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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

The matchmaking/rust glitch is so fucking annoying now. Me an my friends like to play domination exclusively, but it's all fubar now.

We've resorted to playing headquarters, but it's just not the same.

Nelo Ice

i love when ppl aimlessly run through that middle hallway in skidrow

apparently the other team kept thinking it was a good idea to run through there even though i was sitting there in the green room picking them off with my spas :lol
Personally the camera needs to be in the head.

If they put it in the body or neck you get your head showing before you actually see things when creeping over a hill. You'll end up saying "WTF how could he have seen me I wasn't even in view yet!?"

The other way having the bullet fire actually come from the gun, and viewing from the camera you'll be shooting walls and cover and "thinking" your bullets are going out. Which would be even more infuriating.

To be honest the way they have it now is probably best. Really no need to complain about that.
I bet my ass that IW changed the spawnsystem when 1.7 came live. It seems to throw you where there is most players from your team now, no matter how close enemies are or something. Just got knifed 3 times in 5 seconds because I kept spawning in middle of a firefight. Dammit.


Yeah, I'd rather go out with a bang instead of having that dud do nothing. Even if my kill streak gets shot to hell, at least I got a kill for the trouble. You can't really count on getting a lucky stomach hit with it as it is.


-viper- said:
Agreed 100%. Which is why you should be playing special ops with me instead.

Haha sorry dude, definitely will do eventually. But my cousins and friends are usually online playing TDM etc. So I usually hop on with them!
Minamu said:
Yeah, I'd rather go out with a bang instead of having that dud do nothing. Even if my kill streak gets shot to hell, at least I got a kill for the trouble. You can't really count on getting a lucky stomach hit with it as it is.

I don't think I'd ever not use an explosive class if that was the case. I think thats the only reason you wouldn't run around with a noob tube on. Its a good idea.


Nelo Ice said:
i love when ppl aimlessly run through that middle hallway in skidrow

apparently the other team kept thinking it was a good idea to run through there even though i was sitting there in the green room picking them off with my spas :lol

The spas is so godly. I was using it with bling pro red dot/grip and just murdering people.


backflip10019 said:
Agreed. The headshot detection in this game is downright awful. Sometimes when I sneak up on people from behind that are camping a certain area, I'll sneak up DIRECTLY behind them (I'm talking three or four feet) and point my gun (usually an AR) at their head only to not get a headshot when I shoot them. Yeah, it's terrible.
Well there's your problem :p

Yeah, the hit detection in this game is laughable. I can't count the number of times someone would be hiding behind an unpenetrable wall (sandbag, stairs, etc) with only their head sticking out. I feather a few SMG bullets their way and land two shots but they don't kill them. Watching the killcam it confirms the bullets hit but only did minimal damage. If their heads are the only things I'm able to shoot and I hit them... then what the fuck was I hitting?

Most of the headshots I get happen when someone quickly sprints past me and I sporadically spray some bullets at their groanal region and magically get headshot once they pass and have their back turned to me. Maybe its the game's way of making up the the headshots I should have rightfully had.


The character models clearly aren't completely analogous to where the player actually is. There are tons of places where you can crouch behind cover and still be able to shoot over it even though to the other person nothing but the top half of your head is visible. Likewise, I'm sure everyone's had the experience of being shot by someone who wasn't actually facing you.


PetriP-TNT said:
I bet my ass that IW changed the spawnsystem when 1.7 came live. It seems to throw you where there is most players from your team now, no matter how close enemies are or something. Just got knifed 3 times in 5 seconds because I kept spawning in middle of a firefight. Dammit.

the same happened to me once this afternoon. half a second after respawning i was knifed. not even the time to start moving and bam!, dead.



Finally reached level 70 after 2d 14h. :D
I think it comes out to about 12 hours a week of playtime for me :eek: since I started MP after the first week. I'm probably gonna keep this crazy pace until new years, but I'm looking forward to easing up a bit and going out again. :lol
Yeef said:
The character models clearly aren't completely analogous to where the player actually is. There are tons of places where you can crouch behind cover and still be able to shoot over it even though to the other person nothing but the top half of your head is visible. Likewise, I'm sure everyone's had the experience of being shot by someone who wasn't actually facing you.

I've seen people shoot me through glass without ever knowing or seeing me, kill me by shooting a full heads length above my head and get shot by someone standing towards me with his side.

p2p connection is soooo awesome, right?



Zeitgeister said:
I've seen people shoot me through glass without ever knowing or seeing me, kill me by shooting a full heads length above my head and get shot by someone standing towards me with his side.

p2p connection is soooo awesome, right?


Yeah, there's been multiple times when I've been shot through cracked glass by some stranger across the map with iron sights. There's absolutely no way he could have seen me, but he did. Even in the kill cam he couldn't see shit. I just think that sometimes the glass is most likely shattered on their screen while it's still intact on yours. Most likely caused by some kind of netcode shit that I know nothing about.


Air support in this game is ridiculous...sometimes after a few mins there are 3 or 4 things flying around from both teams.

Anyway, today I tried Tar-21 + Silencer + Stopping Power....and I'm doing soo much better than any other combination. Don't know my, I'm just running around shooting folks. Something so satisfying hearing the 'puth puth puth ' of bullets hitting an enemy with the silencer on.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
yoopoo said:
Air support in this game is ridiculous...sometimes after a few mins there are 3 or 4 things flying around from both teams.

That's a good thing. I recently switched back to my faithful stinger and I'm loving all the bonus points I get from blowing up your pavelows, harriers, AC-130s, etc.:D.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
yoopoo said:
Air support in this game is ridiculous...sometimes after a few mins there are 3 or 4 things flying around from both teams.

It needs to be like CoD4 where if one's up you/the other team can't call in another.

Then again, that would make the Stinger half-useless and not wielded to your back for those situations.

*sigh* Wardriving can fuck itself. I get up to the last laptop house on the street and keep being mown down by the aimbot AI on Veteran.

And I'm still needing to do Echo missions along with one last Bravo/Charlie to 60 star these. >_< Viper is MIA and the dude I generally play with is MIA as well. FFFFFF.


Ok, so does anyone actually like estate?

I swear, I hate this map, and I don't even know why, can't put my finger on it... I love all the other maps, Derail and wasteland are great, just this one bugs me for some reason.


I've been sniping since I prestiged (the only things I have kills with is the intervention and spas, lol.), and estate seems like it should be a good sniping map, but I always get the worst scores on it. I try not stay in the house unless my teams guarding all the doors, and if the enemy is camping in the house, they don't stick their heads out often enough to snipe, so I have to sneak inside, which never ends up well. I'm getting better, but not at all proficient at sniping CQC yet.


PetriP-TNT said:
I bet my ass that IW changed the spawnsystem when 1.7 came live. It seems to throw you where there is most players from your team now, no matter how close enemies are or something. Just got knifed 3 times in 5 seconds because I kept spawning in middle of a firefight. Dammit.
It has always been like that.


Subete no aware
TheSeks said:
*sigh* Wardriving can fuck itself. I get up to the last laptop house on the street and keep being mown down by the aimbot AI on Veteran.

And I'm still needing to do Echo missions along with one last Bravo/Charlie to 60 star these. >_< Viper is MIA and the dude I generally play with is MIA as well. FFFFFF.

Wardriving is cheap once you learn how to exploit the sentry guns and the spawn triggers actually.


TheSeks said:
*sigh* Wardriving can fuck itself. I get up to the last laptop house on the street and keep being mown down by the aimbot AI on Veteran.

And I'm still needing to do Echo missions along with one last Bravo/Charlie to 60 star these. >_< Viper is MIA and the dude I generally play with is MIA as well. FFFFFF.

For that last house, I hung out in the backyard with the pool. Set up both sentry guns behind the mound behind the pool, which mostly protects them and will kill anyone who walks back to get you. Yeah, they will stop the transfer, but just let them, and keep picking off people. Seriously, one of the spawns is right outside the fence, and they cut through near the pool to get inside. So you just kill them, one after another as they come in.

They will eventually stop respawning. Then, just run inside and restart the transfer, and run back to the sentry guns (just in case you missed some random guy somewhere).
Sielys said:
Ok, so does anyone actually like estate?

I swear, I hate this map, and I don't even know why, can't put my finger on it... I love all the other maps, Derail and wasteland are great, just this one bugs me for some reason.

I'm with you on hating Estate, but liking Wasteland? Didn't know people actually enjoy that map.


Neo Member
I'm with you on hating Estate, but liking Wasteland? Didn't know people actually enjoy that map.

HA! I actually really like wasteland. That's the map I've been 48-1 once and 35-1 multiple times - I've yet to have a perfect match :(. Just crawl the edges sniping with thermal and using cold blooded. It's cake.


Sielys said:
Ok, so does anyone actually like estate?

I swear, I hate this map, and I don't even know why, can't put my finger on it... I love all the other maps, Derail and wasteland are great, just this one bugs me for some reason.

You just listed two of my most hated maps.

I like Estate!
The last few times I've played Wasteland people didn't bother to snipe. Instead, everyone was battling over in the cave. That worked well for me one game because I got my Striker and took out three of them because they were camping too close to one another.

RubxQub said:
I got 1887 sniped from a stupid distance 10 minutes ago...I'd love me some nerf-age....how do people run around with akimbo shotguns all game? Do they have atrocious K/D or do they actually make out with that build? Sure, they're great in closed quarters, but in an open field? Why?
Haha this idiot was camping outside a doorway but I could see his 1887s poking out so I shot him through the wall. I think some people do use 1887s because they are obsessed with their k/d ratio. People that use them are annoying but I've gotten better at countering them. You just got be really careful around corners and try to shoot them when they are sprinting. I think the worst thing about the 1887 akimbos is they look so stupid.


Sielys said:
Ok, so does anyone actually like estate?

I swear, I hate this map, and I don't even know why, can't put my finger on it... I love all the other maps, Derail and wasteland are great, just this one bugs me for some reason.
Yup, Estate is the worst map in the game.


Sielys said:
Ok, so does anyone actually like estate?

I swear, I hate this map, and I don't even know why, can't put my finger on it... I love all the other maps, Derail and wasteland are great, just this one bugs me for some reason.
Estate is terrible because it's extremely one-dimensional (who camps the house, wins), it heavily favors camping (see previous point), and the Spetsnaz are automatically at an advantage since they spawn by the house and can pick off people at the bottom of the hill when the match begins. It's like Creek, except it's even more one-sided toward whoever is at the top of the hill.

Derail also sucks, if only because it's way too big. I've never seen a team reach 7500 points in regular TDM. In Ground War it's OK, though. Wasteland is completely terrible, unless you say fuck it and bring a noobtube class to the bunker.
There isn't a single MW2 map that I'd want to see in the next game. There are ones that can be fun like Karachi, Afghan, and Highrise but IW really dropped the ball here.

I've learned to adapt to all the maps. I refused to play Estate early on but learned how to attack on either side and am just okay with it now.
I've decided, they should just have friendly fire on (you can hurt teammates) and also have negative points for killing team members. I'm sick of people shooting right behind me and taking my kills.

Also, random, but I find it kinda funny that the grenade launcher attachments have the onscreen aiming guide/reticle. It kinda takes me out of the "zone" usefull as it may be. Food for thought :p


Orangepeel said:
I've decided, they should just have friendly fire on (you can hurt teammates) and also have negative points for killing team members. I'm sick of people shooting right behind me and taking my kills.

Also, random, but I find it kinda funny that the grenade launcher attachments have the onscreen aiming guide/reticle. It kinda takes me out of the "zone" usefull as it may be. Food for thought :p



I used to hate Wasteland and Estate until I unlocked the Thermal scope on the .50 Cal, after that those maps became almost too easy to pick off people in the house or anywhere else really, so I have no problems with either of them anymore. Probably my least favorite map anymore is Karachi and I used to love that map when the game first came out, now it just seems like every match I play on there is just a shitfest.
"..." For what? If someone is literally shooting behind you on a choke point only because they won't be penalized for spraying me with bullets it just looks stupid. I also generally dislike how claymores won't trigger if a teammate runs right through its radius, again it just looks goofy.


Wow, singleplayer campaign is awesome but geez, the multiplayer is really offputting. So unbalanced and punishing for beginners. Well, maybe I'm just spoiled from playing so much Valve games on PC.


I agree on Estate being the worst map in the game. It promotes camping and It can be very difficult to see the enemy.

I would say that Sub Base and Terminal are the best maps in the game. They're both nicely balanced and you can see very easily.
Man, sometimes Im baffled with this game.

Im playing Rundown and the round starts, I have a SCAR with Stopping Power and FMJ and Im at the small house that in the weeds facing the one teams starting area that has a bunker/sniper slit thing.
Moments into the round I see a guy atop that thing and his Head/Shoulders in that slit, I proceed to fire at him with my SCAR and get tons of hit detection...no kill.
So I duck back so not to be in view reloading, stand back up and unload my clip again into his Head/Shoulders peaking through that slit.

This goes on through 3 clips...till he I guess locates were the 3 clips worth of ammo were striking him from, then he insta kills me with his AUG HBAR LMG..
Tho I expected it, with the minor recoil an LMG offers as well as the general use of an LMG as a damn near sniping rifle. I do wonder were all 3 of my clips went?
All that hit detection for what, to alert my position?
SpacLock said:
I would say that Sub Base and Terminal are the best maps in the game. They're both nicely balanced and you can see very easily.

I find both these maps horrid for TDM.

Sub Base consist of only fighting on 50% of the base, if its domination then you can sometimes find teams willing to contest C base, ifs its TDM say goodbye to C area after spawning...but usually the battle is waged over A and B area TDM or Domination. This maps lends its self to horrific spawning, its one of the best maps to experince poor spawning at its best.

Terminal is horrid objective based casue its much easier to just spawn and toob with out much running. It is a lovely base tho, nothing beats running up the escalator and seeing which team can toob/nade/flash the incoming team coming around the corner near the burger shack. Then the age old battle of hiding behind the ticket counter and being unshootable as you fire down the boarding tunnel. Base ends a battle of the H, One straight away with a split own the middle (book store) were a few stabs happen. 1 out of 100 fire fights takes place outside/B base.
This map lends its self to cookie cutter battles were the outcome is dependant on the team who has players who have played it more, leaning to them having more experience in toobing or spots to nab some easy muti kills.

To each his own tho.
Seriously Infinity Ward? Patch the fucking game on 360 already. The last five games that I entered have all been custom games. What the fuck? Just patch it already for fuck's sake. I just want to play normal matches. Is that too much to fucking ask for?
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