Cosmo Clock 21
Prestige doesn't equate to player skill. Try looking for matches where you aren't playing against a clan, or large numbers of opponents with voice chat on. Try Ground War maybe?
Cosmo Clock 21 said:Prestige doesn't equate to player skill. Try looking for matches where you aren't playing against a clan, or large numbers of opponents with voice chat on. Try Ground War maybe?
Holy shit.. I got the game the week it came out and I'm level 58...Tiger uppercut said:hopefully IW sends a patch quickly for 360 side, my brother is level 63 by boosting with my cousins and he only got the game on friday. please.. I don't want him passing me...again.
Pankaks said:Does Danger-Close pro increase the speed at which a UAV scans?
You must play like two hours a week or something. It's so easy to level by playing Demolition and Searchwhitehawk said:Holy shit.. I got the game the week it came out and I'm level 58...
jiien said:The more you "practice" this game, the better you'll get. Pretty simple.
Oh, and map control is one of the most important things you can have in TDM. If you believe otherwise, you haven't played with a decent group of people. You don't truly understand what it is to dominate in this game until you get a group of friends that fucking OWN a map. It takes really good communication, and flawless teamwork, but my teammates have gone 7500-500 in TDM before. We've taken the time to go into private matches, and identify by name all the key landmarks on all maps, so when we die, or see something, everyone else knows immediately. But seriously, map control is very important. Holding key areas can win you games, as you'll restrict the movement the enemy can have to a few areas, which are easily watchable.
SmokeMaxX said:To increase this rate, call in 2 UAVs at the same time. It'll halve the time it takes to scan.
roosters93 said:Something weird happened today, I wonder if any of you can explain it.
I was sitting in a TDM lobby, when some people left and it turned into a Private Match lobby for Free-for-all on Rust.
And then I noticed that I could change the game settings ie time and score limit.
Wouldn't that mean I was the host?
But for some reason I couldn't start the game.
Wow didn't know that, thanks.
Mogg0 said:Wow...
Everdred said:Play more hardcore team deathmatch, it doesn't mean harder players, it's just more balanced and intense.
There wasn't a problem with the one hit kills[It should like most shotguns at semi-close distance]. It was the akimbo with moon distance range that was the issue.PetriP-TNT said:So now that the 1.7 patch is online, which glitches are fixed for real? I noticed that the 1887's are severly gimped: they are still one hit killers but the range has been reduced at least by half.
Everdred said:I don't know what you're expecting, it really is just an arcade shooter. Play more hardcore team deathmatch, it doesn't mean harder players, it's just more balanced and intense.
RavenFox said:There wasn't a problem with the one hit kills[It should like most shotguns at semi-close distance]. It was the akimbo with moon distance range that was the issue.
Nopedy nope nope.RubxQub said:Is the 360 patch out yet?
Agreed. The headshot detection in this game is downright awful. Sometimes when I sneak up on people from behind that are camping a certain area, I'll sneak up DIRECTLY behind them (I'm talking three or four feet) and point my gun (usually an AR) at their head only to not get a headshot when I shoot them. Yeah, it's terrible.RubxQub said:Anyone else getting infuriated with people hiding behind something and only having their head sticking out...and yet they can shoot over whatever they are behind without issue and you've got just a head to shoot at...
...and when you shoot that head it isn't a still takes like 3-4 bullets with a silenced gun to bring them down?
What the fuck kind of game doesn't make a headshot a headshot?...let alone let people shoot over cover when all that is visible is a head.
Come the fuck on IW...
You have to shoot them from the chest up for it to be a one hit kill. I can understand why limb shots might not be one hit kills 100% of the time, but I think that if you hit a player anywhere on the body or head, it should be a one-hit kill.GQman2121 said:What's the deal with the Barrett not being a one shot kill 100% of the time? Even with Stopping Power on, I can only get one shot kills like 50% of the time when I hit someone who's moving. I'm racking up the assists, but I want the fucking kills!!!
I got 1887 sniped from a stupid distance 10 minutes ago...I'd love me some nerf-age.Dax01 said:Nopedy nope nope.
I remember the camera in COD4 was at the top of your head, so someone could be hiding behind a crate and shoot you even though you could only barely see the tip of their head. I'm pretty sure it's the same for MW2. So you can use it to your own advantage next time.RubxQub said:Anyone else getting infuriated with people hiding behind something and only having their head sticking out...and yet they can shoot over whatever they are behind without issue and you've got just a head to shoot at...
...and when you shoot that head it isn't a still takes like 3-4 bullets with a silenced gun to bring them down?
What the fuck kind of game doesn't make a headshot a headshot?...let alone let people shoot over cover when all that is visible is a head.
Come the fuck on IW...
Since I started playing demolition all but one of my classes has tactical insertion selected now.divisionbyzorro said:Not to change the subject too much, but for as much XP as Demolition matches give out, they also wreck your K/D ratio. I exclusively played Demolition for about 6 hours yesterday, and while I managed to go from level 58 to level 63, my K/D dropped by 0.05.
And does nobody know how to properly play Demolition? Here's a hint: Tactical Insertion. Especially on Derail. Nothing is more annoying than being the only guy on your team with an insert up the map while everybody else on your team has to keep hoofing it from the spawn point. Ugh. The same holds for Capture the Flag as well, people. A cleverly hidden insertion behind enemy lines is the difference between victory and defeat.
I started with the Barrett but although the firing rate is nice, the recoil basically negates that as far as I'm concerned. This is why I usually go with the Intervention. It's just so good at super-long distance. Whether I'm using stopping power on these guns or not, I just aim for the upper chest area and it works out for me.GQman2121 said:What's the deal with the Barrett not being a one shot kill 100% of the time? Even with Stopping Power on, I can only get one shot kills like 50% of the time when I hit someone who's moving. I'm racking up the assists, but I want the fucking kills!!!
RubxQub said:I got 1887 sniped from a stupid distance 10 minutes ago...I'd love me some nerf-age. do people run around with akimbo shotguns all game? Do they have atrocious K/D or do they actually make out with that build? Sure, they're great in closed quarters, but in an open field? Why?
This game would be amazing if they removed:
- Akimbo shotguns
- RubxQub
...done. End of list.
RubxQub said:I got 1887 sniped from a stupid distance 10 minutes ago...I'd love me some nerf-age. do people run around with akimbo shotguns all game? Do they have atrocious K/D or do they actually make out with that build? Sure, they're great in closed quarters, but in an open field? Why?
This game would be amazing if they removed:
- Akimbo shotguns
- Grenade launcher
...done. End of list.
got2bekidding said:You get the STD by knifing someone with STD, as in the person knifing gets infected with STD. Infection works the way he is saying.
Agreed 100%. Which is why you should be playing special ops with me instead.nib95 said:I'm not actually quite sure why I still play this game online. Just seems so damn gimmicky it's unreal. For every map there's some sort of gimmick tactic. Whether it's running around at speeds which are beyond comprehension knifing everyone at spawn, or camping with a thermal sniper or whatever. The killstreak rewards just make things worse. Then there's the absolutely shite matchmaking. I mean, I'm playing the PS3 version now, and I'm level 22, but with every game I play, 90% of the people in the match are multiple level prestige players. I mean seriously? Has there been a more wank level matching system?
Seriously, IW dropped the ball so hard on this. But to answer my original question above, I guess the only reason I am still playing is because all my friends are. Otherwise I'd probably have called it quits by now. At times this game feels more like Serious Sam than COD. Goes for both SP and MP.
tarius1210 said:I don't know guys...I am pretty good at this game but lately it has become less fun. In fact, it's not fun at all. I'm currently in my second prestige at Level 63. I constantly look at my stats after each game (pathetic, I know) and I'm always looking to get the next killstreak. It seems that's what this game is all about. CoD4 wasn't like that. Airstrike then Attack Hellicopter and that was it.
I'm now in the process of obtaining the last SCAR title (607/1000 headshots). It feels like I'm just doing it just to complete the challenge since I'll be done after this last one. I don't feel any satisfaction after completing challenges anymore.
I'm sick of playing Estate all of the time. Why am I only playing Terminal once in a 6 hour gaming session?
I don't think I'll move to the third prestige level.
That's quite an idea. Someone should pitch that to IW.X26 said:They really, REALLY, !!REALLY!! need an old school playlist with all the main modes with locked killstreaks. UAV, precision airstrike, an an attack heli (although make it the pave low instead of the attack chopper)
It's all good man, getting knifed is part of the game. I also agree that people will go for you if you have that title equipped. It's spreading around like crazy here as of late.DukeSucks said:yes, you guys were right. I was spreading it by getting knifed a lot. I'm still not that good yet, lol. Plus, I think when people see that title, it makes them try even harder to knife you.
FromTheFuture said:Well if you're playing TDM, might i suggest choosing Mercenary, where no groups are allowed. Anything else, you're on your own unless you get a good group of friends to play with. The matchmaking at this point just puts good connections together, i'm pretty sure. Otherwise, matching by something like K/D ratio might be difficult for the higher ratio people to get a game.
Maybe it's because I don't do enough challenges. I've really only used 2 guns, haven't done much for the other guns.corkscrewblow said:You must play like two hours a week or something. It's so easy to level by playing Demolition and Search
careful said:I remember the camera in COD4 was at the top of your head, so someone could be hiding behind a crate and shoot you even though you could only barely see the tip of their head. I'm pretty sure it's the same for MW2. So you can use it to your own advantage next time.![]()
YoungHav said:what determines whether or not the grenade launcher grendae goes off? I notice it doesn't explode all the time.
YoungHav said:what determines whether or not the grenade launcher grendae goes off? I notice it doesn't explode all the time.
I hate that safety mechanism. So many times I've been killed since it didn't blow up.firehawk12 said:Haha, I asked this a few days ago.
It's a safety mechanism in the grenade - it has to travel for a certain distance/spin for a certain number of times before it arms and explodes. That way, you don't accidentally blow yourself up.
Oh, I'm not saying it's a good design choice. But realistically, let's not pretend this is something that IW will change. So better learn to live with it if you're gonna keep playing this game or future COD games (therefore you don't have to worry about this LinceLince said:lol, yes let them get away with the bullshit... come on, that was a valid complain about an issue that needs fixing, not just ignoring.
careful said:Oh, I'm not saying it's a good design choice. But realistically, let's not pretend this is something that IW will change. So better learn to live with it if you're gonna keep playing this game or future COD games (therefore you don't have to worry about this Lince![]()