Anaxagoras said:Home, Sweden.
Thanks in advance
Replied - last post on last page... Sweden, hell I don't know where to get stuff from in Sweden, but keep the parts round abouts what I suggested if you can.
Anaxagoras said:Home, Sweden.
Thanks in advance
Wouldn't really agree that a 3% decrease in speed constitutes a nerf... A knife-runner will still stab you 5 times before you know what's up with the current 7% Lightweight. That was mostly symbolic to quiet down some of the complaining.F#A#Oo said:Have they nerfed anything? Lightweight got nerfed last time...commando this time maybe?
CorporalDork said:Awesome stuff..
Anaxagoras said:Also, Is there any good way to use a mouse instead of the xbox controller and is this considered cheating like a moded controller, can it get you banned?
aku:jiki said:And if they're gonna remove a perk, I vote Last Stand 50 times over. God damn that shit is bullshit.
Cosmo Clock 21 said:No love for the FAL? With a holographic sight, this thing ices everybody.
aku:jiki said:And if they're gonna remove a perk, I vote Last Stand 50 times over. God damn that shit is bullshit.
I also found the weapons folder and found the G3, G36, R700, M40, M240, SA80, AW50, a power drill, MP5, MP9, and the MP44. Just announcer voice-overs of things that got cut well before launch.
DEFCONAnaxagoras said:I don't think this has been posted yet so I will go ahead and post it:
Hidden Modern Warfare 2 Gametypes MP Voiceovers:
Anaxagoras said:Thanks man, I really appreciate it, exactly what I was looking for pros, cons and the PC parts that I need, I will be checking if they have international delivery, if not I will find similar parts here in Sweden.
btw, I have an 21'' lcd already but no hdmi, will that do or should I buy it the next month instead?
:lol I somewhat I agree.aku:jiki said:And if they're gonna remove a perk, I vote Last Stand 50 times over. God damn that shit is bullshit.
corkscrewblow said:Commando needs to be removed before Last Stand but they should just remove both and Final Stand as well.
The worst part is that I have a tendency to reload immediately after 'downing' somebody, so I often get stuck defenseless when I put a guy in Last Stand.xtheEnemy said:I f'ing hate it now, especially the guys who used it. It's like when you hit the guy he drops dead, then there's like a 1-sec invulnerability when he goes down, giving the guy a high chance of fighting back.
What? I find that knifing is by far the easiest way to play S&D, because everyone else plays it so slow and carefully and are not expecting someone to come running at top speed from behind.Aurora said:1k exp per kill in SnD seems a bit high but meh, you can't really be successful knifing only in that mode.
I would be cool with that. It's what IW should've realized to begin with, like they did with Martyrdom.I say keep it as a death streak reward, and get rid of it as an actual perk.
rodvik said:Damn straight
/stands behind him, arms folded , nodding
:lol at all the perk hatred. Come on, I hear people advocating for removing Commando, neutering the UMP, etc. etc.divisionbyzorro said::lol at all the Last Stand hatred.
For a moment, until its clips run dry.Meier said:Silenced PP2000 is the tits too.
That isn't the issue with it for me. The issue is you down someone and Joe M16 comes up behind you and steals your kill. That has happened to me a lot more than actually getting killed by Last Stand, and it is just as annoying.divisionbyzorro said::lol at all the Last Stand hatred.
I rarely (and I mean almost never) get killed by anyone in Last Stand.
lionelhutz said:dumbassphoto.jpg
divisionbyzorro said:Why did you do this? A half-assed attempt at account suicide or something?
Me too. Nonsensical as fuck, yet oddly funny. Like a SNL skit.Aurora said:I lol'd.
DeuceMojo said:Nonsensical as fuck, yet oddly funny. Like a SNL skit.
I don't hate Last Stand because I occasionally get killed by people using it. I hate it because of how much goddamn time and ammo I have to waste killing that person who has it and should have been dead because I shot him in the chest with a fucking SNIPER RIFLE that in reality would make your chest cave in and head explode due to the force of the shot.divisionbyzorro said::lol at all the Last Stand hatred.
I rarely (and I mean almost never) get killed by anyone in Last Stand. The only time I ever really even notice it is if I'm maining a shotgun. It's so useless compared to the other green perks that I don't understand why you would want to use it. Personally, I think it should have been buffed and made to be like W@W's Second Chance, which lets you revive downed players who are currently in Second Chance. Getting together a team of buddies and running that perk as a team was so much fun
backflip10019 said:I don't hate Last Stand because I occasionally get killed by people using it. I hate it because of how much goddamn time and ammo I have to waste killing that person who has it and should have been dead because I shot him in the chest with a fucking SNIPER RIFLE that in reality would make your chest cave in and head explode due to the force of the shot.
When you're in situations where you have to act quickly (let's say, 2 or more enemies within your sights), Last Stand completely fucks up your chances of taking them both down or even surviving. There have been so many situations when I should have gotten 2+ kills that have been destroyed for me because of douchers using Last Stand.
kitch9 said:The sooner you realise MW2 is a game and is not an attempt to replicate real life the better I feel.
That's not comforting at all. A game is meant to be balanced, fair and fun. Real life is random, unfair and sometimes not very fun at all. Real life warfare, of course, is even more random, unfair and basically never fun.kitch9 said:The sooner you realise MW2 is a game and is not an attempt to replicate real life the better I feel.
aku:jiki said:Edit: To be more serious... zorro, kitch9 and the rest, you guys are aware that we are just as allowed to take gaming seriously as you are allowed to not care that much, yes? Last Stand is fucking bullshit for those of us who take our matches seriously and have pride in our skill. It's totally cool to not care too, but don't come preaching!
I don't mean to cause you discomfort, but whenever I go running, whether it be in the city or on a trail, Ikitch9 said:The sooner you realise MW2 is a game and is not an attempt to replicate real life the better I feel.
DeuceMojo said:I don't mean to cause you discomfort, but whenever I go running, whether it be in the city or on a trail, I
A) hold my hands in the pistol+tactical knife position
B) occasionally lunge as if I were a commando
C) shout "TEN-INCH STORZGINA!!!" at passers-by
PS: OT, I eat a decent amount of fish, and I enjoy nothing more than throwing 1/2 a cup of malt vinegar on some french fries. But I usually have the sense to do this within a restaurant or home or outside. Who the fuck brings this shit back to their cubicle to give everyone a nice big smell of it???!!?
Yeah, forgot to announce that. Was just gonna see how it looked for a little while. Abe was getting a little tired. :loldivisionbyzorro said:O_O Deuce made an avatar change.
I didn't realize this was you for a while.
Yep, that would fix it to be tolerable. I'd still like to see it go completely though.butts said:The only annoying thing about last stand is the wasted bullets AND the fact that half the time a teammate steals the kill. The guy putting someone in last stand should get the kill points, the dude finishing him off should get the assist points.
divisionbyzorro said::lol at all the Last Stand hatred.
I rarely (and I mean almost never) get killed by anyone in Last Stand. The only time I ever really even notice it is if I'm maining a shotgun. It's so useless compared to the other green perks that I don't understand why you would want to use it. Personally, I think it should have been buffed and made to be like W@W's Second Chance, which lets you revive downed players who are currently in Second Chance. Getting together a team of buddies and running that perk as a team was so much fun