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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Comics, serious business!
Pete Rock said:
Enemy secures C & B from back alley and they lock down mid, and unless you are prepared to get raped by air support for the rest of the game you might as well leave. Not only that, but you get spawned in a chain link kill zone that doesn't even have a counterpart at C - you can ditch in either of those buildings from the street spawn relatively immediately.

Yeah, Skidrow is definitely quirky. Nobody ever pays attention to flag C. 99% of the Skidrow games I play devolve into a clusterfuck around flag B. People really want that flag :lol I always do well on Skidrow for this reason. I just put my OMA backpack on and lock-n-load the noob tube. I walk up the stairs and clear those flag B fuckers out. Easy to get triple kills when they're all just hovered around the flag. I don't even bother capturing it. Just rinse n' repeat. As you said, it's much more worthwhile to hold down C and A and let B go to the other team. They'll just run up there like moths to a flame.


DeuceMojo said:
I want the "NGA" emblem, (the red, white and blue grenade icon that looks like an NBA logo) but it requires completing Think Fast, finishing off an injured enemy with a direct impact from a frag grenade. It's too tough. When I see people in Last Stand, I'm not thinking "Man, I should try to nail them with my grenade."
I do. And I've tossed dozens of stuns, flash and frags that did have a red X and DID kill the guy, but did not yield a challenge bonus. Am I doing it wrong or what? :(

KittyKittyBangBang said:
has anyone got the AFK accolade
Yes. The matchmaking system will eventually hand it to you by placing you in a match with a nuke counting down.
Pete Rock said:
Similarly, it's amazing how much you notice the shit spawn system when your team is doing so terribly and you are the only person pulling a flank. The instant you get to another quadrant of the map 4 dudes respawn next to you right as you are knifing an enemy sniper... fucking dumb

This is frustrating as well. Sometimes my team is filled with morons who keep going to the same spot over and over again and walking into a meat grinder. Flanking is key and it is amazing how most people I play with don't grasp the concept.
I have a question about making a good short to mid range class. I want a class that I can run and gun (less than 10m away) and wait people out in close quarters (below 5m). I want to replace my stealthy Scar build (silencer/heartbeat sensor, throwing knife, flash grenades, bling pro, cold blooded pro and ninja pro). This class works well at mid-range, but I typically lose out at close range. I have been leveling up the UMP45, but I miss the heart beat sensor. So should I go back to an assault rifle or switch to a LMG? So give me advice on an effective build.
weremichael said:
I have a question about making a good short to mid range class. I want a class that I can run and gun (less than 10m away) and wait people out in close quarters (below 5m). I want to replace my stealthy Scar build (silencer/heartbeat sensor, throwing knife, flash grenades, bling pro, cold blooded pro and ninja pro). This class works well at mid-range, but I typically lose out at close range. I have been leveling up the UMP45, but I miss the heart beat sensor. So should I go back to an assault rifle or switch to a LMG? So give me advice on an effective build.


KittyKittyBangBang said:
has anyone got the AFK accolade :lol
Im thinking I will just hide under the boat house in Estate the whole game and my teammates will be like WTF??? :lol
Just be aware that you still need to be moving sticks or hitting buttons because otherwise the game will kick you for inactivity.
backflip10019 said:

Cute. :lol

MagicJackBauer: It's not that I don't love the gun, I just miss the heart beat sensor. I find that I get more surprise deaths when I am running around with it (in comparison to my silenced/heart beat SCAR). If you could suggest a more lethal build for the UMP that I could work my way up to (I've only unlocked to the red dot), that would be great.
weremichael said:
Cute. :lol
But seriously, I use a kind of hybrid short-distance/knife build that I can usually do pretty well with:

UMP/Mini-uzi w/ Rapid Fire
Shotgun secondary (Striker or 1887s)
Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro
Commando Pro

Typically I'll only use this build on smaller maps, more close-quartered maps (Favela, Karachi, hell even Skidrow) and it works pretty well. The UMP/Mini Uzi can hit short and medium range and if you're in a position in which you know you're getting closed in on, you can just switch to shotty's and pump your enemies full of lead. AND you can zip around at lightning speeds and knife from a good distance.

And yeah, I use the HBS pretty frequently. You will die more often while not using it. That's the sacrifice that you make in wanting to use this class. But it is also a shit load of fun and I always finish positive with it.
MagicJackBauer said:
No UMP love in this thread? That gun destroys for me.
I used to avoid SMGs -- I thought they lacked the range of rifles, but on this prestige I've used the UMP almost exclusively and I've seen my kills increase and my respect for the SMG grow.

I've now hit mastery so I'm free to shoot it whichever way I feel is best to get up to 1000 kills (and possibly 250 headshots) and I've got two fave classes:

1) Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro, Steady Aim Pro with Akimbo UMP.

2) Bling Pro, Stopping Power Pro, Steady Aim Pro with Akimbo/ Rapid Fire UMP.

I've never had so many headshots as when I'm running the UMP w/ Akimbo/Steady Aim. Great stuff. I hear the only thing better is the P90.


KD up to 1.15! Doing pretty good, can't believe I spent level's 1-30 in the below 1 range, I was playing pretty stupid compared to how I play now.

This thread, plus Machinima Gameplay videos on YouTube have made me a much better player.

My game is not perfect, though. One thing I don't do anymore is knife. I really need to start doing that more...Before the lightweight nerf, I was a knifing machine. Nowadays, I get in a close battle and forget to whip it out....
KittyKittyBangBang said:
has anyone got the AFK accolade :lol
Im thinking I will just hide under the boat house in Estate the whole game and my teammates will be like WTF??? :lol
Go into a private match, by yourself. Mess around a bit, but DON'T KILL YOURSELF. Then quit. It should give the AFK.


KittyKittyBangBang said:
has anyone got the AFK accolade :lol
Im thinking I will just hide under the boat house in Estate the whole game and my teammates will be like WTF??? :lol
I have 1 but I have absolutely no idea when I got it. It's not like I TRIED to get it o_O


Neo Member
KittyKittyBangBang said:
has anyone got the AFK accolade :lol
Im thinking I will just hide under the boat house in Estate the whole game and my teammates will be like WTF??? :lol

I got it only because my friends decided to start a private match while I was afk to kill time. It just made me sit there waiting to pick a class the whole game. Worked out. I've yet to get the "Participant" or "Just getting started" accolades. I guess I haven't played a full game where I get absolutely no kills or just 1 kill..... hmmm


Neo Member
DeuceMojo said:
I used to avoid SMGs -- I thought they lacked the range of rifles, but on this prestige I've used the UMP almost exclusively and I've seen my kills increase and my respect for the SMG grow.

I've now hit mastery so I'm free to shoot it whichever way I feel is best to get up to 1000 kills (and possibly 250 headshots) and I've got two fave classes:

1) Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro, Steady Aim Pro with Akimbo UMP.

2) Bling Pro, Stopping Power Pro, Steady Aim Pro with Akimbo/ Rapid Fire UMP.

I've never had so many headshots as when I'm running the UMP w/ Akimbo/Steady Aim. Great stuff. I hear the only thing better is the P90.

I've still yet to use an akimbo smg class. Only because I destroy people that use it against me. I guess I can see it working well on Favela but that's about it. Most other maps are just to large and open to have such little range. I can see using akimbo machine pistols for a secondary, but taking up your main weapon with aki smgs makes no sense to me. Then again I'm always up for just doing weird stuff for the fun of it. The other day I ran around Favela with a silenced M9 and stopping power (no tac knife or anything) and went 29-4 :lol


Patrick Roy said:
LD, I think you just need to get at least one kill and no deaths to get the gold eagle emblem. Worked for me on Wasteland.

Really? Well shit, I thought I did just that last night. I'll have to give another shot tonight.

Hyunkel6 said:
I am pretty sure that I went 8-0 and got it.

Thanks. I think I'll use Hardline to rack up some kills and then just hide 'til the match is over.


I got into an Akimbo vs Akimbo mid range battle with a guy last night....I saw him and thought, damn, Im dead...I cant hit him from here....he probably thought the same...

We began firing....

We continued firing...bullets are literally everywhere around us...

We continue firing...I get some little 'x''s in my reticule...IM HITTING HIM...a little

He likely gets the same...

We continue unloading..reloading...never moving...

HE DIES....I have no bullets left.



weremichael said:
I have a question about making a good short to mid range class. I want a class that I can run and gun (less than 10m away) and wait people out in close quarters (below 5m). I want to replace my stealthy Scar build (silencer/heartbeat sensor, throwing knife, flash grenades, bling pro, cold blooded pro and ninja pro). This class works well at mid-range, but I typically lose out at close range. I have been leveling up the UMP45, but I miss the heart beat sensor. So should I go back to an assault rifle or switch to a LMG? So give me advice on an effective build.

IMO, an AR or LMG won't hold up in a run n' gun setting (like FFA Rust). However, my most effective combination has been an AR (one with good range) and a PP2000 as secondary.

The PP is an amazing gun and I switch to it whenever going into close quarters. The only downfall it has is a small magazine, but once you level up the gun, you can put extended mags on it.

It's even good at medium to long range. I remember killing someone at about 40-50m with the PP because I forgot I had it equpped. I was suprised at the accuracy at that distance. Up close it owns. Sure, you'll get beat by shotties at 1-3m, but they'll rarely get close enough to you to get you.

Pete Rock

Akimbo P90 + Scrapyard = :lol

I keep my smg class setup just for that map, but you can also do excellent with them on levels with a lot of compartmentalization like Karachi
weremichael said:
I have a question about making a good short to mid range class. I want a class that I can run and gun (less than 10m away) and wait people out in close quarters (below 5m). I want to replace my stealthy Scar build (silencer/heartbeat sensor, throwing knife, flash grenades, bling pro, cold blooded pro and ninja pro). This class works well at mid-range, but I typically lose out at close range. I have been leveling up the UMP45, but I miss the heart beat sensor. So should I go back to an assault rifle or switch to a LMG? So give me advice on an effective build.

I have been kinda annoyed about the game ever since I reached level 70, first cure was Riot Shield and now the second cure is RPGs x 2 as secondary weapons.

Too bad one out of every ten CTF matches suck ass, because the ones with dedicated, even teams are fast and fun as hell.
RSTEIN said:
Yeah, Skidrow is definitely quirky. Nobody ever pays attention to flag C. 99% of the Skidrow games I play devolve into a clusterfuck around flag B. People really want that flag :lol I always do well on Skidrow for this reason. I just put my OMA backpack on and lock-n-load the noob tube. I walk up the stairs and clear those flag B fuckers out. Easy to get triple kills when they're all just hovered around the flag. I don't even bother capturing it. Just rinse n' repeat. As you said, it's much more worthwhile to hold down C and A and let B go to the other team. They'll just run up there like moths to a flame.

I have a noob toob class specifically for Skidrow. TAR with M203+Thumper+Frag+Scavenger Pro+Danger Close=pure sex on that map

I tend to have my highest kill count (and death count) on that map for that very reason you mentioned


cameltoe said:
My KDR is in a downward spiral! was up to 2.25...down to 2.04 I think...none of my shots register anymore. Frustrating as hell to open fire on some dude looking the other way and watch bullets magically fire from his ass to kill me! And this is with 4 green bars! The past few days have been horrible in terms of lag for me. Time for a break me thinks.....
Yeah, maybe your just focusing too much on it and need a break. It's happened to me plenty of times. When I start to suck I play CoD4, usually FFA (helps my reaction time) for a few hours. Then I go back to MW2 again and kick ass.


BigNastyCurve said:
And will get you wrecked when you walk around the corner and two people are standing there.
Very, very true. The M16 is only good on mid-long range encounters (Afgan, Invasion, Derail). Do NOT use it in Favela, Skidrow, or Terminal. I got my 1000 headshot title with the SCAR a few days ago and am now working on on getting it with the M16. I got slaughtered in Terminal yesterday using the M16 and learned my lesson the hard way.


BigNastyCurve said:
Negative. I've got the keyboard and unplugging the mic has them coming through the TV
Hrm, I dunno then. When I have my mini-keyboard plugged in (but no headset), I get the speaker icon by my name indicating that it thinks I'm using the headset. Then I don't hear any voices at all no matter what.
MagicJackBauer said:
I'm suprised I don't see more people using the AUG. It's a beast. You pretty much have to use the grip though.

Agreed, I have stuck to almost exclusively AR's until recently and have been using the AUG on maps like Favela and Karachi and have had enjoyed it. Grip is an absolute must as recoil is basically nullified


So what do you think about this setup

P90+Red dot
Sleight of hand(sp?)
Cold Blooded
Steady Aim

Can't remember exactly but it's something like that :lol , This should be good for Favela and close quarters maps right?

I just started using the FAMAS in larger maps and i've had good results too, what would you recommend for that load out considering i'm only level 26 , no prestige.


SitRep is getting the best of me >_< Please tell me I don't need to actually shoot them all? Would be SO much easier if I could just walk into their range & then duck out of harm's way instead of throwing grenades at them or shooting them... About 350 to go!
Minamu said:
SitRep is getting the best of me >_< Please tell me I don't need to actually shoot them all? Would be SO much easier if I could just walk into their range & then duck out of harm's way instead of throwing grenades at them or shooting them... About 350 to go!

I don't understand it... it's like they accidentally switched the challenges for Commando and Sit Rep or something. 100 Knife kills? Like and hour of playing. 750 explosive devices? Lolololol.


Maybe its a glitch or I'm seeing a placebo effect, but why does TAR + Stopping Power + Silencer drop players faster than any other combination?

AUG or SCAR don't even seem that powerful even with Stopping Power equipped.


Alligator F*ck House
Been thinking about this for awhile, and now discussing it with several friends...there's an odd phenomenon that happens VERY MUCH in MW2's multiplayer...

Situation 1: You start a game well, hit a few killstreaks and rack up kills. You eventually die, but preceding that death you die again, and again. It's almost like you can't help it, as if your being punished for doing good at the start.

Situation 2: You start a game terrible, everyone kills you in firefights and it seems impossible to get a kill. After several deaths, you hit a streak and end the game rather well or even.

Now, I've been into console MP very heavily since the Socom PS2 era, and put 30 days into COD4. I've never had this kind of stuff happen to me so prominently in a multiplayer game before. Several situations where the enemy dies on the killcam, to immediately see you after they spawn. Or dying within 5 seconds of spawning.

The craziest part is, the vast majority of players I've spoken too about this completely agree. Is it just the new respawn system? Has this happened to anyone else?


weremichael said:
I have a question about making a good short to mid range class. I want a class that I can run and gun (less than 10m away) and wait people out in close quarters (below 5m). I want to replace my stealthy Scar build (silencer/heartbeat sensor, throwing knife, flash grenades, bling pro, cold blooded pro and ninja pro). This class works well at mid-range, but I typically lose out at close range. I have been leveling up the UMP45, but I miss the heart beat sensor. So should I go back to an assault rifle or switch to a LMG? So give me advice on an effective build.
Akimbo UMPs. I cannot stress enough how good they are and how fun it is to use them. The setup I would recommend:

Sleight of Hand
Stopping Power
Steady Aim

with SPAS (+ grip), stun grenades, and semtex. If you want to get around the map faster, this class works really well with Marathon, but I would recommend changing out the SPAS for a pistol (+ silencer/tac knife) since you can switch to it really quickly when you run out of ammo. Obviously with sleight of hand empty mags aren't a problem.


That's funny Max, I was just thinking about that after playing for awhile and had the same experience really. I wouldn't be surprised if it has something to do with the spawns, I had some where I started pretty bad and spawned pretty near an enemy with his back turned and was able to flank quite a few people on the opposing team.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
RubxQub said:
...I don't know what they were thinking with this spawn system. If I just died, don't spawn me near the enemy. If I just killed someone, don't spawn them next to me.

I've had several instances where I was spawned right in front of an enemy, facing away of course. Handed my ass to them on a silver platter.


LeMaximilian said:
Been thinking about this for awhile, and now discussing it with several friends...there's an odd phenomenon that happens VERY MUCH in MW2's multiplayer...

Situation 1: You start a game well, hit a few killstreaks and rack up kills. You eventually die, but preceding that death you die again, and again. It's almost like you can't help it, as if your being punished for doing good at the start.

Situation 2: You start a game terrible, everyone kills you in firefights and it seems impossible to get a kill. After several deaths, you hit a streak and end the game rather well or even.

Now, I've been into console MP very heavily since the Socom PS2 era, and put 30 days into COD4. I've never had this kind of stuff happen to me so prominently in a multiplayer game before. Several situations where the enemy dies on the killcam, to immediately see you after they spawn. Or dying within 5 seconds of spawning.

The craziest part is, the vast majority of players I've spoken too about this completely agree. Is it just the new respawn system? Has this happened to anyone else?
Yep, these both seem to happen pretty often to me. Situation 1 seems to happen the most and when it begins to happen I always make a mention to my friends that "MW2 is punishing me now for doing so well before." So many times I'll come off of my last kill streak which is usually Chopper or AC-130 and then I'll eventually die and then after that, there's usually a pretty quick death streak to follow. Situation 2 happens here and there, too but it hit me pretty hard in one match today... I started a match on Terminal 0-9 which is absolutely horrible for me since I usually tear people apart on that map, but I swapped out to my M16 class and then just went to town on the other team and finished the match up 31-11. I don't know why, but this kind of stuff is always going on for me too.
LeMaximilian said:
Been thinking about this for awhile, and now discussing it with several friends...there's an odd phenomenon that happens VERY MUCH in MW2's multiplayer...

Situation 1: You start a game well, hit a few killstreaks and rack up kills. You eventually die, but preceding that death you die again, and again. It's almost like you can't help it, as if your being punished for doing good at the start.

Situation 2: You start a game terrible, everyone kills you in firefights and it seems impossible to get a kill. After several deaths, you hit a streak and end the game rather well or even.

Now, I've been into console MP very heavily since the Socom PS2 era, and put 30 days into COD4. I've never had this kind of stuff happen to me so prominently in a multiplayer game before. Several situations where the enemy dies on the killcam, to immediately see you after they spawn. Or dying within 5 seconds of spawning.

The craziest part is, the vast majority of players I've spoken too about this completely agree. Is it just the new respawn system? Has this happened to anyone else?

I agree with this. In fact, I noticed it myself while playing over the past couple weeks. I think this can be attributed to the God-awful spawning system. For situation 1, once you die, you're most likely spawned in a terrible location several times and will die immediately. For situation 2, you eventually get a solid spawn location behind or around the enemy team and are able to take them down.
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