zero margin
Meier said:Am I playing the game wrong by always aiming manually? I never notice any aim assist when playing online..
I don't either
Meier said:Am I playing the game wrong by always aiming manually? I never notice any aim assist when playing online..
See, but that logic won't work for a more experienced player. I've watched a couple of his videos and a lot of what he says is just kind of common sense to the experienced CoD/FPS player. Obviously, with a K/D under 1, you're not the best player in the world and you probably don't have too much experience with CoD. Maybe his videos are helpful for inexperienced players, but they weren't so helpful for me. Plus, you can't teach pure unadulterated skill. That takes time and practice.VALKYRAY said:i had an below 1 KDR before watching WOR's videos, after aquiring WOR's strategies, my KDR went up to 1.1 in a week. WOR is not an entertainer, he's a teacher
ACR silenced with stopping power.VaLiancY said:I need a new assault rifle, I might go back to the TAR since I'm falling out with the SCAR. Our times were fun but her shallow magazines isn't helping.
Silenced ACR's are so weak, though. I don't care if you have stopping power on. It still takes like 6 bullets to take someone down.Hyunkel6 said:ACR silenced with stopping power.
Yeah. Shoot. I'm lucky to get four kills out of that thing. If that. This prestige I'm going to get the extendo mags and actually try using them.VaLiancY said:I need a new assault rifle, I might go back to the TAR since I'm falling out with the SCAR. Our times were fun but her shallow magazines isn't helping.
Hyunkel6 said:ACR silenced with stopping power.
I like it a lot. From its raw sound to its ability to take people down with a few rounds, it's awesome.VaLiancY said:I do want to try the AK-47 and give it a fair chance.
DeuceMojo said:I like it a lot. From its raw sound to its ability to take people down with a few rounds, it's awesome.
Has everyone given the F2000 a chance? Can anyone think of why it was included
Hyunkel6 said:ACR silenced with stopping power.
DeuceMojo said:Has everyone given the F2000 a chance? Can anyone think of why it was included?
What is the big thing with silencers? Do they really keep you off the radar enough to keep from being killed as much? I've never used them for more than a few rounds, I just figure they weaken a weapon and sometimes keep people from knowing they're being shot at.GodofWine said:Silenced AK47 with SP.
They're the most useful for select gametypes like S&D, etc, but they're kind of useless in hardcore and ground war considering that in HC, you don't even have a map most of the time and GW is so random and such a clusterfuck that you're bound to be killed by someone somehow anyway.DeuceMojo said:What is the big thing with silencers? Do they really keep you off the radar enough to keep from being killed as much? I've never used them for more than a few rounds, I just figure they weaken a weapon and sometimes keep people from knowing they're being shot at.
I actually have learned to love the F2000. It is a beast at close-range with its 900 RPM rate of fire. The recoil is actually quite manageable if you burst fire. Here's Wings' take on it: said:Has everyone given the F2000 a chance? Can anyone think of why it was included?
backflip10019 said:See, but that logic won't work for a more experienced player. I've watched a couple of his videos and a lot of what he says is just kind of common sense to the experienced CoD/FPS player. Obviously, with a K/D under 1, you're not the best player in the world and you probably don't have too much experience with CoD. Maybe his videos are helpful for inexperienced players, but they weren't so helpful for me. Plus, you can't teach pure unadulterated skill. That takes time and practice.
DeuceMojo said:Yeah. Shoot. I'm lucky to get four kills out of that thing. If that. This prestige I'm going to get the extendo mags and actually try using them.
Pete Rock said:Wow, a whole tenth of a percentage point, in only one week? :lol
Don't insult actual teachersgreenjerk said:Don't be a jerk junior.
All I know is I've run that thing dry more than any other weapon ever. Seems like after my first reload the ammo number is red and I'm wondering why anyone would ever have just 60 margin said:Four kills with one clip from a SCAR? You got way better aiming skills than I, I'm lucky to get two.
EDIT - You meant four kills before you're completely out of ammo, my reading comprehension is not so good today. :lol
DeuceMojo said:Anyone else wonder why the Enfield L85/ SA-80 wasn't included in this game?
DeuceMojo said:What is the big thing with silencers? Do they really keep you off the radar enough to keep from being killed as much? I've never used them for more than a few rounds, I just figure they weaken a weapon and sometimes keep people from knowing they're being shot at.
Pete Rock said:Don't insult actual teachers![]()
VaLiancY said:I tried the F2000 last night.
It's bad. Too much recoil and too little damage output. It feels like a submachine gun in the assault rifle category. Ironsights aren't bad but after the 3rd shot it's unwieldy.
eek5 said:Video of me using it:![]()
Troof. I get capped so many times by reloading the second someone goes down.rodvik said:I found my play got much better when I deliberately did NOT reload after each kill, very often the tac situation is not done yet and getting caught reloading gets you toasted. Just hold your reloads a few more seconds.
No love for the FAL? With a holographic sight, this thing ices everybody.VaLiancY said:I need a new assault rifle, I might go back to the TAR since I'm falling out with the SCAR. Our times were fun but her shallow magazines isn't helping.
Hah. Yeah, I've been working really hard on it especially since I am using extended mags. A couple times I've killed 4 people before mashing on the reload button. Feels so goodrodvik said:Nice vid. Couple of observations, I like your kill streak discipline, better than mine, you seem happy to save them until you are done with your tactical situation.
One thing you may want to fix is the "get a kill/ hit reload button syndrome" that I drifted too. I found my play got much better when I deliberately did NOT reload after each kill, very often the tac situation is not done yet and getting caught reloading gets you toasted. Just hold your reloads a few more seconds.
I really like it, but it does kinda suck that you can't use it if your hands are tired (or I can't anyway, can't mash fast enough in close-range situations :lol) and the single-fire nature makes it so much more sensitive to lag than all the other weapons. It's great fun and very satisfying to kill with, but it feels unavoidable that you're volunteering for a disadvantage compared to the folks running around with FMJ ACR's with noobtubes on them. :/Cosmo Clock 21 said:No love for the FAL? With a holographic sight, this thing ices everybody.
I don't know if it's a side effect of requiring more bullets and the gun straying upwards a bit, but I get a lot more headshots with my silenced FAMAS as well. Silenced PP2000 is the tits too.moojito said:As well as the stealth benefits, silencers reduce recoil on some guns, making a drastic difference to its medium/long range accuracy. The ump is the classic example of this.
Meier said:Am I playing the game wrong by always aiming manually? I never notice any aim assist when playing online..
Aim assist has screwed me over many times. I'll be looking at someone at a distance with my assault rifle, and when im about to start shooting.... another enemy crosses between the guy and my bullets and my aim automatically moves towards the second guy while Im trying to fight back my aim to the previous guy!!Meier said:Am I playing the game wrong by always aiming manually? I never notice any aim assist when playing online..
The 'aim assist' adds a slight bit of sway. Helpful for finding out if someone is there. You're exaggerating greatly if you claim to just be able to press the shoot button and kill someone with the aim assist. It barely does anything.KaYotiX said:How can you not on consoles.....if you leave your sight alone and an enemy runs by you ,your gun moves with him LOL. Ive killed alot of ppl in bushes becasue my sight will move and i just shoot.
Oh and i just fell in love with the FAL, first time in 10 days played i actually used it and its my new gun of choice besides the FAMAS
Guess it has to do with the fact I am usually ADS. I've seen it move slightly a few times, but it has never helped me get a kill. I always will manually aim...maybe it results in my death when others are more liberable with the aim assist function?KaYotiX said:How can you not on consoles.....if you leave your sight alone and an enemy runs by you ,your gun moves with him LOL. Ive killed alot of ppl in bushes becasue my sight will move and i just shoot.
Oh and i just fell in love with the FAL, first time in 10 days played i actually used it and its my new gun of choice besides the FAMAS
DMasta718 said:Eh. The F2000 is not really a lvl 60 gun to me. I would probably switch the F2000 with the M16 in terms of unlockables. F2000 from my experience is just too unreliable for me. The gun is even worse with a RDS. Should've been a sub machine imo.
RubxQub said:Something I just realized after having watched a ton of videos about this game.
Seems like every single video I find online of people doing well involves them killing people that aren't even prestiged yet.
Wonder how many of them have a low level friend they keep "joining game in progress" to play against lower folks or team up with someone so they play against lower level folks.
There was a video of WingsofRedemption being something like level 9 presitge killing privates...
What gives? I know these guys can earn those scores against better people if I can. I'm guessing it lets them pump out more videos faster?
There's an iPhone app that does this, but it isn't automatic with your profile or anything, you have to manually tell it what things you've unlocked already.OMGLOL A LLAMA said:Anyone know if there is a tool to keep track of what titles and emblems you have? As I near my 3rd prestige, I'm unlocking titles and emblems less and less, and I would like to know what I'm missing in a clean, easy manner so I can unlock my unlockables with efficiency![]()
Well, you can compare your list to this list: A LLAMA said:Anyone know if there is a tool to keep track of what titles and emblems you have? As I near my 3rd prestige, I'm unlocking titles and emblems less and less, and I would like to know what I'm missing in a clean, easy manner so I can unlock my unlockables with efficiency![]()
Anaxagoras said:I have been lately thinking of switching to PC, I kind of grew tired of the controller for fps, there are thousands of kills that I missed because I couldn't aim fast enough, it wasn't a big deal but now its starting to bother me a little bit.
What are the recommended specs for mw2 on the pc? and if someone plays mw2 on both pc and 360 I would appreciate some tips or advice on whether its worth making the switch or not.
Also, Is there any good way to use a mouse instead of the xbox controller and is this considered cheating like a moded controller, can it get you banned?
CorporalDork said:I'm replying this... but it's taking me a while cause I'm at work - I bet u I get beaten
Where r u located?
Anaxagoras said:Also, Is there any good way to use a mouse instead of the xbox controller and is this considered cheating like a moded controller, can it get you banned?