I've gotten so ridiculously addicted to this game, I can't even put it into words. I think it's the fact that I'm finally getting pretty good at an FPS that has me hooked. I've always been terrible but now I've managed to get to a point where I win every FFA match I play and it's addictive as all hell.
The game has serious problems, though, and in my opinion the camping is the worst and needs to be stopped. The killstreak rewards are clearly what's causing the camping, so I propose a very easy solution: the streak dies if you sit in one spot without a sniper rifle equipped (because then you're obviously just camping). You die if you sit there for way too long. Should be easy to patch in and I can't see any balancing issues with that. Too bad it's not gonna happen.
Edit: Oh yeah, agreed on the spawning being crap. It happens way too often that the guy I just killed got to spawn in the next room and could just rush in and stab me since he knew exactly where I'd be. I don't understand how IW allowed that to happen in the first place, that's just gamebreaking!
Adonymous said:
The online, i don't know. I've played for about 2h 30m or little less...level 11, 360 version btw. Online feels cheap. I'll have a LMG...5 feet away from an enemy, start shooting (without zooming in), and all the bullets hit the enemy since i'm literally 2-3ft away and my scope is right in his center, to have him turn around, aim, and kill me in a few shots, not headshot either...wtf?
another time, I'd get killed and watch the kill cam, and the last few bullets, aren't even close to me.
That's called lag. Not the game's fault, even if I do know how frustrating it feels.
Adonymous said:
Free for all is a joke...i haven't played FFA too much in COD4, but it seems like everyone just goes to a spawn point and camps, and knifves you as soon as you respawn. No joke in one match, I respawned 6 times in a row to be knifed instantly...
Sorry, but that's just bullshit. All I ever play is FFA, and I play
a lot (did nothing but MW2 this weekend, for example). Spawn camping basically never happens in FFA, and the camping there isn't as bad as in team-based modes either. You're holding an entire community at fault because you ended up in one bad game, dude...
xxjuicesxx said:
It is annoying getting loss after loss because you have to quit all these fucking kids games that are just trying to boost all their exp on Rust. My Win percentage has gone down a considerable amount, not like that stat even fucking matters since it puts me in losing games that are practically over ten times a night. They really should focus on adding something in a patch where you don't join a game that is more than half over in terms of score or time.
This is something that started really bothering me after I started getting good at the game. I really don't want to be dumped in a FFA match where a guy has 1300 points already - even if I play like a god, I can't possibly get 30 kills in the time he has to get 4! It's hardly even possible for me to get up to 3rd place (which counts as a win in FFA afaik?), and that's just bullshit. They're giving me a loss for just wanting to start a game and, again, how did they even allow that to happen?