Got two chopper gunners in the same game for the first time. 57-3
I only play Groundwar.
I only play Groundwar.
mr_boo said:Reference:
On the scripted damage chart, select FAL and you'll see that when equipped with the Holo, it actually raises the minimum base damage from 35 to 40.
Regarding Holo vs RDS - I tend to just stick with Holo now just cause it seems like Holo > RDS for buggy reasons![]()
Last night I had a teammate go 8-41 on Demolition with no plants/defuses. He was second prestige too :lolbackflip10019 said:Argh, I just played with a teammate who went 17-46 in a game of Domination. Seriously, I didn't know that you could be that bad.
backflip10019 said:Argh, I just played with a teammate who went 17-46 in a game of Domination. Seriously, I didn't know that you could be that bad.
What is the basis of the assumption that a player with a bad kdr is also a player who was trying to capture objectives? If anything, the tendency is backwards -- players who are effective at taking objectives were probably also good at shooting people (how else did they take the objective?).OldJadedGamer said:k/d matters not a single bit in Domination (or any other objective game type). What was his score is the question. Objective games aren't TDM btw.
I don't care what mode you're playing -- if you're playing that terribly (going -30), you're not helping out your team in any way. Sure, the guy probably captured a point or two more than I did, but did he really help out the team by dying so many times? No. Also, he was near the bottom of the list at the end of the game, so he couldn't have captured many points, especially not enough points to make up for such a terrible performance.OldJadedGamer said:k/d matters not a single bit in Domination (or any other objective game type). What was his score is the question. Objective games aren't TDM btw.
Fugu said:What is the basis of the assumption that a player with a bad kdr is also a player who was trying to capture objectives? If anything, the tendency is backwards -- players who are effective at taking objectives were probably also good at shooting people (how else did they take the objective?).
lionelhutz said:If he died 30 times in a match chances are he's responsible for someone on the other team getting a few killstreaks too.
corkscrewblow said:Speaking of k/d in objective...
JUST now I go 20-4 in a game of hardcore Search and LOSE the game. Why? Because no one on my team has over 2 kills. I'm sorry but I don't give a shit if you planted the bomb one round, you are being absolutely useless to your team by getting 2 kills or less in SD. They were all above 3rd prestige too, shows how much that matters. It seems I always get stuck with bad kids every game.
More like a rip off of the greatest FPS in existence, Counter-Strike.divisionbyzorro said:True - but S&D is an oddball among objective modes, as it is essentially a no-respawn deathmatch game where the bomb acts as the necessary motivator to encourage player movement.
backflip10019 said:So yeah, apparently there is a new care package glitch. Just played a match against people doing it. Awesome.
It's luck of the draw really. Sometimes you'll get entire teams who don't care about Air Support, other times you won't.RdN said:Got a Chopper Gunner today and it didn't last 10 seconds.. people really started to play attention to them.. Maybe it's time to change to AC130.
Yea the guns sound absolutely terrible on the PS3 version. I stated that earlier in this thread when I made the switch. Doesn't bother me that much though.Mush said:Has anyone else noticed the HUGE difference in sound quality between the X360 and PS3 versions? Seriously, I would have thought with the space Bluray provides that the sound would be at least similar, let alone comparable. Could it be my audio set up that's causing this?
Yeah I remember you talking about it but I was just wondering if it had something to do with audio settings and not the game itself. It's such a massive difference.corkscrewblow said:Yea the guns sound absolutely terrible on the PS3 version. I stated that earlier in this thread when I made the switch. Doesn't bother me that much though.
backflip10019 said:So yeah, apparently there is a new care package glitch. Just played a match against people doing it. Awesome.
If it makes you feel better, no one cares about the nuke emblem since so many of them are used by boosters.xtheEnemy said:I fucking hate my self now. Can't even get that 1 last nuke for the emblem. (9/10 on that Eng Game III Challenge). I'm stucked on level 70 prestige II for over a week now.
Everyday I almost got a nuke but can't seem to pull it off, either I got really bad luck when I hit 23-0 or 24-0 or I'm getting too thrilled when I hit that spot. (been playing 3 hours/day)
1 time I can't f'ing summon my Chopper Gunner because of some idiot glitcher having too many aerial support. Only got to summon it 10points away from victory. I got to 17-0 without the chopper gunner.![]()
You won't get much happier when you get into a normal Sabotage match. It's just killstreak camping and cheap play, non-stop. It's pretty common for people to yell at you for planting the bomb because they were on a good streak and were trying to nuke.eternaLightness said:Has anyone here ever had a Sabotage game that hasn't already taken place? Usually when I try and play it, the other team has like 50+ kills and the match has only a few minutes left. I really enjoyed this gametype in WaW but in this one I can never find a good match that isn't almost done.
Why didn't u just use a silencer with FMJ?i_am_ben said:finally got site rep pro.
countless times i'd be running to blow up a claymore and I'd get shot. I honestly don't think I've ever sworn so much in my life. I could have made a sailor blush. Thank god I don't have a headset or else people would have thought I was a Psycho :lol
tsigo said:Is there a new care package glitch or something? I was just in a FFA game where 3 different people called in care packages simultaneously. "Enemy care package incoming." three times in a row without a pause.
divisionbyzorro said:Hearing three different people call in care packages simultaneously sounds like coincidence, not glitching, to me.[/url]
i_am_ben said:finally got site rep pro.
countless times i'd be running to blow up a claymore and I'd get shot. I honestly don't think I've ever sworn so much in my life. I could have made a sailor blush. Thank god I don't have a headset or else people would have thought I was a Psycho :lol
It's been nice knowing you.divisionbyzorro said:EDIT: Here it is, on YouTube.
I'm an idiot
divisionbyzorro said:Hearing three different people call in care packages simultaneously sounds like coincidence, not glitching, to me.
Hearing the same person call in care packages one right after the other sounds like glitching.
Regardless, there are those claiming that they have a new care package glitch, but to the best of my knowledge, nobody has released a reproducible way to create the glitch.
EDIT: Here it is, on YouTube.
aku:jiki said:You won't get much happier when you get into a normal Sabotage match. It's just killstreak camping and cheap play, non-stop. It's pretty common for people to yell at you for planting the bomb because they were on a good streak and were trying to nuke.
(The secret to playing for objectives and not have to suffer so much bullshit is to play Mosh Pit! You have to endure a lot of CTF (which has REALLY taken a hit from all these perks - it's basically unplayable unless you go Marathon/Lightweight/SMG), but it's worth it to get to play Sabotage, Demolition and Domination matches where almost everybody plays the objectives.)
OldJadedGamer said:k/d matters not a single bit in Domination (or any other objective game type). What was his score is the question. Objective games aren't TDM btw.
tarius1210 said:Why didn't u just use a silencer with FMJ?
RdN said:Got a Chopper Gunner today and it didn't last 10 seconds.. people really started to play attention to them.. Maybe it's time to change to AC130.
PetriP-TNT said:4 more wins on S&D and 16 on Sabotage and I have gotten all the Operations rewards. Sabotage is so goddamn boring and S&D is so random. Today I got disconnected 4 times in S&D in 3-0 situation, goddammit.
captmorgan said:has anybody else been having problems with connecting and frame rate issues since the 15 meg patch?
I haven`t been able to play since, I get between 1-5 fps and thats if I can even move most of the time I just rubber band in random directions.
The ps3 says I have 100% connection to my router (yes its been set in DMZ, resetted, extra...)
The only difference that I can see is that before the patch my nat was at moderate now its at open. Can that be changed?
Patrick Bateman said:Is MW2 still bugged as hell, or can I come back to the MP?
I have to buy a new XBL gold membership before that, thou.
That wasn't random at all. Invasion and Highrise allow for line of sight from spawn to spawn and every match I play on these maps starts with a sniper running to the position... It's pretty horrible map design.kyo_daikun said:S&D can be very very random, first round on invasion, I ran to the right... *Bang* Sniper killed me 2 seconds into the match just randomly aiming down the center of the map.
There is talk that the CP glitch survived in the form of infinite sentry guns (like they forgot that one like they forgot Blinged Models) and in my experience, it might be true. I've been in a few matches where they had just one too many sentry guns all of a sudden...sn1pes said:The latest patch seems to have stopped all of the glitchers on the 360. I think there are still some hacks out there but only private match hacks, nothing spreadable.