kaizoku said:wow you guys turn sensitivity down? interesting.
MarkMclovin said:So I prestiged after being lvl70 for weeks. Urgh. It's a nice change having to go back to weapons I haven't used since day 1, but I'm missing my claymore's and Jesus, trying to take down a heli or jet without Cold Blooded seems nearly impossible.
Neverfade said:Potential solution for nobody wanting to shoot down Air Support: Make it worth an actual kill or two. Advancement towards your next KS should be enough incentive, as points really aren't.
Who really gives a shit about your Score Rank of all things?
J-Rzez said:The game's not designed to be played competitively. It's designed to be more casual than ever. That's just how it is.
I don't know what's up with you guys who hardline that there are only two options; take down air support or get taken down by it. I do neither; I just look where the chopper is and head in the opposite direction, stay inside, etc. I never get taken down by killstreaks except for total bullshit like a predator killing me when I was as far inside as I could possibly get, because the shooter got one of those shitty predators with a sideways angle.DarkJC said:The incentive is not getting your ass mowed down by air support and a bunch of experience for one stinger missile in most cases. If people would rather ignore it and let the enemy get free kills, let them.
It shouldn't matter to you anyway, because you're shooting it down, right?
Lince said:edit: got my 5th nuke yesterday by camping with the help of my friends, I was sniping on Wasteland and they were protecting me from flankers, we usually do this in turns, so who's next trying to get a nuke? I know it's cheap, but that's the way the game is meant to be played :lol
roosters93 said:Is it my fault the Stingers miss sometimes?
roosters93 said:If my K/d was less than 1, I don't think I could handle dying so much.
backflip10019 said:Karachi is the worst map in the game. Seriously, why is it so vertical? Vertical maps do not work in Call of Duty.
Lince said:I know most of you don't agree but in my opinion this game takes no skill
Yeah I hate this in Domination. People too scared for their KD ratios or losing their killstreaks to capture a point or run to defend one.divisionbyzorro said:We're now much more focused on our individual achievements rather than the team achievements.
Xevren said:Spawns definitely break this game. It makes it really hard to have fun. Some of the maps would be an easy fix really, Sub Base's respawns are the worst in any game I have ever played they are just terrible.
Ran into my first set of boosters just now too, wasn't hard to find them to put an end to that. Really sad people would do that.
Exactly, I've been saying this all along. The Pavelow WILL die with one shot, if it happens to be the shot that takes it down that time. When I first got the Stinger on this prestige, my very first Pavelow dodged my two rockets, necessitating my suicide and respawn with two more rockets.MarkMclovin said:No. You cant fire it until you have a lock on, but the flares will make the rocket fly off target. I sometimes find that an aircraft will go down in one, or not at all. A Pavelow dodged 4 of my stingers last night, and when I busted one out, the fucker went down in 1 shot.
For what it's worth, auto-aim is a fucking nightmare, not a help.Lince said:guys, guys... of course it takes skill to excel, I meant it's too easy to kill someone in this game, autoaim, powerful weapons with high fire rate and so on, and the fact that you can get some nice frags and killstreak rewards just by camping in some vantage point and wait for people to come by, sadly that's what most people doing even in objective games. Maybe it's the 600 hours I put on KZ2 and now killing some dude with two bursts from my smg across the map feels "easy".
divisionbyzorro said:Karachi is tied for Rundown as the worst game.
I seriously don't understand what you guys are bitching about with the spawn system. Like I said above: I mostly play Domination and have never felt screwed by the spawns (except for Highrise, which is something totally different).
Count me in as one of those guys who disagrees. Here's what I think (not that the masses really care what I think). I think MW2 is at its best when teams actually play as a team - it rewards team play more than anything else. I think that when playing against random people in public lobbies, the skill of an individual player gets incredibly diluted.
See, I think that's why IW tried to kill party chat. They understood that this game requires teamwork to flow properly and they knew party chat kills this in public lobbies. Even when playing Team Deathmatch you need friendlies to help spot enemies, clear corners, cover your back, etc. In Demolition, you need to be able to say "planting the bomb - cover me."
I'll say it again: the killstreak system is what really ruined this game. Not because the bonuses are too powerful, but because they changed our mindset when going into battle. We're now much more focused on our individual achievements rather than the team achievements. We say "Well, we lost, but I got a couple Pave Lows and an AC-130, so it was a good game." We rage when we start a round 6-1 because we wanted those Harriers so badly. And we camp more than ever so we can get those Harriers.
Remember how getting 7 kills used to be the best thing you could do? And everything after that was gravy?
Garryk said:I have this game installed to my 360 HDD and I keep getting disc unreadable errors at random points in the game. I've tried deleting and reinstalling it, but I still get the error. Anyone else have this problem?
Mojo said:Yeah I hate this in Domination. People too scared for their KD ratios or losing their killstreaks to capture a point or run to defend one.
I always wondered about this. It tends to happen too fast for me to see that it was auto-aim, but yeah I'll often rush a room or ambush a line of enemies running up the incline in Rust and think "two or three kills for sure" and then end up getting one or NONE because I shoot and wound, change targets, shoot and wound, then die.RubxQub said:There are so many times where instead of getting a double or triple kill, I'll die...because the game decided to take my crosshairs away from the target I was shooting and instead slides to follow some other dude who crossed my path.
Yeah, the precious K: D. Wow. Completely fucks up Domination, keeps people from playing Demolition, Sabotage.i_am_ben said:I've noticed that the best teams are ones which have a 1 or 2 noobs that sprint to capture the flags for this very reason .
roosters93 said:If my K/d was less than 1, I don't think I could handle dying so much.
Believe that was me.DeuceMojo said:A few days back, someone mentioned their love for the M93 Raffica.
Not true, dude. Sabotage is a 20-minute killfest with enormous opportunities for streaking. People adore it.DeuceMojo said:Sabotage.
I think B is a direct result of A. I LOVE games where I'm 38-8 or 12-0 or whatever. At the same time, I've had matches where I went 7-14 and still felt I had a good time.F#A#Oo said:B) Some games I can go on massive streaks others I'm bottom...
A) For me...the killstreaks have destroyed the game.
I don't think people care about score, they care about K/D, which needs to be adjusted (I'm just as guilty as anyone).DeuceMojo said:Yeah, the precious K: D. Wow. Completely fucks up Domination, keeps people from playing Demolition, Sabotage.
I wonder what would happen if they weighted scoring in Domination like 500 pts per capture, 20 pts per kill; maybe you'd find the game played completely differently.
I can see it now... 5 guys prone on every capture point, very little camping. :lol
DeuceMojo said:Yeah, the precious K: D. Wow. Completely fucks up Domination, keeps people from playing Demolition, Sabotage.
I wonder what would happen if they weighted scoring in Domination like 500 pts per capture, 20 pts per kill; maybe you'd find the game played completely differently.
I can see it now... 5 guys prone on every capture point, very little camping. :lol
This system would work. At the very least, implement it in objective games, and leave it out of deathmatch games. Deathmatch games, well, rely on having a good ratio. Objective games -- with kill-to-death scoring enabled -- become, wait for it... yes, they become fucking deathmatches.RubxQub said:I'd say remove Kill and Death metrics in the game entirely and go with a purely score oriented system.
Kill Streaks become Score Streaks.
In non-deathmatch type games, the objectives net you substantially larger scores than killing people, which would encourage people to go for objectives without worrying how many times they had to die to get there.
Internet Celebrity said:The whole "defensive play helps your team" argument is bullshit. In Domination, Demolition , the instant spawns stipulate that incapacitating the enemy won't help your team achieve the objective. Sure, the opponents may be spawned slightly further away from the objective, but it takes little time for them to recover.
What I tried to say there was basically that simply killing the other team will not help your side win (as opposed to most other games that include a spawn delay). So to all of you K/D players who claim to help your team, I call bullshit.![]()
mYm|17| said:Sucks that they added the ridiculous amount of killstreaks in this game. IW seriously needs to add a playlist that had the killstreak output in COD4 (UAV/Airstrike/Chopper) or just a barebones one.
Sadly, I doubt it will happen.
RubxQub said:I don't think people care about score, they care about K/D, which needs to be adjusted (I'm just as guilty as anyone).
I'd say remove Kill and Death metrics in the game entirely and go with a purely score oriented system.
DeuceMojo said:This system would work. At the very least, implement it in objective games, and leave it out of deathmatch games. Deathmatch games, well, rely on having a good ratio. Objective games -- with kill-to-death scoring enabled -- become, wait for it... yes, they become fucking deathmatches.
I think Duece got it right.codecow said:I'd rather have a mode where they take out the score but I know I'm in the minority on this.
EDIT: After the GameFaqs, 1UP, Official PlayStation, NGU, and many other boards picked up on this, I figured it would be best to make it painfully obvious that this is not true! This was me simply having a good time writing up my personal fantasy. Don't get me wrong: I'd love it if this was true, but it's not. This is simply a perfect example of how people on the internet don't check their sources and rush to jump on every bandwagon they find.
I mean, seriously, did you even check the quote? It says "Generic Gaming Magazine." Geez.
The original post follows:
Generic Gaming Magazine said:Infinity Ward Announces New "Momentum System" For Modern Warfare 2
This morning, Robert Bowling (@fourzerotwo) tweeted that a new "Momentum System" would replace the killstreak system in Modern Warfare 2, setting the internet abuzz. To the best of this GGM editor's knowledge, no modern video game has ever made such drastic changes to its core multiplayer structure in this manner, and you, dear reader, are in luck. Only GGM has the exclusive details about what you will see when the next title update hits on January 20th for both Xbox Live and Playstation Network.
No More Killstreaks
Yes, you read that right. Those precious killstreaks that you spend hours camping in the corner to earn are all going bye-bye. In their place is a brand new "Momentum System," which rewards you for actively, yet smartly, pushing on objectives and playing as a team. In practice, it's very simple: every time you earn a kill, capture an objective, plant a bomb, or do anything to help your team's cause, you gain points to fill your momentum meter. When your meter reaches key points, you can choose to "cash in" your meter for one of those precious bonuses, like a UAV, Sentry Gun, or the dreaded Chopper Gunner. But be careful: cashing in your meter will cause you to "spend" all of the points you've currently accumulated, bringing you back down to zero. So you'll have to decide if you think that a UAV now is better than a possible Predator Missile later.
Lest you think this isn't fair when compared to the old system, wait until you hear this: getting killed will no longer reset your streak. That's right. If you die, your momentum will not be reset to zero under most circumstances (Bowling tells us that suicides or teamkills in Hardcore modes will reset the meter to zero). Rather, you'll incur a penalty to your meter. We pressing Bowling to tell us exactly how much you would lose, but all he would say was "it depends." Apparently they have some super-secret formula which takes into account what exactly you were doing when you died. For example, getting killed while running around in the open would cause a greater loss than getting killed while pressing on an objective.
Speaking of deaths, we were also very excited to learn about the new "Noble Sacrifice" accolade, which rewards players who risk their lives to complete objectives. Said Bowling: "We noticed that many players wouldn't play aggressively because death is such a huge punishment in this game; the new 'Noble Sacrifice' award takes this away." Simply put, if you and two teammates work on capturing a flag in Domination, but you get killed while trying to grab it, as long as that flag is captured for your team, you will get a "Noble Sacrifice" message and won't incur a loss of momentum. This works in all objective based modes, and will hopefully encourage the more cowardly of you to actually put yourselves on the line for your team.
But this brings us to the biggest change in the new system: Team Momentum. Not only will each player have an individual momentum, but so will each team. This momentum will swing back and forth as the match progresses based on how well each team is doing relative to the other. If the bar swings too far in one direction, one of the more devastating momentum bonuses will be automatically released. Yes, you guessed it: the dreaded "Tactical Nuke." In fact, the nuke is no longer an individual reward. It can only be earned by the team as a whole and serves as a sort of "Mercy Rule" for those highly lopsided matches. "We always viewed the nuke as a sort of mercy rule anyway," Bowling told us, "and we were very disappointed to see the way that the community reacted to its inclusion. With this new system, we feel that the tactical nuke will fit more naturally into the flow of the game."
We got to go hands-on with the new system in an exclusive event held only for GGM, and we walked away incredibly impressed. While Team Deathmatch games felt almost identical (and, in fact, are essentially unchanged), the objective-based games felt like new life had been breathed into them. Personally, I was overjoyed by the newfound usefulness of the Riot Shield, as using it properly can now actually earn those precious bonuses we've all come to love. This feels like an entirely new game, one with a greater sense of camaraderie and teamwork. Obviously, the true test of this update will be when it releases next month to the incredibly vocal and picky Modern Warfare community, but the general consensus around the office is that we're sold on it.
Be sure to check out our video section for exclusive footage of the new system in action.
RubxQub said:I think Duece got it right.
Deathmatch games should be Kill/Death oriented while objective games should be score oriented.
I disagree, however, that a person going 3-0 is better than a guy going 17-14.
The 3 and 0 guy isn't doing anything...he could be replaced with someone else who actually plans on playing the game. The 17 and 14 guy helped push our team to victory much faster. In a close game, the 3 and 0 guy isn't going to be the game-changer and potentially win the team the match, it's going to be the 17 and 14 guy who goes out there and pushes his team across the finish line before the other team, netting the win.
...I don't know, I loathe people who think this game is about hiding and camping and not contributing.
kaizoku said:Might have to switch to a hardcore mode or something. It feels like 9 out of 10 people don't give a flying fuck about winning or losing and in a team based game I hope IW see this as a serious problem.
divisionbyzorro said:Would this be better?
divisionbyzorro said:Would this be better?
kaizoku said:sounds awesome, is that an onion style joke?
am I the only person in the world playing this who has no idea what my K/D ratio is? I have never looked, don't even know where to find it. Don't see why it matters really. I can see why emblems and rank matter, prestiging is prestigious etc. but ratios, stats and being nerdy about things just breaks what we liked about the game in the first place. You migt as well go play an MMORPG.