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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Neo Member
divisionbyzorro said:
Remember how getting 7 kills used to be the best thing you could do? And everything after that was gravy?

I'm with you - the killstreak system did fuck the game up. In CoD4 they were nice bonuses but now they are the end all be all objective. Even I couldn't escape the allure of playing "just for the streaks"

I had fun playing for my first nuke but after that I thought, "ok, I've done that, now what?" I switched to killstreaks that ended with a gunner/AC130 and it was a great, for awhile. I found that I would rage horribly whenever I missed my 11 streak by 1 or 2 kills. It sucked and wasn't fun.

Just recently I've switched streaks to have everything below 7, and here are the results:

- I am having more fun, and getting a nice CoD4 nostalgia feel without gunning for the big streaks and getting burned when I miss them. They are truly just bonuses now, and not my objective, just as they were in CoD4.

- I'm helping my team more, as my streaks max out multiple times every game compared to AC130's which were once every 2-4 games. UAV's/Counter UAV's constantly vs. the occasional "death from above."

- I'm playing better. WTF??!? My K/D has been rising lately since I switched to this "low killstreak setup" How can this be? Sure the chopper gunner setup allows for some incredible 30-3 games once in awhile, but with this new setup I am constantly finishing in the positive and my KD is climbing.

And yes, your Generic Gamer Magazine system would be most welcome.


Cool Smoke Luke
divisionbyzorro said:
Would this be better?
umm is this real or fake?
sounds like an April fools joke.(AKA to good to be true).

But for Headquarters and other objective modes?, would it be better? OH HELL YA!..well based upon never trying it and hating the current system heh.
This game is creating quite a backlog of unfinished games for me.
I try to just jump on for a quick game or two but next thing you know I'm playing from 10pm until 2am. Wondering when this addiction will stop and I can get to my other games.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
mYm|17| said:
Sucks that they added the ridiculous amount of killstreaks in this game. IW seriously needs to add a playlist that had the killstreak output in COD4 (UAV/Airstrike/Chopper) or just a barebones one.

Sadly, I doubt it will happen.

Is there an actual relation to Chopper in CoD6? Pave Low being it?

As I'm curious. I know UAV/Airstrike are analogs to the CoD4 killstreak system (but Airstrikes take more than 5 kills now), but there is too many air supports for there to be chopper one.

But it would be nice to have that mode + anti-air to finally get back at the chopper bastard that ruined my life and had me staying under buildings in 4. :lol
DarkJC said:
The incentive is not getting your ass mowed down by air support and a bunch of experience for one stinger missile in most cases. If people would rather ignore it and let the enemy get free kills, let them.

It shouldn't matter to you anyway, because you're shooting it down, right?

In a team based game I feel it is very important to take care of the air support quickly.

In most cases I shoot down the Harrier or chopper before it can get a shot off.


divisionbyzorro said:
Would this be better?
That would be AWESOME.

I seriously fucking hate the retards that do nothing but camp in domination and forget about pursing the objectives.

While it makes it easier for me to win the game, my k/d ratio goes to shit.
bloodydrake said:
umm is this real or fake?
sounds like an April fools joke.(AKA to good to be true).

But for Headquarters and other objective modes?, would it be better? OH HELL YA!..well based upon never trying it and hating the current system heh.

Note the author of the quote, "Generic Gaming Magazine."

It's just a hypothetical.


Is there a perk that makes the name over the enemy 'green' when it should be 'red'...cause I didn't think so..but damned if I dont get killed by a 'turncoat' teammate....I see a guy looking at me, his name is green...I begin to walk by him, he shoots me / his name turns red.

Probably has happened 10 times to me so far.


HooCares said:
Just recently I've switched streaks to have everything below 7, and here are the results:

- I am having more fun, and getting a nice CoD4 nostalgia feel without gunning for the big streaks and getting burned when I miss them. They are truly just bonuses now, and not my objective, just as they were in CoD4.

- I'm helping my team more, as my streaks max out multiple times every game compared to AC130's which were once every 2-4 games. UAV's/Counter UAV's constantly vs. the occasional "death from above."

- I'm playing better. WTF??!? My K/D has been rising lately since I switched to this "low killstreak setup" How can this be? Sure the chopper gunner setup allows for some incredible 30-3 games once in awhile, but with this new setup I am constantly finishing in the positive and my KD is climbing.

And yes, your Generic Gamer Magazine system would be most welcome.
I tend to agree with you - I'm finding UAV-Care Package-Sentry Gun to be my most used set-up right now. The Sentry Gun is awesome - besides being able to net a good amount of kills if placed effectively, it also strategically changes the flow of the game. You can essentially manipulate the movement and flow of the other team and you can do this dynamically cause re-positioning is possible. I'm sure things will change though if folks start using Cold-Blooded more - IMO every player should have a Cold-Blooded build to dynamically switch to.


Not playing this thing for a week makes me feel like I haven't played in months. I hopped on last night for an hour once I got settled in from my flight and the first 30 minutes were rough... I lose that itchy trigger and aim like crap when I do have it! Just hit level 48 though so I'm excited to give the ACR a try finally.
MarkMclovin said:
No. You cant fire it until you have a lock on, but the flares will make the rocket fly off target. I sometimes find that an aircraft will go down in one, or not at all. A Pavelow dodged 4 of my stingers last night, and when I busted one out, the fucker went down in 1 shot.

What are these flares? lol


Meier said:
Not playing this thing for a week makes me feel like I haven't played in months. I hopped on last night for an hour once I got settled in from my flight and the first 30 minutes were rough... I lose that itchy trigger and aim like crap when I do have it! Just hit level 48 though so I'm excited to give the ACR a try finally.

Yeah, I took about a week break (thanks to PC gaming pulling me away; damn those Steam deals!) and it destroyed my skill. It took me a good 2 nights or so to sidle back in to things.
I thought people were exaggerating when they said the F2000 sucks but after getting the red dot sight for it. It does indeed fucking suck. RDS blocks out part of the screen that RDS on the other guns don't. Fires slowly, accuracy is garbage, damage is garbage(even in hardcore).


winnarps said:
Yeah, I took about a week break (thanks to PC gaming pulling me away; damn those Steam deals!) and it destroyed my skill. It took me a good 2 nights or so to sidle back in to things.
I fortunately ended my final game with a 14/6 ratio but my dom skills in particular suffered. Oh well, I'll get it back! I guess feeling off made this sweet one-shot sniping kill I got all the better though..definitely helped my confidence.
Digital Limit said:
divisionbyzorro said:
Would this be better?

(link to post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=19084171&postcount=20146)

And yes, yes it would be.

I've been thinking about that system for a long time - I really think it would go a long way to solving a lot of the complaints about the game. I'm convinced that most of the complaints about this game are due to player psychology, which is all linked back to the KS bonuses.

  • People camp for killstreaks
  • People don't push on objectives for killstreaks
  • People rage over cheap deaths because they get buzzkilled
  • People don't use the Riot Shield because you can't earn good killstreaks
  • People boost for killstreaks
  • Otherwise wonderful games are ruined by nukes

Change the system to encourage team play and pushing on objectives over just straight killstreaking, and you'd have a much better game.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
BruceLeeRoy said:
Lord I hate this game. I have Assassins Creed 2, Demon Souls, and Halo ODST just sitting here and I can't tear myself away from this game.
I got Uncharted 2 for XMas and haven't even considered playing it :lol


LeMaximilian said:
Been thinking about this for awhile, and now discussing it with several friends...there's an odd phenomenon that happens VERY MUCH in MW2's multiplayer...

Situation 1: You start a game well, hit a few killstreaks and rack up kills. You eventually die, but preceding that death you die again, and again. It's almost like you can't help it, as if your being punished for doing good at the start.

Situation 2: You start a game terrible, everyone kills you in firefights and it seems impossible to get a kill. After several deaths, you hit a streak and end the game rather well or even.

Now, I've been into console MP very heavily since the Socom PS2 era, and put 30 days into COD4. I've never had this kind of stuff happen to me so prominently in a multiplayer game before. Several situations where the enemy dies on the killcam, to immediately see you after they spawn. Or dying within 5 seconds of spawning.

The craziest part is, the vast majority of players I've spoken too about this completely agree. Is it just the new respawn system? Has this happened to anyone else?

This happens to me all the fucking time, at first i used to die a lot and then have an awesome kill streak but lately i have a nice killstreak at the beggining of the matches and then die again and again, i thout it was just me lol.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Lord I hate this game. I have Assassins Creed 2, Demon Souls, and Halo ODST just sitting here and I can't tear myself away from this game.
I don't hate it, but it has singehandedly stopped my playing Forza 3, DiRT 2, Borderlands, and any number of other compelling games, in favor of becoming 10th Prestige Asshole Call of Duty Player.


divisionbyzorro said:
I've been thinking about that system for a long time - I really think it would go a long way to solving a lot of the complaints about the game. I'm convinced that most of the complaints about this game are due to player psychology, which is all linked back to the KS bonuses.

  • People camp for killstreaks
  • People don't push on objectives for killstreaks
  • People rage over cheap deaths because they get buzzkilled
  • People don't use the Riot Shield because you can't earn good killstreaks
  • People boost for killstreaks
  • Otherwise wonderful games are ruined by nukes

Change the system to encourage team play and pushing on objectives over just straight killstreaking, and you'd have a much better game.

Wow you like read my mind! Fff!!!
I got spawned 3 times in a row within 25ft from the same enemy on Wasteland of all maps, WTF?! I got so frustrated, because I'm thinking to myself that I can stay in my sniper class because it will put me somewhere safe, but no. And to make matters worse, he kept dying before I would get to him, since there are mini-hills on the edges of Wasteland and I couldn't see him in time, but then he was spawn next to me to kill me. It's like the game knew that guy was going to die, so it spawned me by him, but also knew I could be killed, so it spawned him right back next to me on the other side of the hill. I don't know how to explain it any better than that at the moment since I want to snap my controller off in someone's eye socket. Not really, but yeah, GRRR!!!!!! Welcome to your first game of MW2 for the day! :/
ExtraKr1spy said:
I thought people were exaggerating when they said the F2000 sucks but after getting the red dot sight for it. It does indeed fucking suck. RDS blocks out part of the screen that RDS on the other guns don't. Fires slowly, accuracy is garbage, damage is garbage(even in hardcore).
That gun is shit. I still say the guys were contractually obligated to include several Fabrique Nationale weapons, including really shitty ones. Which military uses that f'ing rifle anyway, the Pansy Army? :lol
Speaking of sights though, how is it the TAR gets its own awesome proprietary sight (the Mars sight or whatever) and meanwhile everyone else gets Iron, RDS, ACOG, Thermal and Holo only? Woulda been nice to see some slightly different customization on some of these weapons, like, oh I don't know, laser sights, Infrared flahlight/goggles combo, integrated (like the Mars), etc. Anyone else a little bummed about the complete lack of night fighting too?


DeuceMojo said:
That gun is shit. I still say the guys were contractually obligated to include several Fabrique Nationale weapons, including really shitty ones. Which military uses that f'ing rifle anyway, the Pansy Army? :lol
Speaking of sights though, how is it the TAR gets its own awesome proprietary sight (the Mars sight or whatever) and meanwhile everyone else gets Iron, RDS, ACOG, Thermal and Holo only? Woulda been nice to see some slightly different customization on some of these weapons, like, oh I don't know, laser sights, Infrared flahlight/goggles combo, integrated (like the Mars), etc. Anyone else a little bummed about the complete lack of night fighting too?

Nighttime skirmishes would be amazing. I miss the night vision goggles.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Is it just me or are nukes becoming a helluva lot more commonplace? I can't count how many otherwise close/lopsided games were ended by some prick who somehow manages to go 30+ and 0 and calls in a nuke.

I actually liked nukes closer to launch because they were mostly rare and you couldn't help but tip your hat to whoever managed to rack up the kills for it. Nowadays I picture someone glitching beyond the map and picking people off for it.


DeuceMojo said:
That gun is shit. I still say the guys were contractually obligated to include several Fabrique Nationale weapons, including really shitty ones. Which military uses that f'ing rifle anyway, the Pansy Army? :lol
Speaking of sights though, how is it the TAR gets its own awesome proprietary sight (the Mars sight or whatever) and meanwhile everyone else gets Iron, RDS, ACOG, Thermal and Holo only? Woulda been nice to see some slightly different customization on some of these weapons, like, oh I don't know, laser sights, Infrared flahlight/goggles combo, integrated (like the Mars), etc. Anyone else a little bummed about the complete lack of night fighting too?

But but the SCAR and P90 is also made by FN and those guns rule!
DOO13ER said:
Is it just me or are nukes becoming a helluva lot more commonplace? I can't count how many otherwise close/lopsided games were ended by some prick who somehow manages to go 30+ and 0 and calls in a nuke.

I got one in the first week the game was released and then for weeks never was able to do it again. In the past 2 days I have gotten 3 of them and was 1 fucking kill away from a 4th today.

I have found that the M16 doesn't need SP. So I use Hardline instead. I didn't think 1 less kill would make a difference but it apparently does.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
What are some bug do's and don'ts regarding gun/perk set ups? I'm quite ignorant to many, but for example in my experience:

use grip with LMGs like the RPD to improve hip fire accuracy.

use acog with a sniper cos you lose the proper scope

I also heard stopping power makes no difference to certain guns. Are these the famas and m16? do they still kill in one burst without it? And some guys mentioned adding red dot to a gun makes it worse? Really? I need educating on these things! Particularly for the m16 as that's my current gun of choice. Ideal set ups for it?


DOO13ER said:
Is it just me or are nukes becoming a helluva lot more commonplace? I can't count how many otherwise close/lopsided games were ended by some prick who somehow manages to go 30+ and 0 and calls in a nuke.

I actually liked nukes closer to launch because they were mostly rare and you couldn't help but tip your hat to whoever managed to rack up the kills for it. Nowadays I picture someone glitching beyond the map and picking people off for it.

Eh, just a slew of new guys joining from the holidays.

I played Wasteland last night and no one on the other team would shoot down my killstreaks. No one. Cleaned up with a Chopper Gunner (pushed them back into the corner spawn; lol @ 20+ kills in ~10 seconds) and that led into a Nuke.

Lots of the lower level guys have no idea what they're doing. It also doesn't help that the good anti-air and cold-blooded come a few levels in, instead of being available right away.


Neo Member


ExtraKr1spy said:
I thought people were exaggerating when they said the F2000 sucks but after getting the red dot sight for it. It does indeed fucking suck. RDS blocks out part of the screen that RDS on the other guns don't. Fires slowly, accuracy is garbage, damage is garbage(even in hardcore).
F2000 is widely thought to be the worst AR in the game, but it definitely is not total garbage. BTW, it is one of two guns that benefits from the holo sight over the RDS (along with the TAR). It actually fires FASTEST out of all the ARs and in addition, the RDS (or is it the holo?) on the F2000 doesn't go down during an EMP like every other AR.
DeuceMojo said:
I've noticed that they've become tougher since the patch.

I miss the days of 1-shot-2-kills on Harriers.

One shot is supposed to take down multiple harriers - it's technically one strike, but sometimes two ships show up for aesthetics or something. Or maybe that's just an assumption I've been making, but it seemed liked a reasonable explanation.

That aside, I'm surprised I haven't heard more people raging about glitchy Harrier-Stinger interaction. It's so frustrating to waste both of my Stinger missiles on one Harrier Strike without it even dying. On top of that, I'll probably die because I've been staring at the sky for 30 seconds wasting ammo, scratching my head and giving away my position. It doesn't even make sense for the missiles to miss: Harriers don't have any kind of chaff or flares or whatever. They just float there and are supposed to die immediately if I have a Stinger. But nooOooo. Fuck that!


Neo Member
Digital Limit said:
One shot is supposed to take down multiple harriers - it's technically one strike, but sometimes two ships show up for aesthetics or something. Or maybe that's just an assumption I've been making, but it seemed liked a reasonable explanation.

That aside, I'm surprised I haven't heard more people raging about glitchy Harrier-Stinger interaction. It's so frustrating to waste both of my Stinger missiles on one Harrier Strike without it even dying. On top of that, I'll probably die because I've been staring at the sky for 30 seconds wasting ammo, scratching my head and giving away my position. It doesn't even make sense for the missiles to miss: Harriers don't have any kind of chaff or flares or whatever. They just float there and are supposed to die immediately if I have a Stinger. But nooOooo. Fuck that!

I carry a stinger 24/7 and while I can't say it's fact, from my observation the misses are from the harrier turning to target someone (by chance) right when the missile is about to hit, causing a miss.


I went back and played some COD4 MP today.....

soooooo much better imo. No more crazy killstreaks shitting up the game.


Lince said:
got my 5th nuke yesterday by camping with the help of my friends, I was sniping on Wasteland and they were protecting me from flankers, we usually do this in turns, so who's next trying to get a nuke? I know it's cheap, but that's the way the game is meant to be played :lol

Depends on what you mean by "with the help of my friends." If I notice people boosting in a game, I will make it my sole objective to go break their shit up. It happens in FFA a lot. You'll see some guy climbing up the leaderboards quickly and some guy on the bottom of the leadersboards. Then you know you have a booster in the game. They are always in private chat and will be using a tactical insertion in some obscure part of the map with the only intent to drop a nuke.

It is so satisfying to stop the killstreak... even if I die multiple times trying.


Roxas said:
I went back and played some COD4 MP today.....

soooooo much better imo. No more crazy killstreaks shitting up the game.

YEA..ima go back as well.....MW2 MP is too frustrating in its current form. The game forces you to camp and thats not my bag baby!


CitizenCope said:
This game is creating quite a backlog of unfinished games for me.
I try to just jump on for a quick game or two but next thing you know I'm playing from 10pm until 2am. Wondering when this addiction will stop and I can get to my other games.
Yup. On weekends I'm going on 6 hour gaming sessions. I'm just addicted to this game. The last time I was addicted was when I got Battlefield 2. I have 8 days logged with this game already. With CoD4, I'm still at 6 days after 2 years...lol.


cameltoe said:
YEA..ima go back as well.....MW2 MP is too frustrating in its current form. The game forces you to camp and thats not my bag baby!

MW 2 is my first COD game I've put some time into and I'm really hating it, thinking of just trading this in and trying out MW 1 out if it's really that much better.
HooCares said:
I carry a stinger 24/7 and while I can't say it's fact, from my observation the misses are from the harrier turning to target someone (by chance) right when the missile is about to hit, causing a miss.

I'd agree, but whenever I miss once, I miss twice.

It doesn't feel like a fluke when it consistently happens in succession.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I have complaints about MW2 but its mainly to do with people being dicks and focusing on the leveling rather than the actual game. But its the leveling which makes it so addictive so its not like they should take it out.

I dont see why it forces anyone to camp. What a load of balls. You choose to play how you like and I know plenty of good players who dont camp at all.

MW1 was a giant clusterfuck of grenades every few seconds and experienced teams spawn camping you for 10 minutes as you die over and over again. Even f you're on the winning team thats not fun, that's just points grinding which is a big giant bag of shit.

MW2 is much better, maps and modes are better, killstreaks are more fun and the perks are better. Its just a few ultra hardcore people who can't get past their scores who annoy.
Digital Limit said:
That aside, I'm surprised I haven't heard more people raging about glitchy Harrier-Stinger interaction. It's so frustrating to waste both of my Stinger missiles on one Harrier Strike without it even dying.
I've only seen it happen once. Didn't know it was widespread. I think it's built in. Donno. I HAVE on half a dozen occasions shot a Stinger, watched it fly past the Harrier or chopper, circle around high in the sky, and come back down for a kill. Like a full 5+ seconds later.
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