backflip10019 said:This, exactly this. I wish that there was a playlist that eliminated killstreaks (or at the very least limited them to UAV and Counter UAV) and made the game about gun fights, you know, real skill as opposed to the bullshit that goes on in this game.
Sealda said:i play a lot with the F2000 right now. It is very challenging, definitly the worst gun in the game.
I don't think so. I think the F2000 just gives off a really bad first impression and many people just immediately dismiss it because of that. It does have a lot of recoil but it also has the fastest rate of fire of any of the assault rifles and unlike the SMGs it is good past medium range at that rate of fire. If you burst fire it you can keep the gun from most of its vertical recoil and I'm not talking about M16 bursts; you can rapidly tap the trigger and do 4-5 bullet bursts with almost no recoil. The damage is low (30-20) but the rate of fire makes up for it because of the vertical view kick that MW2 adds to all guns when you get hit (faster rate of fire = more crosshair jumping which means you have a better chance of winning)
It is definitely my favorite run and gun game despite the AR speed penalty. You can see some of my F2000 gameplay in these videos. (starts about 5 minutes)
I do agree with you on SoHP but with the F2000 at least you kind of have to run scavenger because the high rate of fire combined with low ammo does you no favors.
Yeah the F2000 really shines in CQB where you can hip fire it like a SMG and get kills. The killing rage is well beyond a shotgun though so it's usable for mid range. I think it is a unique gun because if you work yourself into situations where it dominates you can do quite well with it.Starfish_Oxide said:I can see the benefit of the F2000 (high rof=cqc pwnage) but at long range it sucks balls....
in your vids most of your kills are at close/mid range where you could get away with using a shotgun/machine pistol...
Anyway the lack of decent range on it stopped my from using it now i almost use the TAR-21/Silencer exclusively by far the best weapon system in the game
oh btw nice vids
Sealda said:*snip*
So i went back to COD4 the other night, man that game is different. Everything seems slower but the fire fights are even faster than MW2. In MW2 you get killed from behind, in COD4 you get killed from a guy in front of you. The latter is way more sensitive to lag for obvious reasons.
The worst thing about MW2 is the killstreaks, it makes everything revolve around you making those kills. A death or kill at a 4 kills streak often means the difference between a 30-5 score or a 14-8 score.
*snip* .
Thank youultim8p00 said:Welcome to GAF
eek5 said:Yeah the F2000 really shines in CQB where you can hip fire it like a SMG and get kills. The killing rage is well beyond a shotgun though so it's usable for mid range. I think it is a unique gun because if you work yourself into situations where it dominates you can do quite well with it.
I've gotten some long shots with it (tap, recenter, tap, recenter, tap) but it definitely isn't ideal, although in a bind i won't hesitate to attempt it)
Side notes: I've gotten more headshots with this gun than any other gun (I average about 13% versus a 5% overall headshot percentage); the random vertical recoil can sometimes cut the bullets needed at long range by one because of this. I've also gotten more bullet-only double kills with the F2000 than any other gun. I can also attribute this to some of the random recoil because when enemies are grouped close together you will sometimes hit all of them while aiming for only one :lol I guess when it comes down to it the F2000 is just fun to use, maybe only for the fact that you've just killed someone with what people consider to be the worst gun in the game![]()
Mik2121 said:Oh man, Infinity Ward needs to fix one thing that's bugging me A LOT.
When you are playing and say.. trying to find someone who's hiding in some building or something and you are using your AR to zoom in a bit and find him, and then some teammates get right in front of you and their usernames are so big you can't see shit...
That's seriously annoying. Goddamnit I've missed a few kills already because I couldn't see shit thanks to my teammate's nickname moving around![]()
We don't need no satellites.TacticalFox88 said:Ok after being burned out of MP, I decided to play SP for the hell of it again. All I can say is....What? No seriously....WHAT? Can someone explain to me how Russia can invade the EAST COAST undetected? I don't give a shit if you're satelites are down, you got SOMETHING on the ground that can detect an invasion force that has to travel FIVE THOUSAND MILES to reach you. And why didn't Europe warn the US? There's no way Russians couldn't get to the US without flying over their airspace. Yeah IW fucked up 2/3 of the main things in this game.
Sealda said:Hello.
I am new here. I think i am pretty good at the COD series. I have over 25 days played on COD4 and my KDr for MW2 is 2.52. Let me just share some thoughts.
Best 2 essential perk:
Sleight of Hand Pro. This thing makes you aim faster! Every time you will meet an enemy 1 on 1 you will have a huge advantage since you can aim faster than him. Also the faster reloading time is great.
Stopping Power Pro
In the end it all comes down to who can do more damage than the other guy. An essential, you will loose 1 on 1 fights without SPP.
Best gun
The first gun you get, absolutely best all around. I use it with silencer and i never notice m y gun, this might sound cliche but its true. There is nothing this rifle cannot do and its the only weapon i never blames if i die. The FAMAS very good, but crappy in certain, same with the RPD too. And those guns are probably top 5. The AK47 is bleak compared to its COD4 version, sadly.
TacticalFox88 said:Ok after being burned out of MP, I decided to play SP for the hell of it again. All I can say is....What? No seriously....WHAT? Can someone explain to me how Russia can invade the EAST COAST undetected? I don't give a shit if you're satelites are down, you got SOMETHING on the ground that can detect an invasion force that has to travel FIVE THOUSAND MILES to reach you. And why didn't Europe warn the US? There's no way Russians couldn't get to the US without flying over their airspace. Yeah IW fucked up 2/3 of the main things in this game.
Rayme said:A new Steam client update is going live right now.
This should clear up the "crashing after I host 2 or 3 games in a row" problem that cropped up a few days ago for some people.Code:[B]* Fixed a Steamworks api crash that was affecting Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2[/B]
corkscrewblow said:The M4 sucks. It's like a shittier ACR.
TacticalFox88 said:Ok after being burned out of MP, I decided to play SP for the hell of it again. All I can say is....What? No seriously....WHAT? Can someone explain to me how Russia can invade the EAST COAST undetected? I don't give a shit if you're satelites are down, you got SOMETHING on the ground that can detect an invasion force that has to travel FIVE THOUSAND MILES to reach you. And why didn't Europe warn the US? There's no way Russians couldn't get to the US without flying over their airspace. Yeah IW fucked up 2/3 of the main things in this game.
jedimike said:Thanks for the tips. My K/D has been dipping because I've been playing like crap the last few days. However, I should realize that it isn't all my fault. I've equipped sitrep and coldblooded to get the achievements. I'm always switching things around in order to complete the challenges and get the points. I know if I went back to stopping power and steady aim, my K/D would go back up.
this too. I've been seeing a lot of people using it recently and I have no idea why. It's literally the worst gun in the game.jiien said:Also, the F2000 sucks. It's like a shittier TAR.
M4 is one of the best, all around gun. It's the Ryu of MW2.corkscrewblow said:The M4 sucks. It's like a shittier ACR.
corkscrewblow said:The M4 sucks. It's like a shittier ACR.
corkscrewblow said:The M4 sucks. It's like a shittier ACR.
...or you can just use a TAR and call it a day! TAR >>> all other ARs in the gameSealda said:Been up 24+ hours now, and here comes a long text.
It has a higher fire rate and its better in most situations.
M4A1: 780
ACR: 720
You really feel the difference. Since both have 30-20 DMG the M4 will kill faster than the ACR and you need to waste less bullets since the fire rate is higher. Also, the M4 is already ridiculously accurate, i at-least feels the ACR is unnecessary accurate and i rather have higher fire rate than super high accuracy.
M4A1 DMG per minute: 23,400---15,600
ACR DMG per mintue: 21,600---14,400
All im saying is that you do not need that much accuracy, the M4A1 and the games auto aim works just fine, in-fact it works wonderful. When do you need the ACRs accuracy over the M4s, its like you do not need it ever. But it feels good to have that kind of accuracy but its kinda useless.
thedrizzle34 said:I havent seen too much love for the RPD while lurking in my previous non-approved state in this thread.
I picked it up during my third prestige, and this may be the first gun that I totally max out, challengewise. It's great for those encounters where people keep coming around a corner or down a hall; I can just move from enemy to enemy without worrying at all about reloading. Also, with OMA pro, you can reload way faster than normal by rechoosing your class.
Strider2K99 said:I'd rather just use Sleight and keep my secondary.
Sealda said:Pain Killer
Other than that, i think the pain killer death streak is really annoying. I do not know how many times i have been close to a nuke, AC130, Harrier and then i gets up close with a Pain killer. The thing is that even if you kill the pain killer, he will come back next re spawn with the same damn extra health.