this game is unplayable when I play with americans, unless I come to terms with dying a lot. a lot more annoying tactics being employed and I seem crippled by bad connections. my bar always shows 2 or 3 bars mind, I dont think that is a very good reflection of how you're going to do compared to other players though. part of me wonders if all the complaints in this thread come from americans having no choice but to play with other americans

this game definitely deteriorates for me when I play at funny hours or am in a lobby with americans.
combination of lag plus banana leaves on favela saw me and a guy running in circles trying to stab/shoot each other for ages. I got the jump on him from the connecting room, he was in the corner by the bricks. shot him a few times while charging, didnt die (rage!), he turns round and charges and tries to stab me, I try to stab him when he misses. we then literally have about 10 stabs at each other with a few hopeful blasts from our guns in between. he eventually tries to lie down and shoot me but I'm already on top of him by now. I cant wait til online gaming is free of these kind of messes.
but its so annoying when every encounter gives me these kind of problems. its like I'm playing on veteran and everyone else is on easy.
noob tubers are never a big deal for me, honestly, the most annoying type of player is cold blooded sniper who kills you by shooting anywhere near you, is impossible to see from his location and has sniper team mates who basically have the map locked down. still feel like quick/no scoping is the most unbalanced thing in this game, maybe its only when I have connection problems as above, but there is almost no way to counter them if they're any good.
most satisfying paybacks though.