InterMoniker said:
I must've missed the memo where divissionbyzorro changed his name to DarkJC.
I love how everybody who comes in this thread to bitch about this game ends up hating me. :lol I guess I must be the leader of the MW2 Defense Force. :lol
Which I guess makes sense since I've repeatedly stated that the
only thing in this game that I think is overpowered/unbalanced is OMA-tubing. I just think most people are frustrated because this is so different from COD4 that it might as well have come from a different series, and they haven't accepted that yet.
It probably helps that I played
maybe an hour of COD4 on a friend's account. I spent significant time with W@W (finished P1L54 I believe), and this game is so much better it's not even funny.
Dresden said:
I go hours without seeing one anymore. If I see a knifer, they're usually 5-20 or something. If you keep dying to one, just get a fucking shotgun out, and if you keep dying, it's you that sucks.
Once they removed the care-package sprinting, I hardly see them any more either. All they're (reliably) good for these days is buzzkilling. And I always carry an AA-12 with me as my secondary and drop claymores behind me, so I'm rarely knifed unless I'm reloading or trapped out of position (in which case I deserve the death).
Although, to be fair, nobody rages harder than when they get buzzkilled. Just today I was complaining about not getting my killstreaks at all, and my buddy said "Uh, dude, you were 2:1 and we won the match. Shut up." He was right to tell me to shut up. If you're playing this game for the killstreaks to be your reward, you're doing it wrong. You'll just end up raging harder and enjoying it less.
InterMoniker said:
I'm not saying the game is terrible I'm just saying how unbalanced I THINK the muti-player is compared to Cod4 ok?
You're entitled to your opinion. So go play COD4. The community for that game is still strong.