Why do people bitch about Commando. If everyone uses it you'll be on an even playing field.VaLiancY said:Take out Commando and I'll be happy and after that I'd pray if you could change your FoV in this game.
tarius1210 said:Why do people bitch about Commando. If everyone uses it you'll be on an even playing field.
This, exactly this. I wish that there was a playlist that eliminated killstreaks (or at the very least limited them to UAV and Counter UAV) and made the game about gun fights, you know, real skill as opposed to the bullshit that goes on in this game.Ramirez said:I agree with most of those points...
I'm pretty sure that my main beef with the game is about how it really has nothing to do with gun fights anymore and is more about killstreaks and making the most idiotic classes you can think of.
The countless bad spawns into killstreaks and lightweighting knivers/shotgunners just completely ruin the game for me.
tarius1210 said:Why do people bitch about Commando. If everyone uses it you'll be on an even playing field.
wud said:someone uses the model 1887s bling on you? use them yourself
someone doing the infinite carepackage glitch? use it yourself
someone putting sentry guns inside geometry? do it yourself
sorry but its a stupid fucking mentality to fall into. They need to remove commando, it is utter bullshit. That huge list posted a page ago is all true
eternaLightness said:I know many people have mentioned this before, but I sometimes love when people use the Scrambler perk. Kept killing the same guy over and over until he left hehe.![]()
That's not even the thing that bothers me the most. What bothers me is the fact that people who use commando are often invincible when they're in the act of lunging to kill you. I can't tell you how many times I've shot what should have been a kill shot at a lunging enemy and it's just gone right through him and I die. It's not fair. It's not fun.VaLiancY said:Because it's unbalanced? I don't see how you can dart across five feet and kill someone with a knife. I have a lot of issues with this game, it is enjoyable but it could have been a lot better without the killstreak whoring and plethora of other balance issues.
backflip10019 said:That's not even the thing that bothers me the most. What bothers me is the fact that people who use commando are often invincible when they're in the act of lunging to kill you. I can't tell you how many times I've shot what should have been a kill shot at a lunging enemy and it's just gone right through him and I die. It's not fair. It's not fun.
They aren't really invincible as they are moving at supersonic speed through that 5 meters. It's possible to kill them using one hit kill weapons but most guns don't have the rate of fire required to put 100 damage into them even with stopping power in time (especially unreliably from the hip)backflip10019 said:That's not even the thing that bothers me the most. What bothers me is the fact that people who use commando are often invincible when they're in the act of lunging to kill you. I can't tell you how many times I've shot what should have been a kill shot at a lunging enemy and it's just gone right through him and I die. It's not fair. It's not fun.
Najaf said:I paid 60 dollars for Oblivion and got a bug ridden piece entertainment that was among the most enjoyable experiences of this generation. MW2 is, overall, an amazingly polished game. The multiplayer is exceptional compared to most similar products out there. This is displayed when looking at the core mechanics such as hit detection (I'm looking at you battlefield) and map design.
MW2, like every game, has issues. However, MW2 separates itself from the pack on so many levels that at this point, it is as if people are complaining of the taxes they need to pay after winning the lottery.
I think the problem is commando is good out to about 16 feet. :lolFireforge_98 said:Just a random thought about the complaints regarding 'knifing'...in real life if you're within 3 feet of someone and they are trying to kill you you are better off with a knife then an assualt rifle.
I think a lot of people don't realize there is a reason why you have primary, secondary, and a knife...they are for different scenarios. There are times when you shouldn't be using your primary.
Fireforge_98 said:Just a random thought about the complaints regarding 'knifing'...in real life if you're within 3 feet of someone and they are trying to kill you you are better off with a knife then an assualt rifle.
I think a lot of people don't realize there is a reason why you have primary, secondary, and a knife...they are for different scenarios. There are times when you shouldn't be using your primary.
Fireforge_98 said:Just a random thought about the complaints regarding 'knifing'...in real life if you're within 3 feet of someone and they are trying to kill you you are better off with a knife then an assualt rifle.
I think a lot of people don't realize there is a reason why you have primary, secondary, and a knife...they are for different scenarios. There are times when you shouldn't be using your primary.
backflip10019 said:That's not even the thing that bothers me the most. What bothers me is the fact that people who use commando are often invincible when they're in the act of lunging to kill you. I can't tell you how many times I've shot what should have been a kill shot at a lunging enemy and it's just gone right through him and I die. It's not fair. It's not fun.
divisionbyzorro said:Why are we complaining about realism in a game where you get all your health back by hiding for ten seconds? :lol :lol
Mr. B Natural said:It is fair, because without ninja, you should have heard him coming and killed him before he even knew where you are. Your heartbeat sensor should bleep him before he gets to you. Without sit-rep, he couldn't see your claymore. Commando IS a balanced PERK. It isn't free. It's a perk. It's a pro and a sacrifice. If they lunged, you lose. You kill them before they lunge, you win. Your team of 6 should have your spawn on lock and now they're good as dead.
I said this once and i'll say it again...this game is WAY more friendly to the camper than the runner. If you're having issues with runners then you need to play the game more and put on some headphones or something. Find a crew to play with so you can get lock down the map. Learn these god awful bog-like unbalanced maps that have so many overpowered vantage points/sneaky spots that the runner won't even have a chance. The game will stop being entertaining and you'll feel dirty but you'll win and be playing the game IW designed...at least that's how it seems to me.
How many times do you really see the runner/knifer class person go positive? I don't ever see it unless I'm playing mercanaries and even still usually they go 10 and 15 or something.
wud said:We're not complaining about realism, we're complaining about unbalanced broken bullshit
RSTEIN said:Actually, I've read research that concluded a knife is better than a gun even out to 20 feet. Even a trained police officer will have a difficult time getting a shot off against a knife-wielding person if their weapon is holstered.
ultim8p00 said:With a shotgun?
kaizoku said:the game plays brilliantly and the niggley problems people document have not been that much of a nuisance, for me anyway. Its not like its a lackadaisical product like GTA4, now THAT's what you call a shoddy poorly designed game.
kaizoku said:the game plays brilliantly and the niggley problems...
jiien said:Yeah, it's cool man, I didn't mean to target you specifically in what I was saying, just speaking generally. Yeah, it is a frustrating thing to encounter, and a team full of people that are really good at it is a rage-inducing experience.
Meh, not worth getting uppity about it though. The more I play, the better I get, and I learn how to counter those kinds of players. Just takes practice.
clashfan said:Racist! I hope a mod see's this.
Yeah, Oblivion was a bug-ridden mess, but it was a single-player bug-ridden mess. There's less concern with balance in a single-player game because the only restriction on how broken the player would like the game to be is the one they place on themselves. I wouldn't define a game that has seen its player base hop from one exploitable weapon to another as IW sluggishly fixes the ones that get the most complaining about a polished game.Najaf said:I paid 60 dollars for Oblivion and got a bug ridden piece entertainment that was among the most enjoyable experiences of this generation. MW2 is, overall, an amazingly polished game. The multiplayer is exceptional compared to most similar products out there. This is displayed when looking at the core mechanics such as hit detection (I'm looking at you battlefield) and map design.
MW2, like every game, has issues. However, MW2 separates itself from the pack on so many levels that at this point, it is as if people are complaining of the taxes they need to pay after winning the lottery.
divisionbyzorro said:
divisionbyzorro said:
Oh quit being niggardly.clashfan said:Racist! I hope a mod see's this.
These need to be fixed (and it looks like they are) but I haven't seen any instances of it in 1300+ gamesFugu said:- Turrets can still be placed in walls on many levels (Underpass).
- Akimbo G18s are bizarre (I'm told this is exclusive to the PC).
- Commando has a ton of invincibility frames that I doubt were intentional.
If you don't get a hit indicator, then he wasn't hit.
The MeleeChargeDelay is only about 0.15 seconds and will pull the player at extremely high speeds to get him on-target in that brief fraction of a second.
At best, you can only get two shots in that timeframe with anything except akimbo glocks.
- OMA Tube takes away the weapon's biggest weakness. If this was intentional, it's extremely bad for play balance. If this was unintentional, why the hell haven't they fixed it yet?
- Attack Choppers are vastly underpowered and their AI makes them almost completely useless. When harriers, also a seven kill streak, pick up more kills in their "chopper" phase than the legit chopper does, there's something wrong.
I think it's something like the Pavelow kills don't count unless someone on your team has already launched a pavelow. This needs to be fixed though as well as sentry adding to kill streak.- The pave low killstreak bug has gone unnoticed since the game came out (Pave Low kills gotten in killstreak form only add to your killstreak some of the time, whereas Pave Lows out of care packages always do).
not sure how this is a bug?- Glass has as much health as a person (and they have more than three times as much health as a person on hardcore).
- The Holographic Sight is bugged on an overwhelming amount of weapons, most notably the FAL (the holographic sight on the FAL makes it lose its range penalty, so all shots do maximum damage).
- There's a large disparity (depending on the gun) between the HUD and what gun the game considers you to have equipped when you are switching guns. If you switch guns and try and pick up another while you're loading the gun you switched to, instead of replacing the gun you have equipped (and the gun the HUD says you have equipped), it replaces the one you switched from. This is most notable in laggy games and it also leads to a lot of weird reload problems.
- Several guns reload before their animations suggest they do. This isn't really a bad thing but it's exploitable (not as much as it was in CoD4, though).
Not really. What do you want them to do? Make the hitbox bigger for them? It takes quite a bit of aiming to use throwing knives but useless is hardly a word I would use to describe them. They'll drop a knifer in his tracks.- Throwing knives are almost useless.
- Claymores can be dropped in a straight vertical line from a tremendous distance on certain surfaces (to try this, go on the roof of highrise, face to the right of the map, walk as far to the left as you can go without falling off of the building, and drop a claymore).
Most annoying when you're shotgunning people or sniping them. This will never get addressed imo.- Last stand has invincibility frames and final stand has frames where you can be shot but you can't do anything back.
All explosives have a blast radius. Danger close increases the damage in the radius but not the radius. You're really reaching to make the list longer imo.- Danger Close gives claymores a shotgun-like effect by which they kill you instantly from a certain range and then stop doing damage completely an inch later.
In HC? Yes. In Core it can help a lot especially if you are shielding.- The blast shield is completely worthless.
What's the point of doing 60 70 80 90 or 99 damage? It will still take two hits to kill someone with it. Stopping power is for bullets not melee so that makes little sense. If you want to complain about being sniped in the toe though, that's a different story.- The riot shield is fun but not viable; the melee should have increased damage (not a one-hit kill but I believe it only does 50 right now) and stack with stopping power, but should not stack with commando.
not a bug- Whether this is a bug or not I don't know, but an iota of guns have ACOGs that don't sway.
not a bug- The AK sways with nothing equipped (again, I don't know if this is a bug or not).
That's because they bounce- The chopper gunner's bullets don't correspond at all with where it's actually shooting.
The AC130 isn't as good as the chopper gunner, that's for sure. Considering the amount of flares increasing AC130 duration would just make people complain more though.- Giving the AC130 a turning radius means two things. One, aiming close to its center causes it to go really wonky and causes the screen to start panning like mad. Two, on larger maps, it is possible to stand on the side of maps and become impossible to be hit due to the combination of the AI and the limited radius. Also, the MG is useless unless the person you're shooting at is AFK.
- The matchmaking system will sometimes make 7v5 games.
Bravo. Sadly most of these will probably never be fixed.Fugu said:big list of problems
What is that?? No wonder you hear of people trying to shoot down air support with shotguns :OKholdstare101 said:Eh. Not sure if this is known or not.
What the hell IW? :lol
GarJon said:The thing with MW2 is that I'll go on periods where I absolutely despise everything about it - the lag, the exploits and so on. Despite all of this however, every now and then I'll get into playlists where people will actually go for the objectives and not just camp, Noobtubing will be at a low and all of the good maps will show up in the rotation.
Not to mention, it is immensely addictive.
What is that?? No wonder you hear of people trying to shoot down air support with shotguns :O
I never understood this rationale. If the logic is "it makes no difference", than why not increase the damage? Seems to me that collateral damage is often over-looked.eek5 said:What's the point of doing 60 70 80 90 or 99 damage? It will still take two hits to kill someone with it. Stopping power is for bullets not melee so that makes little sense. If you want to complain about being sniped in the toe though, that's a different story.
wud said:fetching playlists? you've been fetching them for the past fucking half an hour
my ps3 is given priority by my router
all the ports are open
its a wired 8mb connection
there is no firewall
Why does this shit always happen?
boredofcanada said:i love how when you set the bomb in demolition, if you drop a claymore right after, the laptop opens again as you are running away, effectively blinding you from the dude standing right in front of you with a shotgun.
i find all the flaws and glitches funny though, i still love this game.
FabCam said:This happens in S&D too. So annoying as the laptop fills the screen and you can't see shit while you're trying to run and find a good place to camp.