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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


ChefRamsay said:
I keep seeing this. Are you guys sure you aren't making a mistake? From my experience it's an extreme host DISadvantage.

well from my experience with the game (I have prestiged once and at level 63 currently) I can assure you the host gets an insane advantage of several tenths of a second if not a full second in certain conditions, just watch the kill cams, of course if you're playing with 4 green bars or even 3 the advantage is not that great, but it's still major.

I'm sick of matchmaking putting me with USA/Canadian gamers hosting matches where I have to cope with 2 yellow bars... watching kill cams is a pain, what I thought it was a close call turned to be a walk in the park for my opponent, from his/her perspective I didn't even touch the trigger of my rifle :lol


Brian Fellows said:
If these things are giving you any kind of trouble you're probably not very good.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I get to use facepalm two pages in a row!!
(It's a glitch)
Can someone please explain why so many people are bitching about campers? I mean seriously, there is a killcam and it shows EXACTLY where the dude was when he killed you. Just stop running back to the same spot expecting a different outcome.

There are so many different paths to take. If someone is camping in a building, there are atleast two ways into almost every building in the game. Dude in a corner? Grenade! Don't have a frag/simtec? Flashbang!

I dont have a problem with campers. They kill me once I note their location and either avoid that path. Alternately you can flank him, kill him and keep an eye on that area because you know he will show up there again. The majority of people play in the vanilla playlists. Hardcore is another story.
Pookaki said:
Can someone please explain why so many people are bitching about people camping in this game?

It's not because campers screw up their K/D ratio. It's because campers screw up their chances to get the uber-cool killstreak bonuses.

Imagine being at 10 kills, just one away from the AC-130. You walk around the corner, and BLAM. You're still 10-1, but you're as angry as if you're 1-10 because you just lost the opportunity to call in the AC-130.

It's just psychology. There's nothing wrong with campers, and they don't screw up the game balance. If anything, they keep it more balanced by making sure we don't see AC-130s and Chopper Gunners every match.

(yes, I just pulled four stealth edits)


Pookaki said:
Can someone please explain why so many people are bitching about campers? I mean seriously, there is a killcam and it shows EXACTLY where the dude was when he killed you. Just stop running back to the same spot expecting a different outcome.

There are so many different paths to take. If someone is camping in a building, there are atleast two ways into almost every building in the game. Dude in a corner? Grenade! Don't have a frag/simtec? Flashbang!.

so there's only one camper now? :lol
divisionbyzorro said:
It's not because campers screw up their K/D ratio. It's because campers screw up their chances to get the uber-cool killstreak bonuses.

Imagine being at 10 kills, just one away from the AC-130. You walk around the corner, and BLAM. You're still 10-1, but you're as angry as if you're 1-10 because you just lost the opportunity to call in the AC-130.

I had a similar experience. 23 kills, one away from nuke (hardline) I walk around a corner and another player spots me. Our eyes meet, and we commence shooting each other at nearly the same time. My first shot hits and I know I am a deadman. I see the red pill.

If anything, painkiller ticks me off the most.

Lince said:
so there's only one camper now? :lol
There is a way to combat it. No matter how many there are. You start learning the spots, be aware and act accordingly.

Rawk Hawk

Pookaki said:
Can someone please explain why so many people are bitching about campers? I mean seriously, there is a killcam and it shows EXACTLY where the dude was when he killed you. Just stop running back to the same spot expecting a different outcome.

There are so many different paths to take. If someone is camping in a building, there are atleast two ways into almost every building in the game. Dude in a corner? Grenade! Don't have a frag/simtec? Flashbang!

I dont have a problem with campers. They kill me once I note their location and either avoid that path. Alternately you can flank him, kill him and keep an eye on that area because you know he will show up there again. The majority of people play in the vanilla playlists. Hardcore is another story.

Campers normally just annoy me in objective based games, when we are playing domination and someone is camping in a corner of the map not helping our team, I get frustrated.

EDIT: Or even worse, take highrise for example, when they camp near a point just to get kills without capturing it for the team.


divisionbyzorro said:
It's just psychology. There's nothing wrong with campers, and they don't screw up the game balance. If anything, they keep it more balanced by making sure we don't see AC-130s and Chopper Gunners every match.

don't know about psychology, but logic and experience tells me only campers get AC-130s and Chopper Gunners consistently through different games... how many players going for the objectives instead of waiting and hiding in the more obscure places gain such rewards?


They really need a votekick option in this game. Awesome getting destroyed yesterday in hardcore team deathmatch when one guy on our team was AFK the whole time. The good thing was when the game ended, it restarted and he was on the other time so it was our turn for free kills. :lol

Rawk Hawk

andycapps said:
They really need a votekick option in this game. Awesome getting destroyed yesterday in hardcore team deathmatch when one guy on our team was AFK the whole time. The good thing was when the game ended, it restarted and he was on the other time so it was our turn for free kills. :lol

Agreed, with complete loss of stats, bonus and frankly given a loss. That way if someone is k/d boosting you can ruin their fun. It would at least give you something to combat them.
andycapps said:
They really need a votekick option in this game. Awesome getting destroyed yesterday in hardcore team deathmatch when one guy on our team was AFK the whole time. The good thing was when the game ended, it restarted and he was on the other time so it was our turn for free kills. :lol

Yeah, that was fun. I got some easy magnum kills from him though.
Rawk Hawk said:
EDIT: Or even worse, take highrise for example, when they camp near a point just to get kills without capturing it for the team.

I agree that this would tick me off. That sounds like a big problem. I was speaking for FFA/Team Deathmatch. I don't have a big amount of experience in objective games with random people on my team. I play almost exclusively with a group of friends so I don't have to worry about the above problem. Lucky me I guess.


Lince said:
don't know about psychology, but logic and experience tells me only campers get AC-130s and Chopper Gunners consistently through different games... how many players going for the objectives instead of waiting and hiding in the more obscure places gain such rewards?
Well, I usually use the Intervention rifle, run around and get AC-130s pretty often.


Rawk Hawk said:
Agreed, with complete loss of stats, bonus and frankly given a loss. That way if someone is k/d boosting you can ruin their fun. It would at least give you something to combat them.

Yep, these are good suggestions. I don't know about the loss thing, because you could get in a match and get votekicked by a clan when one of their buddies comes online and wants to join up. That wouldn't be that fair.

Yeah, that was fun. I got some easy magnum kills from him though.

Haha yeah it was. The magnum is nice, I need to try that out some. The Rangers don't have the range the magnum has but they're great in Demolition.

Rawk Hawk

Pookaki said:
I agree that this would tick me off. That sounds like a big problem. I was speaking for FFA/Team Deathmatch. I don't have a big amount of experience in objective games with random people on my team. I play almost exclusively with a group of friends so I don't have to worry about the above problem. Lucky me I guess.

I don't mind when my opponents camp, that's not a huge deal really. Killcams and map size normally leads to me not running into a camper who I can't avoid/take out. But when they plague your chances to win it annoys me.
Foliorum Viridum said:
Level 50. Woop woop. I feel like I'm really on my way now and I aim to hit 70 by Christmas.
Thank God there's someone going about as slow as me. Thought I was being a real lameass. :lol I think I'm at 54 or 55 now, and I can't see myself prestiging much before Christmas. I've got some guys on schedule to lap me within a few days. Have they no compassion?
UFRA said:
Any tips on completing the last 2 Spec Ops missions?

The one with 10 juggernauts in Rio, and then the one with 15 juggernauts on the Oil Rig?


Just need those last 2 (6 stars) and then it's platinum for me! :D

for the last Spec Ops, I highly suggest co-op, and make your way to the helipad at the end as soon as possible, I think you will have to kill 3 juggernauts on the way, but once you get to the helipad they all come through the doorway and you alternate sniper fire until they fall one by one...make sure to have a heavy machine gun as a secondary incase one gets passed your sniper fire

very easy actually

rio on the other hand...fuck that mission...i have no shame in admitting me and my co-op partner used the room cheat/glitch...otherwise it seems near impossible on vet
Wow, I didn't really think it was this widespread yet, but I'm playing Ground War Domination and half of each team is filled with Javelin runners. I now wish I didn't prestige.

:lol :lol :lol

This game is unplayable.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Rawk Hawk said:
Campers normally just annoy me in objective based games, when we are playing domination and someone is camping in a corner of the map not helping our team, I get frustrated.

EDIT: Or even worse, take highrise for example, when they camp near a point just to get kills without capturing it for the team.

I hate that crap too. I guess in a weird way they are helping the team by killing the other team so they can't get to the objective. But honestly if the other team doesn't just happen to be walking by that area, then the camper isn't helping at all. It is alot more fun when everyone is actively trying to get to the target. Makes for a fun, wild game.

With everyone trying to level up, those good games are hard to come by.


Ok, had to try the javelin glitch once. I went 87-33 on ground war, it was freaking ridiculous. post game lobby was a frenzy and I got about a dozen threat messages.

I'll never glitch again, but god that was fun.
DeuceMojo said:
Thank God there's someone going about as slow as me. Thought I was being a real lameass. :lol I think I'm at 54 or 55 now, and I can't see myself prestiging much before Christmas. I've got some guys on schedule to lap me within a few days. Have they no compassion?
Haha I have to wonder how people who plough through the game play. I imagine they cater their experience around the easiest challenges etc. I mean, I have over two days logged online now, so it's not as if I'm slacking. Plus I'm consistently in the top 3 of my team (usually #1) so I'm hardly lacking in XP either. :lol


snap0212 said:
Well, I usually use the Intervention rifle, run around and get AC-130s pretty often.

run around or move the camping utensils from one spot to another after getting a frag? I've been doing that lately and getting nice kill streaks.
dskillzhtown said:
It is alot more fun when everyone is actively trying to get to the target. Makes for a fun, wild game.
Maybe it's always been this way, but it seemed like Sabotage in COD4 was a lot of running back and forth, only grenading when you were attacking the enemy base or defending your own, lots of kills, occasional 2-minute games, generally lots of fun. This whole kills obsession has kinda confined me to TDM.


DeuceMojo said:
Maybe it's always been this way, but it seemed like Sabotage in COD4 was a lot of running back and forth, only grenading when you were attacking the enemy base or defending your own, lots of kills, occasional 2-minute games, generally lots of fun. This whole kills obsession has kinda confined me to TDM.

I used to enjoy that so much. People would be a little more strategic in their usage of the airstrikes/choppers to deny the opposition any chance of defusing the bomb in the final seconds.
Foliorum Viridum said:
Haha I have to wonder how people who plough through the game play. I imagine they cater their experience around the easiest challenges etc. I mean, I have over two days logged online now, so it's not as if I'm slacking. Plus I'm consistently in the top 3 of my team (usually #1) so I'm hardly lacking in XP either. :lol
I found that doing challenges greatly speeds up your leveling time. Dont stick with just one or two weapons. Use different perks. Go for offbeat and fun challenges.

The challenge "How The?" was a blast to get. (Shoot and explosive through a wall and kill someone) I spent like 3 of 4 FFA's putting a C4 on the other side of a wall and trying to shoot it when someone walked by. I got a ton of XP and a title/emblem when I pulled it off.

EDIT: I think of it as an MMO. The challenges are the quests. You will level faster doing the quests rather than just grinding out on mobs.


DeuceMojo said:
Magnum and knife? Or Magnum akimbo?

I haven't unlocked magnum akimbo yet, but I believe that TKAwesome does magnum and knife as well.. I've honestly only used it probably one round since I got it. I'm a sucker for the Stiker and Rangers as my up close weapon and SCAR or M16 as my medium-long range weapon.
Pookaki said:
I found that doing challenges greatly speeds up your leveling time. Dont stick with just one or two weapons. Use different perks. Go for offbeat and fun challenges.

The challenge "How The?" was a blast to get. (Shoot and explosive through a wall and kill someone) I spent like 3 of 4 FFA's putting a C4 on the other side of a wall and trying to shoot it when someone walked by. I got a ton of XP and a title/emblem when I pulled it off.
:lol I haven't tried that one yet. As one of my earlier posts today outlined, I really enjoyed going for the one where you had to kill a guy, take his gun and then kill him again. I love how IW have basically put online achievements in the game without actually doing it!

I can't play by hopping around from one gun to the next, constantly using different perks etc though - I find a loadout I'm good with then use it until I feel like moving on to the next set of challenges.

I'm in no rush though!
DeuceMojo said:
Thank God there's someone going about as slow as me. Thought I was being a real lameass. :lol I think I'm at 54 or 55 now, and I can't see myself prestiging much before Christmas. I've got some guys on schedule to lap me within a few days. Have they no compassion?

Yeah, 5 days played and 2nd prestige, level 51. I am a college student with lots of free time...sorry?

BPK said:
Damn, judging by some of the comments on here this game was a massive disappointment. Am I right? Or is it simply that whiners are always more vocal than those playing and enjoying the game.

I'm not picking this up until Christmas (concentrating on school), but on average how good are the multiplayer levels? Are they creative and are they fun?

The game is fine. Like all new shooters, there's some bugs that make the game kind of shitty, and some slightly unbalanced weapons/class combinations, not to mention some of the killstreaks are a little broken if your team is retarded and doesnt shoot them down. And yeah, some of the mapos are pretty shitty.

With all that being said, it's still an IW Call of Duty game. The gunplay is excellent, the game is fluid and the leveling is as great and addictive as CoD4. I personally think its not as good of a game as CoD4, but that doesnt mean I'm not playing the shit out of it.


keep your strippers out of my American football
DeuceMojo said:
Maybe it's always been this way, but it seemed like Sabotage in COD4 was a lot of running back and forth, only grenading when you were attacking the enemy base or defending your own, lots of kills, occasional 2-minute games, generally lots of fun. This whole kills obsession has kinda confined me to TDM.

I think the solution would be to vary the points based on the objective of that map. TDM or Free For All should give alot more points for kills than an objective game. Headquarters should give more points for destroying a HQ or taking one. In theory that would work. But not like IW is going to change it.


Damn, judging by some of the comments on here this game was a massive disappointment. Am I right? Or is it simply that whiners are always more vocal than those playing and enjoying the game.

I'm not picking this up until Christmas (concentrating on school), but on average how good are the multiplayer levels? Are they creative and are they fun?


BPK said:
Damn, judging by some of the comments on here this game was a massive disappointment. Am I right? Or is it simply that whiners are always more vocal than those playing and enjoying the game.

I'm not picking this up until Christmas (concentrating on school), but on average how good are the multiplayer levels? Are they creative and are they fun?

Its pretty fun but balance issues have messed up play a bit since people are countering cheese with cheese. Its good fun all told but I feel bad for newer players that just get murdered.
BPK said:
Damn, judging by some of the comments on here this game was a massive disappointment. Am I right? Or is it simply that whiners are always more vocal than those playing and enjoying the game.

I'm not picking this up until Christmas (concentrating on school), but on average how good are the multiplayer levels? Are they creative and are they fun?
Personally I think it's the most fun I've ever had online. A few small glitches are making frustrating situations at times, but overall it's not impacting my experience much at all. Bigger levels, better guns, amazing perks/killstreaks...

I like this thread, but people seem to be overly critical of it. Or rather, GAF is about online shooters in general.
BPK said:
Damn, judging by some of the comments on here this game was a massive disappointment. Am I right? Or is it simply that whiners are always more vocal than those playing and enjoying the game.

In my opinion, the game overall is good and worth a purchase. the post launch OMGAWDBESTGAMEEVER shine has worn off and the game is showing its flaws, but its still a fun romp. I see myself playing it for the foreseeable future. Especially after the title update.
Foliorum Viridum said:
Haha I have to wonder how people who plough through the game play. I imagine they cater their experience around the easiest challenges etc. I mean, I have over two days logged online now, so it's not as if I'm slacking. Plus I'm consistently in the top 3 of my team (usually #1) so I'm hardly lacking in XP either. :lol
Yeah, me too, I passed up two days last night and that put me at 54ish. Meanwhile, a buddy has 3 days and is at like level 30, 1st prestige. Bastard.


You like me, you really really like me!
BPK said:
Damn, judging by some of the comments on here this game was a massive disappointment. Am I right? Or is it simply that whiners are always more vocal than those playing and enjoying the game.

The game is incredibly addictive and I've had a blast with it. That being said, the multiplayer does have some issues that were discovered shortly after launch. Namely, several glitches and some balancing issues.

These things are to be expected. When you have millions of kiddos online trying to break your game, it'll happen. No QA, dev team will be able to identify every single issue and exploit until the kiddo masses get their hands on it.

Infinity Ward is a AAA studio and I'm sure they'll have a fix for these issues soon. No worries here.

I'm not picking this up until Christmas (concentrating on school), but on average how good are the multiplayer levels? Are they creative and are they fun?

The multiplayer levels are solid. Environments vary from desert, urban, woodlands and snow. Very nice variety.

Now while the maps are solid, none of them really stand out in a way that you yell out "YES!" in the pregame lobby when it comes up.

The best CoD4 maps are better than the best MW2 maps. (in my humble opinion)
Cerrius said:
The multiplayer levels are solid. Environments vary from desert, urban, woodlands and snow. Very nice variety.

Now while the maps are solid, none of them really stand out in a way that you yell out "YES!" in the pregame lobby when it comes up.

The best CoD4 maps are better than the best MW2 maps. (in my humble opinion)

Terminal says hi.


Like one of the previous posters, I also took a week-long break from MW2 when I was out of town for Thanksgiving.

I came back to playing last night and geez, the online play has REALLY changed startlingly in the last week.

I doubt that IW foresaw such a huge % of people making knife-based Commando classes, or the Akimbo 1887 classes. Both are beatable, but it completely changes the way the multiplayer works, and basically makes you sit back with a HBS and camp most of the time.

I'll keep playing, but it definitely sours the experience. I'm betting that the M16 is a much better weapon to use against these players because it may be better at killing a player running moving very quickly w/ the 3-round burst.

As is, I'm finding that I'm moving back to the TAR from the SCAR because of the fire rate for now (as a lvl 37). Any other suggested classes for the way MW2 multi is now (for a sub-lvl40 player)??
BPK said:
Damn, judging by some of the comments on here this game was a massive disappointment. Am I right? Or is it simply that whiners are always more vocal than those playing and enjoying the game.

I'm not picking this up until Christmas (concentrating on school), but on average how good are the multiplayer levels? Are they creative and are they fun?

Ouch, that may be hitting a nerve. I think Favela (the Brazilian ghetto level) is very fun, with about 10 different elevations and with about evey building being open to your exploring.
Overpass (more Brazilghetto, less claustrophobic), is also more fun than people let on. Terminal is interesting if not great.

There is a lot of meh stuff that resembles COD 4. All in all though, there are more hidey-holes, more strata (almost every level has 2nd floors, rooftops or tunnels or something), but it's all pretty good on the whole. A few more wide-open maps than COD4.


Net_Wrecker said:
At its current stage, this game is a mess:

Everyone is doing the Javelin glitch
Everyone is doing the Afghan rock glitch.
Akimbo 1887's are BROKEN. Completely unbalanced.

Aside from those, everyone is camping, and the maps are not helping matters out in that respect. Yet I continue to play

I guess I now understand what Gears Of War 2 fans feel like.

What is the Javelin Glitch? hell what is the Rock Glitch i dont know either of these

i agree on akimbo. I hate them on anything. Double UMPS no thanks
Wasteland feels so archaic. I cant really recall too many other COD2 maps, but there had to have been a better choice for MW2. With all the air support that map turns out to be a mess in all regards.
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