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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|



402 twitter-
If you're attempting to play #MW2 right now and stuck on "Updating ranks and unlocks..." when matchmaking, hold tight. Aware & addressing!

Update: An Xbox Live user rank storage database went down, they're working on getting it back up now. Your stats will be unaffected.

FYI repeated reconnect attempts MAY connect you to a new database with OLD data. That's not good. Don't play with old data, it'll overwrite

Update (final): Getting reports we're back in business. Give it a spin and let me know how you fare.


jergrah said:

402 twitter-
If you're attempting to play #MW2 right now and stuck on "Updating ranks and unlocks..." when matchmaking, hold tight. Aware & addressing!

Update: An Xbox Live user rank storage database went down, they're working on getting it back up now. Your stats will be unaffected.

FYI repeated reconnect attempts MAY connect you to a new database with OLD data. That's not good. Don't play with old data, it'll overwrite

Update (final): Getting reports we're back in business. Give it a spin and let me know how you fare.



jergrah said:

402 twitter-
FYI repeated reconnect attempts MAY connect you to a new database with OLD data. That's not good. Don't play with old data, it'll overwrite
Scarecrow said:
So, I've been mainly playing team deathmatch and free for all, fearing trying the other modes. Is there any attempt at teamwork that goes on in the objective games or does it also suffer from every man for himself?

It's pretty nearly garbage. Sabotage is worth playing, IMO, but HQ is shit. They broke it with the diminished points available. Hardcore is a little better.


It is very annoying I can't get my sticky grenade bonuses anymore. What is going on? Since we are talking about glitches there is one point in favela you can actually get stuck and cannot move unless you jump over a trash can. They got to patch this game soon.

Also, from one person who uses a knife class, yes that shit has to be nerfed along with duel 1887's, hell shotguns should never have become secondaries.


IW is too busy making dollar bill smoothies. We're not getting a patch anytime soon.

Yes, they are blending and drinking money.
Hm just played a round where everyone had the knife build with a javelin and they were somehow killing me with said javelin while sprinting around like mad men. Any thoughts guys on how they are doing it?

edit : Ah i see someone else has seen this too.


ChefRamsay said:
IW is too busy making dollar bill smoothies. We're not getting a patch anytime soon.

Yes, they are blending and drinking money.
How else are they gonna make it rain money?
At its current stage, this game is a mess:

Everyone is doing the Javelin glitch
Everyone is doing the Afghan rock glitch.
Akimbo 1887's are BROKEN. Completely unbalanced.

Aside from those, everyone is camping, and the maps are not helping matters out in that respect. Yet I continue to play

I guess I now understand what Gears Of War 2 fans feel like.


Yeah, I don't think we'll be getting a chance anytime soon, if at all. And I'm talking about PS3 version here. Random party issues are very, very annoying. Yesterday had 3 people in a party and we attempted to join a hardcore team deathmatch several times in a row and it would put us in a room, attempt to add more people, then it would be about to start, then several people left. It then started over several more times until there was a connection error. The person that started the match was then in the match with one other person from the party, while I was back at the menu waiting for them to come out. So they had to exit out of their game and we had to start over. More connections issues, then we just decided to do demolition and worked fine after a couple tries.

The multiplayer itself is fun, but man.. Lots of issues, lag, and rehosting ending in the game ending for everyone for no special reason. Unfortunately, they're selling so much and so many people are playing because the actual gameplay is fun that I don't think they care.
I'd love to be proven wrong

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Played MW2 last night for first time in a week and holy shit at everyone using Javelins or duel shotguns now :lol
Ratio all sorts of fucked up
ZZMitch said:
Does anyone else kill themselves with a flashbang when you go into last stand? I feel like such a jack-ass but... :lol

Ha! Never thought to do that.

Corran Horn said:
Played MW2 last night for first time in a week and holy shit at everyone using Javelins or duel shotguns now :lol
Ratio all sorts of fucked up

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! :lol
ZZMitch said:
Does anyone else kill themselves with a flashbang when you go into last stand? I feel like such a jack-ass but... :lol

I brought that up early in the thread. A sticky grenade works great and gives me a small chance to kill some passerby (got a game winning kill that way once). It also looks like it doesn't subtract points from the team so it's a win-win.

Don't feel like a jackass though, in Hardcore CoD 4 you would always shoot your teammates in last stand. This just cuts out the middle man. (It is pretty cheap though :lol )


Any tips on completing the last 2 Spec Ops missions?

The one with 10 juggernauts in Rio, and then the one with 15 juggernauts on the Oil Rig?


Just need those last 2 (6 stars) and then it's platinum for me! :D


Unconfirmed Member
double shotguns is just about the stupidest thing I've ever seen. ever.


the fact they have the range of a sniper, and you can still knife people with your cock, needs to be fixed yesterday.


D4Danger said:
double shotguns is just about the stupidest thing I've ever seen. ever.


The Akimbo Rangers aren't as bad as the Akimbo 1887's, honestly. The 1887's have a range of probably 20-30 feet. The Rangers are devastating within 10 feet, and lost a lot of their punch past that. Definitely not going to kill anyone from 20 feet away. Plus, the reload time on those has gotten me killed many, many times. The 1887 is pretty much instantaneous.


BigBlue1974 said:
Every match I join now it seems I encounter one or more of the following:

- Javelin glitchers
- Akimbo 1887s
- Infinite Care Package glitchers
- Care Package Grenade Runners
- Boosters...especially in Free for All
- Tactical Knifers running faster than Olympians and stabbing you from 7 or 8 feet away and you unload into them
- Campers Galore...not even talking about snipers, but literally people that sit at that one spot just waiting for someone to come around the corner or poke a head out
- Teammates who could give a rat's ass about objective based games because they need more killstreaks for a higher k/d
- Horrible matchmaking along with all kinds of bugginess such as long wait times to join

Did I miss anything?.

you missed the horrible matchmaking, the host advantage and preference for USA hosting even when there's 90% of Europeans in a lobby... and the worst offender for me it's the little reward you gain for trying to accomplish an objective, for instance I'm making my stealthy way to capture a zone in domination, procede to kill the campers "guarding" it (oh campers in this game...) and then I start capturing... just to get killed immediately as there's no respawn time and they spawn 2 meters away from me, so lame.

apart from that I'm enjoying playing in private games with my college mates, so much fun, no glitchers and just the normal camping when you really need to do it. The PS3 version could have and install option though, this game will break a lot of BR units.

oh and lag isn't an issue when playing with people from the same country/continent, except for people from Croatia, no offense intended but what connections are these guys using? they are always in red and breaking every game they join.
Special FPS Multiplayer: past, present and future of first-person shooter

War has always been a certain charm in video games.
Although a theme written with bullets and blood, the first-person shooter and the most exploited of all. Especially for PlayStation 3 gamers this is a particular period because of irons in the fire there was and there will be in the days ahead.

Any way we speak, this special is for the multiplayer component, that modality that provides many hours of gameplay and a depth greater than the single player campaign.

Among the titles already released and will have to go out we looked at Killzone 2, back in vogue thanks to the Platinum version to 29.90 euros, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and Beta, respectively Massive Action Game (MAG) and Battlefield: Bad Company 2. All these fps we mention only the essential points that frame each game.

source N4G
Brian Fellows said:
If these things are giving you any kind of trouble you're probably not very good.

Oh OK great master of MW2. Yeah, the shotguns from 100+ years ago that have a one hit kill range of up to 30 feet when Akimo'd giving me trouble means I'm not very good.

Oh gosh golly, I guess I just have to practice then.
Level 50. Woop woop. I feel like I'm really on my way now and I aim to hit 70 by Christmas.

I have realised though that I have explored the guns very little. By that I mean I've completed all of the challenges for the M4A1 and SCAR and... that's about it. I've used an AA-12 as my sidearm and Intervention for sniping on the appropriate maps, but I haven't even touched the SMG section yet...

Just thinking how long it's going to take me to complete all the challenges for every gun boggles my mind. In 48hrs of MP playtime I've reached it with two guns. :|


So has anybody out there hit 10th prestige yet and disclosed what "will change the way you play the game"?

Although reading about all of these glitches tells me people are already playing differently:lol


Rawk Hawk

Lince said:
I'm enjoying playing in private games with my college mates, so much fun, no glitchers and just the normal camping when you really need to do it.

Do you level up in private matches? I have the 360 version, if it's different. But I may start teaming up with friends and doing these is I can still get XP and obtain new guns and stuff.


Smokey said:
So has anybody out there hit 10th prestige yet and disclosed what "will change the way you play the game"?

Although reading about all of these glitches tells me people are already playing differently:lol


wasn't this just in reference to the single player?

Brian Fellows said:
If these things are giving you any kind of trouble you're probably not very good.

So do the people making these posts use them constantly and don't like people trying to diminish their playstyle? They are obviously overpowered and unbalanced
Foliorum Viridum said:
Level 50. Woop woop. I feel like I'm really on my way now and I aim to hit 70 by Christmas.

I have realised though that I have explored the guns very little. By that I mean I've completed all of the challenges for the M4A1 and SCAR and... that's about it. I've used an AA-12 as my sidearm and Intervention for sniping on the appropriate maps, but I haven't even touched the SMG section yet...

Just thinking how long it's going to take me to complete all the challenges for every gun boggles my mind. In 48hrs of MP playtime I've reached it with two guns. :|
There's not really any point to complete every challenge for every gun until you've prestiged. Until then, just use guns for the experience. Only after you prestige do you get titles and emblems for each gun you use, and they're entirely different challenges that you won't get until prestige. And if you plan to play a lot over multiple prestiges, i'm sure you'll be able to get all of the titles/emblems if you're dedicated enough.

Brian Fellows said:
If these things are giving you any kind of trouble you're probably not very good.
oh PLEASE! You have got to be joking. I'm a good player, and nothing pisses me off more than the imbalance of akimbo shotguns killing my nuke chance from across the map. It's amazingly imbalanced no matter how you look at it.


Lince said:
...the host advantage...
I keep seeing this. Are you guys sure you aren't making a mistake? From my experience it's an extreme host DISadvantage.

As in, when I host a game, people see me seconds before I see them. It's ridiculous, I have no chance in any one-on-one confrontation.

I know I was the host too because after getting tired of my insane disadvantage, I decided just to quit out of the game. Sure enough, as soon as I hit X to confirm the quit, the game pauses for the 'Host Migration' thing. As soon as it sent 100% of the blocks, I was booted back to the main screen as intended.


Rawk Hawk said:
Do you level up in private matches? I have the 360 version, if it's different. But I may start teaming up with friends and doing these is I can still get XP and obtain new guns and stuff.

yes, but the XP obtained won't count towards PSN/XBL online play, remember the KZ2 playing with bots fiasco? :lol
FromTheFuture said:
There's not really any point to complete every challenge for every gun until you've prestiged. Until then, just use guns for the experience. Only after you prestige do you get titles and emblems for each gun you use, and they're entirely different challenges that you won't get until prestige. And if you plan to play a lot over multiple prestiges, i'm sure you'll be able to get all of the titles/emblems if you're dedicated enough.
I won't be doing prestige. :) I did it in COD4 and I hated it - I felt like all of my previous work was for nothing when the guns were gone and challenges were reset.

The pride for me will be getting as much completion as possible until Modern Warfare 3 :)


Heartbeat sensors are counters to akimbo users since they most likely will have steady aim instead of Ninja. You'll know that they're coming.
Foliorum Viridum said:
I won't be doing prestige. :) I did it in COD4 and I hated it - I felt like all of my previous work was for nothing when the guns were gone and challenges were reset.

The pride for me will be getting as much completion as possible until Modern Warfare 3 :)
Well remember you get the titles and emblems for every weapon on your first prestige... so if you want proof that you've actually done the challenges, i'd say you should atleast prestige one time.
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