I was at my friend's last night and played with the 1887's and my god, those things are fun. Now I have to go back to actually aiming on my xbox. :lol
LabouredSubterfuge said:Anyone else love prestiging?
I like that it strips down your options and forces you to live outside of your comfortable class setups. I think I play better for the most part as well.
Pkm said:1887's got such a minor nerfing.
The range was BARELY reduced and the damage is still pretty godly.
I got insta killed from the top of the ramp in the subbase wearhouse from the exit in the back, maybe 20-30 feet?
Maybe its me but people still havent noticed there gun got any nerf or what not casue the maybe 5% of the 1887 whores have stopped, theres still 3-4 players per server making them primary weapons.
OldJadedGamer said:Not to be a jerk but going by your post history here and on the IGN boards, that's not controversial for you to say that at all.
FromTheFuture said:I personally think that the FAMAS is the best weapon of those three. With the fastest fire rate, moving targets die quicker so they can't escape. The M16 is slower, i find that often a lot of enemies can escape my fire. It's also less useful when people are close to you, it takes a longer amount of time to take a person out at close quarters. And the FAL is a nice weapon for long range, but it doesnt work well at all in close quarters. Basically the FAMAS has the best of both worlds, and trumps the M16 and FAL by a mile.
J2d said:Fuck, I'm trying to clear spec ops and while this isn't my first call of duty I'm as furious as ever when it comes to all the bullshit I have to deal with. snatch and grab for example, actually fight the enemies? No zig zag like a retard and hope thing work out for you, god this shit pisses me off. They can keep the next installment with their fucking quotes, because if you can't get it right after six installments then you're never gonna get it.
LittleTokyo said:8 days? You're why people like myself already quit playing. Can't compete, don't try.
J2d said:Fuck, I'm trying to clear spec ops and while this isn't my first call of duty I'm as furious as ever when it comes to all the bullshit I have to deal with. snatch and grab for example, actually fight the enemies? No zig zag like a retard and hope thing work out for you, god this shit pisses me off. They can keep the next installment with their fucking quotes, because if you can't get it right after six installments then you're never gonna get it.
LittleTokyo said:8 days? You're why people like myself already quit playing. Can't compete, don't try.
Pyke Presco said:I dont know man, that much time just means I know the maps and what the guns do, which I can rely on to go through walls, to use long distance, etc. On the other hand, I have about the same level of actual skill as I did on day one. Sure, I might have an advantage, but its nothing that cant be overcome, especially since I'm the sort that changes their guns everyt ime they unlock a new one/finish leveling an old one. Sometimes I play ridiculously well, sometimes Im absolutely terrible. Time played is a measure of investment, not skill.
LittleTokyo said:Days played may not be a perfect way to judge someone's skills, but the more you do something, the better you get it at. It's why olympic athletes spend hours every day "practicing" for the real thing. To suggest there is no relationship whatsoever between player skill and hours played is a little silly.
TheSeks said:Oh, please. I've killed a bunch of 1-5 prestigers on PS3 as a lowly level 31 0 Prestige.
Prestige/Level/Time Played has nothing to do with the game. Yeah, they may know the maps better and shit but in general you have the same killing ability they do.
It's not like them playing 8 days magically gives them the ability to one shot kill you with any Assault Rifle they have. You're both on even ground. It just comes down to the guns power (which are all nearly balanced) and reaction time/movement.
Mik2121 said:Damn.. I'm starting to enjoy this game less and less every time..
It's just not fun anymore. I just finished a game where the whole enemy team was camping and they all had crazy levels (cheats anyone?..). I also just prestiged and I'm level 11, so I couldn't do shit..
My team sucking big time didn't help, either.
TheSeks said:Oh, please. I've killed a bunch of 1-5 prestigers on PS3 as a lowly level 31 0 Prestige.
Prestige/Level/Time Played has nothing to do with the game. Yeah, they may know the maps better and shit but in general you have the same killing ability they do.
It's not like them playing 8 days magically gives them the ability to one shot kill you with any Assault Rifle they have. You're both on even ground. It just comes down to the guns power (which are all nearly balanced) and reaction time/movement.
kitch9 said:Can you explain to me how somebody can camp when the game has a killcam?
I can't figure it out at all. If I'm laid in a spot and I kill someone I feel compelled to move as they'll know where I am.
kitch9 said:Can you explain to me how somebody can camp when the game has a killcam?
I can't figure it out at all. If I'm laid in a spot and I kill someone I feel compelled to move as they'll know where I am.
J2d said:Fuck, I'm trying to clear spec ops and while this isn't my first call of duty I'm as furious as ever when it comes to all the bullshit I have to deal with. snatch and grab for example, actually fight the enemies? No zig zag like a retard and hope thing work out for you, god this shit pisses me off. They can keep the next installment with their fucking quotes, because if you can't get it right after six installments then you're never gonna get it.
UFRA said:Yeah but let's be honest. I think the 'majority' of people skip the killcam.
When I'm in the heat of battle and time is ticking away to plant that bomb in demolition, I mash Square like I'm having a seizure to get back in the game. :lol
Edit: Not saying you're wrong's the person-who-keeps-dying's fault if they don't watch the killcam.
Camping is still lame though, especially when you have MULTIPLE campers together. Then it's pretty much over...
Because their whole team is camping in different spots?. We were playing in Estate, and my team started on the lower area. The enemy team kept camping on us from EVERYWHERE. Yes, they did indeed move, but whenever you were trying to get somewhere else, you'd get sniped.kitch9 said:Can you explain to me how somebody can camp when the game has a killcam?
I can't figure it out at all. If I'm laid in a spot and I kill someone I feel compelled to move as they'll know where I am.
LittleTokyo said:Agree here. I've won the "watched the most killcams" in at least 50% of my games. People seem that they want to get back into the action than worry about how they just died.
Mik2121 said:Because their whole team is camping in different spots?. We were playing in Estate, and my team started on the lower area. The enemy team kept camping on us from EVERYWHERE. Yes, they did indeed move, but whenever you were trying to get somewhere else, you'd get sniped.
I have never played a more unfair match ever. And I usually do fine enough, but after the prestige I had to use some really crappy weapons without attachments![]()
You won't believe it, but I did so.. to no result because many of them were using the thermal view.Accident said:Toss a smoke grenade in the area they are camping and flank them.
Zeitgeister said:To be fair though, snatch and grab is somewhat of an exception to the normal difficulty of Spec Ops.
The chernobyl part was hard on Veteran too, but close coordination and wiping everything out on the map gets you trough Veteran if you're playing with someone else. Most Spec Ops missions tend to be elimination, it was actually the "race trough the flag poles" that really pissed me off in solo play. That simply cannot be done solo on Veteran. Allthough I still have no idea how to do Homeland Security yet as the ammo resupply crate is on the roof and the predator drone cannot be destroyed (checked for wave 2). Any special strategies for that level?
Mik2121 said:Because their whole team is camping in different spots?. We were playing in Estate, and my team started on the lower area. The enemy team kept camping on us from EVERYWHERE. Yes, they did indeed move, but whenever you were trying to get somewhere else, you'd get sniped.
I have never played a more unfair match ever. And I usually do fine enough, but after the prestige I had to use some really crappy weapons without attachments![]()
The Felo said:My friend and I just cannot beat Snatch & Grab on veteran no matter what we do! The part after you grab the laptop always kicks our asses. Any tips???
LittleTokyo said:Days played may not be a perfect way to judge someone's skills, but the more you do something, the better you get it at. It's why olympic athletes spend hours every day "practicing" for the real thing. To suggest there is no relationship whatsoever between player skill and hours played is a little silly.
Pyke Presco said:Or, like myself, they have simply played enough that the visual clue they give you by pointing directly at the person that killed you as soon as you die is enough to figure out roughly where they are. Again, thats what the time spent with the game gives you, more information. Things like that, or listening for claymores dropping and knowing how far away they are, being able to judge where someone is by the sound of their footsteps/degree of their scramblers, these are things that just come to those who play for a while and pick up on the audio/video cues. If you arent paying attention, you wont even realize they're there. I suppose one could argue that what I'm describing is skill, but I wouldnt choose to do so.
For example, one time I was on Underpass in the storm drain, and there was a guy lying on the ground with cold-blooded pro on, so I just figured he was a corpse. But then I heard his laptop close after he called in a predator or something, and I immediately spun around and shot him, all because of an audio cue. On his screen it showed me walking right past him and then spinning around without warning to shoot him in the face before he even stood up. Probably thought I was cheating, but it was just because of the laptop closing. Likewise with people reloading near you, you can actually hear the magazine click in. Quick glance at your radar shows no teammates nearby, so you know theres an enemy around the wall to the left.
TheSeks said:Spec Ops is balanced with two players in mind, esp. on Veteran. It pisses me off as much as it does you, because a) I'm deaf and I don't want to deal with GAF/"ZOMG MIC ONLY" people on PS3. and b) the person I do play with can't play 24/7, so trying to finish these is going to take me FOREVER.
J2d said:I'm not deaf but since I have an ear damage I haven't picked up a mic yet (can only use tv out and it mostly sounds awful) so let me know if you want to take on big brother and overwatch sometime.
LittleTokyo said:Keep in mind also, the game ranks you based on "experience" points.
Critical Jeff said:Last night I ran up on a guy on his laptop. I shot him with my FMJ pp2000's, but the bullets didnt go through the laptop. I just ended up knifing him. It's kinda stupid you cant shoot through it.
TheSeks said:I've done Overwatch and Big Brother. I had to do the chopper gunner parts for both because the hearing dude never did those vehicles and couldn't rain down hot death. :lol Damn annoying to do. But when you get Overwatch running and start owning EVERYONE before they touch the person on the ground, it's very fun.
For the game/round. But that doesn't mean shit in terms of "game time played" or "level."
I'm with the dude you're arguing with. Again: Both on even ground. You have as much equal ability to kill the dude with your MP5 as he does his 1887. USRF brings up the point of knowing maps better, which is true. But that isn't an end-all-be-all advantage. You just have to be alert and looking for enemies.
CoD kills are so damn fast that frankly skill isn't much. It's a matter of pointing and shooting quickly.
TheSeks said:I'm with the dude you're arguing with. Again: Both on even ground. You have as much equal ability to kill the dude with your MP5 as he does his 1887. USRF brings up the point of knowing maps better, which is true. But that isn't an end-all-be-all advantage. You just have to be alert and looking for enemies.
CoD kills are so damn fast that frankly skill isn't much. It's a matter of pointing and shooting quickly.
D4Danger said:I wish this game would stop dumbing me into the middle of a match. It can't be that hard to find a lobby.
I don't want a join a team that's losing by 45 kills.
J2d said:Fuck, I'm trying to clear spec ops and while this isn't my first call of duty I'm as furious as ever when it comes to all the bullshit I have to deal with. snatch and grab for example, actually fight the enemies? No zig zag like a retard and hope thing work out for you, god this shit pisses me off. They can keep the next installment with their fucking quotes, because if you can't get it right after six installments then you're never gonna get it.
CrazedArabMan said:Me and my friend were doing it on Veteran, we had a nice setup of clearing out the guys right before you jump down from the plane after you grab the package, but the game decides it's going to spawn a juggernaut and a couple of guys behind us. So not fun.
PatzCU said:For Snatch and Grab, after you grab the laptop and go to the very edge of the plane before dropping down, that spawns a juggernaut behind you. What my friend and I would do is trigger the Juggernaut, run back towards one of the airstrips and plant ourselves on opposite sides of the airstrip with sniper rifles. When the juggernaut comes, you just own him with cross-sniper fire.
The same goes for after you drop down. After you kill the juggernaut that spawns behind you, kill everyone in the valley and plant yourself on opposite sides of the next road. Another juggernaut will come through, and you own him again with cross-sniper fire.
Not sure if this is making sense, but this is what we did. Just remember, after you grab the laptop and move towards the edge of the plane before dropping, it spawns a juggernaut behind you.
Flunkie said:Jesus. Okay, so I was originally going to wait it out til Christmas to buy MW2, but this last week, some friends wanted to play it, so I rented it for two days.
Needless to say, it has me hooked now and all I want to do is play MW2. But I have to wai 'til the 25th now because my girlfriend has it all wrapped up and ready to go. Damnit.