Failed_Nuke_Story #3
Was on rundown, went 5-0, then switched to hardline class, got 1, switched to danger close class, call in harrier, took 3 guys, then I killed someone by a claymore, hide somewhere, call in chopper gunner. This is where it gets interesting, My chopper gunner keeps moving and moving all around the map, hence i can't get a clear shot on my enemies on the ground, only got 4 fucking kills on that 30seconds.
Then I calm down, got my kills to 22 (Hardline class on), then someone instantly showed up in front of my face so I panic-spray my SCAR, he died and red jelly all over my screen, 23-0, 1 more yay!
and as I was reloading someone just fucking showed up again! FFFUUUU!. I watched the killcam and he was with the guy I just killed, he almost died together with him.
Failed_Nuke_Story #4
K, this game is right after the game above, it was on Karachi, same strat as above, got to 23-0 again, then saw a guy killed my teammate then we shoot at each other, then he suddenly prone (so I though he just had last stand) so I stop firing my SCAR to reduce the recoil, and after that I died. The guy had just prone while attacking

23-0, another failed nuke attempt.
After that I switched my killstreak to Predator>Harrier>AC130/ChopperGunner, 5 games straight I was in the top 3 with k/d 3/1. I was still bitter though.
After I get that rotating nuke emblem I'll never gonna equip that NUke again, it only brings anger to me.