Tactical knife= fun!F#A#Oo said:Question...
Tactical Knife...nooby?
fps fanatic said:Tactical knife= fun!![]()
:lol That reminds me of the other night. I was playing TDM on Favela. Had my running class equipped: UMP with Holo sight, Magnum with Tactical knife, Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro, Commando Pro.F#A#Oo said:People are rage quitting...cussing me out...calling me noob...
This ofcourse just makes me want to play with it more...:lol
Cerrius said:I think so. The Pave Low kills counted towards my killstreak.
LeMaximilian said:The craziest part is, the vast majority of players I've spoken too about this completely agree. Is it just the new respawn system? Has this happened to anyone else?
I'm playing at 3 sensitivity right now, on PS3.kaizoku said:what sensitivity do you guys use? I don't understand how some people can aim so goddamn fast with a fucking thumbstick. pisses me off! watching the kill cams and its just insane, the guy flicked across his screen from one head to another as if he had aim assist on and just flicked left or right to change targets. Hell he was probably even faster than that. We were both behind cover on separate rooftops as well.
I can't wait until alternative control methods can be developed for FPS games that actually work and feel like shooting a gun because that I can do. Moving a little stick around with pinpoint accuracy is too damn difficult.
I hate all you people who are too damn good at this game!
Microsoft, stop matching me with these monsters ffs!
divisionbyzorro said:Really? I want the MW2 Mythbusters to look at this one...if this is true, then getting an EMP just got a lot easier IMO.
kaizoku said:what sensitivity do you guys use?!
kaizoku said:what sensitivity do you guys use? I don't understand how some people can aim so goddamn fast with a fucking thumbstick.
Disagree.XxBigP123xX said:Just got the 1887's again and wow, they really did nerf it. Like to the point of being useless, even with FMJ.
Ecto311 said:A lot of it isn't the aim speed but the fact the reticule will stick to someone if you tap the aim (left trigger on 360) button. Same way you get through Favela on Vet difficulty. You move slow use over and tap aim a shit ton. It snaps to the enemy. It also helps to have a decent weapon that does quick damage, or lightweight, marathon and run around knifing people before they can aim at you.
I know, right? >_< To add insult to injury, I saved SitRep for last, thinking it was gonna be easy. That's right, I've maxed every single Perk Challenge up to lvl 6 except this one. Argh! :lol I'm not sure when exactly you get the perk but I'm at lvl 69 now & I just reached 400+ explosives destroyed. Won't be entering prestige again any time soonkamikazemartian said:I don't understand it... it's like they accidentally switched the challenges for Commando and Sit Rep or something. 100 Knife kills? Like and hour of playing. 750 explosive devices? Lolololol.
Not really. The default sensitivity is 2 (medium). F#A#Oo plays at 4, which is high. I play at 3, just between medium and high. As far as I know, everyone has aim assist enabled in multiplayer from the start. That in addition to the sort of aim snap helps in pulling off some nice shots.kaizoku said:thought this was disabled for multiplayer? either that or I did wrong when I tried.
another guy I saw was running around with a snipe and no-scoping everyone at close/medium range. was that just pure skill or did he have some tape stuck to his screen as a makeshift reticule? or was it aim assist
wow you guys turn sensitivity down? interesting.
I NEVER watch killcams. I want to be right back in the action.Net_Wrecker said:RAAAAAGGGGEEEE
Can we get a damn 5 second countdown after a killcam or something, what the HELL man. I'm so sick of people I just killed spawning 10 feet away from me 2 seconds after I've killed them, and they know exactly where I am. Half of the time I just skip the killcams because I know I'll be spawning within 20 feet of the guy that just put me down. RIDICULOUS
tarius1210 said:Yeah, mine too.
Can we get a damn 5 second countdown after a killcam or something, what the HELL man. I'm so sick of people I just killed spawning 10 feet away from me 2 seconds after I've killed them, and they know exactly where I am. Half of the time I just skip the killcams because I know I'll be spawning within 20 feet of the guy that just put me down. RIDICULOUS
Everdred said:I NEVER watch killcams. I want to be right back in the action.
kaizoku said:what sensitivity do you guys use? I don't understand how some people can aim so goddamn fast with a fucking thumbstick. pisses me off! watching the kill cams and its just insane, the guy flicked across his screen from one head to another as if he had aim assist on and just flicked left or right to change targets. Hell he was probably even faster than that. We were both behind cover on separate rooftops as well.
codecow said:I am playing using 7 now using the FPS Freeks extender on the r-stick only, and yes it makes a big difference.
Since I bought the FPS Freeks thing and changed sensitivity my KDR has gone from 0.53 to 0.90.
_Alkaline_ said:Even worse is when they have painkiller.
Ogs said:The spawning system is starting to get to me aswell. It just feels so fucking cheap when you run around the quiet side of the map to get behind the enemy, to kill a few, and have 1 of them spawn right fucking behind you and blergh dead.
Might just stick to Search & Destroy. Strangely i played this almost exclusively with CoD4, but have barely touched it in MW2.
Maybe they could introduce a new playlist option with a tweaked spawn system that puts you much further away from the action ?
LeMaximilian said:COD4 never had these issues, except on Shipment. I played that game for 2 years, and had never been frustrated to the point MW2 has made me.
Need to vent, I want this game to be good because I'm good at it. But jesus christ, I don't have fun anymore.
LeMaximilian said:I'm fucking done with this game. As I was explaining before, about this 'fuck you over repeatedly phenomenon', I've had enough of it. I primarily play Domination, am in my 4th prestige, over 35,000 kills and have a KD of 3.15.
I'm not shitty at this game, but this game is shit. I'll say at least 60% of my deaths are the result of this bullshit spawn system. It comes to the point where your begging the game not to kill you during your next spawn, and you die, over and over again. I have no problem if with a game if someone is more skilled than me, but if it's the game that keeps ramming it up your ass over and over, then I'm not going back.
COD4 never had these issues, except on Shipment. I played that game for 2 years, and had never been frustrated to the point MW2 has made me.
Need to vent, I want this game to be good because I'm good at it. But jesus christ, I don't have fun anymore.
TheSeks said:You guys don't remember the spawns being terrible in 4 as well, really?
Must be just me, then.
J-Rzez said:The game's not designed to be played competitively. It's designed to be more casual than ever. That's just how it is. I just log on with my friends, and when we finally get in the same game together, we just usually try to see how many teammates we can get to quit before the end of the game via trash talking, and of course rattling the cages of the others in the lobby.
TheSeks said:You guys don't remember the spawns being terrible in 4 as well, really?
Must be just me, then.
Edit: And I'm talking literally throwing me in the middle of grenade spam/airstrikes/et. al. TERRIBLE spawns.
Cerrius said:It worked when I tried Pave Low --> Chopper Gunner -- Nuke but earlier today I tried a Harrier, Pave Low, Chopper Gunner streak and the Pave Low kills didn't count.
So I think it's still bugged actually.
backflip10019 said:Karachi is the worst map in the game. Seriously, why is it so vertical? Vertical maps do not work in Call of Duty.
I dont mind it. Helps me get cold blooded pro faster ^_^Mega Mike said:One gripe I have...WHY DOES NO ONE EVER SHOOT DOWN AIR?? I ALWAYS HAVE TO /END NERD RAGE.
Ogs said:The spawning system is starting to get to me aswell. It just feels so fucking cheap when you run around the quiet side of the map to get behind the enemy, to kill a few, and have 1 of them spawn right fucking behind you and blergh dead.
Might just stick to Search & Destroy. Strangely i played this almost exclusively with CoD4, but have barely touched it in MW2.
Maybe they could introduce a new playlist option with a tweaked spawn system that puts you much further away from the action ?