhh... I'm basing my claim that the game feels like a beta on my experiences and only my experiences. I've put more than 24 hours into the MP portion and judging from your statement about wanting to try out the ACR, I've put more time into the game then you have; or I've at least leveled much further than you. This game needed a beta and it shows.


Well my anti 1887 akimbo build works (for me at least). If they show up, then its nade launcher attachment, claymore, javelin. Scavenger and danger close......bitches.

If I get bored n00b tubing your ass in betwene you running into claymores then I'll just take your damn shotguns from your cold dead hands.

It surprises me how few people change builds for each map or opponents.

Thanks for the jav tips guys. I got a 3 in one kill today. turns out most maps have some great spots for it. Estate and Scrapyard being particularly fun.


Does anyone know how to get the Great White North callsign? I saw it once, but can't find it on any of the website that list how to find callsigns that people linked above...


EazyB said:
Uhh... I'm basing my claim that the game feels like a beta on my experiences and only my experiences. I've put more than 24 hours into the MP portion and judging from your statement about wanting to try out the ACR, I've put more time into the game then you have; or I've at least leveled much further than you. This game needed a beta and it shows.
Yeah, I felt the same way, regarding a beta, before the game came out & for the first week or so. It certainly wouldn't have hurt it :lol These days, I don't see it as that big of a problem though. I haven't encountered any real cheaters or glitches in my 70+ hours of multiplayer. Apart from the 1887's, and not standing a fighting chance against certain kill streaks (why can't I look up & shoot down Predator missiles for example? ;) ), it doesnt seem *that* super unbalanced anymore. But hey, I only play HC S&D. I rarely see anything super advanced.


Epic Tier 3 Engineer said:
Why do people say the ACR is definitively better than the SCAR?
Because they can just spray at any range with the ACR and there's no recoil. The SCAR requires some kind of recoil control at range so they don't like it and say the ACR is better.
ZZMitch said:
Does anyone know how to get the Great White North callsign? I saw it once, but can't find it on any of the website that list how to find callsigns that people linked above...

After you prestige, you need to get 20 kills on people hit by flashbangs.


gibration said:
How does the "score" in the leader-boards work? because my friend is ten ranks above me but I have a higher score, how is that?
I am guessing that it is because he unlocks more/bigger challenges than you? Maybe score is just scoreboard points and doesn't include the bonuses from challenges.


Epic Tier 3 Engineer said:
Why do people say the ACR is definitively better than the SCAR?
ACR for me is just..bad. It takes half a clip to bring a guy down, and if you find yourself face to face with someone, even with faster ADS, you are a dead man. I've switched back to the SCAR. I had such high hopes :( The only drawback for me with the SCAR is the ammo count, which I've managed to get down by firing it only when necessary. I'm usually dead by the time I run out of ammo though, since I like to rush around a lot.


Dot50Cal said:
ACR for me is just..bad. It takes half a clip to bring a guy down, and if you find yourself face to face with someone, even with faster ADS, you are a dead man. I've switched back to the SCAR. I had such high hopes :( The only drawback for me with the SCAR is the ammo count, which I've managed to get down by firing it only when necessary. I'm usually dead by the time I run out of ammo though, since I like to rush around a lot.
Scavenger pro is so good for SCAR users. Try it out, I just saw the light yesterday and will never go back to anything else.


People using the scar should try the UMP for a while. Kills in 3 shots without stopping power, and has much more ammo to boot.
Dot50Cal said:
ACR for me is just..bad. It takes half a clip to bring a guy down, and if you find yourself face to face with someone, even with faster ADS, you are a dead man. I've switched back to the SCAR. I had such high hopes :( The only drawback for me with the SCAR is the ammo count, which I've managed to get down by firing it only when necessary. I'm usually dead by the time I run out of ammo though, since I like to rush around a lot.
If you're aiming badly, or if you don't have stopping power. It has never taken me more than like four bullets (certainly not half a clip) to take a guy down.


Yeah, I have, but these days I go with Sleight of hand pro. It always lets me get the drop on people, and I find I win much more face-to-face battles with it.

Dax01 said:
If you're aiming badly, or if you don't have stopping power. It has never taken me more than like four bullets (certainly not half a clip) to take a guy down.
Don't use Stopping Power. Cold Blooded Pro is much more useful for a guy like me who sneaks behind enemy lines ;) I also tend to ADS a lot, even when I don't have to. Its just a quirk with me that I can't beat, even if I'm close to someone, so the aiming doesn't "stick" to them as much as it would. I also use a silencer, so that may? affect the power behind the bullets. Being totally invisible to enemies even when your right behind them, taking out their friends is a powerful thing :)
DarkJC said:
People using the scar should try the UMP for a while. Kills in 3 shots without stopping power, and has much more ammo to boot.
I'll try that out, thanks.


DarkJC said:
People using the scar should try the UMP for a while. Kills in 3 shots without stopping power, and has much more ammo to boot.
SMGs are worthless in most maps because they have no range.
Dot50Cal said:
Don't use Stopping Power. Cold Blooded Pro is much more useful for a guy like me who sneaks behind enemy lines ;) I also tend to ADS a lot, even when I don't have to. Its just a quirk with me that I can't beat, even if I'm close to someone, so the aiming doesn't "stick" to them as much as it would. I also use a silencer, so that may? affect the power behind the bullets. Being totally invisible to enemies even when your right behind them, taking out their friends is a powerful thing :)
Well then that's probably why, and a silencer certainly does make the gun not as accurate as it does without it. Combination of the two is probably why it's taking half a clip to kill someone.:lol


borsdy said:
I am guessing that it is because he unlocks more/bigger challenges than you? Maybe score is just scoreboard points and doesn't include the bonuses from challenges.
Oh, ok. Thanks for the reply.


Dax01 said:
Well then that's probably why, and a silencer certainly does make the gun not as accurate (or not do as much damage) as it does without it. Combination of the two is probably why it's taking half a clip to kill someone.:lol
The silencer decreases damage?
The Riot Shield is really inconsistent. Using it for the past couple of games, there have been several instances in which it seems like I've been knifed or shot right through the shield, (even looking at the kill cams it seems that way).


Net_Wrecker said:
Who needs range when you're right in everyone's face using Lightweight, and Marathon? That's the only class that needs an SMG.
Stopping power and steady aim are essential. Steady aim especially with SMGs.


just distance.
My understanding is that the "Range" stat is just damage degradation over distance. Silencers, therefore, would decrease the damage you do from long range, but not the actual distance your shots travel. And, of course, in close range encounters they wouldn't have any negative effects at all.
I love the SCAR myself but I think I've grown to love the Famas even more. It needs reloaded much less and it's just more accurate. Coupled with Scavenger and you can lay down so much suppressive fire that often results in kills like shooting from office to office in Highrise. It allows to you shoot where you think guys are and often times, you're right. :)
corkscrewblow said:
Stopping power and steady aim are essential. Steady aim especially with SMGs.

Once again, you don't really need Stopping Power when you can get so close with Marathon, and Lightweight. As for Steady Aim, Commando + Tactical knife takes care of whoever you would need that for.

PS, people in this game SUCK. SUCK SUCK SUCK SUCK SUCK. Between the guys cheesing with Akimbo 1887's, and the ass who went 24-0 because he glitched into the rock in Afghan earlier today, this game bring out the worst in people.


Pyke Presco said:
It really wasnt. I just put flashbangs and scavenger on every class and threw them into every room I walked into. Had it done in 3 games.

Ohh, I read it wrong! I thought I had to kill 20 people by hitting them with the flashbangs :lol Not killing people dazed by flashbangs :p


Is there a way to test out your online unlocks in offline splitscreen mode?
There's an ON/OFF option in game setup, but it doesn't seem to do anything? I guess maybe you have to be connected, because I only tried it offline so far.

After running around in Skidrow for 5 minutes, I finally understand the layout of that map. :lol


Yesterday I did the coolest thing I've ever done in the MP. Was playing estate and a teammate called in a sentry and had the package land on the roof of the boathouse. Seemed to be accidental since they didn't attempt to get on the roof and get it and I assume they didn't know how, so I did instead and planted the thing on the roof over looking a big part of the map. The thing got 5 kills or so on its own and spotted a bunch of guys for me to snipe, was pretty cool.

buy teh haloz said:
Actually, the UMP does more damage than the SCAR at long range.

seems to have more recoil too :/
Alright, I mainly fight mid to long range and like to snipe a lot. I'm currently using:

FAL with ACOG and FMJ
Glock Machine pistol thing with red dot and FMJ
Perk 1- Bling Pro
Perk 2- Stopping Power Pro
Perk 3- Scrambler Pro

Death Streak is last stand or what ever that survival thing is called.

As I said, I mainly stay long range and switch to the machine pistol for close range. Is my current setup good or can I do something completely better? I'm lvl 39 right now so I may switch to the M16A1 soon.

First post outside of the Halo thread. Don't eat me.


So put the acog on with sleight of hand and steady aim (because I don't hip fire much but needed it here) I must say it works out quite well.


X26 said:
Yesterday I did the coolest thing I've ever done in the MP. Was playing estate and a teammate called in a sentry and had the package land on the roof of the boathouse. Seemed to be accidental since they didn't attempt to get on the roof and get it and I assume they didn't know how, so I did instead and planted the thing on the roof over looking a big part of the map. The thing got 5 kills or so on its own and spotted a bunch of guys for me to snipe, was pretty cool.

seems to have more recoil too :/

Nice, I didn't know you could get on the roof of the boat house either. I'm still discovering neat areas or tricks (legit ones) on the maps even after about 30 hours of play.
Stormtrooper30 said:
Alright, I mainly fight mid to long range and like to snipe a lot. I'm currently using:

FAL with ACOG and FMJ
Glock Machine pistol thing with red dot and FMJ
Perk 1- Bling Pro
Perk 2- Stopping Power Pro
Perk 3- Scrambler Pro

Death Streak is last stand or what ever that survival thing is called.

As I said, I mainly stay long range and switch to the machine pistol for close range. Is my current setup good or can I do something completely better? I'm lvl 39 right now so I may switch to the M16A1 soon.

First post outside of the Halo thread. Don't eat me.

I honestly think scrambler does more harm than good. Ninja is better, imo.


Neo Member
Any good, not so popular sniping spots on maps? I enjoy sniping, but the best spots on maps like Estate and Invasion are always crowded and everyone knows to chuck a grenade in every so often.


Any good, not so popular sniping spots on maps? I enjoy sniping, but the best spots on maps like Estate and Invasion are always crowded and everyone knows to chuck a grenade in every so often.
You shouldn't be staying in one spot. I always find when I'm sniping a long sight line that the enemy should be running through at some point. (not hard if you figure where your team is and they will spawn a ways away even easier on objective based modes). Then just shoot anyone who goes by. Then move to another. Switching to a secondary on the way. Throw in some claymore foe a few more kilsl.


Well I just discovered hardcore HQ and think I found my new favourite gametype for a while. Maybe after this I'll try some hardcore S&D as well, hardcore seems to be where the real fun is at for me.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Stormtrooper30 said:
I figure scrambler is not as good because the enemy knows you are near them?
Yeah, that's pretty much it. Plus, the Pro version doesn't make it any more essential. I'm surprised that I still see so many people using it... I guess nobody's told them that it's kind of counter-intuitive.

The third tier perks are all kind of so-so, with Commando and Ninja the clear winners (and both are even better when leveled-up to Pro). Steady Aim is pretty good depending on your style of play, though.
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