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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


i really don't get the netcode in this game. when i'm playing with friends <10km away and one of us is host, the game lags so much that it's sometimes unplayable with us warping through the level.
i just played some mercenary tdm being host and there were some guys from my country in my team as well, bitching how bad the connection was :/
HooCares said:


They are the same until long range, where the FAMAS is actually stronger. The M16's edge is faster reload and able to fire bursts in quicker succession. The FAMAS also has a tighter 3 bullet spread for each burst (less will miss if the aim is perfect).

That chart is cool and all but I'm just going by my own experience and what the gun charts on the game itself actually say. I know from both that the FAMAS is definitely a weaker gun than the M16. Yes, like you said, stronger at long range and certainly more accurate. But close/mid range an M16 without SP will still take someone out with a well placed 3 round burst. FAMAS seems to require SP to achieve the same results when I use it.


Digital Limit said:
I'd agree, but whenever I miss once, I miss twice.

It doesn't feel like a fluke when it consistently happens in succession.

In my experience, I'd have to agree. I find the absolute best way to counter this is to keep the stinger aiming at the Harrier even after it's deployed. It might be placebo, but I don't miss after I do that. My two theories are that either A) the Harrier/Heli moves right after the stinger is deployed causing a miss or B) there's a glitch with the aiming system where if you shoot as soon as the lock-on comes on and then look away as soon as you fire your missile (like trying to quick-shoot a harrier) it'll cause a miss.


Bumblebeetuna said:
That chart is cool and all but I'm just going by my own experience and what the gun charts on the game itself actually say. I know from both that the FAMAS is definitely a weaker gun than the M16. Yes, like you said, stronger at long range and certainly more accurate. But close/mid range an M16 without SP will still take someone out with a well placed 3 round burst. FAMAS seems to require SP to achieve the same results when I use it.

The chart is accurate, but it doesn't include things like recoil, hip fire accuracy, or time it takes to get into sights. When talking purely "bullet strength," The M16 and FAMAS are equal.


i agree with people here complaining about objectives, i mainly play ground war and i won't capture a flag by myself unless i'm pretty sure there are no enemies near. i usually get killed from behind with none of my teammates covering my ass. it's really frustrating. i don't understand people just staying behind and not caring for the guy capturing the point.


Neo Member
Bumblebeetuna said:
That chart is cool and all but I'm just going by my own experience and what the gun charts on the game itself actually say. I know from both that the FAMAS is definitely a weaker gun than the M16. Yes, like you said, stronger at long range and certainly more accurate. But close/mid range an M16 without SP will still take someone out with a well placed 3 round burst. FAMAS seems to require SP to achieve the same results when I use it.

That statement is just flat out wrong. 40 damage per bullet is 40 damage. I'll take the rigorous, controlled testing over your personal, in the heat of combat evidence. You may very well prefer the M16 at close range due to the fact that it's better than the FAMAS if you don't connect with all 3 bullets in the first burst (due the fact that the M16 can fire a second burst faster than the FAMAS) - and that's perfectly fine. Doesn't mean it's a worse gun (best and worse can be argued). But to call the FAMAS weaker is just not true. If just considering damage alone, it is STRONGER (higher range damage). Doesn't mean it's a better gun though, as RoF between bursts, reload time, and burst spread are all different between the two and will result in different preference among the two between players.


kaizoku said:
MW2 is much better, maps and modes are better, killstreaks are more fun and the perks are better. Its just a few ultra hardcore people who can't get past their scores who annoy.

You obviously have no clue what you are talking about.


Another thing i dislike about MW2 is how much the people give a shit about their scores. I was playing sabotage in a team full of douches who only cared about how many kills they got. I thought "fuck this" grabbed the bomb, planted it and took the other team out waiting for the countdown.

I got shitloads of abuse through the mics and in PM's saying i was a "shit noob" who only got 9 kills.

kaizoku said:
MW2 is much better, maps and modes are better, killstreaks are more fun and the perks are better. Its just a few ultra hardcore people who can't get past their scores who annoy.
Did you seriously just say that the maps in MW2 are better than MW1? :lol :lol :lol Maps may be growing on me somewhat, but they are nowhere near MW1.


TacticalFox88 said:
Did you seriously just say that the maps in MW2 are better than MW1? :lol :lol :lol Maps may be growing on me somewhat, but they are nowhere near MW1.

Come on now... the maps are equal to MW1. I don't have any issues with MW2 maps. They seem very well designed. You may like the "aesthetics" of MW1 maps compared to MW2, but in terms of gameplay, there is absolutely nothing wrong with MW2's maps.
jedimike said:
Come on now... the maps are equal to MW1. I don't have any issues with MW2 maps. They seem very well designed. You may like the "aesthetics" of MW1 maps compared to MW2, but in terms of gameplay, there is absolutely nothing wrong with MW2's maps.
So you absolutely *love* Wasteland, Estate, and Kurachi from a game play standpoint?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
kaizoku said:
MW2 is much better, maps and modes are better, killstreaks are more fun and the perks are better. Its just a few ultra hardcore people who can't get past their scores who annoy.



Whatever you want... hell, let's toss in a LexLuthorWRONG.gif to say "NO."


Neo Member
TheSeks said:


Whatever you want... hell, let's toss in a LexLuthorWRONG.gif to say "NO."



MW2 Likes: Afghan, Derail, Terminal

Hates: Rundown (yay windows camping), Kurachi (roofcamping), Favela (rooves!), Wasteland (let's all snipe!)

I understand the hate for Estate, but I can't go too hard on it cause I always kick ass whether starting at the house or not (I actually prefer not the house).


TacticalFox88 said:
So you absolutely *love* Wasteland, Estate, and Kurachi from a game play standpoint?

No, they aren't my favorites (except Kurachi, I love that map)... but then again, I didn't *love* Bloc, Wetwork, or Countdown.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I hate that map with all the little buildings and tiny alleys, and a hill going up the left side, can't remember the name. Just get killed from all angles on that map. favela maybe?

but at least I'm not getting pinned in somewhere whilst a team kills me, predicts where I'm gonna spawn, grenade that area and run over to kill me, rinse repeat.

At least I don't get sniped from across the map over and over by a sniper I can't see. This happened far too often on COD4 because there weren't that many paths and a few snipers could have the whole area on lockdown and you'd seriously struggle to get to them. I might not love every map but no map in this game has given me the same horrible nightmares that I had on most COD4 maps.

I think the only people who liked COD4 maps are the people who got so good they could basically abuse and dominate and now they find it harder to use the same tactics.

These maps are fairer, more balanced and better designed as a result. yes even wastelands. Yes its full of snipers, but you can combat that in multiple ways:

snipe yourself, stay in the tunnels, take a different path, use cold blooded for thermals, the map is so open so you can go anyway around. it might force you to change from your preferred play style, but it gives you options at least. There were times in COD4 where I felt literally helpless and I dont think its just cos I've gotten better.


.nimrod said:
i really don't get the netcode in this game. when i'm playing with friends <10km away and one of us is host, the game lags so much that it's sometimes unplayable with us warping through the level.
i just played some mercenary tdm being host and there were some guys from my country in my team as well, bitching how bad the connection was :/
Lag that causes spikes, packet loss and warping is the sign of an unstable connection. This is different to the lag that makes it seem like somebody has unfairly killed in killcam.


Question. I've extensively used AR in the vast majority of maps (except Rust where I'm sporting the UMP cause I have it unlocked). I'm thinking about creating a SMG kit, so I wanted to get some thoughts between which SMG(s) are considered the best. Thanks.


mr_boo said:
Question. I've extensively used AR in the vast majority of maps (except Rust where I'm sporting the UMP cause I have it unlocked). I'm thinking about creating a SMG kit, so I wanted to get some thoughts between which SMG(s) are considered the best. Thanks.
P90 for true SMG up-close-and-personal run 'n gun, spray 'n pray.

UMP45 if you don't want to let go of all your assault rifle habits.


jedimike said:
Come on now... the maps are equal to MW1. I don't have any issues with MW2 maps. They seem very well designed. You may like the "aesthetics" of MW1 maps compared to MW2, but in terms of gameplay, there is absolutely nothing wrong with MW2's maps.

Ya know, I pointed out a few days ago how someone can shit on MW2 and not one fucking word will be said. But God forbid someone praises MW2, people here get all bent out of shape.
jedimike said:
No, they aren't my favorites (except Kurachi, I love that map)... but then again, I didn't *love* Bloc, Wetwork, or Countdown.
Hah! :lol Jesus, we loved name-dropping Bloc when this game first came out... "Yeah, Derail is the new Bloc" etc. But yeah, don't canonize COD4 because 1/2 of those maps were lame. True, Backlot, Crash and others were awesome, just like there's awesome maps in this game.

I dare say I'm having more fun playing MW2. If they'd kept it the same (a la GRAW or Rainbow Six Vegas), the franchise would've lost steam. Ubisoft stayed samey-same with their franchises and look what happened...

Maps I used to bitch about (Afghan, Derail) I've come to enjoy. Some of them are oddly unbalanced. Sub Base is weighted very heavily to one side. Rundown has huge unused areas. Most of that, I'd assume, is due to lack of varied spawn points. But by-and-large, I appreciate these maps as original and fairly inspired and I think they stand up well compared to COD4. I'll play Favela all day before I'd want to play Bog again.

Imagine if there'd been no evolution from COD2 to COD4. We'd all be running around at the same speed, spouting WWII shit, ooohing and ahhhing at some model of some f'ing French town.


There really is no point in playing FFA on the 360. There is always a couple of people boosting. My 360 just got back from repair from MS, but in the meantime I rented MW2 on PS3 and put about 27 hrs into the MP mode. I can remember maybe a handful of occasions where I ran into boosters in FFA, and I can remember only 1 time having a nuke dropped on me in that list.

Today I get my 360 back and decide to hop onto FFA just to see if there really is a difference between the PS3 and 360 versions of the list and my first 7 games 6/7 had boosters and I had 3 nukes dropped on me...

It's garbage and doesn't seem like IW is going to fix it by disallowing your friends to join ranked FFA matches with you...


Smokey said:
There really is no point in playing FFA on the 360. There is always a couple of people boosting. My 360 just got back from repair from MS, but in the meantime I rented MW2 on PS3 and put about 27 hrs into the MP mode. I can remember maybe a handful of occasions where I ran into boosters in FFA, and I can remember only 1 time having a nuke dropped on me in that list.

Today I get my 360 back and decide to hop onto FFA just to see if there really is a difference between the PS3 and 360 versions of the list and my first 7 games 6/7 had boosters and I had 3 nukes dropped on me...

It's garbage and doesn't seem like IW is going to fix it by disallowing your friends to join ranked FFA matches with you...

You just have bad luck... I play almost exclusively FFA and run into a booster in about 1 in 20 matches. Even then, you can usually ruin their killstreak if you notice them boosting early enough. Usually the first clue is a damn harrier in the first minute of the game.


Gotta love the respawn system especially in HC HQ.

I get killed, respawn a few meters away to see the body of my previous life still in its death animation. :lol
Love it when I go something like 8-18 in a sniper friendly map and then go 24-5 in close qtr maps 3 matches in a row. Love rocking those snipe only players in small/mid sized maps lol

don't mean to brag but I haven't been in a match where a nuke was launched against my team. I do normally kill every opposing player at least once in every match... :)

my k/d isn't all that great by the way.. A respectable 1.25, but a good team player


Roxas said:
Another thing i dislike about MW2 is how much the people give a shit about their scores. I was playing sabotage in a team full of douches who only cared about how many kills they got. I thought "fuck this" grabbed the bomb, planted it and took the other team out waiting for the countdown.

I got shitloads of abuse through the mics and in PM's saying i was a "shit noob" who only got 9 kills.

Had the same issue with a bunch of players. I said go play death match for that shit.
Also is it me or girls seem to like playing this game?


DeuceMojo said:
Hah! :lol Jesus, we loved name-dropping Bloc when this game first came out... "Yeah, Derail is the new Bloc" etc. But yeah, don't canonize COD4 because 1/2 of those maps were lame. True, Backlot, Crash and others were awesome, just like there's awesome maps in this game.

I dare say I'm having more fun playing MW2. If they'd kept it the same (a la GRAW or Rainbow Six Vegas), the franchise would've lost steam. Ubisoft stayed samey-same with their franchises and look what happened...

Maps I used to bitch about (Afghan, Derail) I've come to enjoy. Some of them are oddly unbalanced. Sub Base is weighted very heavily to one side. Rundown has huge unused areas. Most of that, I'd assume, is due to lack of varied spawn points. But by-and-large, I appreciate these maps as original and fairly inspired and I think they stand up well compared to COD4. I'll play Favela all day before I'd want to play Bog again.

Imagine if there'd been no evolution from COD2 to COD4. We'd all be running around at the same speed, spouting WWII shit, ooohing and ahhhing at some model of some f'ing French town.

And yet they keep coming back to CoD 1 maps. Brecourt, Carentan and Dawnville have all been ported at some point.

And for good reason, cause there were awesome (Brecourt less so). I'd love me some Harbor or Railyard v2 though.
Alright, what the fuck. I'm starting to run into a shit load of boosters, and its fucking pissing me off. What enjoyment do these idiots get? At the end of the day, they're still garbage. askjdhaksdhaksdas
Ken K in the Fresh!!! said:
Btw who loves tdm express like I do? Only takes 15 secs to start the next match! Great addition to the playlist
I used to think it was genius until I realized I never had time to pee/grab a snack/pack a bowl/etc
Here is a list I just compiled of some of the things that some of the Foreign Factions in MW2 say:

- Tango Sucka!
- 10-inch Strojina
- 7-inch Strojina
- Make her your bitch
- Take allah harda!
- Bambi!
- Fish eyes

What do these mean?


ItsInMyVeins said:
I have a lot of trouble deciding which secondary weapon to use and "level up". Any tips?
I snipe a lot and use the PP2000 as my secondary then.. I usually just kind of stick with it in my other modes although I have given some thought to trying another weapon. Maybe I'll go with the recommended AA-12. How's the rate of fire for it?
AA-12 is automatic. You can hold the trigger and it will fire all of the rounds. I wouldn't recommend holding it down, but its just to show it fires very quickly. I personally love the Raffica, one of my favorite guns in the game.

I'd say...

Machine Pistols - PP2000, M93 Raffica
Shotguns - AA-12, SPAS-12, Striker,
1887's (but not with me in your goddamn game)
Handguns - Let's not kid ourselves here, the only use is Magnum for knife builds
Launchers - Stinger, Javelin (for a good time)
FromTheFuture said:
AA-12 is automatic. You can hold the trigger and it will fire all of the rounds. I wouldn't recommend holding it down, but its just to show it fires very quickly. I personally love the Raffica, one of my favorite guns in the game.

I'd say...

Machine Pistols - PP2000, M93 Raffica
Shotguns - AA-12, SPAS-12,
1887's (but not with me in your goddamn game)
Handguns - Let's not kid ourselves here, the only use is Magnum for knife builds
Launchers - Stinger, Javelin (for a good time)
The fuck? How could you leave out the Striker? It has like 12 rounds before you need to reload and is semi-automatic. It's the only shotgun I use (until I get to 67 again...)


-Yeti said:
Here is a list I just compiled of some of the things that some of the Foreign Factions in MW2 say:

- Tango Sucka!
- 10-inch Strojina
- 7-inch Strojina
- Make her your bitch
- Take allah harda!
- Bambi!
- Fish eyes

What do these mean?

I thought they said "PONZI!", and I thought it was a homage to Bernie Madoff. :/

Anyways, running into a lot of games on Highrise where you are literally entrapped in your spawn. They have the sniper on the opposite tower, they have a guy hiding in the elevator, a guy hiding by the helicopter, one underneath and two floaters running around. Since underneath is a corridor, they place a claymore there, and you're essentially stuck in your spawn. FFFFUUUUUUUUU
backflip10019 said:
The fuck? How could you leave out the Striker? It has like 12 rounds before you need to reload and is semi-automatic. It's the only shotgun I use (until I get to 67 again...)
Bah, completely forgot about that one. My mistake.

Anyway, anyone on PS3 who's decent/good want to play? I have no idea where all my friends are... Also i'm sick of all the Christmas noobs being put on my team!

PSN ID: xlildragon
I have a friend who plays on the 360 and says I'm playing with garbage
players on the PS3. He says the really skilled
players are on 360 so my K/D & W/L are against scrubs.
Pkm said:
I have a friend who plays on the 360 and says I'm playing with garbage
players on the PS3. He says the really skilled
players are on 360 so my K/D & W/L are against scrubs.

Yea pretty much.

Hell yea just joined a game that was having a Nuke launch in progress. Instant defeat. So awesome!


FromTheFuture said:
Alright, what the fuck. I'm starting to run into a shit load of boosters, and its fucking pissing me off. What enjoyment do these idiots get? At the end of the day, they're still garbage. askjdhaksdhaksdas

They've been around since day one, unfortunately, the novelty of the game wore off and people just want to finish their prestige grinds. Thus you have boosters show up far more often than not.

We came across a group of them in domination. They told us all to meet in the middle of the map at B, not kill anyone, but keep swapping out control of said point. You can get a ton of points for that quickly for sure. Unfortunately, we don't play that way. We agreed, just to slaughter them mercilessly, just to talk shit to them in the lobby afterwards where they all bailed.

As far as maps go in this game, you have a couple good, but the majority are just poorly designed. MW1 had a larger number of good maps, but it had a share of shitty maps as well. IW can really use some help with map design that's for sure.

Also, you should have an option to leave the game in progress if you choose so without penalty. I get into so many massacres it's not even funny, or just some of the flat out horrid maps I refuse to play anymore, and end up eating a loss.
J-Rzez said:
They've been around since day one, unfortunately, the novelty of the game wore off and people just want to finish their prestige grinds. Thus you have boosters show up far more often than not.

We came across a group of them in domination. They told us all to meet in the middle of the map at B, not kill anyone, but keep swapping out control of said point. You can get a ton of points for that quickly for sure. Unfortunately, we don't play that way. We agreed, just to slaughter them mercilessly, just to talk shit to them in the lobby afterwards where they all bailed.

As far as maps go in this game, you have a couple good, but the majority are just poorly designed. MW1 had a larger number of good maps, but it had a share of shitty maps as well. IW can really use some help with map design that's for sure.

Also, you should have an option to leave the game in progress if you choose so without penalty. I get into so many massacres it's not even funny, or just some of the flat out horrid maps I refuse to play anymore, and end up eating a loss.
Yeah, i don't run into them that often, but when i do, it really pisses me off. I like to get a full group so that any boosters are prevented, but I'm starting to see them in my FFA's, while i haven't before.

As for being put into bad games, what i generally do is (on PS3, and mostly for when i'm thrown into an in-progress) hold the PS button and press Quit Game. As far as i know, doing this disconnects you and doesn't count towards your leaderboard stats (though it might count for W/L, mine has been whack lately, but i dont care about W/L so it doesnt matter to me).
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