Equus Bellator Apex
Junior Member
Heartbeat Sensor + Slinenced FAL + Cold Blooded = Good Times
InterMoniker said:I know that and respect that but when I'm talking to one person it's annoying to have 10 people respond saying
"Oh your wrong you don't dislike marathon you dont like commado"
or a jackass comment like this
"I must've missed the memo where every FPS game should cater only to what you want."
or sarcastic shit like this
"they should change the knifing so that you can't knife while sprinting."
Try firing at a wall, the AK has almost no recoil. I think it's all visual, actually. The bullets will still land on the same spot.xtheEnemy said:been stucked at level 70 for awhile now while trying to earn that last nuke and damn, AK-47 is the shit!
3 bullets and a guy goes down.
It's pretty weird that I got no problem with the recoil since I've been grinding the ACR for a while now.![]()
Dresden said:Try firing at a wall, the AK has almost no recoil. I think it's all visual, actually. The bullets will still land on the same spot.
I wrote a rant up there about why I think it's a bad attachment. It's not that it's overpowered and it's not that it makes players good at the game, it's that it makes them play it cheap and lame. It's simply not a very fun addition to the game!jiien said:How exactly, is HBS bullshit? You may not personally like it (I know I don't), but it's easily countered, and far from overpowered.
You shouldn't have been camping right next to your Claymore.corkscrewblow said:I've seriously seen someone Commando THROUGH my claymore and knife me. Of course, he didn't even get hit by the claymore. This game is really a joke sometimes.
aku:jiki said:Daaaamn, Akimbo SMG's is my shit! After 22 days of playtime, I guess I've found my perfect match. Started with the MP5k yesterday and it might be even more powerful than the Vectors were (although the Vector has awesome tracers that help aiming up longer shots).
I remember divisionbyzorro hyping the Akimbo G18's, so he should definitely check out Akimbo Vectors. Basically the same thing except they're stronger, has longer range and are easier to kill with! I was using Akimbo Vectors with Akimbo G18's yesterday, but every time I had to switch to secondary I was just annoyed by how much harder they were to use. Switched to Akimbo Rangers secondary instead and now this kit is beasting!![]()
divisionbyzorro said:Damn this thread is moving fast.
On using claymores versus knife runners: I find that claymores aren't useful for taking down a knife runner. But they are useful for alerting you to his presence. I typically don't hang out right by my claymore for a number of reasons, only one of which is knife runners. You also don't want to get caught by someone trying to counter your claymore with a flash or stun, or get caught in the crossfire when they try to shoot it.
It's also worth exploring claymore placement. Most people drop claymores facing the direction they expect the enemy to come from (I know I often do) but that's not always what you want to do for a couple of reasons. First, they can often see the lasers as they approach. Second, they can run through it if they have marathon. I've often found that placing the claymore around the corner facing away from them works just as effectively, if not more so. A careful player will likely not die to your claymore regardless of where you place it, so you should be thinking about how best to maximize the amount of time that a careless or sprinting player will spend inside the claymore's cone of death. Regardless, the claymore should still be an efffective alarm if you avoid staying too close to it.
And as far as the commando invincibility frames are concerned, I appreciate what jiien had to say about that. The melee winner is calculated as soon as the melee buttone is pressed. Anything that happens after that doesn't count, and the lunge exists solely to justify how you died to a knife from that range. It's the same reason that Last Stand has invincibility frames as you fall. Both perks would be entirely useless without them. The frames only exist for continuity in animation, so that players don't see a strange jump in player location when those perks activate.
Getting commandoed through a claymore would be frustrating though. I hadn't even thought about the possibility of that happening.
Can you believe that I'm about to start my second prestige and I've never used an SMG akimbo? I liked the G18s, and currently like the Rafficas, because they're very effective secondaries. I've never given akimbo SMGs, or even the Vector, for that matter, a second thought. I'll put that on my list of things to play with on my 2nd prestige, along with the RPD.
corkscrewblow said:I've seriously seen someone Commando THROUGH my claymore and knife me. Of course, he didn't even get hit by the claymore. This game is really a joke sometimes.
RPD is simply the best gun in the game. If I'm not wanting to unlock certain challenges etc, I'll always use it. Domination guaranteed.greenjerk said:No RPD??? Holy crap. Stick with it til you get the grip and/or silencer and it becomes really awesome. With either of those attachments you can practically snipe with it. A good chunk of my best matches have been with it.
I usually run RPD with slight of hand, stopping power and ninja but sometimes mix it up with bling, lightweight and steady aim (akimbo g18's as backup).
greenjerk said:No RPD??? Holy crap. Stick with it til you get the grip and/or silencer and it becomes really awesome. With either of those attachments you can practically snipe with it. A good chunk of my best matches have been with it.
I usually run RPD with slight of hand, stopping power and ninja but sometimes mix it up with bling, lightweight and steady aim (akimbo g18's as backup).
divisionbyzorro said:Is there anything more satisfying than a headshot with a noob tube?
greenjerk said:No RPD??? Holy crap. Stick with it til you get the grip and/or silencer and it becomes really awesome. With either of those attachments you can practically snipe with it. A good chunk of my best matches have been with it.
I usually run RPD with slight of hand, stopping power and ninja but sometimes mix it up with bling, lightweight and steady aim (akimbo g18's as backup).
Alright good we just have to agree to disagree.jiien said:Look, I will stop trying to convince you. But I don't want readers of this thread to think that simply because YOU have problems countering Commando that they should give up learning how to counter it themselves. Similarly, I don't want people to assume that Marathon is broken because you seem to think it is (despite the vast majority of players, some of which are probably more knowledgeable than yourself, saying the opposite).
Also, claymores DO work. People just have to learn how to place them. Place it such that people run INTO the red, not out of it. Moreover, they obviously work better as indicators, not killers. Pay attention to where you place them, and be aware when they go off, and that will tell you every single time if someone (not wearing Scrambler Pro) is there.
It simply comes down to being aware of your surroundings. The more you appreciate how the map is built, and understand the likely movements of your team and the other team (and based on your minimap, what your teammates can see and therefore cover as well), the less you'll be killed by a maniac with a knife. In fact, the less you'll be killed in general. The knifer may seem to always win the twitch battle, but it does't have to come down to twitch.
corkscrewblow said:I've seriously seen someone Commando THROUGH my claymore and knife me. Of course, he didn't even get hit by the claymore. This game is really a joke sometimes.
That's exactly what happens to me.xtheEnemy said:You'll hear the tick..
You'll turned around..
You'll see the guy coming towards you..
You got knifed by a commando perk user..
You'll hear the explosion of your clamore..
Then you'll watch the killcam and wonder why your perfectly placed claymore didn't went off in time to kill that guy.
LosDaddie said:Been having an awesome time clearing Spec Ops with a friend online. I'm a huge co-op fan and I love how each Spec Ops mission only takes about 20min. We cleared Bravo last night and are hoping to get Charlie done by Friday.
Anyone else still playing Spec Ops?
I have to disagree with this if you place them outwards towards the room they can't outrun them.InterMoniker said:Alright good we just have to agree to disagree.
Trust me I know how to use claymores and place them in good spots, but when someone comes running at you with lightweight, commando, marathon it doesn't matter how well the claymore is placed 9/10 times they will run straight through it. When you hear the click of the claymore and the explosion it's usually too late then the knifer is 15 ft. away and begins lunging at you with commando.
X26 said:Not really thanks to the lack of matchmaking
Foliorum Viridum said:RPD is simply the best gun in the game. If I'm not wanting to unlock certain challenges etc, I'll always use it. Domination guaranteed.
LosDaddie said:That's what the friends list is for.
rezuth said:I have to disagree with this if you place them outwards towards the room they can't outrun them.
InterMoniker said:Alright good we just have to agree to disagree.
Trust me I know how to use claymores and place them in good spots, but when someone comes running at you with lightweight, commando, marathon it doesn't matter how well the claymore is placed 9/10 times they will run straight through it. When you hear the click of the claymore and the explosion it's usually too late then the knifer is 15 ft. away and begins lunging at you with commando.
I'm not camping near my claymores I had that in my original post but i got signed out of gaf and had to right the whole post over and forgot to put that back in ugghh.Mr. B Natural said:You really really really don't know what you're doing. I'm not sure how you can conclude otherwise after writing what you just wrote. You are NOT putting them in "good spots" if they're getting away with it 9/10 times and you don't know how to camp if your claymore is that close to you that you can't spin around before getting killed. You should be no where near your claymore(s) and if you are you are camping in way too tight of a space. You should be holding down a space, not camping. Hold down a building in quarry. Hold down a corner. hold down a section of the map, etc. That way, you will never get knifed because you are looking out into other spaces. You are seeing way ahead and you are in an open enough space where the knifers can't guess where you are and would have to run for too long to reach you.
Please stop blaming the game because you're not doing it right and stop repeating failures over and over again while expecting different results.
Again for people that are completely dense - lightweight = no stopping power or uav jammer. Commando = no ninja. Runners are easy kills. Figure it out.
Well i saw this vid linked in the comments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU0qWhJd2Wc if that kid was saying shit like that he deserves to be banned.SuperÑ said:
Perfect example of how unbalanced marathon is.divisionbyzorro said:
That's fantastic.divisionbyzorro said:While we're talking about claymores:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
X26 said:The game's been out awhile, you're not likely to have people on your fl that want to play spec ops if you do. No spec ops matchmaking killed the mode's longevity
InterMoniker said:Perfect example of how unbalanced marathon is.
Uhhhh....... Yeah.divisionbyzorro said:Seriously? :lol
jiien said:Yeah, I actually wrote a post a while back explaining just this. Here's the thing: you can literally stand RIGHT behind your claymore and when it goes off, it will not kill you. Claymores are very strong, but have an extremely narrow (relatively) concentrated blast in one direction. Therefore, you have to place claymores so that they explode in the direction the person WILL be, not where they are at the moment. If they face doors, chances are a marathon runner will go right over it and be right BEHIND the claymore when it goes off, and will consequently not do any damage at all. If you place them facing inward, they spend more time in the red, and the claymore will explode in the right direction when it goes off.
Obviously, it helps not to stand right around your claymore. You'll either end up killing yourself, or your claymore will act as a poor indicator since you won't have much time to react anyway.
The better people place their claymores, the more they'll use them, and the easier I can level up my Sitrep.![]()
InterMoniker said:Uhhhh....... Yeah.
InterMoniker said:Uhhhh....... Yeah.
He didn't even take any fucking damage jumping off a 30ft. roof :lol ya thats balanced run all the way to their spawn in 5 seconds and jump off a 30ft. roof without taking any damage really balanced.
Mr. B Natural said:If you play domination on favela, and you don't expect somebody to try to quick flank you like that then you deserve to die. That guy just ran right into 4 people and nobody shot him. Again, learn how to play this game, then make an assessment about balance. Until then watch and learn. Nobody is going to do that to you anymore, right? Right. Next time you play domination in favela, you're gonna have your gun ready and the poor sucker that thinks he's being all tricky is going to have something coming.
Marathon is most helpful at the beginning of the game to get position before others do. After that, it's fairly pointless. It's gonna get you in trouble more than anything else because if you're running for so long that marathon needs to kick in, you're running too much.
CrazedArabMan said:Are you seriously claiming that this game is a balanced masterpiece?
That's how their posts come across to me. You'd think they work at IW they way their post are written.CrazedArabMan said:Are you seriously claiming that this game is a balanced masterpiece?
That's not wholly true - check this thread's history, and you'll find plenty of complaints from occasional posters to regular posters. It's just that, these guys will call out wrong information when it's plainly wrong. Maybe you had a typo and meant to type "Lightweight" instead of "Marathon" - just trying to surmise where you're coming from.InterMoniker said:I'm done talking about this game with you guys it's like talking to a brick wall. You guys think any criticism of this game is invalid.
InterMoniker said:I'm done talking about this game with you guys it's like talking to a brick wall. You guys think any criticism of this game is invalid.
That's how their posts come across to me. You'd think they work at IW they way their post are written.
Strider2K99 said:My favorite use of the riot shield was when a friend would stand in the doorway leading to the underside of the buildings in Highrise. The opposite team can't go out that way. :lol
InterMoniker said:Uhhhh....... Yeah.
He didn't even take any fucking damage jumping off a 30ft. roof :lol ya thats balanced run all the way to their spawn in 5 seconds and jump off a 30ft. roof without taking any damage really balanced.
divisionbyzorro said:He should have dropped C4 and waited for them to come, then detonated it with a reload double-tap. Good times. :lol
X26 said:The game's been out awhile, you're not likely to have people on your fl that want to play spec ops if you do. No spec ops matchmaking killed the mode's longevity
Agree with every single one of those. I'm at fault, too: I only pop out UAV when I'm playing with friends. If I'm just going through matchmaking by myself, it's always the good old Predator as the first killstreak.divisionbyzorro said:How do you know I don't? :lolI don't. Seriously - I don't.
And I don't think all criticisms of this game are invalid:
- One Man Army is a broken perk and needs to be fixed.
- I hate that the most effective KS setup for boosting personal K/D always starts with a Predator missile, thus discouraging people from using UAV and helping the team.
- In fact, I think the current KS system is screwed up. There should have been three KS slots and you get to pick one from each slot (like perks). The first slot has low KS bonuses that support the team (like UAV, Counter-UAV, and Sentry Gun). The second slot has medium KS bonuses designed to get a few kills (like Predator or Precision Airstrike). The third slot has the bigger bonuses (Pave Low, AC-130, etc). Care packages don't make sense in this system, so they're all gone.
- A few of the maps are horrible for playlists that they appear in. Highrise, in particular, should never appear in the Domination playlist. Derail should never appear in Team Deathmatch.
- The riot shield is mostly useless for anything other than trying to piss off the other team. It can help in objective modes, but your score will be so low that it's not worth using.
- Melee speed should be radically reduced (or melee disabled) on akimbo weapons.
- Commando should do nothing if you're using akimbo weapons.
- You should be able to run after being flashed (even if you are blindly running).
- Frag grenades have been made obsolete by the Semtex.
- Tactical insertions take too long to activate.
That's just what I can come up with off the top of my head.