tsigo said:60 max.
tsigo said:60 max.
It would have been nice if things like kill streaks were limited to radar, scramblers and the lower tier of extras and air support, with the bigger bad boys being bonuses for base/flag captures or something else goal related in game modes, IMO that would stop farmers and a whole lot of bullshit going on.lawlohwhat said:Some asshole was glitching in the rock on afghan. I got mad, killed him, then nuked his team:lol
The air support in this game is really overboard. It's a fun arcade shooter, but you don't have to be great to rack up absurd amounts of kills by doing nothing.
lawlohwhat said:Some asshole was glitching in the rock on afghan. I got mad, killed him, then nuked his team:lol
The air support in this game is really overboard. It's a fun arcade shooter, but you don't have to be great to rack up absurd amounts of kills by doing nothing.
NYR said:In Hutch's defence, there is a reason for the tone. WOR called him out which started this whole thing. He called him "nooby", which he hardly is. WOR's entire argument was that the sniper rifle weighs 20 pounds and a real sniper wouldn't be running around quick scoping. NO SHIT! It's a game!! He's just jealous at the attention Hutch gets.
Hutch was a man to bring him on his channel and let them have a friendly debate. Hutch proved how much class he had by letting him speak his mind to his face and not just go back and forth like WOR was. You shouldn't have expected him to lay down and let him talk shit and still be nice. He did something I wouldn't do, and that was let him come on his channel, explain his point of view, and have a good debate. And don't get me started on that ebonics crap, either - he had it coming.
NYR said:BTW, in his latest video on Favela, WOR calls anyone with a KDR of 2.00 and under a scrub, and that anyone over a 4 is a cheater. If that's the case, EVERYONE on this thread is a scrub according to his standards, as getting a KDR over 2 is really hard. Further, he targeted the Optics Nation crew - he just comes off sounding douchy and jealous about how much attention Hutch and the other guys get.
Stick to Tejbz, SeaNanners, Blame Truth, PainCakes and SandyRavage if you want to learn and be entertained, IMO.
divisionbyzorro said:TBH, I don't give a shit what these guys think about my skills, or who is better, or what they think about how I play, or any of that. It's just a damn video game. I like playing it, and I do so a lot. I don't care how good I am compared to the elite. That'd be like Peyton Manning dissing my YMCA flag football team quarterback for having a low passer rating. No shit, Sherlock - now get off your high horse and pull your head out of your ass. Making videos showing off your skills online doesn't make you a big deal all of a sudden.
I do appreciate the strategies he gives; I really do. But it's just a damn game. At risk of sounding cliche, get a life.
CozMick said:I put having a good kill death ratio in categories.
.1 Playing Domination/Headquarters "the wrong way"
.2 Being a Care Package scrub
.3 Tactical Insertion boosting
.4 Actually being good at the game
This IS the be all and end all of Modern Warfare 2 kd/r's
Tural said:All challenges will be available upon entering the First Prestige, yes.
Sealda said:EDIT: Its not like they have chosen not to play the game less serious than i am. Its just that they suck at the game and i do not. Its not that much you can do in MW2 more than to play the game. Its not like you can actually take that much advantage from "studying MW2 theory every day" . In the end it comes down to basic FPS 101.
I had a level 13 do the CP glitch for one whole match whole match of Demolition. Then they got one of the sites and I camped down to the defend the other one at all costs and I managed to get my 5-7-9 three times while doing so. The dude who was CP glitching started sending me messages accusing me of doing it, I just pointed out that we can tell when he's doing it too and that not everybody bought the game yesterday because he did. He didn't respond. :loli_am_ben said:I don't quite believe it.... I was just called a "filthy faggot cheater" for OMA noobtubing an unlimited care package glitcher.
They can't compete.. probably need a bit of a boost. If you have a Stinger, you can take them down before they even get a shot off.xtheEnemy said:Do Cobras (Attack Helicopter) have flares ? cause I took down 2 of them last night on a single shot of Stinger on different games. If no, then how can it compete with Harriers since Harriers have a bombing attack while cobras are like weak-pavelows.
Meier said:They can't compete.. probably need a bit of a boost. If you have a Stinger, you can take them down before they even get a shot off.
Yeah, pretty much.Case said:Care Package glitch is really fucking up this game now :/
NYR said:Yeah, pretty much.
Blame Truth is urging everyone to play COD4 this weekend to send IW a message.
divisionbyzorro said:TBH, I don't give a shit what these guys think about my skills, or who is better, or what they think about how I play, or any of that. It's just a damn video game. I like playing it, and I do so a lot. I don't care how good I am compared to the elite. That'd be like Peyton Manning dissing my YMCA flag football team quarterback for having a low passer rating. No shit, Sherlock - now get off your high horse and pull your head out of your ass. Making videos showing off your skills online doesn't make you a big deal all of a sudden.
I do appreciate the strategies he gives; I really do. But it's just a damn game. At risk of sounding cliche, get a life.
Good luck with that. Some archaeologists have started a dig in my basement to find and restore my copy of COD4.NYR said:Yeah, pretty much.
Blame Truth is urging everyone to play COD4 this weekend to send IW a message.
Word up. Aside from comparing with your friends... ummm, who cares?LosDaddie said:I feel the same. I'm just playing to have a good time. Don't really care for stats
lionelhutz said:Boy, that'll show them. Buy their game and don't play it. I'm sure IW will have trouble sleeping this weekend.
Sealda said:Its not like you can actually take that much advantage from "studying MW2 theory every day" . In the end it comes down to basic FPS 101. Good aim, good movement and reflexes that is something you can´t get from following youtube videos. In the end that is what matters, not if you know a camping spot in Afghan or something. Sure you might get 1 or 2 extra kills per match from using a good claymore spot but in the end it will come down to player vs. player trying to aim at the other guys head and be the first to hit it.
Yeah... If the game was played like Sealda says, it would be beautiful. But all the noobtubes around corners, camping with heartbeats, 1887-runners and so forth, it's not so much about who aims better anymore...equiprimordial said:I beg to differ. I would say understanding the map, knowing when to camp and when to rush, using the environment to your advantage (i.e. shooting from cover), are all just as important, if not more important, to getting kills in mw2, than pure shooting and aiming (unless you're playing against noobs). Understanding weapons, perks, and killstreak loadouts is also very important, although less critical, to getting kills.
Happens all the time to me. Usually, not always, a burning car (that you set alight) or fuel tank burst, raining fiery death on a few fools. :lolaku:jiki said:So I just got an Afterlifed triple kill and I have no idea why! The kill icon was a skull too so that didn't help. I guess they must've walked into my claymore which happened to be situated by a bunch of barrels that also exploded? Really wish I could've seen their killcam! :lol
I so rarely run into a camping room. Occasionally I'll find a merc team deathmatch where guys are taking up posts and camping corners, windows, whatever, but so often it's played how I think it should be (people running around, firing, stabbing, dying, no huge strategy involved).aku:jiki said:Yeah... If the game was played like Sealda says, it would be beautiful. But all the noobtubes around corners, camping with heartbeats, 1887-runners and so forth, it's not so much about who aims better anymore...
FromTheFuture said:Maybe I should start doing some YouTube MW2 videos. I'm pretty good at the game. Wonder if anyone would watch me.
Yeah, I admit... Camping has kind of gone away. I get a little shocked when some guy is shamelessly corner camping now, like I'll put the controller down and shout "Really, dude? REALLY?!" :lolDeuceMojo said:I so rarely run into a camping room. Occasionally I'll find a merc team deathmatch where guys are taking up posts and camping corners, windows, whatever, but so often it's played how I think it should be (people running around, firing, stabbing, dying, no huge strategy involved).
Meier said:They can't compete.. probably need a bit of a boost. If you have a Stinger, you can take them down before they even get a shot off.
divisionbyzorro said:We ain't playing Quake anymore, folks. Shooters don't just have guns anymore.
aku:jiki said:Yeah, I admit... Camping has kind of gone away. I get a little shocked when some guy is shamelessly corner camping now, like I'll put the controller down and shout "Really, dude? REALLY?!" :lol
This lack of camping is really fucking my knife game up too. Used to be so, so easy to run in and grab 5 kills in the spawn on Highrise, on the upper floor by A on Rundown, 10 kills in the corridor on Skidrow and so on... Now everybody spreads out and makes it hard.![]()
DeuceMojo said:Word up. Aside from comparing with your friends... ummm, who cares?
Yup, and I think the CP glitch is actually adding to it too. Takes too long to get your first CP to abuse for 10 more minutes if you try to hard-camp for it, plus if people aren't trying for nukes or at least AC's, they get out there and play more aggressive for those 4 kills.divisionbyzorro said:Oh, it's not completely gone, but I would agree that it's not quite as bad as it used to be. I think knife runners have helped TBH.
I prefer games that involve a huge strategy, which is why I like MW2. Games with deep gameplay are more interesting (I actually find depth in MW2's gameplay :lol as crazy as that might sound to some). Running and gunning like a headless chicken is fun but gets old quick. I'm constantly tweaking my game, refining my loadouts, crawling Youtube and forums for an extra edge, and that's what how I think the game should be played by core gamers. But the beauty of MW2 is that the headless chickens/noobs/casuals can have fun too.DeuceMojo said:Occasionally I'll find a merc team deathmatch where guys are taking up posts and camping corners, windows, whatever, but so often it's played how I think it should be (people running around, firing, stabbing, dying, no huge strategy involved).
Me too, yeah, but in the end if I'm faster than you when we meet at the corner, it doesn't matter much 'cause next time you'll be faster than me.equiprimordial said:I'm constantly tweaking my game, refining my loadouts, crawling
aku:jiki said:Yup, and I think the CP glitch is actually adding to it too. Takes too long to get your first CP to abuse for 10 more minutes if you try to hard-camp for it, plus if people aren't trying for nukes or at least AC's, they get out there and play more aggressive for those 4 kills.
Makes it look really pathetic when some guy has been trying the whole match and finally gets a care package when the score is 180/160 or something. :lol
Hahaha, nice. Ogre rules.LosDaddie said:
Fugu said:I played this game on a console for the first time today.
How is aim assist enjoyable? I feel like the game's playing itself and all I have to do to kill someone is point myself at them. I don't mean to start a console/PC shitfest, I just truly don't get it.
DeuceMojo said:I don't know how I feel about it. I think it's occasionally annoying that an enemy will drag my rifle this way or that when I don't even care about shooting at that guy. Other times it's probably helped my kill count.
Keep in mind too that PC users can move their crosshairs anywhere by changing the x,y position of their mouse -- an almost instantaneous movement with your hand -- while console users are using two sticks to move crosshairs to the desired spot. Maybe aim assist is making up for the fact that my reaction time looks slower than yours because it's taking more time and movement to even aim at you.
That's good to know. But there must be a disconnect between my discussion of this game and me playing it, 'cause I sit here and think "I should lock on to someone, fire and see if auto-aim just takes them down" but then I sit down to play and forget all about it.divisionbyzorro said:Pretty much this. The dirty secret of console FPSs is that they pretty much all have aim-assist to make up for the lack of precision in dual-analog controls. Some have more, some have less, and some do a better job of hiding it. But it's almost always there.
i had an below 1 KDR before watching WOR's videos, after aquiring WOR's strategies, my KDR went up to 1.1 in a week. WOR is not an entertainer, he's a teacherNYR said:BTW, in his latest video on Favela, WOR calls anyone with a KDR of 2.00 and under a scrub, and that anyone over a 4 is a cheater. If that's the case, EVERYONE on this thread is a scrub according to his standards, as getting a KDR over 2 is really hard. Further, he targeted the Optics Nation crew - he just comes off sounding douchy and jealous about how much attention Hutch and the other guys get.
Stick to Tejbz, SeaNanners, Blame Truth, PainCakes and SandyRavage if you want to learn and be entertained, IMO.
Wow, sounds like I should seek out this guru/master/professor of martial theory.VALKYRAY said:i had an below 1 KDR before watching WOR's videos, after aquiring WOR's strategies, my KDR went up to 1.1 in a week. WOR is not an entertainer, he's a teacher
So can we get some links to his best videos?VALKYRAY said:i had an below 1 KDR before watching WOR's videos, after aquiring WOR's strategies, my KDR went up to 1.1 in a week. WOR is not an entertainer, he's a teacher
Am I playing the game wrong by always aiming manually? I never notice any aim assist when playing online..Fugu said:I played this game on a console for the first time today.
How is aim assist enjoyable? I feel like the game's playing itself and all I have to do to kill someone is point myself at them. I don't mean to start a console/PC shitfest, I just truly don't get it.